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File 171734657754.png - (1.64MB, 1400x1500, luck of the rabbit.png)
luck of the rabbit
Please post your entries for the exhibition >>/gensokyo/17300 in this thread.
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File 171750220756.jpg - (98.33KB, 850x1200, 18348_0.jpg)
She extends her hand to the butler, strapping it to a metal device wrapping around her forearm. His gloves grazes her skin as the Jidiao rests her head upon the wooden counter, peeping her rival with her peripheral, the inaba herself has completed the preparations before her. After making sure that the device is safely locked, the butler shows her an injection needle, its tubing branches from the inside of the mechanical jaws.

“The chemicals will be injected directly to your veins, more specifically, your median antebrachial vein.” The butler says as he wipes her forearm with an alcohol swab, aiming the needle into it. “You’re not unfamiliar with needles, aren't you?”

“Seldom, I have no issue with it.” She points to the strapping device. “What are these cuffs for?”

He picks the double-sided tubing into her attention. “Aside from holding the IV tight, it serves as the switch mechanism, a valve between the tubing that decides which chemical will go through the needle.”

The butler presses the cannula into the device's plug, pushing its needle and locking it in place. Yachie feels a brief pain as she watches the elastic small pipes being connected to her body. Now, both Yachie and Tewi are locked into the machine. The wide screen in the middle walls activates, displaying the following statistics:


Current wager: 20.000 yen, 1 mg

Yachie: 120/80
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File 171750270916.jpg - (26.38KB, 612x368, 1717502620136.jpg)
The light travels through the room, crossing through the liquid as it passes the glass of iced water. The tired Jidiao and her subordinate rests their body upon the wooden counter as they wait for the butler to prepare the third round.

“Coffee.” The pink-dressed Inaba requests. “Hot coffee.”

The butler replies as he picks a coffee pack from the back shelves. “On it, Miss Tewi. How about you, Kicchou?”

Yachie glances at her previous drink, untouched from the previous round. “Another iced water, use a jug this time.” She presses her neck with her fingers.

The butler doesn't question anything of her request, going to work on it immediately. Yachie flashes a smile, looking at the well-mannered Inaba before her subordinate obstructs her view.

“You—” The Sarugami bites her tongue. “You don't have to do this, Yachie.” She clenches both of hands, looking down. “This whole mess is my problem. I— We shouldn't risk your life because of this. That rabbit, I underestimated it at first, but her luck is… It's real… As if the world bends at her will.”

Yachie peeks at the Inaba, taking a sip from her cup of coffee as the butler serves her request. Not long after, the butler comes with the Jidiao's request, bringing a jug full of iced water. She stares at the drink, seeing the reflection of an exhausted leader, blood tracing from her nose. She uses the sleeves of her light blue shirt to wipe it.

“Let me tell you something, Biten. You’ve maybe heard of it, this is before you joined our faction.”
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File 171778706747.jpg - (50.96KB, 600x600, Tenkyuu_Chimata_600_3373972.jpg)
Beware, for here be a dragon! Many brave and powerful adventurers challenge the new master of this cave, but none have proven successful yet. In this lair where all see their last, where did their eyes fall upon before their demise? Some would look up at the ceiling that once had numerous stalactites, now smoothed out by his hot flame. For others, it was the walls and ground littered with treasures from their homeland or foreign lands that they have never seen or ever will. Most saw the new master, Money the Red Dragon, as their final sight. 
In his current human form, he wears clothing decorated with gold and a crimson-red cape. However, his more beastial side is shown by how damaged they are after he fought the gods of the marketplaces and by his flames. His eyes are golden with slit pupils, poised to kill anyone who enters until he sees it is merely an unarmed human. A hint of divine magic dwelled in her pouch strapped to her waist. Whatever is in there, it's his now. He focused on the human before him.
Her hair is as pitch black as her eyes. She wore a dull, almost bland outfit as if attempting to appear humble. The smile on her face went from ear to ear, and the wrinkles near her eyes showed that it was genuine. An unarmed human who's excited like Money gets when he makes his pile of treasure bigger. Humans were usually weird to him; they got angry at him as if he took something from them, but he had a feeling this one would take the cake.
Perhaps it's the blood loss or how odd this woman is, but he didn't react when she took her first step into his lair. He stares at her with bored interest while comfortably indulging in his treasures. She glances around, not giving the gold a second longer of her time before looking elsewhere. It was then when she saw the pile he was lounging on, that her eyes settled. She looked up at him and bowed.
"Greetings, Money, the rich and powerful." She says it in near-perfect English. "I am Tenkyuu Chimata, the most esteemed and humble merchant in all of Japan."
"State your reason for being here, human." He orders
"Why, I heard a being from a foreign land h
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File 171726585663.webp - (27.30KB, 1024x819, RadicalPolarized-1_bd166907-6941-486a-8e63-0330729.webp)

13th July, 2---

Recently, a species of human not native to Gensokyo arrived and began causing chaos among not only the youkai but the humans of the village as well. They can be identified by their distinct clothing: A patterned button-down shirt (resembling an expensive kimono worn to a festival), light-brown short pants with huge pockets on the sides, wristwatches, white shoes, and expensive-looking sunglasses, typically black but possibly large multicolored ones that cover a third of the face.

These humans have been reportedly causing significant disturbances, such as climbing property and jumping off of it, yelling for seemingly no reason, fighting one another, and even trespassing.

Many youkai and humans have complained to the Hakurei shrine maiden, asking her to do something about this seemingly non-magical incident.

“A bunch of ‘em climbed our house, shaking the walls and making a mess inside!” a trio of fairies whined.

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File 170604398091.png - (95.90KB, 323x475, Snake on the moon.png)
Snake on the moon
Today is your first day out there.

On the lifeless side of the moon that is, it took training after training personally overseen by the great Watatsuki no Yorihime before you were even deemed capable of guarding a large expanse of nothing but white rocks here, white rocks there, and would you know, even more white rocks.

And to be honest, you don’t get what’s so special about it. Sure, you technically are one of the very first frontiers any invader would have to get past in order to even have the opportunity to head further in. But any human or other force with such motives haven’t been seen since you were born and so you don’t really posses the general paranoia or outright eagerness most of your comrades have to risk your body and soul in rightful combat against the ‘filthy’ sinners bound on Earth.

Not that your opinion matters (nor did you lack the self awareness to actually share it) to anyone but your fellow moon rabbits that is. That was a mistake however when you found out the next day that you were now scheduled for extra history classes since clearly you’ve said that due to ignorance.

That aside, the real reason you’ve gone and joined the Lunar Defense Corps was because you can’t cook and you don’t want to sprain a muscle pounding mochi for the rest of your life either.

And you don’t have the guile and patience to kiss ass in the capital amongst the Nobles as a servant.

Hence the only option left was military and so here you are, now tasked with patrolling this empty landscape for a bit, all on your own fort the most part. With nothing but your trusty bayonet as your companion and no other fellow troops to notice or berate you for humming as you walk about.

After all, if anything remotely suspicious happened to come within your vision. You could simply send a psychic message to the mental network shared between all moon rabbits. The implication you’d still have to deal on your own with whatever was worthy of an alarm...is best left alone.
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File 170552512433.jpg - (94.47KB, 467x600, impossible spellcard.jpg)
impossible spellcard
Above one of the many rivers in Gensokyo.

Day 1 of the Amanojaku Hunt.

0530 Hours.

The first light of dawn brought with it the promise of a storm and a shape that seemed to herald it.

It hurtled through cloud and air like a goddess of vengeance, perhaps like the one prophesied to bring divine retribution upon whole civilizations by the peoples who lived far higher.

This was no divinity, though, and certainly not one of weather. If anything, there was something slightly demonic about its appearance. Her to be more precise, as the one in flight is a woman.

The woman bore two stumplike white horns, each one the size of a small stone angling left or right on top of her skull. The hair atop was painted a natural black, with the occasional red flock here and there alongside a final highlight of greyish white at the front. None of it went further down than her shoulders. A blessing in disguise, for the white dress with gray, red and blade spade patterns she wears was scuffed, slightly burned and even frozen in some places. The sandals she once had were lost and even the upside down blue ribbon she usually wore at her waist was firmly attached to one arm in the form of an improvised bandage. Still her red eyes were filled with life and on her face was an ungainly smirk as she occasionally looked behind herself in order to dodge a projectile.

A projectile or one hundred that is, all the size of a small blue bullet and going almost as fast as one. The one responsible for shooting them being her pursuer, another girl with brown hair decorated with a magenta headband and clothes consisting of a white shirt with lilac accents, a purple bow on the back of her waist and finally a black skirt with purple zig zag patterns on which her fingers linger and strum in order to create more and more bullets that all fail to hit or singe their mark.
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File 170560508187.png - (192.00KB, 342x258, mermaid.png)
Misty Lake.

Day 1 of the Amanojaku Hunt.

0600 Hours.

She didn’t need to wait long for the arrival of the next goon.

Then again, she willingly entered a terrain known to inhabit many of them. Aquatic youkai and fairy alike, dodging the tail slap from one that belongs to the former category, Seija snaps a picture of the water turned into bullets that comes her way before landing with ease on one of the smaller islands.

“What’s this? Are you trying to outlast me?” asks Wakasagihime, a woman with dark blue hairs and eyes, small fins for ears and a frilly green leaf patterned kimono which fades to teal at the bottom. Her tall blue grey tail whipped back and forth in a smug way at the thought, like a dumb mutt Seija thought but still she didn’t answer the mermaid. “Sorry to say, but timeouts won’t be an option!”

“Nah, just figuring some things out.” Seija replied with cheek, tone meant to convey the little truth as some lie. Both of her hands were on the camera, one any resident of youkai mountain would notice belongs to the tengus. The fact it erased any bullet that it got a picture off was something anyone could understand. Hence the mermaid was trying to use banter time to think of another plan.

She wouldn’t get the opportunity if Seija had a say in it. And she did, by shooting an array of arrow shaped bullets at the mermaid again. The mermaid however acted as fit of her namesake and simply delved deeper into the water to evade both the bullets and the sight of her opponent. Whether the rumors of her becoming stronger the deeper she goes is true or not, it still gave an advantage.
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File 169608251847.png - (3.22MB, 1050x1485, __yorigami_shion_touhou_drawn_by_ichita_yixisama_s.png)
A goddess she might have been, but Shion Yorigami could not consider herself lucky. After all, what use was having great supernatural powers if you constantly had to bathe in their negative effects without any immunity? Even her sister Jo’on, whose divine domain was as vile and awful as her own, had been granted a better lot in life.

For as long as she could remember, the only relief she could obtain from her own misery and misfortune was to spread it to others, particularly when her sister dragged her along on her schemes to swindle others out of their money. But the schemes always fell through after a while, and the relief was only a temporary distraction from her essential state of being. Still, she had gotten used to it, since she had never known anything else.

Then, quite recently, Shion had come across the celestial Tenshi Hinanawi, and everything changed. Not because of the kind of person Tenshi was, or anything like that – Shion did not really know how to form a meaningful opinion on anyone’s personality in the first place. Besides her sister, no other goddess or youkai had ever spent any length of time around her, and she knew exactly why: they had less misfortune that her, and they didn’t want any of hers. Too bad for them; Shion would share her poverty with them anyway. Really, if she put a bit more effort in, she might have been able to accumulate enough envy and resentment at everyone around her to turn into a hashihime, but she could never be bothered. Besides, would being a hashihime even be an improvement to poverty godhood? Probably not.

No, the reason Tenshi was so important was because of her powers. Thanks to her celestial nature, she had so much innate good luck that she cancelled out Shion’s misfortune when she was nearby. She even tolerated the poverty goddess’s presence, calling her “a funny weirdo” and “cooler than all those boring rule-obeyers”. Shion had no idea what that meant, but she didn’t care. When she was around Tenshi, she could walk without stepping on sharp rocks and bathe without the water turning to mud. She could even eat without the food rotting before her eyes! That must be what living in heaven was like, she decided.
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It's always nice to see characters who don't usually appear in stories get some screen time. This is an entertaining vignette but a little too safe and small to say much more about.
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I loved it,

Reminds me of episode 19 of Nichijou with the shrine related bad luck
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Well spotted, it was an intentional homage to that scene! When I saw that Nichijou scene, I thought "since the Hakurei Shrine getting destroyed is such a memetically common theme in fanworks, maybe this series of events could happen there too" and that formed the starting point of the story.

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File 162342515160.jpg - (120.55KB, 1121x700, tJKE137Q5SyEiO1-6NQsYwhmRE-6RV6Rsaz4yEHhmGo.jpg)
>Be me, high ranking member of the Kiketsu Family. I keep my underlings in line, and make sure the people above me are happy.
>Be not me, other high ranking member of the family. He's a bit... wierd.
>Seems like every week he's losing a piece of territory or missing a quota and then he gets called in to be punished, by Kicchou-Sama herself.
>Downright terrifying woman, I've seen guys tough as the bastard son of shoe leather and an oni's roast beef break down crying at the thought of drawing her ire.
>Saw this motherfucker skipping to her office once.
>I kid you not this guy will not even have fucked up yet, and just talk about how he's gonna, this big dopy smile on his face.
>One time he did it, in a meeting, when Kicchou-Sama was present, she just told him to meet her in her office and he just skipped there, big dopey smile on his face.
>I just don't get what the fuck is happening here...
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Fucked up my trip, this is still me.
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File 169569121716.jpg - (266.82KB, 1131x1600, __original_drawn_by_guru__79713cf51ce298a77ad4e30c.jpg)
>The new Matriarch's instructions have unfolded perfectly.
>Just as instructed we "surprised" our target in plain sight and left no sign of ourselves in doing so.
>It was almost too easy to drag him out of sight while the others turned on eachother in the smoke.
>Now we merely need to dispose of the evidence...
>Today we beat the Gouyoku at their leader's game. Tomorrow the same. But soon our brothers on the surface will be free. Free to take vengeance on the dire birds that devour them.
>Ave Urameshiya!
>We who are about to feast salute you!
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Oh, shit, a surprise update. Good to see.

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File 166729122087.png - (478.53KB, 846x1291, 01.png)
To Aoi,

Truthfully, I’ve written a letter before this one, but it featured several pages in length. For your sake, I’ll abbreviate.

Two weeks prior, I found myself enraptured in yet another dusty book. From its exterior, it seems to be more of an antique than reading material. Its print, however well preserved, was worn by time’s grasp, and I could hardly turn the page without fear of tearing it by the seam.

I realize that this is hardly noteworthy, so I’ll spare you the detailettes and get to the point: It was written in Japanese. I’ll answer your misgivings now. For one, no, I did not decide to suddenly learn a second language. I am, unfortunate as it is, still an Englishman and know only English. And secondly, yes, I did check my mental state and have decided that I am (mostly!) still sane.

I was never one to believe in the occult, but I have no further explanation than to think less about it and deem it as “magic.” I know you’re more of an expert in this, so I’ll leave this situation to your judgment.

Please share your thoughts on this, lest I go mad.

Bilingually yours,
Mark Corderoy
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Can't say I get it, but I guess I'm going to have to re-read the whole thing again and see what I can get from it. Neat that it finished, in any case.

I appreciate any actual story with Achoo. Would be nice to see more, in general.
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always good to see a story to completion well done.
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Congrats on finishing. Was fun to read it through, and quite touching. The letters idea was also very well handled.

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File 166725224329.png - (461.03KB, 1216x503, not a castlevania reference.png)
not a castlevania reference
Warning: Common sense need not apply here.

This will be a part of Nanowrimo too, so the next update will come tommorow and so forth. Writing for 30 days straight should be super easy with this.

It's also an attempt for me to get back my writing grooves as I've been absent for a long time now.

That all said, enjoy if you can, tommorow.
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File 16827039208.png - (94.35KB, 1382x791, Screenshot 2023-04-28 181840.png)
Screenshot 2023-04-28 181840
===> [ X ] Accept their offer, into the gap you go! (Proper, polite, kind.)

“As you can see in this fine-tuned, graph. The increase in aggressiveness amongst the Neko population is directly proportional to the ‘France 1789 role playing’ that’s currently happening inside the Scarlet Devil Mansion. The consequence of these events alongside your latest harmless prank towards the Hakurei have resulted in her senses to demand your impromptu clobbering.”

You have no idea what the Gap Youkai is talking about and feel like she’s talking in such an oblique way for exactly that purpose. Still, the cookies and tea that were promised are quite the delicacy.

“What she’s saying is,” The princess of the Netherworld --the one that took every single cookie except the one you still have-- is more than happy to make it simpler. “Someone is causing trouble in the SDM, this trouble is starting to affect the outside as well. Which is where you come in.”

“Seeing how you’re already familiar with the place and are already planning to go there.” Yukari continues, her tone implying mischief and knowledge to your actions. “Why don’t you do us a favour and find out who or what is causing this trouble and make it a whole lot worse?”

“A whole lot worse?” you can’t help but question mid-bite, disinterestedly at that.

“It’s fun to watch and there’s nothing better to do today.” Yuyuko confesses, admitting that whatever is happening. The two hags see it as nothing more than a fun distraction.

“Also Reimu won’t stop chasing you until it’s over anyway. It’s almost endearing how she’s willing to spend more effort in an attempt to avoid exactly that. That and well, you know what you did.” Yukari pushes up the fake glasses she has on, as if to appear smart as they gleam a white light.
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[ ] “I want… your hats."

The only proper demand.
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[👒] “I want… your hats."
Basically asking for their souls.

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File 167586947865.jpg - (119.56KB, 712x999, __yorigami_shion_touhou_drawn_by_miy_001__4011069a.jpg)
Yorigami Shion was unhappy.

Yorigami Shion does not know why she is unhappy.

“I’m unhappy.” She asked the poverty-stricken shrine maiden drinking tea on a Sunday afternoon. Surprisingly, the shrine maiden did not chase her away on sight for some reason.

“When are you not unhappy?” Reimu replied, before staring at her, “You don’t seem to be spreading misfortune right now, however.”

“I’m not unhappy most of the time! I’m just not actively happy!” Shion loudly protested. Reimu instinctively threw up a wall of amulets to deflect the burst of misfortune from the goddess.

“In that case, did something bad happen to you. Worse than usual, I mean. Where’s Tenshi?”

“Tenshi said she was sick with the flu today. I was going to ask her about what to do before I came to you.”

“But celestials can’t get sick, not even through misfortune, unless…” Reimu’s face darkens, “Tenshi’s losing her celestial status from staying on earth for too long.”
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This was really good.
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The bath kills the stank elemental.
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This was a really good read. Depressing, true, but also memorable

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File 166112479393.jpg - (3.42MB, 2732x2048, gensokyan summer.jpg)
gensokyan summer
See >>/gensokyo/16549 for information and announcements regarding the contest.
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Reimu lay down, arms outstretched, on the cold wooden floor. Cicadas hummed in the distance. The shrine offered some shade from the oppressive summer heat, but she was drenched in sweat regardless. As she laid there she cocked her head and made a level attempt to kill the sun with her glare. The sun seemed to mock her as it remained firmly rooted in the sky. The miko's rage built and built as the giant red fireball continued to defy her. How could it possibly be this hot?!

A realization hit Reimu. The sun shouldn't be strong enough to resist her powerful Hakurei stare. She's the Shrine Maiden of Paradise damnit! That subterranean sun does what she tells it to, what makes the one up here think its so special?! It must be so strong because someone else caused it to be that way. An incident! A streak of red fabric shot away from the Hakurei Shrine to solve the incident at once, leaving rustling summer leaves in its wake.

Reimu rode the arid currents around Gensokyo on the hunt for suspicious people. As she glanced around the Human Village, Reimu caught sight of a redhead floating in a basin of water. Wait, no. On closer inspection it was a literal red head. Next to it, a headless body dressed in red and black fanned itself. Sekibanki was beside herself with heat exhaustion and could not see that her presence as a decapitated torso scared the whole village out of their now empty streets. It obviously was her fault and had nothing to do with the blazing red sun overhead, and what was about to happen next had nothing to do with jealousy over someone else getting to cool off in a pool. Reimu nodded to herself at this line of logic, confident in her deductive skills, and dropped down to chase the poor overheated rokurokubi out of town with her gohei.

The sun continued to shine and Reimu seemed no closer to solving the incident. Clear dry skies made it easy to spot some of the more unusual floating fixtures of the realm. Flying near to the Shining Needle Castle, she noticed the drum Tsukumogami reclining in front of a strange machine. It was a small white box that showered the girl with such a gale that her crimson hair splayed out behind her like a fan. Reimu got a glint in her
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“Lee, have you finished moving my materials inside?”

Shizuha poked her head out of a window, searching for the newest addition to her and Minoriko’s household. She soon spotted him stagger around the corner of the storehouse clutching several cloth bags.

“Almost!” he managed to grunt, panting from both the weight of the pigments she had asked him to fetch and the smothering heat of the Gensokyo summer.

Shizuha muttered something distinctly unbecoming of a goddess of even her modest stature, then ducked back in. Internally, she scolded herself. Wasn’t she supposed to be the responsible one? At least Minoriko was tending to her fields and not around to witness the gaffe.

Lee had finished putting away the bags and was laying down in the shade by the time Shizuha walked over with a pitcher of water and a few worn cups. She sat down beside him while he caught his breath and poured him a cup.

“Thank you.” He accepted the water with a grateful smile.

Shizuha found her eyes drawn to him as he drank in silence. She lingered on how his larynx punctuated the contour of his neck and followed it as it moved up and down as he swallowed the water. Out of habit, she found herself rendering her subject in terms of shapes and lines, of color and shading - means by which to more easily depict him with her brush.

Perhaps as a painter, it was natural for her to see her shaman through the lens of her art. By the same token, however, Shizuha had to wonder how she appeared to him.
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The ambush was executed flawlessly. It took place at the bend on the narrow trail as it dipped downwards around a small hill. The dense, thorny, and berry-laden bushes hedged the path on the sides. At the extremely-close range, the moment it would take to turn around and run was pointless. Short of leaping upwards and flying, there was no escape.

The ambusher stared at me firmly, her eyes showing little of their usual emotion. Likewise, her dark lips were drawn taut and her breathing silent. There was tension in her haunches as she leaned forward, appearing ready to leap should she detect a false move. Countless generations of careful breeding had endowed her with confidence in the hunt and prowess. That this was quite underappreciated in the village at present was a shame.

Her ancestors had been the proud sort, no doubt, used to the hard life of tracking and cornering youkai. How many cousins had been killed in their pursuit? Survival was never guaranteed, even when the conditions were favorable. Surprise was certainly something that favored the hunter but so did wits and the ability to collaborate with others. Before my time, only a few generations ago, hunters had gathered in groups and set out to exterminate troublesome youkai together.

Of course, today she was on her own. She may have been tracking but she was not hunting. Extermination was not on her mind either. Her behavior was instinctual, something that originated in her blood but was, ultimately, a vestigial impulse. Though impressed, I did not smile, instead crouching down to level my gaze with hers.

The bitch remained impassive for a few moments more. As I stretched my hand out, however, flickers of her usual gaiety reappeared in her dark eyes and the black lips curled at their base into something that could be generously interpreted as analogous to a smile. Her pink tongue flitted out as she brought her face close to my hand, making something of an imperious showing as she wrinkled her nose to sniff me.

I brushed my fingers against her soft cheek. It was more an acknowledgement than an act of affection.

She had managed to find me yet again.

I had left home early, bef
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