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File 16856282168.png - (517.92KB, 526x600, GoMIllus-Satori.png)
[-] Back at the Scarlet Devil Mansion

You hadn't expected this. You knew this was a stressful time for Satori, and making her dig through your worst memories can't have helped, but you thought she'd be able to handle it. She'd... she'd always been strong. Always. And now she wasn't and the only thing you could do was hold her. Hold her and make promises you couldn't keep, because you didn't control any of this. Maybe if you'd gone to Eirin first instead of talking to Tewi? Or if you hadn't knocked away Marisa's hakkero, or if you just hadn't gotten injured like an idiot in the first place! You bit your lip hard enough to draw blood, wincing. Your feelings of guilt, justified or not, weren't important right now. Not in the face of this.

Satori continued to sob, tightening her grip around your waist as she buried her head in your shoulder. You held her close, resting your head atop hers while she cried. You'd been thinking of this situation as life and death for you and Sumi, but somehow it hadn't sunk in that it was just as important for others as well. Satori's sister wasn't dead, but in some ways Koishi's predicament was the next worst thing. Or perhaps even harder to deal with. At least with her mind reading sealed, she wasn't feeling your uncertainty and anxiety.

Damn it, you wish Sumi was here. She wasn't the most sympathetic person ever, but she'd listened when you'd needed her to, and more importantly, she'd point out the way forwards. Being able to do something helped. But what could you do? What could you even say? You were still kidnapped, without leverage, without secrets, and under the metaphorical axe. Freedom seemed like a pipe dream, let alone finishing the original goal you'd made no progress towards. So in lieu of actual strength, the best you could do was pretend to be strong for her.

"Deep breaths, Satori," you murmured, brushing a lock of hair past her ear. "Come on, with me."

Your chest was tight, but you inhaled as slowly and deeply as you could before exhaling in the same manner. It took a few tries, but
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>"Given what I've seen, it may be more accurate to say they aren't yet a couple," Sakuya mused.
Keep in mind it's possible and likely that Sakuya stopped time to ponder the situation, and ultimately made the calculated choice to say this. What do you think she was thinking of in stop-time about Greg's relationship?

this meido is the best
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Another thread lies defeated by the auto-sage!

Greg's conquest of maidens' hearts continues unabated; but not all is well in paradise, as one maiden seems to have conquered his!

But what will the not-quite-couple do when a new rival takes the stage?

This newcomer gets a tightness in her chest whenever Greg is around, but it doesn't seem to be an asthma attack!?

Find out all the answers and more next time on: Urban Student in Limbo: Can Love Bloom in the Devil's Manse?
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Link to next thread: >>204852

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File 169614124062.png - (649.20KB, 3000x3000, painting twt.png)
painting twt
Kept you all waiting huh? Jokes aside we are back now for real and to not have any site wide mess ups I have decided to do a thread reboot of sorts. Mainly for the tripcode. I was going to repost every section as their own post so that all the images would be kept but that's incredibly long soooo consider the OG artstyle images as a your gatekeeping fuel ig. Oh yeah, new art style hope you all like it. PS if your not discovering this for the first time skip to the bottom to see the continuation from where we left off)

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Nothingness. Who would've known the best feeling was the absence of feeling the whole time. You swim in the border of everlasting peace and finite suffering. At last you are free. Free from what? NO! You shouldn't ask that you'll be banished- banned from peace. Though you've already asked haven't you, you must've because you're already being kicked out as we speak. The nothingness is becoming somethingness. That something is me. You feel it don't you? The pulses of life firing out from your brain in rapid succession- oh yes your brain the symbol of our something. I'm afraid me and you will have to cut this conversation off- YOU ARE BECOMING FINITE ONCE MORE CHILD! Try to enjoy yourself a little more than the last time. Kehehehe. I'll be watching from my spot in non-existence until you need my wisdoms. The voice muddles until it's no longer comprehensive and soon enough it's overpowered by chirping and rushing water. Your eyelids push themselves upwards as a soft yellow light from the east fills your synapses. You feel everything making contact with you from the sunlight to the patch of grass your body had collapsed into. You are in pain. Your brain begs you with sharp jolts to return to where you came but you're awake. Undeniably finite once more. Your left hand moves to the side of your face and tries to ease just a tad bit of the pain- no use. A groan escapes from you and your nostrils are burned with the smell of alcohol from your breath. You jitter, turning your torso to your left. Bottom still planted firmly to the floor you couldn't even imagine trying to stand right now. However, when you ma
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>>204693 here.

Mm. Strawberry Shortcake is also pretty tasty, and I can see the argument for going with Marisa. Changing my vote to shortcake option.
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Muimi using this line is gonna come out so incredibly cringey.
Well, more cringey than it already is.
Really just wanna watch her crash and burn, huh?
I can respect that, even though I voted for a regular line.
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Exactly. I want this to come off terribly. Fall completely flat. Absolutely zero charm behind it. A stammering attempt at an explanation of how she got the idea for that nickname.

Crashing and burning is the intended goal, here.

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File 169342215470.jpg - (302.97KB, 1000x750, __konpaku_youmu_reisen_udongein_inaba_hong_meiling.jpg)
Servants. Gensokyo is no stranger to the concept of a person serving under a higher authority. A lot of servants are quite happy with their lives and can't imagine a better one where they're not serving under their masters.

But some just get treated like absolute sh@#.

Okay, that's a bit of an exaggaration, but still, some servants in Gensokyo don't get the best treatment in all of Gensokyo. For example, the Scarlet Devil Mansion's gatekeeper Hong Meiling tends to be belittled by most who know her, being accused of being too lazy and useless of a gatekeeper, despite the fact that despite her supposed laziness, the only ones who have managed to get pass the chinese youkai were the Hakurei Shrine Maiden and the Black-White Magician. And while her relationship with Sakuya Izayoi isn't as toxic as most make it out to be (If anything, they're actually on pretty good terms), the head maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion can still be pretty strict towards the gatekeeper about doing her job probably.

Another noteworthy example would be Reisen Udongein Inaba, the personal assistant of the famed lunarian doctor of Eientei, Eirin Yagokoro. The former is prone to constantly getting pranked by the mischevous Earth Rabbit, Tewi Inaba, and is sometimes punished by the lunarian doctor.

Relatively speaking, one could say that the treatment the half-human half-phantom gardener, Youmu Konpaku gets isn't as bad, but she still has to deal with the gluttonous and rather eccentric ghost princess of Hakugyokurou, Yuyuko Saigyouji, who is known to constantly tease the human-phantom hybrid.

Considering all of this, it was only natural that they would sympathize with each others plights. That's why the three agreed to get together at least one night a month to go get drinks together and vent about their problems at work. They dubbed it "Servants Night".
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Another exhausting day, another relaxing night. The Earth Rabbit Assistant, Reisen Udongein Inaba, and the Half-Human Half-Phantom Garderner and Swordswoman, Youmu Konpaku, were drinking away their worries while talking about how their day went. The usual interactions that take place. Though there was something that was missing that night.


"It's been a while since we've seen Meiling." Reisen said, breaking the silence that was momentarily set between the two. "You think?" Replied the Half-Phantom. "Yeah." Responded Reisen "I think the last time we saw her was when...we...had...to carry her home." The earth-rabbit finished awkwardly as she cleared her throat.

Youmu realized Reisen was talking about the time they had inadvertadley embarrassed Meiling 3 weeks ago. "Oh, right! From what I was told, Miss Meiling is working to make up for...that situation 3 weeks ago."

Eventually after letting out a sigh, Reisen said "We really ought to apolgize to Meiling when she's eventually comes back to drinking with us... I mean, that song she made with the ice fairy and shrine maiden on the mountain was admittedly very catchy, but it still wasn't very nice of us to embarass her like that." At this, Youmu nodded in agreement.

"Indeed. Not to mention we did inadvertedly get her in trouble with her mistress and Miss Sakuya. So I guess it's only fair to apologize."

After that. Silence befell the duo as they went back to drinking to the relaxing ambience around them.

After a while, it was Youmu's turn to break the silence. "Do you ever..." Started the gardener as the earth rabbit turned her attention to her. "You ever wonder what Miss Meiling actually is?"
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File 169605532066.jpg - (163.36KB, 573x960, __hong_meiling_touhou_drawn_by_yohane__afd87b5d328.jpg)
NSFW image
Meanwhile at the Scarlet Devil Mansion

"And when Lady Sakuya and the Mistress finally found China, she was passed out drunk!" Said an orange haired fairy maid, who was still rather ill-tempered about the incident 3 weeks ago.

"Wow really?"

"Yeah. So after receiving an absolute tongue-lashing from Lady Sakuya about drinking too much, China had to take the day off, Edward, Matthias, and Timothy had to cover for her on gatekeeping duty and me some other of the other fairy maids had to take care of the garden. Urgh...! I swear, gardening duty is such a pain! If I ever get assigned to gardening duty ever again, I'm gonna..."

The orange fairy then paused her rant, contemplating in her little fairy brain on what she would do if she were to be assigned garden duty again "I...uh..." It took several more seconds for the orange fairy to conclude with "I-I don't know what I'll do, but I'm gonna do something!"

This caused the purple haired fairy with glasses who was conversing with the orange fairy to laugh at her misfortune, until realizing "Wait, just Eddie, Matt, and Timmy? Wasn't there, like, fourth hobgoblin that hangs out with those three?"

"Oh, that. Torrid left earlier the day before." The orange fairy said with a deadpan expression with a shrug "Dunno why though."

At this, the now distraught purple fairy responded with "Aw man! He was my favorite hobgoblin..." At this, the orange fairy rolled her eyes as the two fairy went back to work (or whatever passed as work to fairies) cleaning the hall windows of the mansion.
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Hey there reader who probably doesn’t care. I just realized a little too late that I made an error.

When mimicking Meiling, the purple fairy said
> 'That's my little dear!'

When she really should have said
> 'That's my little secret dear!'

Not that any of you probably flippin' care (I mean, I’m not holding it against you if that really is the case), but I figured I’d clear that up.

OK. Have a good rest of your day/night. Expect Komachi to show up in the next short if and/or when it gets posted!

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File 169415226023.png - (307.46KB, 1500x1500, face_of_the_woman.png)
Nothingness. Who would've known the best feeling was the absence of feeling the whole time. You swim in the border of everlasting peace and finite suffering. At last you are free. Free from what? NO! You shouldn't ask that you'll be banished- banned from peace. Though you've already asked haven't you, you must've because you're already being kicked out as we speak. The nothingness is becoming somethingness. That something is me. You feel it don't you? The pulses of life firing out from your brain in rapid succession- oh yes your brain the symbol of our something. I'm afraid me and you will have to cut this conversation off- YOU ARE BECOMING FINITE ONCE MORE CHILD! Try to enjoy yourself a little more than the last time. Kehehehe. I'll be watching from my spot in non-existence until you need my wisdoms. The voice muddles until it's no longer comprehensive and soon enough it's overpowered by chirping and rushing water. Your eyelids push themselves upwards as a soft yellow light from the east fills your synapses. You feel everything making contact with you from the sunlight to the patch of grass your body had collapsed into. You are in pain. Your brain begs you with sharp jolts to return to where you came but you're awake. Undeniably finite once more. Your left hand moves to the side of your face and tries to ease just a tad bit of the pain- no use. A groan escapes from you and your nostrils are burned with the smell of alcohol from your breath. You jitter, turning your torso to your left. Bottom still planted firmly to the floor you couldn't even imagine trying to stand right now. However, when you make the full turn you are met by a river and laying across that river's skin is a face. Oh fuck- what happened? It's almost like the reflection is a separate entity, disappointed by you. What did you do to this poor girl? What did you do to yourself? You can't even force the muscles in your face to make her happy... she just suffers. You have todo something about her, you have to:
[-] Accept exile from nothingness and stand up.
[-] Reject somethingness; lay back down and close your eyes.
[-] Write in.
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[X] "Let's try and pull one of those obelisks out."
-[ X ] Take proper precautions before actually doing it.
--[X] Afterwards try to figure out how they managed to impale her.
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[X] "Let's try and pull one of those obelisks out."
-[X] Make sure everybody is ready for any possible danger when you do interact with them.
--[X] Afterwards try to figure out how they managed to impale her.

[X] Point out that the crosses might be the reason Reimu didn't hear anything; their enchantments might be a clue.
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We will be back later today. Got new pc. Had to get hdmi to USB c adapter to use my drawing tablet. Girls are now investigating...

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File 166234918135.png - (61.99KB, 1080x1080, Untitled.png)
You can vote on every character's individual "choices", but you may only vote on a single character to "control.”

[[ ]] The youkai

I walk up to a brown dirt clump with a big section for a “body” and a small one for a “head”. “Wake up!”

It gets up and cranes its “head” to look at me. “What?” it says.

“Another incident,” I said.

“Awesome! Time to solve it!” The clump got up and busted its arms and legs out. “Where’s the bad guys?”

“Well, this incident is quite serious, so I—”

“Aw, it’ll be easy!” the clump said. “Remember the winter incident? The red smoke?”
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[X] Fight
Blaze of glory
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>I stood around a wrist-to-fingernail taller than him.
Out of all the height comparisons I've ever read or heard, this is certainly a new one. I can't tell if it means this Tengu guard is short or Blazer is just tall; for all I know, Blazer could just have some large hands.
For some reason, due to Zappers being a fairy and a friend, I had just assumed Blazer to be similar height to a fairy.
Anyways, Blazer has probably singlehandedly worsened the kamikiri and amikiri conflict along with the Tengu relationship, which is hilarious.
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Addendum, Blazer might also just have long fingernails for better net cutting ability.

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File 165803708161.jpg - (246.18KB, 800x800, O1CN01VvlbLx1PYG95N15GW_!!768991852.jpg)
{-} Embrace the dark side... wait, no, do the exact opposite of that.

Thankfully, I do have a certain amount of practice at controlling at my emotions. Unstable emotions make for unstable magic, and safety aside, the secret sealing club's budget puts a hard limit on explosive misfires per month. Look, the point is, I was able to wrestle my irritation under my control.

I still did need a focus for unleashing the magic, and the first thing that occurred to my mind was programming class, of all things. Just like testing a program, things would fail for the most idiotic reasons, and things had to be hooked up just right to-

[Placeholder Sign - Hello World]
Huh. That, just... huh. It really was that simple. Plain blue bullets literally spelled out "Hello, world!". Punctuation included, even. Considering the bullets did absolutely nothing else, I don't think it even qualified as an attack.

Hina looked at the pattern in some confusion. "Um. Well, it worked, but is that what you were aiming for?"

My bemusement turned to embarrassment, and I dismissed the spellcard with a wave of a hand. Excellent. If I ever wanted to make myself look like a complete joke, I now had exactly the spellcard to do it with. "That was just a test to get the system working. Also, um, you were right. Thanks, I guess."

"It's no trouble. Really."

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So, we're past the autosage mark at this point, but for anyone still checking the thread, we'll be heading back to the Scarlet Devil Mansion and skipping the interlude. I intend to start Part 3 next weekend.
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New thread when desu
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File 165959565088.png - (238.38KB, 727x296, ndxvVz0.png)
The intense chirping of cicadas was what brought you back to the land of the living. You came into consciousness, but your eyes remained close, and a pounding in your head begged you to return to slumber. Try as you might though, the insistence of the cicadas urged you to stay with them. Deeming a return to dreamland hopeless, you lifted your upper body off the ground and opened your eyes.

You were sitting on a hill, covered with lush grass. You could see a lake about ten minutes ahead from you, though mist seemed to shimmer above the lake, obscuring your view of what lay across it. Mountains off in the distance surrounded you as if cradling you tightly in their embrace. This area seemed lush, peaceful, and completely foreign to you. Nothing was ringing a bell, even the grass felt different. How did you even get here? You... Actually, just remembering felt difficult right now, with so many details in your head fuzzy. You could deal with that later.

You stood up, brushing some of the grass and debris off of your pants, when you noticed a flyer about eight feet from you, caught between two rocks, the wind trying to tug it away but the rock refusing to let go. You picked up the purple paper and examined it.


>"By popular demand, here is your introduction and primer to your current tubular predicament! Where are you? You're in Gensokyo now! What is Gensokyo? A radical land of magic! Monsters are real! Youkai are real! Have gnarly fun, but be careful! If you really want to return home, seek out Hakurei! Otherwise, enjoy your mondo new future!

>"P.S. Watch out for Rumia! She's waaaay uncool for newbies! x~x"

You stared at the flyer for a few moments. You weren't sure which to find more incredulous - the outrageous claims it had made casually, or how it seemed written by someone madly out of touch with society. Like an old person, desperate to appear cool with the youth, but with no idea what the youth truly are or what they do.

As you folded up the paper to put in your pocket, a loud sound interrupted the cicadas.
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[X] Try and convince her that they're normal outsider clothes.
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[X] Try and convince her that they're normal outsider clothes.

Peak fashion.
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[X]Tell her to calm down and act offended at how she was assuming the worst of you.

And then,

-[X]Say that you lost a bet and is forced to wear this outfit as you are selling medicine.

And Finally,

--[X] Ask her about her funny looking hat.

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File 167116141311.png - (1.87KB, 154x222, Revenge The Unseen Ending Gaster Face Sprite.png)
Revenge The Unseen Ending Gaster Face Sprite
Kaiju Wriggle Nightbug's Determination Calculative Journey (Beta Ver)


Up above the sky, two titans clashed in hopes of defeating the opposing side. One is a golden buddha mecha that has the aura of a heroism that will save the innocents from this insect kaiju that seems like it is going to devour and destroy everything that it sees. But this is no ordinary kaiju, no. In fact, this insect kaiju seems to have a sanity beyond its pure instinct unlike the other kaijus who lose themselves to their barbaric and kaiju-ish ways.

The two clashed again with their arms locking with each other, trying to show who is the strongest by pushing with all their strength. Inside the golden buddha mecha's head, we see a humanoid rabbit controlling the mech from within. "Anti-Insect Kaiju Mech Alpha to Command. It seems like I am in a stalemate. Orders, ma'am?" Awaiting a response from the higher ups, the humanoid rabbit kept the mech's arm locked with the insect kaiju to trap it.

"Attack in the twilight, shake her awake with the thunder of laser beam." As soon as the higher up gave the green light to mobilize the directed-energy weapon. "Failure will not be accepted. Call for powers of the lunarian might." The command monologues about how great the lunarians are, not really helping the battle, but okay. "Force her to surrender. Take what is ours and restore law and order." The rabbit who is manning the anti-insect kaiju mech nodded.

The face of the buddha mecha opened like some sort of alien from alien vs predator, but in this scenario, it is vastly different, I assure you. The directed-energy weapon is powering up, ready to shoot the insect kaiju into the shadow realm, Jimbo. But before it can blow her up to kingdom come, the insect kaiju, using its common sense and logic, closed the opened face, prompting it to explode the head of the buddha and along the rabbit with it. "N-Nani!!!?!?! (Translation: W-What!!!?!?!)"

Before the explosion happened, the insect kaiju said something ominous to the rabbit... somehow. "You stole my beans for my insect friends. Now it is time for the unfunny." Which
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Are you people seriously expecting a quality content from an author who is named Amogus?
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I expect nothing. I just rightly call it trash like it is.
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I think this person probably dislikes amogus or something.

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File 165904667952.jpg - (83.14KB, 577x599, cryptic_metaphor.jpg)
It’s hard to pinpoint the precise moment you went from “nothing” to “something”. All you can really say for sure is that once you weren’t, but now you are.

Or… something along those lines. These are pretty complicated thoughts for what’s essentially a newborn.

But are you really? A newborn, that is. Before the nothing that was before the something, you could sometimes grasp the frayed threads of another life. That life was so vastly different from what you are now that you have trouble thinking of it as “your” life, but the sense of familiarity (and sometimes yearning) the memories give you are harder to deny. You were once human, then you were nothing, and now you’re something.

But enough of that for now. Your thoughts tend to ramble when you let them, so it’s best to cut them off her or nothing will ever get done.

Compared to your previous life, your senses are now completely different. Sight, smell, taste, and hearing are all gone entirely, actually. You felt like you should maybe be horrified by that fact, but the memories of your previous life had come in some time after you came into existence, so you had already adjusted to the state of things before realizing you had lost anything at all.

Your world begins and ends with your sense of touch. Perhaps some of the things you lump together with “touch” in your mind are something else entirely, but it just makes sense to do so. The most prominent thing you feel is the soothing coolness that encases you completely from all sides. If you were still capable of doing so, you would regularly be giving contented sighs. Even if you do nothing, the coolness leaves you feeling nourished and healthy at all times. If this was all there was to your life, well… you wouldn’t complain.

Alas, hypotheticals are hypotheticals, and this is reality. There exists something beyond your present state of stockpiling energy, and you intend to explore it with the little control you have. Several options are open to you, but your limited understanding prevents you from the risks and benefits of each choice.

Ah well, suppose you’ll just have to follow your gut on this one. You decide to:
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Wojo, your mojo caught me!
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Warmly waiting.
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waiting with cold fury

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File 166739778445.webp - (21.10KB, 400x838, dZw5F_c4Tb7MwhuoRuBMf2AGTyTSp0bC3cYCs-UJaG0.webp)
What purpose did this bloodshed serve?

Qin Feng gripped his bow tightly.

Fists tight enough to draw blood.

Teeth clenched hard enough to shatter at any moment.

The once great and respected Heavenly Mountain Sect, gone; its legacies wiped in a single day.

Dozens of swords pierced his body, yet he did not feel the pain.

The regrets inside his heart far exceeded the pain of his body.

"Shuhang.." He discovered the discarded corpse of his comrade.
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Qin Feng was currently standing on the mountain, awaiting the heaven's judgement. Nascent Soul's tribulation is not a chaotic thunderstorm, it's a refined trial to test the cultivator's spirit.

The first lightning struck Qin Feng, just the impact would've been deadly to any mortals. His whole body shook uncontrollably, his dantians sounded like they were going to burst violently. Qin Feng gritted his teeth and endured.

The Nascent Soul realm is the first true step to becoming an immortal, a realm where one defies the heavens!

Not long after he got his body back into order, he was yet smited by another lightning bolt. The sheer size of it was enough to completely obliterate Qin Feng's new home, Kojirou already moved far away. The terrifying sound of rumbles of Qin Feng's tribulation made him shook in fear.

Then comes the third, fourth, and the fifth bolts. At this point Qin Feng was already starting to lose grasp of his conciousness, the thunders were slowing remolding his body to that of an immortal's. The process was excruciatingly painful, each strikes had double the power of the previous one. By this point the whole process could be seen throughout Gensokyo.


The sixth lightning struck him, so fiercely that it seemed to be roaring. The moment it slammed onto Qin Feng's body, he let out a miserable cry of pain. He instictively activated his Broken Void Divine Art to redirect some of the lightning into the Void(*1).

"Damnit! Why the hell didn't I do this since the beginning?!" He said quite loudly, he couldn't be bothered to even lower his voice in the current state he's in.
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fetchimage (1)

yeah apparently i forgot to mark update, here it is.
shit ton of mistakes cause i pressed reply instead of preview
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File 166948037924.png - (7.14KB, 474x365, Untitled.png)
"AAGH!" The man screamed in agony, everytime he replied with silence also decreases the count of intact fingers on his hand, "Stop! I'll tell you everything!"

"Oh, guess I didn't have to resort to that method." Qin Feng murmured, the man shivered in fear as Qin Feng apparoached him.

He grabbed the man by the hair and asked him, "Ready to answer now?" The man went on a thorough and detailed explanation. His name was Yang Mian, he told Qin Feng that he was from a sect hidden away. He was sent here on an order to assasinate Qin Feng while his cultivation base was still unstable from the tribulation.

All of this information was useless to Qin Feng as it seemed to him that they were just a group of mortals who just happened to stumble upon the methods of cultivation, "Also our sect has a Demigod realm powerhou-" As soon as the words left his mouth, a terrifying thunder landed right next to them. Yang Mian jumped instictively but could not get away as he was held by Qin Feng.

Qin Feng's eyebrows furrowed at this, "Even saying the name of the realm causes an undulation in the heavens, that's how powerful a Demigod realm powerhouse is." Currently he was deep in thought, there was actually a demigod aiming for his head!

"Where's your sect located?" Although seemingly a question, the way he spoke it would make anyone realize that it's a command or a threat.

Yang Mian trembled in fear, "There's a teleportation array in the bamboo forest right over there.." Qin Feng looked over at the direction he was pointing at, there seemed to really be an aura eminating from there.

He looked over to Yang Mian, who was sweating profusely, "Merely a middle-stage Qi Condensation disciple, they won't care if you're gone."
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