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File 171396001798.jpg - (198.57KB, 850x1307, __konpaku_youmu_and_konpaku_youmu_touhou_drawn_by_.jpg)
The world has ended, but five (well, four and a half) humans get a chance to do it over, and make things right. Only problem is, for their second go around, they're not going to be 'human'...

With the reborn Inaba Akyuu and Kicchou Reimu now awake and active, they begin the search for the other three: Marisa the Ordinary Magician, Kosuzu the Youma book collector, and Youmu, the half-phantom swordswoman. It is the third of these three that they manage to make contact with first.

But perhaps the ripples in fate caused by attempting to defy it go deeper than any of them yet understand...

Previous Threads:
Redo/Reimu >>205449 >>205720
Again/Akyuu >>206017 >>206302 >>206595 >>206906 >>207202
Epilogues and Shorts >>/shorts/2804

Or read the story archive on Ao3:

“Hey… you sure you’re alright?”

Reimu turned to Youmu, already irritated. “Why do you care?!”

The gardener put her hands up defensively. “It’s just… you seemed a bit sad.” That, and the Shrine wasn’t anywhere near its normal level of cleanliness. Snow had piled up a bit, and the donation box had been heavily frosted.

The Hakurei Shrine Maiden looked at her, before sagging. “It’s… nothing. I don’t want to talk about it.”

Youmu hummed, letting her sit for a moment. “Well… if you’re sure.” She sat down next to the donation box, opening up the thermos she’d brought. “Do you want a cup of tea, at least?”

After a moment, Reimu relented, sitting down next to Youmu. “...Thanks.” She took the proffered cup, taking a sip.

They sat there in silence, for a moment. Youmu looked up at the barren trees. “Long time until spring still, huh?”

“Not as long as it was last year.” Reimu needled in response. The gardener choked back a bit of her tea, drawing a smug look from Reimu. “I just hope the snow stops soon.”

“Well, the shrine’s pretty buried already.” The gardener hummed.

Reimu sighed. “That’s not even the only problem. Most of the path to the village is snowed in too, so… there’s even less visitors than before. When I resolved the incident last year, everyone was tripping over each other to help clear the path, but this year… nobody’s bothering until the skies clear.”

The gardener looked. “Are you… the only one who can do it?”

“Yeah… Genjii has to ‘brumate’ or whatever over the winter. It’s basically hibernating but more boring. And none of the youkai stick around, either.” The shrine maiden sighed, sitting down. “...And Marisa’s stuck sick at her house… And… I’m the only one here, so…”

Youmu looked at Reimu, for a few seconds. “...So you’ve not been cleaning the grounds?”

The miko shrugged. “...Didn’t think anyone would be coming over. All I’ve been getting are groceries dropped straight from the gaps, so… I don’t even need to go out for food. …Sorry about the mess.”

Youmu hummed. Last night, before recommending she made a visit, Lady Yuyuko had been talking about Yukari being poor at understanding humans at times. Reimu was clearly lonely, and the best excuse she had to go out and talk to people was being taken by someone nominally trying to help. No wonder Yuyuko had sent her here, on a ‘courtesy visit’.

She nodded to herself, before getting up. “Alright! Let’s start getting this place cleaned up, then!”

The shrine maiden blinked. “U-um.”

“Come on, come on.” The gardener pulled Reimu to her feet. “It’ll be faster with the two of us, won’t it? And you don’t want the shrine looking like a mess if they clear the path suddenly on you.”

The shrine maiden nodded, blushing. “...I can’t pay you, if that’s what you’re looking for.”

The gardener smiled. “We’re friends, Reimu! I’m not gonna count everything against you. Now, come on.” The gardener gestured to the grounds. “Nothing’s too big if you throw enough bodies at it.”

Hakurei Reimu slowly chuckled. “Well, I suppose you of all people would know, wouldn’t you?”

Konpaku Youmu chuckled back, letting the memory pass by. The world around her twisted and shimmered, an endless mosaic of color and sound. Of memories fond and foul.

But… she couldn’t get too distracted. After all, she barely understood what was happening. She looked around at the kaleidoscope, trying to retrace her proverbial steps to this moment.

She’d been sent to the Hakurei Shrine, by Lady Yuyuko’s request. It had been urgent, Youmu knew that much, but she hadn’t explained why. Still, Lady Yuyuko tended to be irreverent even in the most serious of situations, so her naked worry and urgency had Youmu out the door in a flash.

She’d gotten to the shrine, and then… Yukari had done something, most likely. Knocked them all out and kept them in a gap, while the world fell apart around them. The bodies of human beings were instantly destroyed, and their souls fell apart not long after. And with their absence, the youkai and gods had been quick to follow.

When someone finally came up with a plan to solve the incident, they’d been released from the gap. And even though they’d suffered the same effects, (to varying degrees - Youmu estimated she’d fared second-best of all of them, perhaps because she was half-phantom) they’d been quickly found and asked to take on that plan.

And that was about where it stopped making sense. Something about time travel and becoming youkai? Frankly, Youmu had glazed over a bit at the description. But basically, if they became youkai… they’d be able to go back in time and save the world? Yeah, basically that.

And there was something about choosing her new self, as well. As Youmu looked at the world twisting and spinning around her, she was feeling overwhelmed at the images. She drew her blades - Hakurouken and Roukanken, and tried to anchor them in the wall of the tunnel she was falling through.

The moment she did, the whole tunnel buzzed with sickening energy. Youmu was thrown back from the wall. Bitterly, she reminded herself - she couldn’t yet cut time. Not for more than a hundred and fifty years, at least.

She looked down, and gasped in shock. Roukanken had shattered in the attempt, and what remained was dissipating into a fine mist. Hakurouken had slipped her grip completely, and when she tried to snatch for it, it only disappeared into the walls of the kaleidoscopic tunnel.

…Right. Roukanken had been forged just for her, and Hakurouken was an ancestral weapon of the Konpaku. She… she might not be a Konpaku anymore.

As if on cue, she felt things tugging at her. Tugging at her soul. Like pieces of her were being pulled away from her. She tried to snatch at them, feeling a rising panic - it was like she was being pulled apart, in different directions. She managed to grab on to four threads, holding them tightly. Youmu looked down the tunnel, and… a part of her knew. Knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she’d have to make a choice.

About what she was, down to her soul. Her phantom half had no hands with which to hold on to a strand of herself. She'd have to choose the two that mattered to her most, and hope she could recover the chance to indulge the other parts of herself. Perhaps the life she came into would allow her to indulge those other parts, perhaps it wouldn't, but... she couldn't know for sure.

...She was a swordswoman, of that there was not even a moment of doubt. And beyond that, she was…

[ ] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
[ ] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
[ ] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?

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Arc 3! Sounds like our choice is between a White Wolf Tengu, one of Satori's pets, or someone at the Divine Mausoleum... All interesting choices, and any would be good, but I have a bias to enjoying tengu politics, so I'm going for that.

[X] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
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[X] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?

More swordplay. I don't really want weak ass Satori Youmu or Zombie/Tsumogami Youmu.
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Wooo Youmu!

Anyway, from the options, I am somwhat leaning towards former hell, if only for the dramatic Irony of Youki being so close to actually discovering Youmu on his way to Reimu.

[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
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[X] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
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[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?

This could be interesting.
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[X] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?

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Hmmmmm. Honestly, white wolf tengu doesn't feel like enough of a departure for Youmu, I want to shake her up more than that. The Mausoleum option could go a lot of ways depending on exactly what that entails. But the Komeiji pet interests me most and should be funny.

[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
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File 171396231045.jpg - (853.06KB, 2555x3946, b42f7289631727bcd3fb4186c5bdce6149e017ca3d345d43c2.jpg)
I don't think satori Youmu is on the table, given that it says that *her mistress* is Satori. Sounds more like kasha Youmu or hell raven Youmu, if not another beast youkai pet. Likewise I don't think the other is a jiangshi, as "cultivating" life sounds more shikaisen-y than being a zombie. Mononobe no Youmu? Would she adopt her "sister's" ye olde manner of speaking?

[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
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[X] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?

Partial to the first or second, let's see where it goes!
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[X] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
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I'd argue that of the three, the Mausoleum is the one that shakes things up the least. Not sure if Miko's revived already, but if she hasn't, then there's probably only Tojiko and Yoshika (Maybe Seiga sometimes) to talk to, meaning that Youmu would still be fairly sheltered, which she was already in normal canon. Plus she'd still be surrounded by death compared to being half-dead in the Netherworld, so that wouldn't be a massive departure either.

Netherworld Youmu was a fairly sheltered character who only really had one or two masters in Youki and Yuyuko, but for a white wolf tengu Youmu, she'd be surrounded by a bunch of other wolves, not allowed off of the mountain, stuck in a caste system where white wolves are the bottom rung and she gets to watch the crows have the freedom that she used to have, and she'd have a strict hierarchy compared to Yuyuko being so airy and lax.
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[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?

Undead Youmu.
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[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?

She's familiar enough with servitude, although I wonder if she's going to be another pet. Having someone who can read minds nearby should be useful for communication if Youmu retains her memories.
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[X] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
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[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?

Yes. Satori’s my favorite character, so I’d love to see this however it plays out.
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Still thinking on it, myself.

I don't particularly like 1 because the way the choices are framed implies that she'll be a swordswoman no matter what she picks:
> ...She was a swordswoman, of that there was not even a moment of doubt. And beyond that, she was…

So all the other choices are modifiers on that. Wolf Tengu Youmu seems to add the least to that, personally? Perhaps it's the most convenient for actually meeting the others as a tradeoff, or perhaps she gets Momiji's eyes. She starts out low-ranking in tengu society as well, which is rough.

Then there's the obvious satori's pet one. Probably a Kasha or Hell Raven, maybe something more unusual. We start with Satori RIGHT THERE, so hopefully that will bode well for our chances of persuading her. Plus, we get a nice look at Old Hell.

Third, and perhaps most interestingly, is the Mausoleum. The options here are all wildly different. Could be a Shikaisen, maybe, could be a Menreiki, could be some other kind of Tsukumogami... and there's a small chance that she could be kurokoma's daughter?

The options feel lined up in order of predictability, and I feel like that's deliberate.

Plus, it's probably our best access to rare treasures and artifacts. If we go with the... fanon? Theory? Canon? That Futo's shikaisen body is a plate, and Miko's is a sword... there's a nonzero chance we'll get to wield the Crown Prince. Or at least that fancy sword she carries.

[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?
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File 171396388574.gif - (4.06MB, 480x360, __konpaku_youmu_touhou_and_2_more_drawn_by_kani_bi.gif)
>>207387 here. One more thought that is almost enough to switch me, Satori nicknames her pets. And there's basically a 100% chance that her nickname for Youmu will be 'Myon'.
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[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?

Satori tries to read Youmu,
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[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
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before i get too carried away thinking about the choices, first: there's a bit more information about the apocalypse!!!!

so yuyuko sent youmu to the shrine, and quite urgently at that, which youmu notes as out of character for her. this hints that yuyuko had some warning that the incident was going to happen. a premonition, a bad feeling, a vision of sorts? or maybe even had actual information ahead of time... who knows.

someone in one of the previous threads mentioned that the saigyou ayakashi might have been involved. the fact that yuyuko is heavily tied to it and the fact that she sent youmu away from the place where it's located a bit before the apocalypse started, to a place where she knows yukari would defend to her last breath... something to think about, definitely.

ok so as for choices, we have: white wolf tengu, one of satori's pets, and... someone from ten desires.

something to note is that youmu's probably started earlier in the timeline than the others: youki mentioned that youmu was meant to be born around twenty years before the others were. since we're assuming that youmu is awakening her memories after the events of akyuu's arc, it might just probably mean that she's older chronilogically. still, that detail might be relevant down the line, who knows.

discussing options:

white wolf tengu have the advantage of starting right by the village- i think that people are forgetting that since everyone besides akyuu seems to be reawakening their memories after akyuu's desertion, then that means that the tengu have access to the village, helping haru keep a tentative peace between the humans and youkai.

this is important because since akyuu's likely helping her sister deliver medicine to the village after the Dual Incident Disaster, which increases the liklihood of them running into each other, and i'm a sucker for running into a previous protagonist and watching them through the eyes of another. the disadvantage would the caste system, though.

one of satori's pets... dunno what kind of youkai she would be, then. we know satori owns a kasha and a hell raven, but it's implied she has other animals, which youmu could be as well. likelihood of catgirl or birb myon is still very high though.

could also have a chance of interacting with the buddhists, since they're sealed as well.

disadvantage of that would be the fact that former hell is sealed, so reuniting with the others would be difficult. unless we cause a big enough incident for haru to get involved.

i'm having trouble pinning down exactly what the third option is. obviously someone associated with the divine spirit mausoleum, but that has a lot of options. could be a hermit, a shikaisen, a jiang shi. shikaisen seems to fit, but.

all in all, former hell is a really interesting, but the big advantage of having access to the human village off the bat is what sells me. we've seen a white wolf tengu literally in the village last arc, it's not like youmu's gonna be confined to youkai mountain. not to mention i'm very, very heavily biased towards tengu. i voted for the tengu option all the way back in the first ever choice for reimu, and i'm sticking to my guns.

[X] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair... and her tail?
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[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
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I can see that. You have points about the social differences as a tengu. I guess I still feel like she's just almost too well-suited for the role. She's dutiful and diligent and likes following orders without having to think too hard about them. (Though some of that tendency is presumably nurture from having to deal with Yuyuko and Yukari... well, how much better are the tengu really?) Even the swordsmanship becomes standard-issue rather than a personal preference. She would certainly get very lost in tengu politics, but at the same time, as a white wolf all she really needs to worry about at the end of the day is guarding what's in front of her. But then, all that does mean that the challenges she does have will be different, and being tied to tengu society at the bottom rungs does make a lot of logistics tricky once she gets going.

Obviously, at heart she's forever destined to be a lackey one way or another.

I think something I like about the idea of her being a pet is that it's not a formal position; Satori's pets just do a lot of legwork for her because they adore her. There's no real hierarchy to that beyond Whatever Satori Wants and it's not outwardly respectable in the slightest. (Even Satori herself, I think, still keeps a master-pet relationship with them at the same time as a boss-employee relationship. She still just wants to coo over how cute they are sometimes.) And then if that version of Youmu is going to go out into the world on adventure and start juxtaposing past-life memories to that, it presents her with some really fun worldview challenges.

All that said, I'm just mulling this over while eating breakfast and this interpretation is also all surely biased by my own preferences for what characters and stuff I'm more interested in, such is life.
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An interesting thing about the Mausoleum choice is that it would almost guarantee that Miko will be assisting the reincarnators, especially Akyuu.

The Chronicler has already lived 10 lives, ignoring the time-travel, so her Re/Awakening crystal form pretty much has 10 voices in her head, one for each life, talking endlessly for as long as she kept it running. Miko has the special ability of listening to and understanding 10 people's conversations at the same time, making her pretty much the best person to train Akyuu in this area. The author even showed interest to the idea at >>207201
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[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?

Satori and the Taoists are both great, but I gotta go with Miko's crew.
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[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
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[x] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
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*Nyan cat starts playing*

[x] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?

It would be interesting to see how we adapt to having peers our age, and actually living in a society for once instead of a pocket on the netherworld. It would give us an insanely easy access to gear and swords. Especially swords. Unfortunately we lost Roukanken. Maybe we can get something similar made here? Perhaps at a daitengu's request. I'd ask the Moriya, but they haven't dropped in yet. New!Youmu's personal blade.
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There's not much I can add that hasn't been said already.

"Her heart fluttered" sounds like doki doki waku waku to me so there's a slight chance she's related to Seiga and as interesting that dynamic sounds, I don't want that (I also don't have any attachment to the taoists themselves, so there's that).

With that said, I'm torn between white wolf and whatever kind of animal she ends up as Satori's pet.
I think I'll go with tengu this time, just because we have easier access to the human village and we get to glimpse into their society.

[X] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
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[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?

Underground time
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Alright. Tengu, pet, or taoist mystery box?

I'm checking off Tengu immediately just because it's the least interesting of the three to me. Nothing wrong with it, I've just never really been interested in the Tengu, and picking between two is easier than between three.

The underground has a lot of benefits: We get to be in the underground with all the other hated youkai & satori's pets. The underground crew are all great characters, so they'd be a fun supporting cast, and maybe we can even see the Buddhists. Plus, guaranteed head pats.

That being said, I'm going with the taoist mystery box for one simple reason: I don't see them nearly enough. The underground characters are popular, and rightfully so, but I suppose this is sort of like the anti-SDM votes from Akyuu. They're great characters and I don't mind seeing them in the slightest, but I'd like to take the chance to see some other possible dynamics.

Besides, Youmu's actually met the TD crew, which I believe is more than I can say for the Tengu or Satori as far as I remember.

[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?
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[X] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?

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[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?

There are plenty of guardians who use swords, and if we decide to be a pet then we don't have the opposable thumbs to use a sword while in animal form, which is just tragic. But there's only one swordsman gardener (besides Youki, who is dead in Timeline Prime) and that's Youmu. We can't be giving that up so easily. Gardening with swords is awesome.
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The first option is obviously a tengu wolf.

the second can be any animal or it can be a hell raven or a kasha

The last one I have no idea what it could be... a shikaisen? or maybe a tsukomogami or a karakasa? since the cemetery is nearby.

[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?

I choose it because I simply like the TD characters (except Seiga she scares me)
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[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
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[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?

The Tengu have an incredibly hierarchical society and unfortunately, most Tengu (especially low ranking ones) can’t just easily run off on an adventure. Plus I don’t think deserting would be a very good idea as the Tengu are basically everywhere.

Former Hell might be nice, but there just happens to be an itty bitty treaty which sort of promises repercussions for everyone in the underground if we break it. Also, I don’t know how much Satori will want one of her precious pets leaving the underground.

This leaves the taoists. Sure they’re sealed but they have a far less rigid structure and they are literally called hermits, so I didn’t think that they’ll be too bothered if someone leaves for a bit.
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[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?

I like Satori. Also she works for the Yama. Her job is to monitor the earth spirits and the hell of blazing fires. She can read our memories and probably set us up a meeting with the Yama which can get us around the problem of former hell being sealed
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[x] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?

Satori is justice!

Though in all seriousness I feel like this option is the best one as it still gives her a connection to the afterlife bureaucracy through Satori being the manager of Old Hell & her aid in managing the vengeful spirits.

Plus Youmu does already have experience with managing eccentric pink-haired mistresses!
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[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?

There are plenty of Tengu and plenty of Beast Youkai, but the Taoists seem like they'd be a lot more unique & diverse. Also they're my favorite cast and most of the time they show up they're competing against the buddhists, so it'd be nice to get to see them without that competition.
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[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
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Counting to >>207412:
Main Choice:
[12] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
[15] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
[8] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?
Rip Momiji & Aya Interactions
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Hmmmm… Tengu? Satori? Tengu…? Satori…? Hmmmmm… Satori

[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
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[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
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[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?

Why not?
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[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?

Satori's cool and all but she can only read one person at a time. Miko can read ten. Plus, we get to be gainfully employed. Obviously superior choice.
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Not a satori, but one of her minions. Following the pattern, we'd be Rin or Utsuho's sibling.
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[x] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?

The Taoists already mistaken her as someone who is interested in their religion(or something like that, I'm not sure) so might as well go with that because I haven't seen much taoist Youmu.
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Perfect. Rin and Utsuho are precious
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y'know, i find it interesting that this is the second time the tengu and former hell popped up as choices for origins. makes me think that there's something related to the apocalypse hidden within those settings... either that, or one of the main players there is crucial to get on our side.

even though i'm on team wolf tengu, there's another argument to be made for team satori's pet: satori manages former hell and (in fanon at least, i don't know if it's canon or not) has contact with the yama- which means eiki might be able to back us up if she hears about us.

(still praying for a white wolf tengu comeback, though.)
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[X] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?

As much as I love the others two, I would rather see Youki be proud of the fine swordwoman Youmu became under Awoo.

Besides, the Tengu do not fuck around when anything threathes their mountain. Or Gensokyo's integrity for that matter.

Also, does that mean she must've reincarnated first? She is the oldest by a fair margin, if the wiki is any indication. If so, she must have a good grasp of the situation, and can spot this gensokyo's differences when she actually gets her memories back, something she wouldn't have if she stayed underground her entire life or in some forgotten-and-sealed mausoleum.
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[X] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?

tengu supremacy
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[X] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?

Seeing that third option makes me want Yuuka-mama for Marisa
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[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?

if what >>207387 said of Youmu being Saki daughter, i would find it very funny if we get a Marisa option in wich Marisa is Yuuma daughter.

And besides that we cant take the gardener out of Youmu is a crucial part of her.
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I was talking about who Youmu would be working for.
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Ignoring who we'd be reincarnating into, because obviously in-story Youmu would have no idea...

Our choices of aspects to focus on are Youmu the Swordswoman, Youmu the Servant, or Youmu the Gardener.

Rule out servant first. We're not playing as a Shikigami or something, Youmu is her own person. It'd be kind of sad to define ourselves by somebody else.

Between the other two, our options seem to be "put all your memory skill points into swordsmanship" or "put points into gardening too". We get swordplay either way, the question is just if we have anything else.

I'm inclined more towards the gardening. Not only because it's handy to have a diverse set of talents, but we're going to get our memories back eventually anyways. When we do, we'll get our experience back as well, so it'll be cooler if we remember a bunch of swordplay techniques rather than gardening techniques.

[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?
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I'd be fine with any of the options myself, but option 1 or 2 stick out the most to me. And as much as I like Satori, I think the Tengu path would be more beneficial.

[X] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
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This convinced me.

[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?

I really don’t think I need to say anything else here.
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Satori Youmu would be so cool, and because she would get the ability to read minds, she would be an even better swordwomen as a Satori. Plus because she would be in old hell, there should be a not too hard way to see Reimu, but also more importantly Youki, so...

[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
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Just for the record, this option is almost certainly one to be Satori's pet, not to be a satori. You're voting to be Great Grey Wolf Sif.

If you're cool with that, feel free to stick with it, but otherwise I'd recommend changing your vote.
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[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?
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[X] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
I want mizi
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The number of votes just keeps rising...
Counting to >>207433:
[17] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
[18] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
[15] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?
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we're at 50 votes holy shit!
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Wow, that's a lot tighter than I expected it to be.
Time to make things worse!

[UNDO] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?
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[UNDO] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?

The Taoists have convinced me. All hail the anti-buddhism coalition!
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[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?

I wanna be a kamaitachi!
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And now it's a 3-way tie...
Absolutely wonderful.
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I wonder if the mausoleum option will be something unique and new like what happened with Reimu and her new mother. (Now she has 3 mothers lol)
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But I want a cute wanwan dog girl youmu. Is this too much to ask for?
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Well this guy certainly didn’t help.
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[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?

Please Satorin
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Depending on whether another one of gooboi's fanfics is connected to Re/Incarnation she might have 4 moms

If we go tengu, Youmu might end up reading Akyuu's books (considering the circumstances its almost certainly going to be catered/advertised towards youkai.)

Oooorrr a funny option would be her starting to remember after getting beaned in the head bu a Yin Yang Orb during the Great (miko) Crimson Slasher Incident (aka when Reimu makes it it the village.)

On the other hand being a Satori pet would have her constantly surrounded by vengeful spirits... I would be guessing she would be a Kasha because the circumstances would result in her being a scaredy cat

For the third... Eeehhh the only ones currently active at the mausoleum is Seija and maybe Tojiko (and. That means a ghost and Youmu...) Though that means its either to ghost that scares Youmu... Or Seija.

I'm leaning between tengu or pet, my vote is currently on Tengu.

Btw anyone good with tvtropes?
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[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?

God I love Satori
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But hang on guys, please consider. Youmu is clearly a precious cinnamon roll, and deserves all the positive attention possible. Which of the three is going to give her that? A low-ranking tengu grunt, a servant of Miko's household, or a beloved pet of Satori? Think of the look on Yuyuko's face when she realizes that petting Youmu is an option, and she missed out on it!
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Shitposting aside, there's strong arguments to be made for all three:
>Tengu route puts us in the best position to make contact with Akyuu (also, fluffy tail Youmu gets to spend time with her fellow sword nerd)
>Satori route lets us speedrun Youki
>Taoist route is the closest to Youmu's original upbringing, which should help with keeping our alignment on the human side
So I don't really have a strong preference which one wins.
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>> Anyone good with TV Tropes?

That would depend on your definition of “good with”.
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[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?
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[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?

I personally prefer cat Youmu to dog Youmu, also it is her destiny to never escape having a nosy, blue-wearing, pinkette mistress!

By the way, is this the first story where we will be having one whole Youmu, rather than two half Youmie?
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[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?

I'm just very partial to Satori, and Touhou 11's cast in general. We're either going to be playing a full stealth game against the mind reader or we'll have Satori as a solid ally.
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I'm gone for a couple hours and whoa it's a close one.

I still hold hope for wolf tengu Youmu.

Or at least birb Youmu if it comes down to be Satori's pet. Has the "twins" theory been shut down yet?

Anyways, I know it will be interesting to read.
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Things have finally calmed down (?)
Counting to >>207451:
[17] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
[21] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
[18] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?
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File 171398613939.png - (512.16KB, 789x728, lbol_miko_campaign.png)
>>207402 here.
Wow, uh. Congratulations to Gooboi on hitting the anon oil reservoir, I guess. Did not expect to actually see this many Miko votes when I cast mine a few hours ago. That being said, since it is so close, and there are so many votes, I'm going to do a little campaigning.

It's not too late to change your vote to the Crown Prince, and have all your desires heard! Look upon the vote you cast, and ask yourself if it is truly what you want.

Do you really want to support just being a tengu who has to spend their days balancing between scaring humans and keeping them safe?
Do you really want to be trapped underground as the pet of a cat/bird lady?
Or would you rather be one of the direct retainers of royalty! One whose state of being as a hermit (and also her friend's pet jiangshi) draw ties directly to a sage of this land?

Change your vote to the crown prince, and experience the glory of true freedom, as well as the satisfaction drawn from cultivating a wonderful garden. Give the taoists a turn in the limelight for once! Youmu deserves to be among peers who see her as one of them, not stuck in a position with no real respect! Vote Miko today, and get a free photo of a cute frog!
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[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?

Now where is my frog pic?
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File 171398788127.jpg - (1.24MB, 2048x1365, lil froggy 1.jpg)
lil froggy 1
I deliver.
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[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?
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[X] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
I demand Mom-miji
Best wolf deserves more appreciation
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[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?

I am not immune to bribery. Frog plz.
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[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
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File 171399116787.png - (1.11MB, 1400x845, lil froggy 2.png)
lil froggy 2
here you are. I did not actually expect to get anybody with the frogs but I'm happy to provide.

Frogs to any Miko voters! Tell your friends! Fresh or undo, let's see how far we can push this!
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File 17139912593.png - (303.73KB, 1200x768, lil froggy 3.png)
lil froggy 3
and one for you as well!
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Underhanded tactics from the taoists!
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It's called marketing! I just had these froggies lying around and figured they could be put to use supporting the Taoist cause.
It's not as though I hate the other options, but do you see the Satorites offering bird photos? Do you see the Tengu voters offering wolf photos? Nay, only the Crown Prince gives back to her supporters.

By the way, since we're at 60 (wow!) votes, I think this moment is clearly significant enough to turn into a spellcard.

Crossroads Sign: Fate's Tug of War
Three large, ethereal arms appear in the sky, each grabbing onto Youmu, before tugging her around the battlefield, shaking free a wild flurry of bullets as they do so. This pattern is not at all predictable, elegant, and probably leaves the user motionsick afterwards.
"A frenzied jostling through the air, pulled in every direction by the whims of fate. The only option for survival is to hide and wait for the disaster to go somewhere else."
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what if since youmu has her ghost half in this fic she is divided in two Youmu and Myon. and one goes to Satori and the other to the Mauselium, could be interesting and we get whats basically a Alpharius Omegon situation.
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Would only happen if there was a tie and it lasted for 2+ days.
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Toadosatomimi no Miko judges your votes.
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We need to respond in kind. One cute Okuu/Orin/Koishi pic for every Satori vote.
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[UNDO] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?

that is all
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File 171399403659.jpg - (251.36KB, 900x1440, a32b49c1eaa126f941c75327808e5596b438315e43e982b2ba.jpg)
>[awoo] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
Become a member of the lesser caste, a cog in the uncaring machine; and be punished for independence.
>[mew] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
Become the beloved pet of a loving owner. Become one of her surrogate daughters, and pull at her heartstrings when you need to leave for the surface (which makes for a good story), just like her sister.
>[eww] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?
Become the retainer of a fetid corpse, who won't even revive until the events of Ten Desires, and have to be around an evil necromancer and her equally fetid corpse of a jiangshi.
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[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
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>>207375 here:
[UNDO] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
[x] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
Tactical voting is about to commence en masse.
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birb 1
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[UNDO] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
[x] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
Seems like the Tengu are gonna have to wait. To the remains of old hell we go!
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Like we haven’t already screwed up the incident order.
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the whole crew
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Also isn’t The divine spirit mausoleum located in Mikos own Senkai which is another dimension . If so then we literally have no way to access Gensokyo until Ten Desires
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Not until SoPM and HM. It's below the Myouren Temple in TD with access through the graveyard. Even if Miko isn't revived until TD, she's got free access to the village from that cave right from the start.
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lil froggy 4
The Crown Prince thanks you.

I'll be handing out froggies until there's an official "please stop voting" proclamation! Give these folks a chance, and be blessed in turn.

also, I don't mind the insults to Santa Claus, but leave the Jiangshi out of this. If she wasn't so rotten, we wouldn't have Rigid Paradise.
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Welp, since it seems wolf Youmu is not happening, I'll have to hop on the second best alternative. Sorry to the tengu sympathizers, we tried our best.

[UNDO] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?

[x] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
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koishi 1
Your support is appreciated.
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…uh-oh… I think I just figured out what the “ripples in fate caused by attempting to defy it” mean…

Anyone else notice how all four incidents of the Moriya Shrine Conspiracy are found in the three choices?

And before anyone says ‘but Moriya isn’t here yet!’ Anyone else remember what Aunn mentioned that Kasen was in the middle of during the imperishable night?

> Kasen trawling the outside world, don’t we? We’ll find the heiress soon enough.

She’s looking for a successor in the outside world… and there is a shrine with a really powerful miko there… even if she doesn’t think Sanae is the successor, just investigating and maybe even talking with her about a lack of successor at an important shrine is pretty likely going to inspire Moriya to come over early, and with how shaky things are, is probably going to start going down quickly.

And hey, with the prologue in mind… Sanae is going to be noticeably younger when she comes over… probably not able to bounce into her energetic self like she did in the original timeline, especially since she’s going to be arriving at the same time that the empty position that she is coming over to help with will be filled by the arriving Kichou Reimu.

Mind you a Kichou Reimu that will likely be all gung ho for sending the village youkai packing the hard way… meanwhile Kanako considering the whole Rope Bridge plan, could quite possibly not only keep the village youkai presence there, but optimize it. Something the Tengu of the mountain would be interested in, might mean that they would be interested in availing themselves to Moriya, get in their good graces. Which means that they could offer someone to help look after they young Miko there…

And wouldn’t it be nice if Sanae had a Stalwart and Protective guardian puppy to be with her as she gets used to Gensokyo?

You wouldn’t deprive Sanae of a doggy would you?

Vote Tengu Mountain!


Enough to start a page for Redo/Reimu? (or Re/incarnation or whatever the title is now, Redo is Reimu’s arc so i dunno) I haven’t ever given a shot at editing, much less starting a page, was wondering if someone here has.
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adding on to my post, I mean this arc's prologue, not the death of gensokyo one.
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Counting to >>207482:
Main Choice:
[14] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
[26] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
[22] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?
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File 171399678337.jpg - (723.67KB, 1200x637, TenguPropaganda.jpg)
Not on my watch!

The Youkai Mountain Needs You!

Due to recent unfolding events. Our honorable and noble Lord Tenma calls forth any able bodied men and women of the Tengu populace to enlist in the Tengu Patrol Corps, Territorial Defenses and Information Corps!

If you're not a tengu, then ask yourself what you should do be doing these trying times! Fool around? Join a secluded religious sect? Become a servant of some weird noble? Do nothing?!

Instead, do your part in maintaining Gensokyo's current fragile balance! Travel the Youkai mountain! Explore the dense forests and vast fields of Gensokyo! Keep peace in the Human Village! Create lasting relationships with the populace and fellow patrol(wo)men! Punish the wrongdoers! Enlist in the in the service of Lord Tenma!

Any species welcomed! Any background is irrelevant! Lodging, meals, good pay and more benefits are provided for your service!

Join the Tengu Patrol Corps Today!
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[X] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
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File 171399768723.jpg - (112.75KB, 850x1166, __moriya_suwako_and_hasunoue_keroppi_touhou_and_2_.jpg)
why go with just frogs when you can go with a Frog Goddess! AND regular frogs!

Vote Tengu Mountain, you'll also get Frogs!
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Changed my mind, also I voted a while ago and while I'm not 100%, this was my post I still voted for Satori so it should be fine anyway.

[UNDO] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?

[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?
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I've grown bored enough watching the votes roll in to read through the thread and gather info on why people are voting the way they are, and I'm going to give my own analysis of it. (do we need to get an external voting platform or something? we're only going to be fitting in like two votes a thread at this rate)

Take what you will with this info! I tried to pick the first example of every reason I could find.
Reasons to vote Guardian
Get to play a part in Tengu Politics (>>207371)
Specifies training swords, so likely better at them than the other two even if all three are swordfighters (>>207373)
Immediate access to human village (>>20739)
Get to have friends our own age, better gear (>>207399)
Momiji (>>207403)
Older, so better info on Neosokyo when memories are regained (>>207422)

Reasons to vote Servant
Get to be a Satori??? (This one seems solidly disproven by the actual text of the vote but I remember seeing it somewhere so I'm just including it here)
Closer to Youki/Reimu (>>207374)
Access to a mindreader helps confirm things if we keep/get back our memories (>>207384)
Satori herself (>>207386)
Satori may have ties to the Yama.(>>207408)
Get to be an animal youkai (>>207438)
I personally don't give much water to the Yama or the "get to be a Satori" reasons" but they are reasons.

Reasons to vote Gardener
Get to be undead/immortal (>>207383)
Access to valuable artifacts (>>207387)
Potential tie to Saki (>>207387)
Taoists (>>207396)
Taoists are underappreciated (>>207402)
Youmu has a tie to the taoists (>>207402)
Gardening skills (>>207404)
Freedom of movement (>>207407)
More unique reincarnation (>>207411)
Miko can read multiple people's desires at once (>>207417)
Better balanced starting stats (>>207427)
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Whatever the outcome, it was nice voting with you all. I dread to think the mess that’s going to happen when voting for Kosuzu’s origin.

P.S. Toasty Taoists Forever!
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If the plan we stick to is Marisa last, that is going to be chaotic. Especially if Marisa's list has both what she would want and a gag one that makes her much weaker.

Kosuzu will be messy but as long as we give her books then we should be able to come to an agreement.
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for a Kosuzu i really hope we get a Tanuki option for her, one that fills the outside world reincarnation because of who i really want her to be her mom
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If we get one Satori voter to flip to Miko we can get back into Tied-Nightmare Land.

What a vote today has been. Feels like we've gone on an entire adventure contained in one arc, from dogs to frogs. I remember thinking this morning "oh, it's going to be supporters of tengu politics vs people who are fans of satori" and anon delivered to a completely different address.

Congrats to Gooboi on making such a good story that everybody wants to be a part of it.
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[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?
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Good lord, I leave this thread for a few hours and I come back to see frogs, bribing, and over 60 votes here
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File 171400236179.png - (1.18MB, 1100x1168, lil froggies 5&6.png)
lil froggies 5&6
thank you for your support for the Taoist cause! I hope you don't mind sharing these two frogs, they asked so politely to stay together.

C'mon, folks. Give it a chance. Just flip to Miko... you know you want to.
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>>207371 here
While my tengu politics bias is great, my pissing into the wind ability isn't, and I've been swayed. Not in the direction that either of the propogandists here want, though.

[UNDO] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?

I think it'd be very interesting to see Youmu with the much more attentive Satori as her master (my personal biases toward Satori definitely do not factor into this decision) as well as how she interacts with the various pets. She's spent most of her life in Hakugyoukuro with only Yuyuko, Youki, and a whole host of spirits, so having other animal youkai to interact with will be interesting.
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[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?

I'd much rather be underground with Satori than underground with a bunch of Taoists (and one [1] hermit).
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I hear what you're saying but there's a little difference between "house has a cave entrance & a woman who can make holes in any surface" and "buried underground by an ancient treaty that forbids exit."
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[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
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cat 1
As the chief propagandist for the Komeiji faction, I thank you for your support.
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If I remember correctly, the cave entrance wasn’t available until Seiga opened it so both of our theoretical ways to get to the surface would be reliant on Seiga’s goodwill, something that I personally don’t want to count on.

If we do somehow convince Seiga to open up a way for us I’m going to assume she will be driving a bargain as stiff as the corpses she keeps around.
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birb 3
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What are you talking about? Seiga would love having a little girl to corrupt around the mausoleum!
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That’s assuming we aren’t starting out as a Jiangshi which I highly doubt. But still owing Seiga a debt is not something I want.
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Sixty votes in nine hours.

Sixty votes in nine hours.

I am utterly, utterly blown away at this point. Thank you all so, so much.

With that said, as fun as some of this has been, I’m going to lay down a rule: from here on out, no bribery rewards. This thread is half-way to getting autosavaged and we don’t even know what flavour of Youm you’d be yet. Votes still ongoing for a bit more.

I’ll also say, the mausoleum option will NOT be a jiangshi. Partially because it’s weird to reincarnate as a corpse… and partially because gardening would be hard with stiff arms.
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And we broke the previous record, fun.
Watch as we continue doubling the number of votes for every new character.
That ain't gonna happen... right?
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watch it happen it'll be funny
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More vote, more power! It's comeback season friends!

#Tengu!Youmu for the win!
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In complete hindsight I apologize for the excessive campaigning - doesn't seem to have ultimately changed the outcome and just pushed everything on longer especially with the bribes - but I'm not too beat up about Satori. Like, it'd be nice picking an origin with a character not in the top 10 last popularity poll, but she's so beloved for a reason, and I'm looking forward to this one all the same.

Also, hey! GMpost mascot is either the zombie poet or a representative of gardening, so we win the moral victory.
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Hm. Seeing that the Moriya might come early, I'm gonna add something I was thinking since the thread dropped. Does that mean we can get a personal weapon made/blessed by Kanako. A war god. Probably really good. So yeah. Moriya good, Aya good, Sanae good, Momiji good, join the tengu.
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If I've counted properly, the current tally is:

[14] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
[28] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
[24] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?
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I vote for potential Satori head pats. Also having someone with access to old hell and an actual brain when kanako inevitably shows up and has ideas is probably a good idea

[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
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[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?

This sounds interesting.
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Ah yes Kanako. Goddess of bad decisions. Satori headpats and hugs are a requirement. Also hugs from okku and rin
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In all seriousness we do need Subterranean animism to happen because without it. Byakuren never gets unsealed and the Buddhists never escape old hell. Also Miko doesn’t revive without the Myouren Temple. Both parties are pretty important. Also Mamizou never comes to Gensokyo without it and she’s extremely important. Being In old hell would allow us to mitigate the damage when we do trigger it
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[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?

Tengu's not winning so I'm going with my second best pick. I want to stay as far away from the Moirya incident combo as possible, considering we won't have any memories to mitigate it.
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Honestly I don't understand why people wouldn't let the blademaster actually make a career out of her skill as a wolf
It does Youmu such a disservice to toss her skills in the trash by making her a gardener or base servant
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i've been meaning to ask for a while now, but would there be any chance of sharing a bit more behind-the-scenes of potential arcs? like what the main conflicts would have been if we had picked another origin, if we made this drastically different decision, etc.

there were mentions of scrapped plans for reimu kickstarting her vigilante career early and giving a tag-along otter multiple heart attacks along the way, and the almost-plotline of reimu being found by yuuma inside the coffin and having to escape from prison, which i thought was really interesting. it doesn't necessarily have to be as detailed as those, but just the vague outlines/plans would be cool to see. mostly to indulge my curiosity of how things could have gone if the votes went in different directions.
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[X] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?

White Wolf Tengu have swords and their job might be closer to what Youmu was.

Also, because I'm all about Momiji.
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Well, if you'd asked Sagume what her deal was with that distress beacon, the whole of that would have been different. It would have focused more on the SDM cast as they came towards the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

The moon rabbit sisters would have been infiltrating towards the Scarlet Devil Mansion. There would have been at least one chance where they'd have to hide to avoid being spotted... and one of the options would be 'jump in the (misty) lake'. which would have worked, because everyone would have just assumed that it was some fairies playing.

Mystia was dragged along because, if you confronted Remilia directly, Akyuu would have gotten the option to free mystia mid-battle - and that would have been the correct choice, as the anti-scarlet team had various countermeasures for light-blindness that the scarlet team don't. Akyuu would begin quoting her Chronicle, and that would have progressed her Re/Awakening as well. Basically that version of the battle would have been book smarting your way through turning the fight in your favour. If you won it, Remilia would have tried to make you her pet then and there, and Komachi would have saved the day.

More detailed stuff... if I run out of epiloques and stuff to write, but not time to write them, i've been mulling over making alt-ilogues with different combinations of reincarnations, to show a little bit of what could have been. I guess we'll see.

Also... we just hit the seventy mark on votes. For reference, the vote to pick Youmu totalled at 44 votes, and the winning vote was twenty-six for Youmu. This time, Twenty-six votes only gets your second place, and you could remove every vote for second place and still only get even with the Arc vote. And it's STILL not over yet!

If you do end up starting a page, it'd probably make the most sense to call it Redo/Reimu in my eyes. And for what I'd call this whole opening saga... I'd call it the Re/Awakening saga, for various, obvious reasons.
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tengu!youmu has the best opportunity for character growth, in my opinion.

think about it- the tengu have one hell of a cutthroat society. we're gonna be forced to make cunning decisions and play politics with the power dynamics stacked against us. youmu's (soon to be previous) character, ultimately, is that of a loyal servant who doesn't ask questions and mostly goes along with what yuyuko says. she doesn't really understand most of what's going on.

the other two choices wouldn't take that away. if the TD option is shikaisen/tsukumogami, we're still vulnerable to just blindly following along with what miko (or, in the case that she hasn't awakened yet, seiga) will say since all of the others look up to her as an authority figure. satori is an authority figure that's highly adored by her pets.

white wolf tengu, if not momiji specifically, aren't satisfied with the caste system. momiji outright complains about it in AFiEU, and there's a good chance other white wolf tengu feel the same. being exposed to an environment where authorities are respected but also seen as annoyances... it would be a stark contrast to her previous life, that would be sure.
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fate of sixty votes euhehueheuh
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Let's go! 100 votes is in sight! A lengthy goal, but it's doable! Vote now! Number good!
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[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?
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Zzz... Hm...?
Counting to >>207529:
Main Choice:
[15] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
[29] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
[27] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?

Also, please remember to [UNDO] your original vote if you're switching for accurate vote tallying (Although I could be wrong and there could be new people joining in).
>1: If you're adding write-ins to an existing vote, please just reference your original vote and only add the write-ins. Do not write in a vote twice if you're not changing that part.
>2: If you're undoing a previous vote that YOU made, write in the undone vote as [UNDO] (vote text) and write in the new vote with the standard [X]. Do this as many times as you like, as long as you do both parts.

Finally, it actually seems that we've settled on a vote (unless things begin to stir up again in 3-4 hours).
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Fine. >>207373 here. I have been convinced that Taoism might actually be really cool after all. Also, I really don't want another beast 2hu if we already have Turtle Reimu. We will get a Tengu hu one day though.

[UNDO] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?
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[X] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?
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Aaah. No Tengu Youmu. Shame.

[UNDO] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?

This is the second Tengu option we skipped (first one was in Redo.) One day we shall have our time in the sun. For now...

[X] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?

Satori. And Myon. Nuff said.
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Screenshot 2024-04-25 200425
If you saw me post something, you didn't.

I'm just gonna call for a straight tiebreaker vote here! So FIRST TO THIRTY VOTES WINS!
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Uhhh buddy...the finish line is too close. We just hit 30 for Satori.
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And the Tao too. 29 or 30 idk. Maybe set the number to 35 or 40.
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>>[13] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
>>[30] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
>>[29] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?
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Ahhhhh... I'm sorry everyone, I had like three different ways to resolve it and I panicked. 532, 534 and 536 were all me posting slightly different things.

OKAY! We're going with Satori. Post coming soon.
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Welp, guess we get Youmu as Satori's servant. ggwp to everyone participating, author, dw, these things happen, and let's get this started!

(Seems the theme for jpegs this arc is resident florist, Yuuka.)
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Hey Team Miko we lost it will be for another time even so ggwp for everyone.

It was fun all this large number of votes and comments
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Who cares that it's Mikover? The REAL sad thing that it is Futover. :(((((

I voted for being satori's pet, tho. Next time, Taoists.
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Screenshot 2024-04-25 174706
[13] A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
[30] A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
[29] A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?

…It was because of her mistress, of course.

Her lady was enigmatic, often frustrating, but she was kind and caring as well. That was why she’d sent her to the shrine, was it not?

Youmu smiled, holding on to just two of the threads. Her faithful servitude, and her expert swordsmanship. That would be enough. She thought back to the times when her mistress had let her rest her head in her lap, with no need for words. After all, when she could read minds there-

The swordswoman stopped. That… that wasn’t right. Her mistress sometimes felt like she could read minds, but she couldn’t do it literally. …Right? No, but then what was her third eye for? …Third eye?!

Youmu tried to think back, with increasing panic, but it was like there was two… similar and yet dissimilar images, fighting for dominance. The mistress she remembered, and the mistress she used to remember, and increasingly found difficult to. Then… then a part of her went dark. Every sense and sensation of her phantom half just… shut off. She looked around, to see the phantom half dissipating into a cloud of feathers, and tried to lunge for it. Rather than managing to catch them, though, the feathers swarmed around her, throwing off her vision.

She had to recall her memories, to hold on to them. Like, like when she’d first met Lady- Lady- she groaned, thrashing as she tried to remember, pulling her hands in front of her, in a defensive posture. “Stay back! Stay back!” She crossed the broken sticks, trembling in fear.

The woman standing before her stopped, kneeling before Youmu. “How fascinating. Albinism? No… blue eyes. Leukism then? …It’s okay, little one. I’m not going to hurt either of you.”

Youmu took a step back, nearly tripping over her sister. “Just… just leave us alone! We don’t need your help!” She flared up her wings, trying to make herself look scarier. Utsuho huddled behind her, timidly.

The woman shook her head, sadly. “...I think you do, little Youmu.” At Youmu’s shocked expression, she nodded. “...Yes, I know your names. And I know other things about you, too.”

“O-oh yeah? Like what?”

The third eye looked at her. Through her. Into her. “...I know you two have only had each other to stay with. That you try to work together to protect each other. That you try to fight off any of the more threatening things like a samurai, and your sister tries to carry more so you don’t hurt yourself.”

The small woman inched closer, and the two hell-raven chicks shuffled back, until there was nothing but a rock behind them. “And… I know one thing. One trick that’d make you two weak at the knees.”

Youmu whimpered, but steadied her breath. Battered and bruised hands gripped at the two sticks. A sneak attack should beat her back, and then Utsuho could run, and then- and then she’d figure it out from there.

The blue-garbed woman gave a small smile, but Youmu wasn’t fooled. When she sensed her moment, she jumped forward, trying to smack the bigger youkai in the face- but the youkai snatched at her sticks, pulling them away from her. The ruffles of her sleeves revealed the hands they’d been concealing, reaching out, grabbing at the chicks, and they were unable to resist being stumbled forward, into, into-

Into a hug. Firm, but gentle. And somehow… familiar. In a way that neither of the sisters thought they would ever feel again.

“Shhh… it’s okay. You’re safe now.”

Youmu shuddered, confused, scared, lost in a nostalgia she’d thought buried, but relief and exhaustion was what won the day, her knees giving out beneath her. The youkai woman gave a satisfied chuckle, gently taking the white raven’s weight and lifting them both up from below.

“My name is Komeiji Satori.” The woman’s eyes were gentle, as comforting as her hands were. “I have a sister I love very, very much too.”

The two sisters looked up at her. Utsuho spoke first. “Y-you do?”

Satori nodded. “Yes… and I’d stand up to a youkai twice my size and still try to fight them off too, if they were trying to hurt my sister. You’re both beautiful little birds… can I ask you something?”

They nodded, and Satori spoke. “...Would you like to come home with me? If you two help me protect my sister… We’ll help protect you two, as well.”

The two birds looked at each other. Both of them were scared, and confused, and yet… and yet…

Satori gave a warm smile. “I promise you’ll be safe. I have a lot of pets, and we all protect each other.” She turned, beginning to walk with them. “Will you trust me? Utsuho? Youmu?”

Slowly, they nodded, and she gave a sigh of obvious relief. “Thank goodness… you really had me worried, you know.” She began walking them back, back to where she had come from. Her hug was gentle, and her body was warm… and with the relief of the day seeping through them, Youmu found her eyes getting heavier and heavier.

“Don’t worry.” The satori smiled at them. “You’re both going to love it at Chireiden. Now, what should I call you two…?”

“Chireiden…?” Youmu
mumbled, as her brain drifted back from the fog. The feathers had into an orderly pattern around her, and… and she found she could move them, spreading out and flexing them, experimentally.

So that was it, then. Now that she could tell what was happening, it was… easier. To partition between her Lady Yuyuko, and her new Lady Satori.

Still, she felt a sinking guilt in her, as her wings began to dwindle, and her body shrunk, smaller and smaller. As a white shell began to form around her, she found herself wondering, could she ever face Lady Yuyuko like this? Serving another mistress, even if not entirely by choice?

And, a small but insistent part of her noted, hopefully not end up on her plate in the process?

+Youmu? Konpaku Youmu?+

A voice, one she had never heard. But one she distinctly remembered. Memories deep within her stirred. Akyuu…?

+Ngh… Do you hear me? Youmu… Youmu!+ Youmu looked around, trying to source the voice. +If you can hear me… come to the surface, and find me.+ An image flashed into her mind, of a lunar rabbit… one that looked a lot like Reisen, but was still distinctly Akyuu-like.

“Akyuu?” The hell raven jumped, looking around. “Akyuu?! AKYUU?!”

“...Bless you?” Orin turned her head, looking at Youmu with curiosity. “You, uh, you alright there, Myon?”

+Ngh… please…+ The voice fell silent, and Youmu felt her heart stop. The more she looked around, the more unnatural and strange this place looked.

“Where am I?! Where’s Lady Yuyuko?” She whirled her head around, trying to make sense of her surroundings.

It was a hallway in… in Chireiden. The entrance hall, specifically. Jostled and jumbled memories presented themselves in no particular order, and Youmu’s mind struggled to process it.

“I- you- there was- where- when-”

The cat stepped forward, gently shooshing the panicked hell raven. “Calm down, calm down… I’m going to get Lady Satori, okay? You just take a seat and try to collect yourself.” Youmu nodded, taking a shuddering breath, and leant against the proffered wall.

What was going on? What had she been doing…? She tried to gather her thoughts. She’d been… she’d been out shopping for groceries with Orin, hadn’t she? They… they’d just gotten back, and she’d heard Akyuu’s voice.

And she remembered. Everything, all at once. Or… maybe nearly everything. There were still patches in her memory. Looking around, she saw a mess of dropped fruit and vegetables, and began to pick them up…

And felt a chill. A part of her was just… gone. She couldn’t feel her ghost half, not at all, nor get its senses to augment her own. She curled up, uncertainly pulling her wings around her, and shuddered at the absent feeling. The wings made a poor substitute for a whole missing body; even in this life, when she’d practiced her blades, she’d done it without her wings. She usually just folded them up when on the ground to keep them safely out of range of any enemy attacks. She could fly with them, but… she was far from the most graceful at it.

Instinct set at 0.

She looked down, examining herself more closely. Within the nest of white wings were black clothes with green trimmings. She vaguely remembered seeing Okuu dressing up in similar clothes in white, both in this life and her past one - the household had been rather taken with the two of them wearing opposite whites and blacks, and it made sorting out whose was whose easy, so neither had really objected. And her body… well, that eye thing wasn't there, and both her and Okuu’s actual body shapes were relatively small and flighty. More so than she’d expected - she was maybe a bit taller than she had been at the same age, and Okuu was a finger-or-so bit taller again, but both had figures that resembled their past selves, and neither was quite as tall as Rin.

As if on cue, the kasha returned, bringing the lady of the house in tow. Satori Komeiji knelt down, concerned. “Myon…? Your thoughts are a mess. Are you… are you alright?”

Youmu took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. That… that pulse of unpleasantness, of her body feeling alien to her…

[ ] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do. (Sets Spirit to Human-2... well, you know what I mean.)
[ ] Leveled out, as she rationalised it. This body wasn't... too dissimilar to her past one, and the differences were decently beneficial to herself, if she properly got a handle on them. (Sets Spirit to Neutral.)

For those wondering, the other options were
- Having a Mom-iji (2 Instinct)
- And being the Prince's Second Pegasus, KuroShirokoma. (-2 Instinct)
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No youkai option? What could this possibly mean?
[x] Leveled out, as she rationalised it. This body wasn't... too dissimilar to her past one, and the differences were decently beneficial to herself, if she properly got a handle on them. (Sets Spirit to Neutral.)
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[X] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do. (Sets Spirit to Human-2... well, you know what I mean.)

Youmu Reiuji? Got a bit of a ring to it. Being Okuu's sister is neat, too.
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A hell raven is still a youkai, and I'm pretty sure tengu are considered to be youkai too.

[x] Leveled out, as she rationalised it. This body wasn't... too dissimilar to her past one, and the differences were decently beneficial to herself, if she properly got a handle on them. (Sets Spirit to Neutral.)
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Sorry, I meant spirit (for Youkai-2)
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>Having a Mom-iji (2 Instinct)
Would have been adorable, but eh.
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Not having a Mom-iji, why even live now? /jk

[X] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do. (Sets Spirit to Human-2... well, you know what I mean.)

This one makes more sense for me, even if her body is not too different, additional wings and the lack of a half might be too much to just say "this is fine".
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Please do more of these sick flashbacks transition, I genuinely love them sm
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[X] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do.

Literally lost a limb and gained two others. Of course Youm would be feeling weird. Suffering literal phantom limb syndrome.
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youkai-leaning spirit means that the character is more accepting of their new youkai body and instincts. with her phantom half gone, a youkai-aligned spirit just isn't an option for youmu. losing an entire body sucks.

anyways, seems like we got the memories back through psychic message instead of having akyuu show up in person like i'd hoped for when i voted for white wolf tengu. can't win them all, i suppose. but i wonder how they got the psychic message to connect in the first place? i thought only moon rabbits could communicate to each other psychically. satori being nearby might've helped, but i think it's a bit early for that level of speculation just yet.

[X] Leveled out, as she rationalised it. This body wasn't... too dissimilar to her past one, and the differences were decently beneficial to herself, if she properly got a handle on them. (Sets Spirit to Neutral.)

swords + wings is a really cool combo and i'll die defending it.
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>Having a Mom-iji (2 Instinct)


[X] Leveled out, as she rationalised it. This body wasn't... too dissimilar to her past one, and the differences were decently beneficial to herself, if she properly got a handle on them. (Sets Spirit to Neutral.)
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>She looked down, examining herself more closely. [...] And her body… well, that eye thing wasn't there, and both her and Okuu’s actual body shapes were relatively small and flighty.
It reads like Youmu is noticing that her body doesn't match Okuu's body due to Youmu not having her own "eye thing" like Okuu does, but Okuu got that eye (along with her nuke powers) after absorbing Yatagarasu's power at Kanako's request? Either this is a huge timeskip to post-MoF, Moriya Shrine got to work early, or QM forgot to check her SoPM page


[x] Leveled out, as she rationalised it. This body wasn't... too dissimilar to her past one, and the differences were decently beneficial to herself, if she properly got a handle on them. (Sets Spirit to Neutral.)
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Okuu is not there, she's going from memory. The text only implies that the eye is not there on Youmu, not that Okuu has it.
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Oh boy. Poor Youmu. Feeling an entire part of your body go dark must feel horrible. Wonder if she'll still reflexively try and call upon her other half, like a phantom (pun not intended) limb. For now...

[X] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do. (Sets Spirit to Human-2... well, you know what I mean.)

Youmu doesn't really do well with stress. So yeah. Bury it, somewhere where it shouldn't impact anyone. As bad as an idea it is, it's also fitting.

On extras...

(X) Hug Satori. Something solid and warm might help stabilize this mess of thoughts.

Is this just an excuse for another hug? Yes. Does Youmu need it? Yes.

Wonder when we'll get our 'Genji'. Guess we need to explore former hell to find out.
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[X] Leveled out, as she rationalised it. This body wasn't... too dissimilar to her past one, and the differences were decently beneficial to herself, if she properly got a handle on them. (Sets Spirit to Neutral.)
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I love this write-in.

As >>207546:
[x] Hug Satori. Something solid and warm might help stabilize this mess of thoughts.
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kiryu table slam
>No Mom-iji
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[X] Leveled out, as she rationalised it. This body wasn't... too dissimilar to her past one, and the differences were decently beneficial to herself, if she properly got a handle on them. (Sets Spirit to Neutral.)
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[X] Leveled out, as she rationalised it. This body wasn't... too dissimilar to her past one, and the differences were decently beneficial to herself, if she properly got a handle on them. (Sets Spirit to Neutral.)

How many moms have we missed at this point?

- Yamama Kurodani...
- Sagumom Kishin...
- Mom-iji Inubashiri...

I wonder if there will be a Yukari Yakumom...
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[X] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do.

It would be nice to have our first Human Alignment character, and losing half of your soul sounds like the best justification if any.
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If Yakumom is Marisa's mama then I feel sorry for Pache's library.
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[X] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do. (Sets Spirit to Human-2... well, you know what I mean.)
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We still got Yachie Momchou.

...and Momi Eiki, but I think that was something we get no matter what reincarnation we chose for Akyuu.
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[X] Leveled out, as she rationalised it. This body wasn't... too dissimilar to her past one, and the differences were decently beneficial to herself, if she properly got a handle on them. (Sets Spirit to Neutral.)

Ngl, the idea of Orin being taller than Okuu feels deeply wrong. Okuu’s too much of a himbo to be so short.
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Whew, dodged a bullet there, almost had youmu's de-facto, if not near literal mistress be Seiga Kaku. If there is another chance for her to sink her hands into one of the remaining two, it will be too soon.

[X] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do. (Sets Spirit to Human-2... well, you know what I mean.)

(X) Hug Satori. Something solid and warm might help stabilize this mess of thoughts.

I think Satori might end up being the new Genji (plushy) for this arc...
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Anonymous 2024/04/25 (Thu) 14:25 No. 207564 ▼
[X] Leveled out, as she rationalised it. This body wasn't... too dissimilar to her past one, and the differences were decently beneficial to herself, if she properly got a handle on them. (Sets Spirit to Neutral.)
[x] Hug Satori. Something solid and warm might help stabilize this mess of thoughts.
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I was thinking... we lost Mom-iji but we also lost a possible rivalry between Youmu and Reimu, if Youmu ended being related to Saki (to me it reads "adopted little sister" rather than daughter or sister, but eh).

I've been feeling awful since Sunday (stomach issues) so I wasn't on my PC as much and I've fallen really behind with the drawings (I'd been trying to do at least 1 every two days). Today I'm working from home and I'm feeling way better, so maybe I'll drop something later.
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[X] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do. (Sets Spirit to Human-2... well, you know what I mean.)

(X) Find some solace in your swordsmanship skills. Even if you lost you (half) body, you still have something of your previous identity to grasp to, right?

Now if you excuse me, I'll weep in the corner, for we lost (Mom)iji.
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[X] Leveled out, as she rationalised it. This body wasn't... too dissimilar to her past one, and the differences were decently beneficial to herself, if she properly got a handle on them. (Sets Spirit to Neutral.)

(X) Hug Satori. Something solid and warm might help stabilize this mess of thoughts.
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Don’t forget Iizunamaru Megu-mom. Kuroko-mom was another option here, though they would have been estranged - her living at the mausoleum would have been because it’s literally the only place that people like Yachie wouldn’t think to look. As for getting instructed by Seiga, well, someone has to teach the thugs daughter important life lessons like “no witnesses no crime”

Youmu doesn’t get a Youkai spirit option because she’s literally missing half of herself. She’s also one of the best candidates for being human aligned, despite the fact she’s the least human - her techniques are more grounded than most, so instinct being lower doesn’t hamper her like the rest. conversely, Kosuzu will be the opposite, and Marisa will depend on which form you pick.

I will say, assuming I don’t change the options, both Kosuzu and Marisa have 1 mom option and one option that is currently undecided for me (but leaning sister both ways)
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[X] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do.

- (X) Hug Satori. Something solid and warm might help stabilize this mess of thoughts.
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> “Akyuu?” The hell raven jumped, looking around. “Akyuu?! AKYUU?!”

> “...Bless you?” Orin turned her head, looking at Youmu with curiosity. “You, uh, you alright there, Myon?”

This is now a tradition
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Ok so we DID miss on a possible rivalry twice (Pegasus/Jidiao and Crow/Wolf tengu)
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Mommy Yuuka is adorable. My only question is. Who’s the father
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>>207546 here:
[UNDO] Leveled out, as she rationalized it. This body wasn't... too dissimilar to her past one, and the differences were decently beneficial to herself, if she properly got a handle on them. (Sets Spirit to Neutral.)
[x] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do. (Sets Spirit to Human-2... well, you know what I mean.)
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[X] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do.
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[UNDO] Leveled out, as she rationalised it. This body wasn't... too dissimilar to her past one, and the differences were decently beneficial to herself, if she properly got a handle on them. (Sets Spirit to Neutral.)
[x] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do. (Sets Spirit to Human-2
We still need that hug
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[X] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do. (Sets Spirit to Human-2... well, you know what I mean.)

(X) Hug Satori. Something solid and warm might help stabilize this mess of thoughts.
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But what if Alice Mamatroid?
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I’ll One up you. What about Shinki mama
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>>207547 adding
(X) Cut through the confusion using the- ...Oh, right.
(X) Hug Satori. Something solid and warm might help stabilize this mess of thoughts.
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Hey, don't forget that we also got Keiki-dad as well.
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[X] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do. (Sets Spirit to Human-2... well, you know what I mean.)
(X) Hug Satori. Something solid and warm might help stabilize this mess of thoughts.

I agree, but for that we need Instinct rather than Spirit.
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Counting to >>207591:
Main Choice:
[14] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do. (Sets Spirit to Human-2... well, you know what I mean.)
[9] Leveled out, as she rationalised it. This body wasn't... too dissimilar to her past one, and the differences were decently beneficial to herself, if she properly got a handle on them. (Sets Spirit to Neutral.)

Potential Additions:
[9] Hug Satori. Something solid and warm might help stabilize this mess of thoughts. (>>207559, >>207561, >>207571, >>207572, >>207575, >>207577, >>207584, >>207589, >>207591)
[1] Find some solace in your swordsmanship skills. Even if you lost you (half) body, you still have something of your previous identity to grasp to, right? (>>207574)
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I think we are missing something crucial. We are being called Myon & we have a sister in Okuu. I have a crackpot theory that this means that Okuu may have received the fragments of our ghost half as Satori refers to one of the two as fighting in a samurai-esque manner & the other diligently trying to share in their burdens, neither of which are a very Okuu like traits but do match Youmu’s modus operandi. This would mean that Okuu will act as our balance on the instinct/spirit scale.
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[X] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do. (Sets Spirit to Human-2... well, you know what I mean.)
(X) Hug Satori. Something solid and warm might help stabilize this mess of thoughts.

Human-2 just makes the most sense for Youmu here.
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The worst part is that the loss means no story like it will be attempted again
This was the one and only chance and now its gone
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I propose that the next time we are offered a mom choice, or something that seems like a mom choice, we take it. We need more 2hu-moms!!
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It would have been interesting if Youmu had been a pegasus and Saki was his mother but the rivalry is better left to Marisa along with Reimu.

[X] Leveled out, as she rationalised it. This body wasn't... too dissimilar to her past one, and the differences were decently beneficial to herself, if she properly got a handle on them.

I will wait a little bit of the plot to be the logo although it will only be a couple of minor changes.
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Huh, aside from two issues that (alongside a Yuumom vote for either Kosuzu or Marisa) would have made the epilogue/ whole of arc 1 quite a bit funnier as all three families are so darn sure that the other two don’t have a kid, while desperately trying to make sure those same two families don’t find out about the kid… only to have this situation come down and they end up meeting anyways and probably show back up after everything is over (if not sooner.) altogether making all the effort moot.

Course the issue would be that would mean that 3/5ths of the heroines are all directly tied to the animal realm, which considering how much of Gensokyo there is does seem a bit of a waste to concentrate that amount of story/lore just around there (even if not always directly there)

And the second issue from this vote would have had Youmu stuck with Seiga Kaku, which… just no.


We could have also had the Reimu/Youmu Rivalry with the Wolf Tengu as well, with Reimu likely wanting to bluntly kick out all of the youkai in the village right now, and Youmu would’ve been part of one of the major presences in the village (heck if the vote had gone through, Akyuu might’ve missed accidentally coming across her by a couple of hours when she was with Reisen and Kaguya delivering medicine! Not that it would have happened, but it would have been a funny bit of working the lore backwards.) and thus lead to the two butting heads over that.

Also, >>207571 here, adding to my vote for the funny:

(X) Cut through the confusion using the- ...Oh, right.
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What would make it even more funnier, in that situation, is if Keiki granted virgin births, inadvertently, to all of them in exchange for things she needed to set up operations in the animal realm. Making Keiki, technically, the "father" of all of them.
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Could have Yuuka mom for Marisa
she would be the very best mom at that
I will forever be asshurt at losing out on yamama AND momiji
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Even if we don't get a Yuukamom option, If we get a Fairysa vote would be close to that since IIRC Yuuka is often portrayed close to the Fairies
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personally i want mamizou to be a mom to Kosuzu
but if there is a option between yuuma or yuuka for marisa i dont know who to choice
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[X] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do. (Sets Spirit to Human-2... well, you know what I mean.)
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>> "It’s okay, little one. I’m not going to hurt either of you.”

>> Youmu took a step back, nearly tripping over her sister. “Just… just leave us alone! We don’t need your help!” She flared up her wings, trying to make herself look scarier. Utsuho huddled behind her, timidly.

>> The woman shook her head, sadly. “I think you do, little Youmu... I know you two have only had each other to stay with. That you try to work together to protect each other. That you try to fight off any of the more threatening things like a samurai, and your sister tries to carry more so you don’t hurt yourself.”

>> “My name is Komeiji Satori.” The woman’s eyes were gentle, as comforting as her hands were. “I have a sister I love very, very much too.”

>> The two sisters looked up at her. Utsuho spoke first. “Y-you do?”

>> Satori nodded. “Yes… and I’d stand up to a youkai twice my size and still try to fight them off too, if they were trying to hurt my sister. You’re both beautiful little birds… can I ask you something?”

>> They nodded, and Satori spoke. “...Would you like to come home with me? If you two help me protect my sister… We’ll help protect you two, as well.”

Seems I really needed that rest. This is one of my best works in a while.
Fun fact, I love winged characters so I put a little more effort in this one.

The cool thing with colours is a fun parallel with Satori and Koishi who are more or less the same palette, but with colours inverted. Youmu and Okuu will end up doing basically the same in their new dresses.

I took some liberties with this one. I took the liberty of making them look like "orphans on the run". Also, I like the dynamic of Youmu playing "protective big sister" while Okuu is the shy one. Even if it turns out being a different dynamic altogether, I really had fun with this one since we basically got the "twins" thing going on.
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[X] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do. (Sets Spirit to Human-2... well, you know what I mean.)
Poor Youmu, forget phantom limb syndrome, she has to deal with phantom body syndrome
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[X] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do.
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[X] Leveled out, as she rationalised it. This body wasn't... too dissimilar to her past one, and the differences were decently beneficial to herself, if she properly got a handle on them. (Sets Spirit to Neutral.)
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[x] Leveled out, as she rationalised it. This body wasn't... too dissimilar to her past one, and the differences were decently beneficial to herself, if she properly got a handle on them. (Sets Spirit to Neutral.)
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This does sound pretty in-character for her, especially at human-2.
(X) Cut through the confusion using the- ...Oh, right.
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>>207555 here, adding to my vote:

(X) Hug Satori. Something solid and warm might help stabilzie this mess of thoughts.

(X) Cut through the confusion using the- ...Oh, right.

the second one might lead to another breakdown because youmu misses her old swords, but that's what hugging satori is for!

speaking of, i wonder what swords youmu have this go around. will she be sticking to a katana and wakazashi combo, or is she branching out into other sword types, or maybe she has her own collection. and the names, too- what would they be named for?
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>>207565 here. We already had a neutral-aligned Reimu and a youkai-aligned Akyuu, so I'm changing mine to a human-aligned Youmu.

[UNDO] Leveled out, as she rationalised it. This body wasn't... too dissimilar to her past one, and the differences were decently beneficial to herself, if she properly got a handle on them. (Sets Spirit to Neutral.)
-[X] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do. (Sets Spirit to Human-2... well, you know what I mean.)

(X) Hug Satori. Something solid and warm might help stabilzie this mess of thoughts.
(X) Cut through the confusion using the- ...Oh, right.
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I actually like the idea that Reimu is the only Immaterial Child that can actually balance between Human and Youkai.

Just a little nod about her floating between the two without a stronger affinity seems right. Ofc that would require us forcing poor Kosuzu and Marisa to also be aligned one way or another, but...
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>>207613 everyone’s been saying Kosuzu should be Youkai aligned. If we make Marisa human-aligned, then we’d have a back-and-forth of neutral, youkai, human, youkai, human
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>(X) Cut through the confusion using the- ...Oh, right.
This was not at all meant to be a serious or even very real write in on my part , but sure. Lol
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[UNDO] Leveled out, as she rationalised it. This body wasn't... too dissimilar to her past one, and the differences were decently beneficial to herself, if she properly got a handle on them. (Sets Spirit to Neutral.)
[X] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do. (Sets Spirit to Human-2... well, you know what I mean.)
(X) Hug Satori. Something solid and warm might help stabilize this mess of thoughts.

From memory, Marisa has something of an inferiority complex from being second to Reimu; to the point that she works extremely hard to try to make up for Reimu's natural talents, even if she is somewhat ashamed of how much effort it takes. I can see her embracing her new youkai nature as a way to gain power.
Kosuzu I could see going either way. Either holding onto her humanity because of her upbringing in the human village or embracing youkaidom in response to her understanding of the facade the youkai put on to manipulate humans and her time spent with Mamizou.
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Doing a recount as I overlooked a write-in...
Counting to >>207617:
Main Choice:
[20] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do. (Sets Spirit to Human-2... well, you know what I mean.)
[10] Leveled out, as she rationalized it. This body wasn't... too dissimilar to her past one, and the differences were decently beneficial to herself, if she properly got a handle on them. (Sets Spirit to Neutral.)

Potential Additions:
[11] Hug Satori. Something solid and warm might help stabilize this mess of thoughts. (>>207559, >>207561, >>207571, >>207572, >>207575, >>207577, >>207584, >>207589, >>207591, >>207594, >>207617)
[1] Find some solace in your swordsmanship skills. Even if you lost your (half) body, you still have something of your previous identity to grasp to, right? (>>207574)
[5] Cut through the confusion using the- ..Oh, right. (>>207589, >>207598, >>207610, >>207611, >>207612)
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And it's actually wrong...
Correction is below:
[13] Hug Satori. Something solid and warm might help stabilize this mess of thoughts. (>>207559, >>207561, >>207571, >>207572, >>207575, >>207577, >>207584, >>207589, >>207591, >>207594, >>207611, >>207612, >>207617)
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Wow, your art is amazing! I love Youmu’s pose with the sticks, she still has some muscle memory from her previous life it seems.
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[X] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do. (Sets Spirit to Human-2... well, you know what I mean.)
(X) Hug Satori. Something solid and warm might help stabilize this mess of thoughts.
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[X] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do. (Sets Spirit to Human-2... well, you know what I mean.)
(X) Hug Satori. Something solid and warm might help stabilize this mess of thoughts.
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I may have though that the Satori related option was for Youmu to become a Satori at first due to my lack of reading comprehension, but seeing how being either Rin or Okuu's little sister was the most likely after I did not mind this blunder, and I think I like bird Youm almost just as much. Anyway,

[X] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do. (Sets Spirit to Human-2... well, you know what I mean.)
(X) Hug Satori. Something solid and warm might help stabilize this mess of thoughts.
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File 171413498580.jpg - (305.34KB, 1658x2048, __komeiji_koishi_and_komeiji_satori_touhou_drawn_b.jpg)
[23] She forced it down, to the point it at least wasn't bothering her constantly. There was still a part of her missing, but... she'd make do. (Sets Spirit to Human-2.)
[10] Leveled out, as she rationalized it. This body wasn't... too dissimilar to her past one, and the differences were decently beneficial to herself, if she properly got a handle on them. (Sets Spirit to Neutral.)
-[X] Hug Satori. Something solid and warm might help stabilize this mess of thoughts.
-[X] Find some solace in your swordsmanship skills. Even if you lost your (half) body, you still have something of your previous identity to grasp to, right?
-[X] Cut through the confusion using the- ...Oh, right.

She did her best to try and compose herself. To pack away the feeling of wrongness, of emptiness, and bury it within her. She shuddered, trying to focus on what she could feel, rather than what she couldn’t.

If… if she had the Hakurouken, she could just cut herself. A nick on the side would be enough, then-

“Youmu?! Wh-whatever your thoughts are like, c-cutting yourself is…”

The hell-raven looked up, to see Satori’s face in abject worry. …Oh, right. Mind-reader. She groaned, shaking her head. “S-sorry, Lady Satori… I feel like…”

The elder Komeiji knelt down next to her, clearly worried. Youmu pulled her into a hug, which Satori gladly accepted. The two of them sat there, for a minute, Youmu trying to sort out her thoughts.

As she started to get it together, another two sets of footsteps started to approach. Youmu looked up, to see the worried faces of the two younger sisters enter the room.

Okuu was beside her sister in seconds. “Youmu? Are you okay…?” The white hell-raven nodded, hesitantly. Koishi approached as well, kneeling beside her.

“I heard that psychic call out… are you sure you’re okay…?” Youmu looked over at the two girls who’d sat by her. All three of Koishi’s eyes were red and puffy, and there was a wet patch on Okuu’s shirt…

Right, that was it. The confusion and desperation gave way to cold determination, and she shoved her unsteady feelings down. The last thing she needed was to sit around, moping, while the young miss was in distress as well. With that as a goal, she was able to put away her doubts and concerns about her own body, at least for now.

Spirit set to Human-2.

She looked at the small group, gathered around her. “I… I think that just… unlocked something in my mind. A past life or something.”

Satori and Koishi looked into her. Really, really looked into her. The hell raven took a moment to properly organize her thoughts, and pull some of the more concerning ones out and away.

At length, the two satori sisters sat back, exchanging a glance. “So… your memory says that you… that the surface world was destroyed? And to save it, you turned back time and became a youkai?” Satori hummed, pondering it. “...Are you quite sure you’re alright, Youmu?”

Koishi looked at Youmu, concern on her face as well. “Y-yeah. Um… I’d ask if that psychic thing put some ideas in your head or something, but… that’s a lot of things in your head for some pulse.” Youmu nodded, with growing certainty.

“...Wait, that’s what that was? It was a psychic thing?” The two satori nodded. “Would the person who sent that… be near here?”

Satori shook her head. “...Personally, I doubt it. That sounded like it was putting them in some duress to go through.” The satori leant back, humming. “...If it’s a psychic rabbit… well, the only place where I can think of rabbits being nearby is the Inaba Family in the Animal Realm, and the Bamboo Forest of the Lost on the surface. And they said they were on the surface, so… probably the latter one? Unless they mean the surface of the moon.”

“...I really hope not.” Youmu looked up at the ceiling. “I could imagine getting to the animal realm, or the surface, but getting to the moon is a bit…”

“Unyuuu…” Youmu turned. Her younger twin’s face had completely gone blank, and Orin was only marginally more on track. “You’re all not making much sense…”

Youmu shook her head. “I’m… still putting it together myself.” She turned to the two Satori. “...Um, but enough about me. At least for now. Miss Koishi, are you…?”

The younger sister shook her head. “Um- uh…” She looked away. “Just… a bad day. I don’t want to talk about it.” Youmu nodded, slowly, before rising to her feet.

“...Lady Satori. That person… do you think they’re okay?” Youmu felt her hands twitch. Part of her was ready to run off and try and find Akyuu now, but… that’d only leave a mess here.

Her mistress - new mistress? Current Mistress? Ah, she was looking at Youmu with concern now - hummed. “...It sounded more like… the psychic power was physically exhausting, rather than she was in pain.” Koishi nodded in agreement.

Youmu nodded. “Then… for now at least, I’ll be fine. It’s getting late, anyways.” She stood up, the others following suit, and went to regather the dropped groceries.

Satori nodded. “...I think that would be best, yes.” The elder Komeiji took her sister’s hand. “We’ll… talk about this later. After dinner, maybe.” Youmu nodded.

“Ah, but… speaking of. Okuu, could you help Myon with dinner tonight?” The other hell raven saluted. At Satori’s request. “Just make sure she doesn’t…” A quick glance over in Youmu’s direction. “...Cut herself accidentally.”

Orin nodded. “Let’s pair up the sisters, yeah? I’ll help finish carrying the groceries back.” Youmu nodded gratefully, as everyone stood up.

“Right. Thank you, everybody.” She shook her head. "...I'll be right. I promise."

“So…” Okuu tilted her head, as she washed off a bit of cabbage. “You… remember being half-human? Does that mean you only had one wing, or…?”

Myon shook her head. “No… not like that. Half-human half phantom. Not a hell raven at all.”

Okuu boggled a bit at that. “But does that mean I was a half-human too?”

Youmu sighed. “Not quite. Um…” She hesitated. As much as she wasn’t comfortable in her body, Okuu was… Okuu. Her little twin sister.

Or… younger twin sister, at least. It seemed doubtful that either of them would ever get to the size of the Utsuho she remembered, but Okuu had about a finger-width on Youmu right now. She was a bit less likely to fight than Youmu was, and preferred to stay at range if she had to. Okuu was the more social and talkative of the two, but also more forgetful. It tended to be that Okuu was the one who kept up their spirits, and Myon the one who kept up their focus. They made for a good team, and had for a long, long time, since the day they’d hatched.

…An odd thought, that.

At length, she smiled. “Well, it doesn’t matter too much. We’re sisters, right?” Konpaku Youmu had never had sisters, and few playmates close to her age when she was little. Reiuji Youmu had Okuu, and she’d dice up anyone who tried to change that. “Besides, I’m still trying to make sense of it myself. We’ll worry about it later - for now, we gotta worry about dinner.”

Okuu nodded. “Okay. Um, that thing about cutting yourself… what did Lady Satori mean by that?”

Youmu took a deep breath. “...I think she was just worried about me hurting myself when I was confused. But…” She threw her newly washed carrot into the air, and reached for the blade at her side.

The shorter of the two specifically, the wakizashi Shiroihane. She’d asked Lady Satori for some real swords one year - unwittingly asking for ones that matched the old Konpaku Style, and her mistress had nervously obliged, acquiring two swords for her. The shorter White Feather, Shiroihane, and the longer Black Feather, Kuroihane - named after the colors of their hilts, and the feathers the Reiuji sisters had added as tassels. The tassel made of her own feathers flapped in the breeze, as she slashed through the air. Perfectly sliced pieces fell into the bowl, and Youmu grinned triumphantly.

“...But I think I’ll be fine. You don’t have to worry about me, Okuu.” She grinned smugly. “If anything, my skills only got sharper.”

Okuu sighed in obvious relief. “Okay… thank goodness.” The blackbird turned to look at the dishes Youmu was preparing. “So… what are you making tonight, Youmu?”

Ah, that question. Always a tricky one. Most of the animals mainly took care of themselves, but a few of the more active helpers around the household - mostly just the group that’d been with her earlier - tended to eat at the table together. And it was, of course, Youmu who was the one who managed it - even though she was still picking apart all of her thoughts, no small amount of cooking knowledge had surfaced from her memories. But… suddenly Youmu was having doubts. Normally the Satori sisters ate light, but Koshi was a growing girl, and there was nothing better to salvage a bad day than some hearty comfort food. How much should she make tonight…?

[ ] A light dinner.
[ ] An average dinner.
[ ] Fill ‘em up!

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satori fatty
[X] Fill 'em up!
A hearty meal will improve Koishi's mood, and Satori needs to eat big to get big!
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[X] Fill 'em up!
I agree.
Also, Koishi's third eye isn't closed? Interesting...
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Seems Youmu has kept her skills from having a foodie as a mistress. And some...more harmful tendencies as well...

For now, seems we have a dinner to cook. As for the amount of food...

[X] An average dinner.

Enough for the Satori sisters, and if any of the main cast of hell feels peckish, there's a bit extra. If Koishi manages to devour everything, well...hats off to her.

On what to cook...we certainly ain't serving them Caesar salad. We need a menu. Let's start with...

(X) Cream of Mushroom.

Simple, filling, not too much. I'll leave the rest of the menu to whoever wants to add on. For actual additions...none for now. See what comes up.

We got a hug. It was nice. Am happy for Youmu.
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[X] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.

What do you mean "that is not an average dinner", lady Satori?
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[X] An average dinner.
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[X] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.

It's a fun option AND it gives a name to Youmu's previous Mistress, which the Satori sisters would be able to read directly from her mind. It'll be interesting to see THIS Koishi react to seeing her closed-eyed counterpart from the previous timeline out of the memories of the time travellers.
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Nobody saw anything.
As >>207630:
[UNDO] Fill 'em up!
[x] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.

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[x] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.

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[x] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.
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File 171413859651.jpg - (424.13KB, 525x700, 5241e57703c8328feccdfe3bb215860a2282d0f0a9c8a8179f.jpg)
[X] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.

On a tangentally-related note, Akatsuki Records put out a new music video: Third Eye Tango.
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Thank you!
A little detail: the hands are (more or less) correctly positioned, but the feet are not, I drew her stance wrong on purpose because she never had formal training in her current incarnation.

As for dinner, this option is too fun to pass up. I think that this is a stealth spirit check?

[X] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.

And while we're at it:

- [X] Make a nice dessert to cheer Koishi up, too.
Now that we have improved culinary skills, make them count.

I wonder how this changes things

I think it was just a misunderstanding, without proper context it's easy to make the same assumption as Satori did lol
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Nice, thanks for the heads-up
And ironically fitting to the thread, too.
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I get a feeling we're gonna get a lot of fun write-ins for Youmu if this keeps up.
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>>207628 adding
- [X] Make a nice dessert to cheer Koishi up, too.
Now that we have improved culinary skills, make them count.
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[X] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.

top 10 write-ins of 2024, i can already tell.

Ideas for what to cook...
{X} Obviously, a course of the Satori sister's favorite dishes. Good comfort food should be familiar, especially with how bad a day Koishi seemed to have had...
{X} She just had to try making a dish of sashimi, to test her reflexes with her swords given the new memories.
{X} She could get away with being a bit selfish and making her- Myon's- own favorite food, right? It might help her process everything.
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[X] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.
- [X] Make a nice dessert to cheer Koishi up, too.
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i... i didn't expect us to give youmu a self-harm habit, shit. having a blade that could cut confusion seems pretty handy, but to that extent...

[X] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.

i think after all that youmu would just revert back to whatever base instinct she relies on for cooking and zone out. comes back to herself with the usual amount of food she used to make for yuyuko. absolutely hilarious shit.

...i really hope koishi's closing of her third eye is the fate we end up changing this arc.
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It's not a spirit check. People have already figured out the trick, it seems...
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I mean... Not much of a trick to it. It makes sense. What she did to herself is comparable to death.
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>>207647 here, adding again after i took too long typing up my initial vote:

- [X] Make a nice dessert to cheer Koishi up, too.

that's a really neat detail, holy shit.

makes me wonder just how much youmu's past memories of training improved her skill. obviously she had some prior to akyuu's message and after being taken in, but was she mostly self-taught or did satori manage to obtain some training manuals?
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Took me a moment to get what you meant. >>207648 was a response to >>207641, to be clear.

Also, to clarify, Youmu doesn't have a self-harm habit, but she can use the power of hakurouken like that. But Satori just heard Youmu's thoughts jump from 'i'm really confused and I don't know what's happening to me' to 'I should cut myself, that should help' and jumped to the obvious, albeit wrong, conclusion.
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[X] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.

All of my yes.
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>>207644 here
No clue why I tried to add to the fucking op. Just to make this easier for the votes to be counted.

- [UNDO] Make a nice dessert to cheer Koishi up, too.

Add to this instead

- [X] Make a nice dessert to cheer Koishi up, too.
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Another day, another experience with having no tact whatsoever. Noted, Youmu didn't actually think of doing dark coping mechanisms. Also.

[UNDO] An average dinner

(UNDO) Cream of Mushroom

[X] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.

I want full size plates to be running out of that kitchen like it's a sushi parlour, we got people to feed.

- [X] Make a nice dessert to cheer Koishi up, too.

Koishi is friend.
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[X] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.
- [X] Make a nice dessert to cheer Koishi up, too.

Don't forget the Soda Beverage!
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[X] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.
- [X] Make a nice dessert to cheer Koishi up, too.
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Side note I just had this capcha. I think it’s trying to tell me what happened to keine
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Cirno froze Kiene to trap her inside her house! It all makes sense.
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[x] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.

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[x] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.
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[x] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.
- [X] Make a nice dessert to cheer Koishi up, too.

Since we vaguely know of the possible future we need to form the Koishi protection squad. Join now to protect the Koosh!
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good to know.
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wait if that happens then Hopeless Mascaraed doesn’t happen because Koishi doesn’t steal the mask of hope. Which means Kokoro doesn’t develop emotions which means she would probably fade away. Which is a problem because Kokoro is pretty important to the plot of AoCF because Nitori uses her to understand the perfect possession phenomena meaning the yorigami sisters are gonna be way harder to deal with. Also does Koishi do anything during ULiL am I over thinking this?
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[x] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.
- [X] Make a nice dessert to cheer Koishi up, too.

Listen, we already know Satori has Rin and Okuu by her side in the future, why can't we show our favoritism towards Koishi?
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[X] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.
- [X] Make a nice dessert to cheer Koishi up, too
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Uh... yeah... the trick...
I didn't quite get what you meant with that, I'm slow today. Let's just say nobody said anything.
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[X] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.
- [X] Make a nice dessert to cheer Koishi up, too.

Memories may fade away, but old habits die hard.
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Third arc logo, with a bit of youmu's personality.
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[X] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.
- [X] Make a nice dessert to cheer Koishi up, too.


The devil smiled upon this response. For he knows what do next.

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The first two arcs both ended with us saving someone who's dead/incapacitated in the original timeline. This time around, it looks like we're saving Koishi.
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We can deliberately cause Hopeless Masquerade or outright prevent Urban Legend in Limbo to sort that. Alternatively, we coukd just help Kokoro develop emotions. Is it a garuntee that she'd fade away?
I don't think it's that big of a concern yet, anyway. For all we know, it could just... resolve itself somehow?
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I don’t think we can prevent ULiL from happening because it was caused by Sagume and Sumireko, 2 people we have no access to. We can cause HM intentionally but we have to wait till after 10 desires to do that
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Only way I see to potentially stop ULiL would be to stop Junko from deciding to attack the moon, or, slightly more realistically, convincing Hecatia not to help her and lend Clownpiece. That way the evacuation plan wouldn't happen, Sagume wouldn't send the Occult Balls for Sumireko to find.
... Which would be an extreme long shot still
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[X] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.
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Oh. We're autosaged?
Funny how we autosaged in just 2 posts. Comes to show how much Gooboi's popularity is exponentially increasing...
Suffering due to vote counting be like:

Counting to >>207680:
Main Choice:
[0] A light dinner.
[1] An average dinner.
[1] Fill ‘em up!
[22] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.

Potential Additions:
[12] Make a nice dessert to cheer Koishi up, too. (>>207641, >>207646, >>207650, >>207654, >>207656, >>207657, >>207658, >>207663, >>207668, >>207669, >>207671, >>207673)

Other Additions:
[1] Obviously, a course of the Satori sister's favorite dishes. Good comfort food should be familiar, especially with how bad a day Koishi seemed to have had... (>>207645)
[1] She just had to try making a dish of sashimi, to test her reflexes with her swords given the new memories. (>>207645)
[1] She could get away with being a bit selfish and making her- Myon's- own favorite food, right? It might help her process everything. (>>207645)
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Oh, that. Yeah makes sense, thanks. My brain is fried from work meetings and poor sleep management today.

Saving Koishi's Ego/Superego. I know that in fanon she's either a goober that does as she pleases or a psychopath (the latter I dislike). I want to see this portray's reason to shut her eye and why do we want to and how we can avoid it
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Honestly I assumed "the trick" meant the Yuyuko-sized portions.
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For some reason my vote from this morning didn't post, so...

[X] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.
[X] Make a nice dessert to cheer Koishi up, too.

I propose a simple three-course meal: First, some chicken, goose, and duck. The next is pork and mutton. Third is good old buck!
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[X] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.
[X] Make a nice dessert to cheer Koishi up, too.
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By nice dessert. Of course it’s gonna be the size of a popcorn bowl
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[X] Fill 'em up!
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Somehow you have found the way to simultaneously be a tide pisser and not be a tide pisser.
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now i'm wondering, is the tidepisser thing from somewhere else, like another thread? the original tidepisser replies uses the exact same sentence. feels almost like a copypasta.
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From what I gather it's just when people vote the opposite/different choice on a landslide vote for no other reason than to just do it. That or for shits and giggles.

In this case I think the winning write-in is just a funnier version of the "Fill 'em up" vote.
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While it’s looking like the big thing we’ll be trying to prevent this time is Koishi closing her eye, I’m not sure how much we can do on that front. Preventing/interrupting the attempt? Sure. But the act itself is just a symptom of the broader fear and hatred towards Satoris. There’s not really anything we can do in the short term to eliminate that prejudice, so the odds of her just trying again when no one’s looking is high. Even if we get her to stop by showing her her future self as Youmu knew her, and how that affected Satori. She then just has keep living in the environment that drove her that far, with the added knowledge that what she thought might be an escape is no better.
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i was thinking more of the actual term itself rather than the use case for it.

> As gravity pulls the earth to its core, the voices cast their choice. I see the flow of the tides. Unerring, constant and strong. And even then... Even if the enterity of the River Sanzu, and were to bear down on my person, I. Would. Stand. And against its tides, I. WOULD. PISS.

obviously the term comes from that statement in the first thread of redo/reimu, but given that the tidepisser's return a few threads later also makes use of this exact same statement, i wonder if this is a copypasta from somewhere else or if it was something epic-sounding typed up for that specific reply.

would be funny if "tidepisser" originally came from a vote on a redo/reimu thread, since it's starting to enter my irl vocabulary
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>>207696 I googled the term and the 'copypasta', and while the term does appear very, very occasionally (with some slight variants in exact grammar, like Tide-pisser), the whole copypasta seems to be unique to the thread itself.
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[X] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.
I forgot to vote
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Can't we just talk down Sumireko once the Occult Orbs start appearing and convince the Taoist to seal the Lunar Capital stone one in Senkai ?

[X] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.
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After only three updates, and nearly 300 posts total... It's time for a new thread! You can find it here: >>207705

I could have, and maybe should have, started a new thread for the last update, but if we do ever hit the insanity of a two-update thread, I want it to be entirely 'real' posts, without things like vote bribery. Maybe we'll get there in time!

This time, Imma shout out Urban Student in Limbo! One of the heartiest stories on the entire site, with around 400 pages worth of story across it's eight threads (for comparison, this entire thread is about 14 pages), and with a plot that is definitely thickening. You can find USiL's start here: >>202201
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