NomuraSan!ixwx86p01M 2024/10/12 (Sat) 23:09
No. 211950
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“Master, shouldn’t we start on the outside?.”
“Nonsense, You heard Eirin yesterday, we will be doing inside for now.”
“So what are we doing today?.”
Both Master and I are sitting cross-legged in the hospital bed after she barged in the middle of a conversation I was having with Reisen while eating my breakfast.
“That’s easy.” Master sticks her hand into her dress's pocket and pulls a purple ball with a yin-yang orb. It is very similar to the one she uses when dueling Marisa (which happened), but this orb seems a bit more familiar.
“Master I am sure I have seen this before.”
“Yes and you made it when you killed that monster that knocked you out when you first appeared in Gensokyo”
“I made it? But how?.” Heck, I don't remember beating that thing.
“I theorized that when you first came into contact with the Shrine, the Hakurei God probably intervened on your behalf to save you, however, you lack the training and the stamina to manipulate and create true yin yang orbs and the result was you being knocked out and... this” She shovels the 'thing' in my direction which I almost fail to catch.
After securing it in my hand, although said orb is quite small, I feel like the various scratches and the huge crack in the middle of it, indicate that this thing has stood quite a beating.
"I am going to train you in manipulating these orbs, since they are simpler than, say, learning how to fly" I guess learning how to fly will be a thing on my agenda.
"First, close your eyes and try to feel the presence of this object in your hand, just close your eyes and try to listen to it" Very abstract but I will try.
Closing my eyes and shiting my attention guided towards the thing in my hands, I can feel a uhh…presence? I can picture a ball in my hand from it, although the orb’s presence is so weak that any loss of focus makes me "lose" the object's presence, but what intrigues me is that I am sure I had felt this "presence" thing Master talked about.
“Master, I am sure that I felt this when I was at the Shrine but much stronger, why so?” To tell the t
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NomuraSan!ixwx86p01M 2024/10/13 (Sun) 02:50
No. 211953
Coming up with a cool ability to my MC that wasn't so op but not unless was a hard thing to do but here we are.
Also these was supposed to be more stuff in this chapter but I decided to split in two, next chapter the MC will learn that Tewi can't help but do another trolling to save her life.
Pavise 2024/10/13 (Sun) 19:52
No. 211959
Lad spends some time pondering his orb, as you do.
More seriously, a sensory ability is a useful boon, especially if your field of vision tends to get clogged up by bullets.