She Became The Night
Yet Another Fagging Mask!w4uwcsiFe2 2020/06/26 (Fri) 22:42
No. 40776
Rumia was definitely being raped.
The night was calm – a moon like a plump, toothsome
dango aloft in the blackness. Scents of spring grew thick in the forest, a night breeze making the trees wave their branches, excited to waken again. And if you thought trees couldn’t wave, you hadn’t flown around the things on a windy night. On that forest’s floor, on the soft, mossy ground where small game made its home and bigger game licked its chops, a human lay relaxed, straddled by the petite
youkai of darkness.
A rod of terrible girth was gripped in a fist, readied for a strike should Rumia but make a fist herself. And even with its top thrown wide open and the trousers skinned down to the man’s ankles, Rumia recognised the star-adorned robes of religious power. The man, possessed of some years and such grit as she could tell, was just that, too. An
onmyouji: a fixer of all things strange,
youkai chief among them. A man of either prodigious skill or long, long expertise.
Rumia didn’t need her current position or the tingly fullness inside her belly to tell; the solid trouncing she had received in the previous half-hour spoke loudly enough. Last night must have been bad. Not that she knew how or why.
Humans acted truly perplexing in the best of times and seemed to spend their entire lives that way. A gaggle of hollering men and crying women had looked such easy prey. Turned out they hadn’t been, all scattering at the mere hint of the skulking darkness. Moreover, they turned out to not be of a mind to let sleeping fears lie.
Not a sundown later, the exorcist’s long silhouette stretched into view; to snare the little
youkai’s home turf must have been mere minutes. Out she had crept to prowl the night’s purple shadows and he was already on her.
The duel must have been vicious. Rumia couldn’t vouch it had been, on account she had been blinded throughout every bit but the final one. And once she had lain, beaten, staring down the rod’s pointed end, now recognising it as a purifying tree
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