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File 165945604988.png - (195.07KB, 1366x865, Reversed Linearity page 1.png)
Reversed Linearity page 1
Hint: You can press on the red/blue file part to make the image bigger.

Tutorial: Write [X] Go to page [number here] to progress the adventure.

Good luck.
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Pretty much, yeah.

It'd turn the title into 'Reverse The Linearity of the Unmaze Cathedral'
Which would be a clue to use the pages it didn't mention yeah.

I thought it was clever, but in a way it's really obtuse insn't it?

Either way, I'm glad you had fun and you can expect something like this once again in the future maybe. It'd definitely be a fun a second try.
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Oh, is that what you were going for with the clue? Then maybe it would have been better if the clue read "Remove a D at the first word of the title and add a 'The' afterwards as well." Because with the wording as it is, I thought a "the" needed to be removed.
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Must have been a typo from my part yeah.

Definitely won't make that mistake again.

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File 165301935370.png - (49.17KB, 1080x1080, Untitled.png)

"Oh dear..." mumbled Shou. It seemed that the annoying crow had come back again.

The Myouren Temple's doors opened, and Byakuren walked out. She sighed.

"Aya, leave. I do not want to say anything more, and it is not right for me to do much more than order you off the temple grounds," said Byakuren, her face unmoving. A youkai in a white dress and blue attire turned around the corner and eyed the tengu. Even the humans and youkai dusting off the stones got a little more erratic in their movements. Aya's grin didn't waver. She just saw it as an opportunity to get more scoops.

The crow tengu marched to Kyouko, one of the people with a broom.

"Good morning." The yamabiko was not very joyous today, or at least right now.

"Morning! How's life here?" Aya's cheeriness tried to poke around for a news story. "Anything new?"

"New?" Kyouko asked.
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File 164666404384.jpg - (27.10KB, 474x465, OIP.jpg)
A heartbreaking story is currently unfolding that’s sure to have devastating ramifications for years to come. Just moments ago, without any warning, the worst person you know just made a great point.

“If someone molests a fairy, then they are a pedophile, no excuses.
Even if X is making the forest better, they are still a fairy fucker!”

This is absolutely crushing news, and it’s unclear if recovery will ever be possible.

The tragedy occurred just a few moments ago during a debate about politics occurring among your friends. Out of nowhere, the most loathsome person you’ve ever met in your whole life chimed into the argument with a completely valid and irrefutable point. Every attempt to formulate a rebuttal to just the most insufferable asshole on the planet failed miserably because, for the first time ever, that piece of shit’s logic was entirely unassailable.

This is the kind of horrific event you always assume only happens to other people, but never to you.
It’s amazing how life can change in an instant. One moment, everything’s normal, and the next you’re unable to find a single flaw in the intricate and logically sound reasoning of this fucking self-important, endlessly irritating prick. Up until now, everything that’s comes out of that girl’s mouth is pure dogshit, so now that she’s strung together an eloquent and convincing opinion, you’ve been completely blindsided.

In some ways, that’s the worst part of it: You were so used to this unbearable cretin saying nothing but garbage that you had no way to mentally prepare yourself for the day she made an amazing and insightful comment.

While this gut-wrenching calamity has passed, the shock and the sorrow it left in its wake may never truly fade. All you can do now is try to pick up the pieces, move on, and pray that this pompous moron never makes another great point ever again.
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Write about shimmy
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File 164977669243.png - (232.35KB, 515x868, club penguin.png)
club penguin
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Oh I totally forgot this existed, may as well make that Shimmy short now that I think of it.

Could be nice practice to get the write juice back, yeah I'll make one soon.

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File 163847207678.jpg - (320.73KB, 1551x1017, I made it just for you (2).jpg)
I made it just for you (2)
Happy day Anon, I have a cake for you. Please enjoy it.

[] eat it
[] never
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File 163873600063.png - (270.63KB, 750x850, tellemmisskeine.png)
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File 164340806387.jpg - (110.83KB, 850x478, Do it anon.jpg)
Do it anon
Screw you Keine, don't tell me what to do.


Europe, Asia, Africa
Yukari “You come in her, or I’ll come for you” Yakumo, the youkai of boundaries
visited these and all other continents
the world had to offer
and yet she still met only one man worthy of Reimu

[Yukari ”If you don’t fill that womb, you’re going in the tomb” Yakumo]
You want my maiden?
You can have her!
I left everything you need together
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"What the fuck anon, why are you fucking that green shrine maiden?! My Reimu is right there!"

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File 163150243068.jpg - (62.50KB, 324x441, mimi-nashi-hoichi.jpg)
The following images are also available at:

Minor continuity with >>2262.
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Oh, my God.
>Taira no Kiyomori
I meant Taira no Munemori. Fuck me.
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Not sure I one-hundred-percent understand all what happened, but that sure was a ghost story. Bravo.
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File 163426447483.png - (322.91KB, 646x710, bun.png)
I'd usually prefer not to shill an offsite repost, but there were a couple of sore spots in the pacing that really, really started to bother me the more I looked this thing over, and which I've since attempted to patch up. You can find said patched-up copy here, if you at all give a shit: https://ao3.org/works/33878584

Hopefully the addition also makes it a little more explicit what exactly Reisen's trying to do in this short.

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File 163127028162.jpg - (94.84KB, 850x519, time.jpg)
Happy Spooktember, everyone.
Today was looking to be a busy day for Sakuya. Her mistress made it clear that she wanted the mansion to be extra clean in preperation for a visit from the Hakurei shrine maiden. Normally, this would be an easy task for the maid, but it was complicated by an invasion from a certain witch, as well as the ensuing danmaku party caused by the younger mistress.

And that was saying nothing of the horrendous state the kitchen was in, due to some fairy maids convincing themselves that they could cook.

Sakuya had her work cut out for her, but what else was new. Sometimes, she felt that her constant upkeep of the mansion in frozen time went unappreciated, but she always held her tongue.

The nice thing about working in stopped time was that she never had to worry about working quickly. In fact, if she had to, she could take a nap in frozen time, and no one would ever know. Even Remilia was clueless about what Sakuya did in her own time, not that she'd admit it.

She had already restored about half of the destroyed hallway decor by now, and she continued moving along at a steady pace. Burnt sections of carpet were cut out and replaced, scorched walls were wiped clean, and broken furniture was disposed of. Every so often, there would be a fairy maid right in the way of where she needed to work, but it was incredibly easy to move them. Their confusion once time resumed was of no concern to Sakuya.

Free from observers, Sakuya entertained herself while she worked by whistling. The mistress would likely disapprove of such an "unrefined" action, but what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her.

When one has all the time in the world to themselves, they have to entertain themselves somehow.
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Good short, I like it.
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Excellent short. So was it a time paradox or something?

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File 162806831286.png - (43.25KB, 208x140, Screenshot_2.png)
Let's get the facts straight:

1- You're not in your bed 2- You're not on the floor so you're probably not home either.

You knew that much already but really your right hemisphere says you should not have drinked that much, yet your left hemisphere says it was unconditionally worth it. You don't remember yesterday's party but boy it felt glorious

The sensation of your brain being beaten by a solid steel stick was just the natural fee one had to pay here, you were no stranger to passing out drunk and waking up the next day a few miles away from home.... but the scent of this place reeks of the forest and another substance you'd rather not think too much off.

Upon regaining most of your thoughts, you keep your eyes closed, certain that whatever you were going to see would be both unpleasant and distressing.

You were right. Being tied onto a chair with rope told the nature of the situation quite bluntly.

On the one hand, this time there wasn't any fire, brimstone or the wailing dead to be seen, which suggested that you did not end up in hell again, which was a plus since if it happened once then it could happen again.

In fact, you were in a room, an old-world little shack if you had to stipulate. The window showed woods that were slightly familiar which means you can't have been taken far, and hopefully only a few hours had passed. Since it was now only approaching sundown.
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No question but just a thing I like to point out: The average voter participation increased by 100% when the option was to press a mystery button.

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Forgot to mention a few things:

Bassicaly since Alice and both Marisa live in the forest, the odds of finding their houses was not impossible.

The former would be there but the latter not.

Then you could ask her for shelter, though that'd have been pretty boring so I didn't mention it nor did I go out of my way to make it look like an option (Due to bias towards boredom).

You would have to go deeper into the forest tho.

Any questions will be truthfully answered yeah

Done, and for now nighto!
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Oh damn it did yeah, Guess mystery buttons just appeal to one's inner curiosity and stuff.

(Just only noticed your comment, had to refesh the page)

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File 162792966536.png - (77.19KB, 350x350, Bloodrust_Mansion.png)

Stupid forest… It always does that in front of everyone. Does it think this is making itself look good? Look attractive? No. It looks repulsive! If I could get to it, I would defiantly tell that bastard that what it is doing is wrong. And that it should be ashamed.

This is what Bloodrust Mansion thought as it watched Magic Forest in its brief moment of ecstasy. The forest seemed happy as it let out a load of golden red and wet leaves into the sky, the excess of it slowly dripping down the sides of the rivers nearby.


Really? Again?
Bloodrust Mansion wished it could turn away, but its fixed position made that idea impossible. It just had to bare the horrible eyesore that was Magic Forest. Not that it was unusual. Bloodrust Mansion had been watching Magic Forest for hundreds of years, and it's favorite thing to do was disrobe itself in front of everyone like the exhibitionist it was.

Of course, Bloodrust Mansion hated this. Magic Forest made Mansion feel dirty by forcing it to watch it's strip show. It made Mansion feel like some sort of freak and pervert. What it would rather view was this rumored landmark that was said to be one of the greatest things in the world. A place so pleasant that the landmark's smell alone could send a person into a trance. Something that everyone is told that they should see, but many never have the privilege to do so. That thing was named Ocean.

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It's about time for me to update.

Expect in an hour or half.
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File 162802582183.png - (74.02KB, 478x521, Screenshot_1.png)
[x] Some time later, the mansion exploded in unbridled rage.



…To think I’d hear an sound so similar to the real deal after so long. How long has it been?

Bloodrust Mansion was being nostalgic again, it never knew it could feel this way but live another hundred years and weird things to happen. There was nothing to be annoyed about now at least.

To clarify there was nothing if anything around Mansion’s territory now, no more green grass for bugs to use as an hiding spot in order to enter Mansion’s garden and pilfer it’s succulent cherry juice nor was there a blue sky filled with birds that would usually defecate on and breed on Mansion’s red tiled roofs without a single concern for the defiling and disgusting acts they were committing on a Mansion’s honor. No! Nothing was ever going to disrespect Mansion again…That was made sure off.

You did great, I always knew that deep inside you were just like me
Petals of a iconic flower dropped into one of it's chambers via the window, such a vulgar way to give someone a greeting could have been only be one person: the Rubenesque (think that’s an shade of purple) color of the flower in moonlight was unforgettable and the hypnotic pattern of it falling from the sky even less. Mansion only knew one person with this kind of deadly allure.

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Good house.

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File 152993577696.jpg - (348.79KB, 1000x437, before titles and feats.jpg)
before titles and feats
First note: This is tied to The Magician's Apprentice Exchanged Cups With an Oni (>>65260) and is ideally read after chapter 9 (>>66514), but can totally be read on its own.
Second note: Archaisms abound.
Third note: This will be updated once a day for six days.

Let's begin.


I grew too soaked last night. After I washed the wood from my mouth with the river’s water, from Yuugi I departed, and to find more sake I went. Not yet am I used to alcohol’s back-bite. My skull is in chaos, cacophony. I run my hands through my hair and stop at my budding horns. I touch them, feel them, and confirm. Aye, this is me: oni.

Now to know what it means, young Ibuki.

[ ♫: http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=rzpsp4KiW3s#/4;133 ]

I groan and grit my teeth, growling bitterlike and unsure why this emotion boils inside me; regret from the sake washed down my throat, or regret that my sweet ignorance had been washed on way? My stomach is wet. What is this, now?
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>I know she tried to cheer her up, but that really wasn't the best thing to say to someone who is trying to escape their nature.
As I see it, Suika loves being an oni, but she's not technically an "ideal" one. Part of this was exploration as to why, and I'd say that line was Yuugi trying to remind her that even if she doesn't fit all the ideals, she's still what she thought she wasn't (but nonetheless wanted to be... while also not wanting to be). Girl's conflicted!

As for "exile"... It may be better to interpret her as a simple aberrant oni according to her original Japanese description in her IaMP ending as being, eh, an "outcast". Outcast is an off the mark reading of what she's called, although "異端児" can carry a heavy, but accurate connotation of "heretic" (some sources will tell you it means "maverick", and more readings seem to support that idea https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/jn/12267/meaning/m0u/ ). For what it's worth I won't be going from a perspective of her being a cast out of society oni (especially given according to Satori, Yuugi is jealous of Suika's freedom to abandon the Former Capital and do as she pleases), but she is undoubtedly unique for better or worse. She was a ruler at one point in her past, as one of the Four Devas, so she probably had the respect of her fellows. That's my interpretation!

And finally, thank you~. I'm happy you really liked it, it was a fun exercise.
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Tracks used:

Title - Album (Circle)

[笛子]東方Project 碎月 (cover of FELT's "CLONE") - (Dizi)
CLONE - Blue Drop (FELT)
And Other - Blue Drop (FELT) [bonus]
華は春に還り - Crystal Stone (ShibayanRecords)
Drunk As I Like - Distant Phantasm 6th (Distant Phantasm)
砕月 - Aoki Touhou Komoriuta (TAMUSIC)
Otherworld - Final Fantasy X
幻想郷への扉 - LUNATIC EASTRONICA (Fluid Stance)
Memory of Forgathering Oriental Dream - Immaterial and Missing Power (NIGHT DISC)
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That said, there really is hardly any difference: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29822070

I think I added like two ellipses, I changed three words and that was about this. Does make sense--I spent quite a while on this short in the first place.

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File 161003413542.jpg - (295.49KB, 850x1133, __mizuhashi_parsee_touhou_drawn_by_moneti_daifuku_.jpg)
Parsee didn’t particularly like humans. Sure, they’re the main source of her sustenance, as the fleeting desires of youkai are not particularly filling meals for the hashihime, but she often finds ones that know to resist her provocations, and while she’s envious of their willpower for doing so, she’d much rather not interact with such persons at all.

As such, she was incredibly annoyed when she found the small boy, dressed in the casual attire of the Outside World, knocking on her front door.

“So there is somebody in this house!” The boy beamed up at her with an irritatingly gleaming smile, “Hello, misses, what are you doing living under this bridge?”

“How even did you get here?” Parsee asked, her sheer disbelief at this entity finding its way down there overriding her immediate disgust and envy at his cheerfulness.

The boy’s smile widened, “Your house is always under the bridge! It doesn’t matter which bridge I crawl under, your house is always here!”

“You...well, did your parents tell you that it’s okay to knock on the doors of strangers?”

“No, but I thought that you must be lonely living under a bridge like this!” The boy fished through his grade school backpack, and produced a bottle of yellow liquid, which he offered to the recoiling hashihime. “So I thought you would like someone else here!”

“Uhh...thanks.” She said with false sincerity, taking the bottle. Her abilities were finding no purchase in the bright mind of the child, and she just wished that he’d go away to wherever he came from. “But I’m sure your cheerful self wouldn’t want to make friends with a lousy youkai like me.”
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A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
Well done.

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