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Please deposit your filthy smut below. Or see >>/gensokyo/16873 for information regarding the ruurus and other such suchness.
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The season changed, and with it a festive atmosphere fell onto the village once again. The usually tranquil streets flooded with busybodies buzzing to and fro, their attention captured by the amusing games and mouthwatering smells that came their way. Powerful voices peddled their wares and attractions from their garishly decorated stands, amidst the hubbub of a colourful crowd that wore their best kimono for such a momentous occasion. This was not the first time Jin had lent his youthful strength and skills as a handyman—that is, he had hauled the heaviest pieces of lumber all over the town for days—to the elders in charge of the arrangement of these festivals, yet the quiet feeling of accomplishment he felt at the sight of his neighbours enjoying the fruits of his hard labour still hadn’t diminish in the slightest. The excitement was almost palpable in the air, so much that it felt like static over the young man’s skin, raising the hairs on his tanned, well-defined arms.

Nowhere was this more evident than at the stage erected at the central plaza, where the Prismriver Sisters had just finished their latest concert. From Merlin’s energetic horns to Lunasa’s heart-wrenching chords and Lyrica’s skillful keys; the trio’s melodies had captivated their audience for hours. Yet it had been the most recent addition to their merry band who had fascinated Jin the most. Raiko Horikawa’s percussion was, objectively speaking, not as prominent as the performance of the other members, but even someone as (self-admittedly) uninformed about musical theory as Jin could tell that it was the steady beat of her drums what turned the Prismrivers’ otherwise cacophonous sounds into the catchy tunes everyone enjoyed. The raw energy behind every pound of her batons shook the whole town, and rung deep through Jin’s ears until he could feel it inside his own chest.

The villager, however, had a suspicion that it wasn’t just Raiko’s musical skills what set his heart aflutter. The drum tsukumogami’s chosen human form was, in the words Jin had heard his boss whisper to his friend at work, an exotic stunner of a beauty. Several furtiv
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The dark draped itself heavily over everything in the room, shadow on shadow obscuring the limits between objects, people, and nothingness itself. The moon had been full that evening—resplendent by any reckoning—but wind and cloud had acted as smoke, turning its luminosity into a slight pallor in the dense blacks of the night sky. Further filtered by the paper at the nearby window, the dregs of moonlight only served to add texture to the thick silk that enveloped them.

She sat up on the futon and rested part of her weight on her elbow and shoulder, keeping her face turned towards where she knew the window was. Otherwise lost in her own thoughts, she was nonetheless vaguely away of a tingle that would come and go, that would brush against and ripple across her naked flesh. It was a liminal sensation appropriate to the lack of form around her. She felt as though she had come close to death without realizing it, though that was clearly an absurd notion for her. Her heartbeat was as muted as her breathing but they were clearly there—clearly hers.

Still she felt as if she were just discovering herself; the movement of her palm and fingers in the dark felt unreal; the tingle came and went and remained unexplained. How could she figure out much in the dark? Any answers she might find could only prove themselves true in the light, if she endured. Endure what? Drunk on the dark, she felt too cowed to make a noise and affirm that she was still in her right mind.

After all, she had sought out the dark. She had left her home when the clouds began to gather, taking trails through the bamboo forest that were only known to fairies, youkai and herself. Since she knew those furtive trails as well as the back of her hand, there was no chance of her getting lost. She made good time, arriving at the outskirts of the village before too long. Lamplight came from a few homes but the streets were dark and mostly empty, allowing her to take a more direct path to her destination. In her audacity, she had even come to knock upon the front door!

Had she not heard a quote from a book long ago that women possess great mystery within themselves? That they wer
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The immortal lay down, keeping her eyes up on the dark ceiling. Thin clouds must have come across the moon, she reasoned, as the light dimmed but not to the previously oppressive degree. She closed her eyes although that was something of a performative act. Sleep would not find her easily. She was aware of the presence beside her, of the warmth that radiated from the other human. She was hyper-conscious of that reality; her ability to forget that fact had been stripped away from her a few months after Keine had come to see her.

She had run into him on her way back from seeing Keine one afternoon. They exchanged a brief, austere, greeting. Nothing else happened. A few times after, the same thing happened. Once, when she had taken Kaguya to see a village festival from the margins, she spotted him in the distance. She was sure that he had seen her as well.

Over time, she became conscious that they spotted one another with more frequency. Neither was making an attempt to change their route, to force their meeting. Of that much she was sure. So why…? Perhaps it had been Keine who set things in motion: she had moved on so swiftly and so without lingering regrets that the other people in her life got caught up in her wake. Always with a simple nod, with a measured look in those clear eyes, he greeted her.

That scar, that teardrop … she thought of it whenever she spent more than a week without seeing one another. It seemed to be proof of a compact between them. Had that moment of near death deprived her of part of her life, the ability to forget? Her immortality did not seem quite so flawless anymore.

Sleep felt near enough to interrupt her recollections for the time being. A surge of activity in the mind and, later, the body postponed the inevitable a little longer. She thought of the first time that they met alone. No one had set up a meeting, they simply arrived at the same spot near the outskirts of the village at the same time. Neither had any real business there. They had just been drawn to the spot, drawn to one another. He had begun to speak but then chose to say nothing, casting instead a long glance at her that seemed to see her clearer than she saw herself.
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Touhou Kenchinroku is a series of eroge by circle eden. There are currently three games in the series, all of which have been translated into English.

The first game of the series takes place at Yukari's home and features Yukari, Ran, Chen, and Aya as heroines.

It can be bought from English dlsite: http://www.dlsite.com/ecchi-eng/work/=/product_id/RE065288.html
or melonbooks.com: http://www.melonbooks.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=IT0000155506
and is only 105 yen.

The English patch can be downloaded here: http://www.mediafire.com/?rljr8fdi2x3orb8
This is a revised patch from the original that was posted earlier. It includes various fixes to wordwrapping, message history, grammar, typos, etc. It is strongly recommended to use this patch if you plan on reading it, but the story is the same as the first patch.
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Gotta postpone it until Touhou 19 releases
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broooo what? that's actually huge.
only time will tell if he can keep up the motivation to work on it tho

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Izumi Kagenori, gray wolf, Scribe of Daitengu Immediate, stood motionless at the veranda of the judicial chamber. While his initial intent was to enter the chambers post-haste, retrieve the requested documents, and leave for the night, fate held other, more pressing affairs for him to tend.

The current Secretary of Daitengu Immediate, Shameimaru Aya, lay betwixt the scribe and his path, accompanied by several opened lacquer boxes and glazed cups, which were all strewn over the bamboo flooring. The man kept to the secretary’s peripherals, yet to futile attempt as she snapped her crimson eyes toward his padded footsteps. Drunk as the woman was, she remained ever vigilant.

“Oh,” he said in preemptive warning. “Good evening.”

“Yes, yes,” she said dismissively. “Good evening, indeed, Scribe. A sorry thing to say about a night’s meeting in the workplace.”

“Am I speaking to the lovely secretary that keeps herself polite, or the one that drowns herself in liquid sorrow?”

“Both secretaries are one and the same.”

“Okay.” He deemed this conversation over and instead moved towards the inner office. But before he could place aside the room divider, a stray leg blocked his entrance. Naturally, the scribe’s gaze trailed down the pearly thighs and onto the owner, but night winds forced his view astray. With but a gentle breeze, the only cloth that shielded the secretary from indecent exposure down below was blown askew, revealing far more than the scribe had initially predicted.

She revealed a cruel smile. “Oh? What is this, dear Scribe? Have your eyes laid upon something upsetting? Or could you be, dare I say it, ashamed?”
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[x] In the end, he made her wait.

Put some courtliness into it. Is it so much to ask?
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[x] He gave into his—but mostly her—urges.
Don't spurn a fellow awoo; this is for the sake of peace among wolves.
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[x] In the end, he made her wait.


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hot bird
See >>/gensokyo/16549 for information and announcements regarding the contest.
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He had the gods of the sea, no doubt, to thank for this.

At the foot of the Youkai Mountain, where wise men daren’t go, there was a big lake. It was called the Misty Lake with infallible accuracy, for an impermeable fog swirled milkily ever and always over the waters. Currently, however, it was locked in a dishonourable duel for its name with the summer sun, which, having singed the clouds off the sky previously, now turned its glare on the terrestrial lookalike. From afar, the Lake appeared as though steaming.

On its shade-less shore, in a tiny bay, somebody who hadn’t known better had built upon a time a no bigger pier. It was short, rickety, so close the water’s surface the flimsiest breeze could cause your boots to slosh for the rest of the afternoon and, on the whole, given a wide berth by fishers of sensible persuasion. The man occupying it today, simmered by the summer rays, knew, however, a secret.

You could take off your boots and leave them on the bank.

But for this stroke of genius he would’ve been mighty discomfited to sit where and how he was: on the pier’s far end, trouser-less legs over the edge, lazily milling the water. His name was Mondo, and he was a fisher. Or he could’ve been a fisher, perhaps of even some success, had his life turned differently and the land of his birth contained reservoirs with less self-possessed inhabitants.

A specimen of which was, at this very moment, half-clambered over the pier and Mondo’s naked lap. Her name, in turn, was Wakasagihime and, quite despite it, she was in obvious evidence a mermaid. This was tenable by the lower half of her body idly finning the murk: scaly and iridescent, in the heights of piscine fashion, from aforementioned fins up to where an amazing, toned behind could, Mondo was rather positive about this, otherwise have been found.

Of her upper half, he had a poorer view – due mostly to Wakasagihime’s flowing, seaweed-green kimono cloaking its back, while her lush frontage was squished, less than abashedly, against his own. Her pale, princess-slim arms hugged his tanned waist with surprising – or perhaps not – strength.

Wakasagihime murmured something loosely i
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(Image cropped from https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1929642)
(I'm not sure how well this one fits the theme, but I wanted to contribute something and this was the best I had.)

The sunset never failed to stir Futo’s brash heart. The brilliant oranges and deep reds felt much like the heat and passion of fire. There was comfort there, in the warden that sheltered her, in warmth and ash, from the terrible image of Buddhist icons.

Sadly, she’d brought no oil nor torches on her trip out of the human village. No tools to conjure that glowing guardian again. It was perhaps just as well, for the the evening had done nothing to calm the sweltering heat of the day. But still it left her a bit on edge, given that she followed a Buddhist stooge into the wilds. Admittedly, one with lovely shoulders and an alluring butt to which her blue and white dress clung. Even the gold-and-brown tabard-the kesa-did little to hide any of it. The angry pink cloud accompanying that Buddhist, she could do without.

In absence of her incendiary tools, Futo’s eyes kept wandering to the sunset, as if she could conjure its flame for comfort. Or usher the day to a sooner close, so that she could bathe in something other than her own sweat. The stooge-Ichirin, she ought to call her-had personally invited her for a drink. Alone. Why? Why with her? They had fought alongside one another, certainly. In fact, the nature of their alliance had made it all… oddly intimate. She had allowed Ichirin to possess her, and taken control of Ichirin in turn. But they had fought against one another far more often, even after that whole ‘perfect possession’ incident!

“Thanks for your company, Unzan. I’ll see you back at the temple.”

Futo blinked. She looked up. Ichirin waved the angry cloud away. The cloud rumbled in response but, after trading some whispers she couldn’t quite process, the he billowed out and drifted off. Ichirin glanced only briefly to Futo, but didn’t even bother explaining, before she turned and resumed her march. Now, Futo’s mind rac
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What it says on the tin. Whether it's doujins, birdsite, Pixiv, or some other place, talk about artists to watch. Bring up things you like, maybe help others find new things, basically.
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I think Kaiou/Fukutsuu Okosu may be either dead or just gone from art. His website is gone and his twitter and pixiv have been inactive since the start of 2020. What a shame.

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File 165006733059.jpg - (765.11KB, 1000x1300, 63751682_p0.jpg)
This was a ballroom. No other word comprised so much scarlet plush and gold. Chandeliers of wrought brass blazed sextuple-split light from their crystalline candles. The matching, motley paint on the walls was still very new; fairies in the deeper reaches of the mansion could be glimpsed sporting it like veteran scars. Half a dozen hues in the honour of a goddess revivified.

And beneath them, believers thronged.

Maids scurried in strength around and around the ballroom, some laden under trays of colourfully glazed pastries and some – the guests’ gauche attentions. The job posting had been undiscriminating; here and there, therefore, it was possible to see a furry tail or ear or wing failing the human spot-check. The Scarlet Devil Mansion, nevertheless, was where everything went; and the human and youkai maids conducted themselves, if nothing else, with fewer spilled drinks and pulled pants than even the most disciplined fairies.

And this was Sekibanki. Sekibanki stood in a meticulously selected “there” rather than “here” at the farthest-flung end of the ballroom, scowling. Sekibanki was, pointedly, not drawing herself a cup of punch from the nearby bowl; she furthermore wore an unimpeachably ironed headdress, ruffled half-apron and a puffy-sleeved dress with a skirt designed to pin the guests’ attention low and away the parts of her which could’ve otherwise given them distress. Insofar as these facts, it could be surmised Sekibanki was a maid among maids at the beck and call of the Scarlet Devil and her pet goddess’s. Insofar as the chitty back in the pocket of her cape, that would’ve been correct.

The chitty hadn’t the half of it down.

Sekibanki sighed. The man beside her gave her a curious, sidelong glance. Sekibanki maintained it was a man because he listed off as one: a head (hah!) and shoulders taller than she, a cheap waistcoat over his linens, arms with longer reach than was their own good. Considered from the other end of the ball, he was misfortune waiting to happen on the way home.

“… It is nothing, sir,” she said frostily, st
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This story, like all your others, gets the fap seal of approval from me. Many buckets were filled.

Captcha: HeRMiT5
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You have a very unique style, and a talent for writing exceptionally engaging smut.

Mokou's story with that school aide milked buckets of cum from me, and this one has been no different. Thank you very much, count me among your group of avid readers.

Blessed captcha thread: WiLyOkUU54
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I love reading how Sekibanki slowly succumbed to her perverted desire. And the Chimata cameo was really cute. I hope she appears in your stories more often.

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Miss Keine Kamishirasawa of the history school swept around the staff room like a maître d’ moments before a bomb went off in the kitchens. The pageant of her done-up raincoat coming more and more undone by the jiggle would have been more arresting if Miss Keine hadn’t been apologising profusely or, for preference, doing what she was apologising for, which was to say producing from the cabinets of the room ever more pressing paperwork. On the broad, military-style desk by the staff room’s single, rain-greyed window, assignments and typeset fill-in-the-blanks piled up architectonically.

“Thank you once again,” said Miss Keine with rattlesnake speed; “and, once again, I am sorry. This really, really is an emergency. I’ll make this up to you, of course I will. Thank you. And, I’m sorry. This is the last set, promise.”

A thumb-tick file thumped on the desktop, fanning out its immediate neighbours. It looked not unlike a card-riffling accident.

The man behind the desk stared. A faint smile hovered around the outskirts of his lips. It was a smile that met your daughter’s mysterious boyfriend of two weeks. He twirled a fountain pen between his fingers as though contemplating deforestation.

“… It’s,” he said, manfully self-controlled, “fine, Miss Keine. All in the job description, isn’t it… just?”

The flurried teacher gave his odd pause no second guess. She bowed as low as her waist. “I’m so sorry, Taiki!” There was some consternation as her coat popped suddenly half-open, but soon gone. Miss Keine straightened up and smiled in a distracted way. “It is the Kijou; their son is marrying a very conscientious woman next week, and they wanted my eye over the wedding contract. The parents, too, have some qualms, I hear, since they are nobility and the girl hails from priestry; there is the matter of the dowry for that cause, or omitting thereof, religious clauses, landing issues, vows, it’s a right mess…”

Taiki nodded along to the teacher’s bumbling, wearing an expression made from his work. He held his breath like a thrashing fairy.

In the woodchip-scented, under-desk gloom, the fingers which’d hooked under
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This was Taiki’s. If these had sounds, his would be the sound of Miss Mokou being grasped forcefully by the chin. It sounded something like this:

“Mmwhuh? Whuh naoww?”

Taiki’s reply was to jab a thumb between her lips and gently yet staunchly haul the pervert girl upright. The slight, womanly hand bolstering his dick slacked then refastened higher up his shaft as Miss Mokou’s coolly phlegmatic face came to level with his own. Well, except the phlegm wasn’t phlegm, and it weren’t hers to begin…

It was anyway another thing strumming his pulled nerves. Miss Mokou was near as damn it as tall as he. All right, he may have had her out-spaced in other directions, but none rankled as badly as the one making it a tiptoe-less effort for her to jam her tongue into his mouth at any time of the day. And she did look a girl keen on no less even now, twirling said tongue round Taiki’s thumb like a piece of stuck hard candy.

There was no ignoring the RSVP. Not completely. And so, weathering the smell, Taiki leaned in with all his preponderance to smooch the cleaner corner of Miss Mokou’s lips. The type of woman he dreamt of marrying, mentally pinned and catalogued, was jarred out by something germinating beneath when the one who wouldn’t ever marry him on her – or, sooner, his – life tipped backwards against the paper-heaped desk with an uncharacteristic squeal. The students’ brainy outpourings skidded under a hectic palm.

“… Gettin’ a little feisty?” rallied Miss Mokou. “Careful, womenfolk go head over heels for that.”

For a heartbeat, even if it was among those look-into-her-eyes-and-you’ll-skip-it kinds of heartbeats, Taiki’s machismo wobbled. Then, leasing the grit from his dick, he swivelled Miss Mokou’s chin to the side and spoke into her ear.

“… You will take off these pants, Miss Mokou.”
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Wait he lives in the scarlet devil mansion?
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Jealous (in a sense) Kaguya next?

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The sole daughter of her late clan abiding, Taishi Lord’s counsel and cohort, a Tao adherent of not inconsiderate pedigree, Futo of the Mononobe family made a face. Observationally, she rapped her knuckles on her cage’s bars.

This it was. Stout bamboo poles in a lattice, twined together with waxed sinew and tin wire. Yea-tall thing, enough spacious to pace about albeit not to repose. Gaps ample enough to stick a head out and peer down the precipice of the rock shelf and the vertiginous, distant landscape below. Mayhap a shoulder, should she wedge one in sidewise – yet not on her life her chest or her proud hips. Nowise to go in any case except straight up or down the sheer, craggy cliff face of the lofty Youkai Mountain.

Indeed, indeed. It was much, much a cage. And it couldn’t hold her.

To avow so, Futo puffed herself up like a fish and flung a selection of choice taunts at the lone Tengu patrolman left behind to watch her.

The lupine lackey shook his silvern, dog-eared head alongside the pom-poms of his tokin whence he knelt quietly on his overcoat – yet ignored elsewise the likening of his chic ponytail to that of a mangy spaniel’s. He dripped more oil from a bamboo tube onto the waterstone before him and carried on whetting his curved, vicious-looking cavalry sabre. Good job, too. Went to show he cared for his quarries’ comfort, even if said comfort should come in its finality. Scrape-scrape-scrape it went, a clarion call to flee for humans and versant fauna likewise.

Sated – on that front if not others – Futo deflated into silence. Her own impressive hat had been lost someplace in the turbulent circumstance of the previous hour, and her knees were a mite chilly in the upland breeze, but the spry shikaisen kept herself drawn. Smart. An etching-perfect pantomime of a pert, female captive. The sword’s grinding ground away her patience as well, although she knew it for what it was; of this, she was iron-certain. The insides of her confoundedly unremoved clothes piled on the proof. Tension electrified her like one of Tojiko’s bad moods.

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>knotted donger
I'm not usually one to remark on odd things in porn, but that made me squint. Alien fish vagoo was close enough to a certain edge for me.

>everything else
Going to be real honest, I didn't feel the same kind of vibe from previous stuff as this. I found myself skimming more than reading because there were bits that felt like padding. Maybe it's partly because I don't give a toss about Futo, or the Taoists generally, but I wasn't much feeling it this time. Maybe it's me? Dunno.

Still like your prose. I wish wordplay like yours was a bit more common here.
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perchance possible sequel
>I'm not usually one to remark on odd things in porn, but that made me squint. Alien fish vagoo was close enough to a certain edge for me.
The theme was depravation/self-corruption from the very beginning, so light bestiality seemed the natural end of the slope. I understand it’s not everybody’s cup of… cuppable thing, but if it is wrong then in this particular case I do not wish to be right.

>Going to be real honest, I didn't feel the same kind of vibe from previous stuff as this. I found myself skimming more than reading because there were bits that felt like padding.
Some were, admittedly. Ichirin’s scene, for example, was a recycled scene from an earlier WIP of this work that I threw back in because why not. I am, however, of the idea that selective reading is natural and expected of written pornography, since your, ahem, interest in the contents of the text will inevitably be more selective than an absolute, 100% match for whatever the writer’s personal fancy was. It’s an unfortunate and inherent part of the genre, but perfectly understandable.

For instance, I got a hefty kick out of writing Futo having her reliquary licked, but somebody who’s not personally into the idea will have little to no reason to read on once they’ve figured out what the paragraph entails. If titillation is the main goal, which it is here, there is simply no universal zone to strike. The D likes what it likes; what it doesn’t, there’s no point powering through.

At least such is my experience with written pornography, and why I endeavour to keep distinct paragraphs more or less “thematic” within themselves.

Alternatively, I’m making excuses and just didn’t put enough effort into some parts, counting instead on the fetish by itself to carry you through. The guess is anyone’s.
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Did it died?

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Something was broken in Gyutan, the Oni.

Had to be. It was, at any rate, the only explanation for contemporary happenings Gyutan would drink to. He was not a man or, rather, Oni who took especial pleasure in being brusque and forceful on women. “Good lad” was the term applied to him often by the older Oni, which tended to translate in the younger, streetwise ones’ vernacular as “schmuck.” And a schmuck, rhyme such as it might, did not tend to fuck.

Half-right, they were. Gyutan was by no book definition a fucker, but he did have a girlfriend. They had met in the vast construction yards of the Underworld’s New Capital and, via his aforesaid schmuckery, had leased to her the vantage point of his shoulder and the foghorn of his throat. Her name was Yamame Kurodani, and she was the architect of the (to be) grand (future) city. They’d gotten on like uncles, which was to say they’d spent evening after evening sequestered in Yamame’s workshop – away from everybody else though very much nearby a vat of moonshine that kicked like a horse with a bee up its bunghole. The tiny earth spider could hold her booze like no bottle’s business and, to Gyutan’s thrilled horror, got hopelessly randy when drunk.

Half-right because, owed to her modest persuasion in the spatial area, Yamame could fit at the extreme wettest Gyutan’s middle finger, and not even up to the third knuckle. She’d fitted it, however, with much fervour and almost shameful frequency, in return enlightening the callow, young Oni on why the earth spiders, Yamame included, were fabulously able to swallow a man whole.

And they’d drunk. Oh, how they’d drunk.

They’d drunk their treacherously undulating way into the preliminary years of the New Capital, always arm-in-arm, always sharing a cup and a spot on the floor in the mornings. They’d been silly, in love and, as these things go, inseparable. Up to a point.

Then, the Ministry had called in. The mighty Ministry of Right and Wrong which, having an aeon in the past fled the realm for greener pastures, had let their hounds slip into their whilom estates to find them o
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>write m:netorare with only the conceit of a dumb oni averting the premise
does me a thunk
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You read it; you don't get to criticise me!
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venture beyond
Part of Spooktember >>/gensokyo/16356



Meekness is no flaw. Capitulation is not defeat... if you know what you’re doing. I know what I’m doing. I’m Kiketsu. When your guard is down, their guard is down, and that’s when you strike.

... I’m going over this in my head to remind myself how impressive I am, and how important my job is. It’s me who has to do it! It’s Yachie-sama’s plan, and I won’t let her down!


“Did we take a wrong turn?” the human... well, half-human that I chose speaks up.

We can’t take wrong turns. There’s no other turning to take. This is the Sanzu River. Without a guide, traveling over it is dicey...
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You guys are forgetting to vote for the intention.

[X] Tell Youmu to use her hand on him, just once.
([x] Getting him totally relaxed, to attack then and exploit him.)

Putting his fate in her hands in a sense.
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[x] Tell Youmu to show him her bloomers.
[x] Getting on his good side, for help.
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[x] Tell Youmu to use her hand on him, just once.
[x] Getting him totally relaxed, to attack then and exploit him.

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