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File 174055199914.png - (1.99MB, 1200x1600, tei36563044805_7dbc4fcfe2d5bcd8be561a851d9e25fd.png)

You were invited to Komeiji Koishi's room privately. Where she was waiting. She always stunned you, wearing a miniskirt combined with pantyhose which quite frankly turned you on. This was exacerbated by her very assertive nature and would sometimes press her plump butt against you innocently.

Anyway, while you were wondering. "Koishi why did you want me here?" You asked "Not much I just wanted to talk~ come closer and kneel at the bed." Koishi replied

You stuttered before sitting at the foot of the bed right in front of her. Then koishi crossed her legs giving her an even better view of her pantyhose covered thighs. "This is what you want dont you? You want to see my legs and do lewd things to me~?"

Just her crossing her legs, those slight jiggles in her thighs as she crossed them was enough to give you a hard on. She uncrossed her legs then opened her legs to you and sat back a bit revealing her prize she wasn't wearing panties. Holding her thigh and pressing four fingers to her covered slit and slightly opening it through her black pantyhose.

"I'm wearing pantyhose so it's not technically lewd~ Take a niiiice look at my private part~" Koishi teased. She knew what she was doing but I stared on.

"I know you want to stuff your face inside my butt and between my legs. Go on and do it~" Koishi cooed

You inched toward koishis crotch before completely immersing yourself as your face and nose pressed her plump pussy. You smelled and licked her sex through the pantyhose carefully but hungrily. Koishi gasped "Hah~!" As you stuffed your face deeper into her plump crotch

You licked and sniffed deeper through her pantyhose. Your hard-on pressed against the bed as you pressed further into her crotch sniffing and licking her plump sex.

"ahhhh~ haaahhh~ yesss~" Koishi moans some as she puts a hand on your head presses you deeper. She then twitched and tensed as pussy juice came out of her plump pussy as you hungrily licked and sniffed her. Her legs flared up twitching in the air as she leaned back onto the bed.

Koishi was now in check. Check as in shes about to

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File 174074100544.png - (3.96MB, 2393x2227, 11318432.png)

If gensoukyo was full of disposable zako clones

Youmu is patrolling in the guarding wearing her green sweater, green and white striped stockings with no pants or skirt except some green panties. high mobility zako~

anyways you come along with a mission to find some secrets and find her, sneaking up you quickly take Youmu's katana with the sheathe still on it and put it over her throat and starts choking her with it.

she gurgles and struggles while you slowly lower her to the ground, then thats when her legs start twitching, then piss starts spraying as her tongue hangs out of her mouth and her eyes roll up. she turns into a twitching pissing heap while you simply cuddle her.

once her movements cease, you roll her face down and strip yourself of your clothes. you then take off her stockings, slightly wet with piss, then take her soaked panties as were you never supplied panties on the mission in case you needed a disguise from a zako. Moving on you take her green sweater, soaked near the bottom from Youmu's piss. the stains will eventually dry and Youmu's clones wont suspect anything as long as you got the right disguise and panties on.

you also take Youmu's hair ribbon and put it on to be sure. then you drag her to a corner and have some fun. fucking her, ragdolling her around, cuddling her, and sniffing her warm body. You finally place her down in the corner, then putting her own unsheathed sword over her neck you violently twisted it to the side, snapping it. Some more piss came out and more death twitches even though she was already dead. She gurgled post mortem for a few seconds before she finally went still. ensuring she was eliminated, you then continued you mission.

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File 171252195291.jpg - (590.74KB, 1600x2000, 01526-511036096.jpg)
It is dark. This is where contest entries go. A spider's silken thread leads back to the rules post: >>/gensokyo/17142
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File 171555018794.jpg - (501.99KB, 1600x2000, 00248-3644012570.jpg)
“Will this do for a cue?” she asked, cordially.

The Wolf Tengu’s confounded, crimson gaze batted between her top and bottom halves. Had he not grown so damn big, he could have been staring right where he’d soon be planting his puppies…

Tsukasa’s belly fluttered at the thought. Simple sex would’ve taken the edge off; was she really about to allow this brute to spill his seed inside her?

Yes, her pussy and womb were clamouring in tandem. Yes, yes, yes!

Something congealed behind the veneer of bewilderment. It hovered on Yuuzou’s tongue, hopefully. “… You’re a fox,” came the tardy accusation.

“And you are a wolf,” Tsukasa agreed, pleasantly. “Close enough, I say. Wouldn’t you? Sir?”

Taxonomical preoccupation suffused the Wolf Tengu’s expression.

Tsukasa spurred her fingers for one more minute of effort. “Want the truth? No false modesty? Well, then,” she lied. “Imagine, I really have come here to have an itch scratched. Without my, ahem, ilk catching scent of it and tattling to my Master Iizunamaru. I am Her counsel and Hers alone; dallying with others could be… construed,” she said with what could, in the circumstance, be called self-restraint. “You and I, however, are civil servants both. We know these… trifling matters can be kept mum. And, to my very evident frustration, Outrider Yuuzou—” she feigned a moue of annoyance, “—I’ve found no luck thus far with these money-minded monkeys.”
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File 171555035831.jpg - (488.01KB, 2000x1600, 00268-1269649496.jpg)
Just like that, he was at her womb again. Just like that, the thick, raw girth of his cock had rubbed all traces of afterglow out of her pussy walls, clearing the figurative decks and girding the less figurative loins for another round of rough copulation. There was no flirting with unspoken ideas or gunning for orgasms now; not three thrusts later, the Wolf had settled into a steady, inexorable rhythm of canine breeding. The rapid-fire clap-clap-clap of Tsukasa’s dainty butt on his denuded waist was as good as a singularly impatient metronome.

And the only way it’d be put off its stroke, let alone stopped, would be the coda of a womb-deep, interspecies creampie.

Tsukasa wilfully ignored the aching of her elbows, head thrown back, shallow breathing clocked to the knock of his cockhead on her cervix. There was no more playing coy; this was nature taking its course, deadening her mind and body to the incoming impregnation. The post-orgasm sensitivity served only to melt the remaining defiance out of her hectically clenching vaginal muscles. Whenever he was out, she craved him back inside; whenever he was in, she wished him deeper in still, rubbing harder on those unfaithful spots that turned a hard-boiled tube fox into a tame female. Her pussy lips polished the swells and slopes of his red, bellied cock like he no doubt polished his curved sabre, the all-natural oil of mixed precum and pussy juice dribbling from her erect clit. A rogue trickle of spillover slithering down her inner thigh startled her rear straighter up.

Clap-clap-clap-clap it gavelled on, against the Wolf’s uncompromising loins. This, slightest, shift in the latitude of insertion introduced the brunt of his breeding thrusts to entirely new areas of Tsukasa’s unsuspecting womanhood. The fox’s fuzzy head snapped upright on its own accord, ears shooting up bolt-straight, even as her mouth warped into an O of near-hyperventilation. She panted like a hound-dog after a gallop. The first slip of already tenuous self-control saw those collapse into strangled yips of helpless glee.

… Scratch that. Nowhere near strangled enough.

The Wolf Tengu laughed – swallowed air – and managed to master his v
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File 171555053020.jpg - (557.82KB, 1600x2000, 00283-118410409.jpg)
She’d been dressed the same when Tsukasa had arrived: a sheer, blue negligee, strained from the volume of a matronly bust, atop colour-coordinated underthings which had left Her wealth of pubic hair peeking out over the groin. The sight of the latter had choked up Outrider Yuuzou, who’d escorted the tube fox even up unto her Master’s bedchambers’ door. The Great Tengu had all but ignored the gawping Wolf, disobliging him with a curt wave as she’d pulled Her wayward familiar into her boudoir. The door had shut on his questions.

There in the privacy of her sky-high apartments, her Master Iizunamaru had inspected Tsukasa from top to bottom, touching concerned fingertips to places that made and didn’t make sense. Her attention had stalled at the freshly scabbed-over teeth-marks on the back of Her tube fox’s neck. A vengeful hand had hovered over to one of the bell-pulls on the nearby wall, their pulleyed ropes criss-crossing the tower like a centralised nervous system.

… Then, the Great Tengu had changed Her mind. She’d collected a comb from Her bedstand and headed for the open balcony. Tsukasa had followed, needing not be bidden.

Though, not before furtively tugging the bell-pull her Master hadn’t.

That had been an aeon ago. Or minutes, though stretched to the point of verisimilitude.

The silence was worse than any rebuke. Tsukasa fidgeted on the stool, impatient. The wind whipped at her ears.

“… Would—” she spoke over it, if only to prove she could, “Would my Master like me to report?”

Iizunamaru’s calm, quiet reply didn’t sound bothered by the ambient noise. It rang clear here in Her queendom. “No need. All has proceeded to plan.”
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File 170949476780.jpg - (218.01KB, 850x1202, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_chikado__sample-b9.jpg)
Imbalance Practice, little short game, choose the scene you wanna see and the objective should be obvouis. This is at most the writer's fourth smut, so have some mercy.

“The Hakurei,” the smirking youkai adressed her prisoner with smug contempt as the steel doors to the cells opened wide, letting light pour into the previously dark room.

“Seija!” Reimu spat as she pulled at the chains securely bolted to the ceiling. “This has gone too far! Once everyone else finds out what you’ve done-”

“How long do you think you’ve been here?” Seija asked as interruption. Smirk never faltering as she approached Reimu. “Do you think they don’t already know? They just don’t care.”

The shrine maiden’s puffy eyes narrowed as fresh tears welled up within them. Crying was all she could do in this prison cell, not that she’d ever do so in front of her captor. In anger and desperation, she attempted to pull her restrains, which only resulted in garnering a chuckle from the amanojaku.

“How pathetic you are. Even more so than when you fought against the princess, who’d have thought you’d lose so quickly?” She didn’t lose, Reimu’s sure of that! Had the world not suddenly twisted mid-fight then she wouldn’t have been hit in the first place. Seija didn’t care one bit about the details though, only the result. “And here you are, weeks later, still flexing your precious little muscles in yet another futile act of resistance. Yet to understand what it means to be weak, hm?”

“W-weeks?” Reimu blinked. Had it really been that long? Seija had to be trying to psyche her out. “That’s not true! You’re lying…!”

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File 170958868626.jpg - (128.18KB, 850x1133, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_gunnjou_yosio__sam.jpg)
You know that moment where you realize you kinda regret doing something? I kinda feel that way now, like a mental sage time of sorts. Course I aint no coward so I’ll just update and consider this a done deal after. That said, let’s a gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

“I’ll show you real power.”

There was an inscrutable silence for a moment, then Reimu felt Seija’s hand on her lower back, and her whole body tensed, her heartbeat quickening more than it should have.

“Don’t fucking touch me,” she hissed, shutting her eyes tightly to show no weakness.

Seija ignored her. “You still don’t get it, do you?” she said casually, her other hand slipping down, sliding easily between her sore flesh and her black laced panties, and between the cleft of her ass.

Reimu bit her lip, swallowing a pained whine as Seija’s finger reached her raw, dry asshole. She tried to shift her weight away from but the youkai’s arm was in the way…

“I can do anything I want to you, whether I’m nice about it is up to you.”

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File 169889882374.jpg - (235.16KB, 800x800, 31304693_p0.jpg)
“Mnnnh, right there! Oh, that’s nice, Lee…”

Minoriko enthusiastically voiced her approval as she reclined on a set of cushions on the floor. Kneeling by her side was Lee, her priest, spouse, and presently, her masseur.

“I hope I’m doing a good job,” he said from behind her. “I don’t have much experience with this.”

“You’re doing perfect, pumpkin.” Minoriko purred. She was lying stomach-down, resting her head on top of her folded arms. From this position, Lee had been kneading the tension from the day’s work in the fields from her calves.

Truthfully, Minoriko would have to admit that this was not something that was strictly necessary for her. As a goddess, even a borderline ‘feral’ one compared to the Moriya, the various ailments and afflictions of the flesh that so bedeviled humans didn’t affect her in a concrete way. She had been eking out a living with her sister here in Gensokyo long before Lee had entered their lives - long before Gensokyo itself had even been called that.

That was to say, coming back home from work and coyly requesting her husband’s attention wasn’t about relieving mortal frailty. It just felt nice and helped the two of them get closer, and that was plenty of reason for it.

“Can you take care of my feet next, sweetie?” Minoriko asked. “All the farmwork really takes its toll on them.”

He froze at that. Minoriko’s eyes blinked open.
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Well? What are you waiting for, Lee? You better damn well reciprocate. Girl's going the extra mile for you, shoving her tongue in your earhole.
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The sound of falling leaves...

🍃👂 Uho 🍃👂 ...
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File 170011211239.jpg - (105.15KB, 532x565, __aki_shizuha_touhou_drawn_by_onikobe_rin__53f320d.jpg)
“You make such cute sounds,” Shizuha teased. “I should do this more.”

Lee sighed. Despite his embarrassment, he was clearly content to let Shizuha nuzzle into him.

The two of them continued embracing. Though Shizuha had just satisfied Lee, her own desire had not yet been quenched. She could feel her need for his touch still smoldering in her chest and her loins.

She leaned back to look at him with what she hoped was a seductive expression. “Say, Lee… My turn?”

Lee didn’t reply, but he didn’t need to. He slipped away from her side and sidled between her legs while she slid off her long skirt, taking care to not snag the leaf-patterned hem. Shizuha propped herself up on her arms to look at his face. He gave her a small smile, gently raised her left leg by the knee, and went to work.

He trailed kisses across the pale skin of her inner thigh in just the way she had taught him. It was her turn to shiver and tense in pleasure now, with each touch of his lips and tongue causing her to curl her toes and press her legs together with Lee inside. The small spots of moisture left behind from his mouth felt wonderfully cool when his breath brushed them.

Maybe it was because of the attention she had just paid to his ear, but Shizuha felt like Lee was attending to her with extra care. She adored how thorough he was in fulfilling his duties as the priest for her and Minoriko, but the thought that it was nothing more than a duty to him gnawed at the back of her mind even now.

For better or worse, she was nothing like the sort of god Kanako was, and that meant that she could not demand worship in such an imperious manner, as though it was simply something naturally owed her.
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File 165547999747.jpg - (646.03KB, 2432x1500, ojousamas.jpg)
For those who have been half-asleep, Discord came down on us, so no more posting anything remotely exaggerated Japanese crying-worthy on the server. Luckily, imageboards have functionalities for posting (shocker!) images. Why not use those functionalities to do what some number of us sat around doing on a shitty Chinese spyware chat anyway?
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clownpiece cunny
Wake up OP
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Nah. I don't have any obligation here beyond the few images I dumped at the start of the thread.

Anyone and everyone has been free to dump their own.
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File 169461157098.jpg - (52.67KB, 800x450, EKX_SbtU0AAj0-a.jpg)
We cannot cling to the old dreams anymore

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File 133675738225.png - (100.81KB, 794x544, Era.png)
Or EraToho.

So guys, anyone know about this thing? I heard from my friend about this game; apparently it's a text based rpg similar to Slave Maker or something like that.
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yeah its slow but alive, most recent translation is yuugi, kaguya, yumemi, nue, suwako and seija i think. that's for eratw. dunno about k but i see the git still being updated
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This thread is a time capsule. Cool that it's still up and the eragames are still being worked on to this day.

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File 169137029796.jpg - (1.07MB, 1200x2025, 20230804_223138.jpg)
Now for let's fantasize about a fantasy world. Even if it's impossible. How would you guys quietly snuff certain characters?

If I saw Cirno like this I'd grab her and drag her away from her group in deep grass before a silent but brutal crack stops her struggles~ then take her outfit and wear it as disguise and go for more kills~

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Cirno's dress probably wouldn't make for a very good disguise, especially if you take into account the fact that sooner or later she'll come back, and probably spread the news around that some crazy guy assassinated her.
If you're looking to do things quietly, your best bet is to stick to anything that won't get better afterwards, and even then between the influence of certain youkai too powerful for you to pose a threat to, and Reimu's instincts clueing her in to the fact that something is up your days would be very shortly numbered.
My best guess as to an ideal target would probably be anything you're likely to put out of commission with a long sharp stick. A kappa/yamawaro if you can somehow catch it unawares, or maybe Rumia.
Avoid Youkai Mountain and the underground like the plague especially, given both are crawling with powerful and deadly youkai.

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File 168884046766.jpg - (63.52KB, 850x914, __reisen_touhou_drawn_by_virtus__sample-3903b212f9.jpg)
Reformatted, looks much cleaner now! Like I said, first story, criticism yadda yadda.

Suddenly, I am born. To do so is nothing but the highest afront to everything my people stand for. To be born, is to die. To die is to live. To live is to sin. To sin, is to be impure. Mom says I shouldn’t do that, sin I mean. She says it will lead me to things I shouldn’t do. Like great aunt.
I can see why she ended up where she ended up.

I really should stop sinning so much.

My name is Ugayafukiaezu no Mikoto, but that’s a mouthful. Everyone calls me Anon, because I am a male. I think. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of men, at least I don’t see them. Most of the people I’m around are girls.

I don’t complain, girls are great to look and touch! The bunnies are like buttons which make noises when you press them, it’s fun!

The other women are great also, but they aren’t as fun in the usual way. They are prettier to look at, always prim and proper, and they smell great too! But they are always so serious, and focused, and dismissive. But that’s fun too.

My favorite is my aunt, - my other aunt - she’s so cool, all day, every day! She’s always like, ‘do this’ ‘do that’, all commanding and in control. And her hair is always flowing, and the color is pretty. She also looks great always, she has a great butt too!
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[X] Comfort Her
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New chapter soon?
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did it died?

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File 16846904059.jpg - (578.17KB, 720x960, 37573163_p0.jpg)
Just in case, this is the prize short for Kizin, winner of the >>/gensokyo/16873 Village Life: It’s Never Safe at Work contest. It is also technically a follow-up to >>41058 A Dog With a Bone and >>41082 A Witch With a Broomhandle, but there’s little continuity to speak of else than the male insert, so don’t fret about not perusing those beforehand.

I confess the “horror” aspect hasn’t been touched on much for personal reasons, but had consulted that with ol’ Kiz and am therefore giving myself the biff chit.

In addition, this short has been cross-posted to AO3 with a handful of “enhancements” that would have been a little too obnoxious to do on THP. That version is available here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47331199 . The text is otherwise the same.
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File 168501863271.png - (1.70MB, 2314x3092, __hata_no_kokoro_touhou_drawn_by_kame_kamepan44231.png)
Well done, well done, and merci. I enjoyed it--actually, there are some thing about this that make me wonder if they were points of fanservice aimed specifically my way. Funny, if so. I think you "got" Kokoro well and approached her character in a nifty way, and I also quite like how Taichi's character arc as it were has gone so far. Setting details were a nice touch too. With how this ended, I wonder whether you'll do anything more with Kokoro again.

So, did you like writing it? I know that when you were starting up the process it was like pulling teeth.
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File 168503769587.jpg - (858.80KB, 1200x1200, 00152-2116444845.jpg)
>Funny, if so.
This was supposed to be a (somewhat) personalised prize; a gentle touch of pandering was apposite!
>I think you "got" Kokoro well and approached her character in a nifty way
Writing "youkai-like youkai" is definitely a kick, definitely in a body part... even if Kokoro never struck me as a particularly youkai-like youkai, by the series' purview. Nevertheless, I think it lent the piece that extra inch of novelty to elevate it above "just" a porn short. I think.
>how Taichi's character arc as it were has gone so far
As mother, as son with the sacred prostitution, eh? Just the clientele's shifted...
>So, did you like writing it? I know that when you were starting up the process it was like pulling teeth.
The start was an oof, for causes we discussed. No template for Kokoro in my head = mental roadblocks upon the slightest essay at constructing a scene/sequence of events. No sequence of events = no idea what the character ought to act like to facilitate it. Vicious circle. Well, but I went and did my homework, (re)READ THE FUCKING PRINT WORKS, read up on Japan's strange historical crossover of performative arts with prostitution, and something did emerge.

Thereon out, it was pretty fun. More vanilla-esque than most filthy smut I've done in recent memory, which helped things along, too. Truth be told, I had no idea Taichi had a crush on Kokoro until he, well, did. Always a funny feeling.

It was interesting as well to experience how my fiddling with illustrations fed back into the writing process. Which it did, to a surprising degree. There is potential there, perhaps.
>I wonder whether you'll do anything more with Kokoro again.
Not the pumpkin bun? Not even? Really. REALLY!
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Pumpkin bun if you want, I'm just remarking on the promise at the end here!

For me, I specifically just wanted to give you something challenging. I'm happy you wound up enjoying it.

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File 168099827034.jpg - (0.98MB, 3077x4335, CirnoKoishi.jpg)
It was a quiet day out in the Forest of Magic. Cirno and Koishi both stood opposite of each other:
"Cirno, you have been skipping out on your medication. Why?" asked Koishi
"I am a Fairy. I don't need any of these worthless daily doses!" she replied with defiance

Koishi shook her head in disapproval and began to charge up her Honnou "Ido no Kaihou."
Before she knew it, Cirno was trapped and ready to receive her medication:
"I didn't get this medical degree for nothing. I want to help people. Just sit still and it'll be over soon," Koishi calmly stated

Despite her gentle reassurance, Cirno continued to struggle, cursing at the Satori under her breath. Koishi pulled down her and Cirno's panties: She was ready to administer the dosage. Koishi inserted her long, thick, Satori cock into Cirno's soft, Fairy anus:

Koishi replied "That is no way to speak to your doctor!" and continue to apply the daily dose

Koishi's cock was thoroughly pounding Cirno and Koishi was near ejaculation. But it seemed it just wasn't enough to help her patient. 'What should I do though?' Koishi thought. Suddenly, like a flash, the idea came to her: Immediately after ejaculating, Koishi unsheathed her Primate tallywacker from Cirno and began to charge herself up. Cirno thought, it was finally over, but she turned her head back only to see a fresh Spell card, and Koishi's petra-popper moving in reverse.

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It's always the Koishitfags...
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Least insane Touhou fan.
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Here's a tip: when you make a thread, especially in /at/, give it a title. An untitled thread in /at/ looks like a certain type of unsavoury spam this board has gotten multiple times, which led me to entirely avoid this thread, until I noticed on the main page that it was still up after several days and had gotten new replies.

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