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“Sex is the consolation you have when you can’t have love.”
—Gabriel García Márquez

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Called for thigh action.
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(X) She could settle for non-penetrative sex with her thighs.

Withal these thoughts, Mononobe Futo was, above everything, an enlightened woman. Or, more rigorously, a moral one. The distinction was somedeal of an import. It told apart those women who achieved their ends with wiles and ample busts from those who, occasionally, found themselves in the intimate presence of eminent men who wished, among mutual assent and respect, to relieve some of the stress contingent in courtly life – commonly ahead of delivering on seminal decisions.

Futo had never beguiled a man. A few she may have coaxed – and reached certain agreements with others still. Mostly, however, Futo had paved her Way. When it had run parallel to that of someone else, she had welcomed the opportunity for exchange. When those Ways had run astride, she would take subtle pains in order to preserve both. Futo had never, not once, hindered on purpose the natural course of the world; even her disgust and culling of youkai, for which she had been reproved, furthered their existence in the end – which was Gensokyo’s purported goal and therefore a good deed of a sort. When Water flowed, Futo let it; when Wind blew and fire burned, Futo ushered on their rage. That had been the one immutable constant of her life.

The one lesson her blood brother had implanted deeper than anything else.

And so, she would impose nothing on her younger, more squeamish one – even if it was, expressly, the thing they both longed for. Once Handai Mu ironed out those humps in his Way which stymied his desires – once he judged himself ready – then Futo would give him her full, willing cooperation. The whole, unbridled stretch. Until his hips were trembling from fatigue and her still, immortal womb was pumped tight with his youthful, virile seed. Until she couldn’t walk to the temple’s baths without having to lean against a nearby wall. Until, weeks afterwise, she may say beyond t
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Back to the main story: >>/shrine/42083

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a mess
From yonder tale >>/others/65260. This happens at the end of chapter 14 in thread 6, specifically following these bits, if you are in need of context:

A young magician gets rather lewd with an ancient oni.
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With her straddling him, and his body now nearly laid out back midair, Gen slipped the first joint of his finger inside Ibuki Suika.


Suika’s mouth left his, and she clawed deeper into his clothing, enough that he started to worry the little oni would soon reach his flesh. Because of that, and his concern that he might reach something inside the young(-seeming) woman that he did not want to use a finger to pierce, his plunging remained shallow.

... In spite of his lust’s best efforts to push much, much further.

Suika’s mouth was held open, her tongue lolling somewhat as he rubbed her. Her drool fell on his body and face slovenly. To keep his sense, he held her hand tighter. This was necessary, as he’d already begun to stiffen enough that his mind was becoming clouded.

Hiding themselves in water had proved to be a very good idea, for more than simple concealment. Suika’s body was gleaming; the lights he’d cast were illuminating her skin with a shine that, through appearance alone, was forcing him near to a finish. The lines of her abdomen, the hills of her ribcage, and that face flush and lost to pleasure, eyes distant—not thinking, he squeezed her mound.

“Khah! Hah!” she panted. He felt the blood in his face.

He looked down then past her glistening navel to his hand, and to her swollen clit. He bit, and ground his teeth together.
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“You really want this, huh...” he remarked, holding himself in front of her. “Alright, here,” He said, and with one hand atop her head, he pushed his cock as close to her face as he could before contact.

Suika’s face glowed as she was presented with his rod. She swallowed, stared, stared longer, and even longer until she seemed to be in some sort of daze, judging by how her expression relaxed. She sniffed at his tip, and he hurried to stop his semen from flying out then and there.

Suika continued to sniff at his cock for quite a while, and he found himself unable to move as she did so. His ears felt hot, his cock even hotter, and overall he was fairly certain he might literally explode at any moment. Suika did not stop, getting her fill of his scent from the front, sides, below, and above. She pressed her face, eyes closed, against his pubic hair and huffed. She then went lower and breathed in at his testicles. Gen was thoughtless all the while, until she opened her mouth to drag her tongue against the underside of looser skin.

“...!!” He silently held his ground, exhaling through his nose. This had mostly tickled, at least, what the youkai did next however was an outright test of endurance. She lapped along his shaft repeatedly, coating it in her warm saliva while he stared down at her and started to moan. “Oh... Ohhgh... Hh...” he breathed, unable to keep his mouth shut now. Her tongue slid along him too pleasurably, like a roll of sparks. When she swallowed him without warning while he was contemplating life in the tree’s bark, he grabbed both of her horns, bit hard onto his own teeth, and growled.

He already knew this sensation, but it was so, mercilessly, unbelievably, delightfully hot inside of Suika’s mouth. He did nothing himself other than hold on to his senses and back his orgasm, because the sooner he ejaculated the sooner this stupefying pleasure would end.

Tickling, sparkling—her hard teeth and rolling tongue—all too much. Too much. He thought his heart skipped a bit. Holding his breath, he let her continue.

“Mmf... chp... Gg... Mwm... gg... hm... hm...”

The noises, too, push
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"Any questions?"

"Umm..." I looked up from the odd crisscross craziness that made up this weird place. It was like someone took a bunch of those funky outsider light tube things, lit them up, and made a grid across the everything of everything, but also nothing, because I keep trying to get at them, but they keep not being gotten at! "...Can you repeat that?"

Sighing for the third time, the great voice asked, "Sister, may I kill her?"

"No." Ohh, a new voice!

The other voice took on a begging boom. "Please?" At least she's polite! Sis always said that politeness was important, so maybe I should let her? Ohh, wait, but then I can't do this job I apparently have!

Decisions, decisions...

"You know as well as I why we cannot. Now, answer her questions, sister."

Sighing for the fourth time now, the voice said, "There are some things you must keep in mind, such as-"
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[X] Turn her into a duck the first time she makes an echo! Perfect nightmare and still counts!
[X] Well, if there's one thing you know about her kind of music, it's that liberal amounts of sex are involved! Bring on the groupies!
[X] Duck groupies!
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But first, a short intermission. Expect it in a little bit, assuming nothing comes up.
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[2.1] Write-in! Because, seriously, sometimes the voices have good ideas!
-[2.1] Make her hum a fugue of which you've heard the music's din 'afore
--[2.1] And whistle all the airs from that infernal nonsense Pinafore!
---[2.1] And whistle all the airs from that infernal nonsense Pinafore!
[2.1] The best thing it's unsure if it's a nightmare or a dream for her. Sooooo it can be whatever!
-[2.1] We are the BEST voices right?
--[2.1] Obviously.

I started blinking in confusion as a sing-song voice began to sing like sing-song voices do, though this one was weirdly fast in its doing so. Weird scratchy noises dragged across the inside of my skull as I heard an older man belt out enough words to give me a headache.

Makeherhumafugueofwhichyou'veheardthemusic'sdin'afore! Hrm... Din 'afore, din 'afore... Got it! AndwhistlealltheairsfromthatinfernalnonsensePinafore!

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“The difference between sex and love is
that sex relieves tension and love causes it.”

— Woody Allen

This contains heavy spoilers for the obvious.
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[x] Asked him to bend her over and take her from behind.

Been waitin a long time for Spiderbutt.
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(X) Asked him to bend her over and take her from behind.

—And determined herself even more selfish than the evening had proven by now.

Not that much so as to proceed with her scheme right away; she would, generously, give Naoto a few more well-lubed strokes. She would tow her waist back – extracting his long tool to the point where her lips were smooching the tip; then, she would push onto him again – causing the shaft to disappear inside her plush hole. Naoto’s cock would give a contented throb each time it bottomed out and felt her tender lips squeeze lovingly around its root. A few more trips up and down between her sticky walls, and the crude thing would start squirting its delicious seed into Yamame’s deepest place. The place where it was meant to go. The place that was – but wasn’t – her stomach. Where babies were conceived. Her womb.

But Yamame was not about to let that happen. Not yet.

And so, at the apex of the next stroke, she missed the proper stop, and let Naoto’s cock spring out of her smooth, drooling pussy. Her human hissed a breathless curse into her breasts, scrambling to shove his twitching manhood back where it belonged. The spinstress weaved, spider-slick, out the way of his clawing hands, skidding off the side of his lap to land on the couch beside him.

Ahead Naoto might swear twice, the eldest, most dignified of the Underworld’s earth spiders shinnied up the couch on her elbows and knees, her butt stuck out high in the air. Her copious breasts hung below her, stretching to an almost reverse-teardrop shape, which left her nipples to brush on the wraps strewn about the daybed. She grasped for the pillow propped on the far armrest.

A prowling hand raced out beside her. It grabbed at one of her arms and jerked it back.

Unsupported, the top half of Yamame flumped down onto the pads of the couch: face, breasts and all. When she dug her nose out and cast back over a shoulder, Naoto was there, kneeling at her exposed rear: red, puffing, and dragging her slimy panties down her thighs.
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Afterwards, as they lay in a bodily heap, Yamame would feel vaguely unfulfilled. Oh, the finish had been great, that it had; and there were few perversions which the eldest of the earth spiders had taken to more satisfying than coming – and being come inside – while held down. The mathematics of it, however, had left her imbalanced. The five days of not seeing nor touching her lover felt hardly fair an equation to one (fantastic though it had been) bout of sex.

How had she ever held out six months?

Yamame Kurodani, purring, swelled up beneath her human. Naoto sensed the motion. He levered himself up to a half-rise on his arms. An effect of this disturbance, his limp, spent manhood flopped out to rest between the earth spider’s thighs. A trickle of warm, milky seed followed its example. It leaked out, clinging to Yamame’s loose lower lips.

This used to be such a fear, Yamame marvelled. Once they’d first had sex, after two whole days of tiptoeing, Naoto had spun a barring web around what he’d uninventively termed “finishing inside.” That web had lasted no longer than their second night of exploring which bits of their bodies could fit into other bits to feel really good. Though, he would re-thread that same promise at the end of each such “finish;” still, the allure of letting Yamame take the fruit of his orgasms had simply been too… well, alluring to properly resist, even then.

But, once the godling accident had happened… once Yamame had reunited with her human lacking for a baby-filled belly… That fear, too, had been dissolved like bare foundations in the rain. These days, the returns of Yamame’s work on her human belonged to one of three places. Yamame’s mouth, Yamame’s womb, or – on those clumsier occasions – her face. None of that, “I’ll pull out and come on your legs” business. Her legs had better things to do. Locking about his waist, for one.

A part of Yamame, in truth, envied Lady Satori and her plain enjoyment of motherhood. That part of her was silly. It was ignorant of the reality that Satori Komeiji was rare
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"Ah, Reimu, thank goodness you're here."

The blue-white is here, I thought. The other shrine maiden. Her name is Sanae. Sanae Kochiya. Disciple of the Moriya Shrine.

"I hope you have a good reason for interrupting my tea time, Sanae," I responded to her. She wore this humbled smile that always ticked me off as she came in. I couldn't stand it.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I know it's a bother, but I just wanted your input on a few things, really." She had been relying on me a bit recently.

"A few things, is this going to turn into a dozen before long, as it usually does?" By bit though, I mean a lot.

"N-No! Not at all! Well, I hope, I mean, it's hard to tell with Lady Kanako at times..." She always acts like this is her first time dealing with gods, even though she is veritably one herself. It ticks me off.

"That's what you say every time I say something like that, Sanae. Don't you have any shame?"

"Sh-Shame!? What does shame have to do about any of this!?" She always acts as if we're not competing for faith. She's so confident and certain about herself and her shrine's deities. That ticks me off too.
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The Moon is eternal.

When Lord Tsukuyomi first trod this pure earth, aeons ago, He set out to create a haven everlasting. Attended by divine spirits, His will impervious, His people under His wing, our Lord raised from the fragile sands of the Moon’s deserts a kingdom to linger in perpetuity. I was there. Shapeless then – my form and Fate yet undefined. My shames not yet past. But I was there; and I drank of Lord Tsukuyomi’s words as he spoke a new era into being.

It gladdens me to remember this. It helps me to maintain my pace as I walk. It lets me cope with the fact.

The fact that I, Kishin Sagume, am currently wearing no panties.

As I near my destination, deeper in the casern of the Lunar Palace, I begin to pass by rabbits rushing to their morning chores. The females, plump and bright, curtsy at my approach; the males, stern and red-eyed, nod their heads in obeisance. None stop for long. The slave race may possess senses keen beyond our formal recognition, but they daren’t question a Lunar lord – even in their own domicile. I acknowledge, with a nod and a smile, a cluster of rabbits who had visibly slept ill the previous night. They blush when I do so. Yet I see their crumpled ears perk up a little as I stride past. This will tide them over the day. For reasons unfathomable to me, the rabbits seem to value my attention over that of other masters.

Some, perhaps, value it a touch too high. Or would that be too low? I am unsure still when I reach my goal.

One billet among a hundred. No plaque, no individual marks. It shames me to know exactly where I am anyway.

I do not knock. Knocking is for the help. The door slides aside as surely as it would have if I had. It does its own knocking when I shove it closed behind me. The noise of activity outside softens to a murmur. I blink my eyes, adjusting to the dim lighting in the room. The billet is narrow. Narrower than some rabbits would call narrow otherwise. It is enough, just hardly, to fit a strip of floor, a low eating table, a single cot made to fold up into the wall, and a writing desk tucked under the window, opposite the door.
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[x] A peevish youkai waitress serves a very late night shift (with no supervision)


An odd stylistic choice to be sure, but in OP's defense he did deliver exactly what the vote option said. His vote promised throat-deep sex with her mouth. Which is to say; it only has to reach the throat, not pass it. He never said anything about deep-throat sex. the difference is subtle, but relevant.

That being said, I too wish he proceeded with the deep-throat scene.
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(x) A spider teaches a younger sister how to play with a male (with a male’s assistance)

Oh ho Netorase

Honestly can't find fault with that goom lyoods.
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Teaching is so fucking hot.
[X] A spider teaches a younger sister how to play with a male (with a male’s assistance)

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Anyone got something? Post here
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Are we to assume you're looking for pictures of martial arts to beat it to? Or is there something else you would prefer?
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Danbooru and Sadpanda are right there, dude, c’mon.

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It was hard for Kosuzu Motoori to discern when exactly she fell in love with the carpenter’s son.
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kosuzu is lewd
She wondered whether her relationship with the carpenter would stand the test of time. She had kissed him and held his hands enough times that it had become routine. He’d kiss her on the cheek hello, and she’d kiss him on the lips farewell. The butterflies in her stomach must have migrated elsewhere. Was that okay? She let that question simmer in her mind until she closed up shop and led the carpenter to her room. As they sat down, she realized that the answer was obvious—why else would she spend evening after evening in silence together with him?

He rarely bothered her while she was reading, and even when he did, she didn’t mind. Because it was him. Anyone else, and she would have shushed them until she was satisfied. As much as she loved books, she loved the time she spent with him more.

Will I think the same a year from now? Or two? Or ten? The rest of our lives?

She wanted certainty that her answer would remain yes, so, as if to confirm, during their reading time, she casually interrupted by curling up on his lap and kissing him on the cheek. He seemed to find it increasingly difficult to focus on his book, finally reaching around her shoulders to recover his pressed flower bookmark on the table and setting the book aside, bookmark in place.

It still doesn’t suit him, she thought. It was reluctantly his—Kosuzu had gone to her garden on a whim one day, and pressed the flowers onto the bookmark herself. Still, the fact that he kept that on his person made her want to kiss him more.

So she did. It was the kind of kiss where she could barely reach him—Kosuzu had to wrap her arms around his neck, hoist herself up, and crane her neck to brush her lips against his. The carpenter’s chair, however, did not appreciate her efforts and toppled over, taking its two humans with it. After the clatter, Kosuzu found herself straddling the carpenter. Her cheeks burned a modest red, though she took the opportunity to lean down and kiss him again—an honest one, this time.

Their eyes wandered not to each other but to the closet where the futon was stored. There was a brief moment of mutual unde
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Well done, Mueller. This isn't really porn, since there's nothing particularly lurid about it, and that's perfectly fine. No, in fact, it's perfectly fitting. This is a short and sweet depiction of a calm, mature relationship between adults with just the addition of a brief moment of excitement. It would take a lengthy essay to unpack all the truisms, so I'll just say job well done. Warms me cockles, it does.

Now get back to the awoo mines.
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Wholesome erotica is my kink. Wonderful, Romal, simply wonderful.

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