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File 171838682794.jpg - (137.60KB, 850x850, __kudamaki_tsukasa_touhou_drawn_by_momu_user_jgwv8.jpg)
The world has ended, but five (well, it’s complicated) humans get a chance to do it over, and make things right. Only problem is, for their second go around, they're not going to be 'human'...

Reiuji Youmu’s first day after awakening to her past proved harrowing, but also enlightening. Through surfacing her memories, much about the Pyres, the flames of despair that ended the world before, was revealed. Even more disasters - and the sudden, still-not-understood emergence of a Pyre years before it should have - revealed an even greater truth. Though they did not remember it, they were not the first to have their fates changed - two others, named Sanae and Tenshi, had tried and failed to stop the disaster once already. The plan to keep the quintet safe had been their last-ditch hope, to recruit more allies.

Youmu, along with her fellow reawoken allies Kicchou Reimu and Hieda no Akyuu, seek to find their remaining friends - Kosuzu the bookkeeper, and Marisa the magician - and then put their heads together to discover who Tenshi and Sanae are. But the most powerful tool of bringing back the two bibliophiles - a manuscript of the past world’s history - was lost in the confusion. And while one of the mysterious robed figures pulling the strings behind the scenes got caught in their own web, the other yet remains at large.

Perhaps to untangle the woven webs, one will need to be as clever as a fox. Fortunately, a fox appears to be just what Kosuzu will become…

Previous Threads:
Redo/Reimu >>205449 >>205720
Again/Akyuu >>206017 >>206302 >>206595 >>206906 >>207202
Yester/Youmu >>207370 >>207705 >>208027 >>208337 >>208978
Kaizou/Kosuzu >>209221
Epilogues and Shorts >>/shorts/2804

Or read the story archive on Ao3:

[42] Snatch for one of the furtive missives, carefully and yet quickly writing out small messages. Each missive, if it managed to complete itself, rushed into a small, glass test tube, and was sealed with a cork.
[38] Follow the buddhist sutras, that seemed to be unrolling themselves as they wrote. The sutra’s tails seemed to extend far, far into the distance… Kosuzu couldn’t see where they ended, or if they even had an end.

As tempting as the buddhist sutras were… the promise of intrigue was even more so. Kosuzu started to reach out, snatching for the missives. They taunted and danced out of her grip, threatening to escape her.

At last, she managed to grab one of the missives, as it was being written, but when she tried to pull it down, it refused to budge. She tried to get a look at it, but all she could get out was the word ‘escort’. She pulled, firmer and firmer, but the missive instead wrapped around her fingers, and yanked her around.

The girl let out a yelp as she was knocked off balance, stumbling to keep standing. The missive dragged her towards the pile of vials, hopeless to resist. She saw it suck her fingers in - then her eyes widened as it took her whole hand, swallowed her arm, and soon - her entirety fell into it.

But rather than a dead-end flask, she was flying through a maze of winding glassware. The missive had grown to swallow her whole arm, and was dragging her along where it may. Kosuzu looked around, amazed at the winding glassware. The flow of air through it was making her ears flick in the wind… Kosuzu slowly reached a hand up, to inspect them. Huh.

Then… something changed. Paths of the mazeworks were suddenly cut off, by swarming black clouds. The missive pulled and weaved, ducking through the increasingly few free paths, and Kosuzu did her best to hold on, and pull her legs in.

Hands began to claw out of the clouds. Reaching, grasping for her. The missive did its best to pull her away, and she herself flailed arms and legs to keep out of arm's reach. She looked back the way she came, and gasped - at a growing rush of pitch-blackness, threatening to swallow her.

A single hand reached out from the chasing void, grasping for her. She pulled arms and legs in - and at the last second, her suddenly-sprouted tail. The hand reaching for her missed, and with a final set of twists, the voids seemed to recede away. Kosuzu breathed a sigh of relief, turning to face ahead.

The missive finally released her arm, and flitted away, vanishing down another pipe. A single entrance held itself open before Kosuzu - and the visage beyond was of a village. Not the village - somewhere else, maybe? After a few moments, nonplussed, she started to walk towards it.

As she got right near the opening, though, a lid descended over it, sealing it shut. A metal wire-like structure wrapped around the entrance, sealing it with a click. Kosuzu felt a chill down her spine. She looked back, but where before there had been a maze of passages, now there was only the bottom of a test tube. Turning back to the lid, she tried to push against it, straining, but to no avail. She took a few steps back, before ramming her shoulder into it. Still, nothing.

She scrabbled, desperately, but the stopper wouldn’t budge. She let out a yell, but there was no response. She tried to open the sealed tube, again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again-

She fell back, unable to push her bruised shoulder into the glass any more. She couldn’t open it, not from within, and hidden amongst the grass, who would even see her tube? Especially now the sun had set. She sat down, sobbing, pulling her tail around herself, trying to think of something, anything, that could free her.

She tried to retreat, once again, into her memories, but gnawing hunger wouldn’t allow that. A small puddle of salty condensation had formed in the bottom of the tube, and soon, a few more drops followed it down. Was this how she’d- how she’d-

A pop. The sudden rush of cold, fresh night air. Kosuzu turned, and scrabbled, desperately, for the entrance. She was out, in the air, staggering-

At once, a pair of hands were around her. “Shhhhh, shhhhh… it’s okay, Ko-ko. I’m here now.” The younger tube fox whimpered, before breaking down into sobs.

Her mother held her with one hand, looking at the tube she’d been freed from. “...So with just the addition of a clasp - a seal that can’t be undone from the inside - our refuge becomes a prison, huh? Hope that doesn't catch on around here.”

Kosuzu tried to speak, but her throat was too dry. The elder Kudamaki pulled her other arm around her, holding her steady. “...a harsh lesson, one I wished you’d never have to learn so literally. But for a tube fox, escape is victory. Don’t go to that place again. The people there are dangerous, Ko-ko - very, very dangerous, and we can’t go near them under any circumstances. Now… promise me you won’t do something so foolish again, hmmm?”

Kosuzu nodded, wordlessly, as her mother stroked her hair, cooing. “There there, you poor, poor thing. Let’s get you something to eat, shall we?” The elder fox gently spun her around, walking her home. Kosuzu stumbled,
falling out of the entrance of the tube and into the inky blackness below. She was tired, more physically exhausted than she expected from a memory, and as she fell, she heard a song. Gentle, and sweet, sung with a warm heart.

It sounded… familiar…

“We’re nearly there, Ko-ko. Time to get up.”

Kudamaki Kosuzu groaned, still half asleep. “Mmmmmngh…”

“Hey, come on.” A fluffy tail whapped in her face, startling her and waking her rather abruptly. “No sleeping, alright? From the moment we entered the Animal Realm, we’re on the job, remember?”

Kosuzu sat up, blinking. “Th-the job?” She looked at her mother, still groggy. Tsukasa sighed.

“The escort of the Dragon Miko? …Honestly, Kosuzu, did everything else leave your head when you found that stack of paper?”

Kosuzu looked down at the document in question. She’d found it when she and her mother were surveying the chaos of the tengu incursion of the city, and… really, that was what had consumed Kosuzu’s thoughts since.

The manuscript - attributed to an Agatha Chris Q. - told a tale of a slightly different Gensokyo. One where there was actually a standing shrine maiden at the time. Kosuzu had found it… incredibly compelling, and had been reading it nonstop. So much so, in fact, that she’d lost track of what things were happening around her, and fallen asleep with the book on her face.

And the dreams she’d had… she’d imagined - no, she’d remembered things. Bits and pieces, of the world that had been. Not least in which was the real identity behind Agatha Chris Q. Granted, it was all still scattered and incoherent, but... there was far too much for even the most imaginative of dreams to grant. Kosuzu rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, yawning.

“S-sorry, Mom. I… It was just so interesting-”

Her mother let out a long sigh. “Kosuzu, Kosuzu, Kosuzu… just take this, will you? Something to read other than that treatise of a novel script?”

Kosuzu took the proffered missive, examining it closely.

“Kiketsu seeking independent counterintelligence agents for an escort task… Discretion mandatory - punishable by death… Pay is - woah.” Kosuzu stared at the paper. “...That’s a lot.”

“Yes, it is.” Tsukasa’s voice carried a note of annoyance. “Which is why you need to be awake and alert by the time we get there.”

Kosuzu sat up more straight. “U-um, yes mom. Sorry.” She turned to one of the windows of the carriage she was in, and started to tidy up her hair.

…Right. This was one of the few things she’d actually picked up happening in the world outside the writings. They were in something called a ‘subway train’ now, moving underneath the animal realm. Presumably, it’d take them right into Kiketsu territory, near their meeting point. Mom would know where that was.

Kosuzu did her best to put her hair in order. A single bang stuck through the middle, but it always seemed to do that, so Kosuzu ignored it. …It did bother her a tiny bit that her hair was down, though, but she didn’t have any ties. And that was how she normally wore it, in this life at least.

She took a moment to reorganize her thoughts, as well. She was… Kudamaki Kosuzu. The one-and-only kit of Kudamaki Tsukasa, her mother, and apprentice of the same. Kosuzu had been a bit of a late bloomer in the powers of kuda-gitsune, unable to take pipes by herself for a while; this was one of the very first trips she’d be going on as her mother’s understudy.

…And while the paper said one thing, Kosuzu knew there were other tasks, as well. After all, this task would undoubtedly take them into the very depths of the mysterious, secretive Kiketsu. To secrets hidden even to many of them.

The fact that the escort mission concerned the Dragon Miko hadn’t been in the missive they’d sent, but it was the logical conclusion. The human miko that the fearsome Kicchou Yachie had ensnared was a card she was forced to play before it was truly ready. While it had technically worked, now that the Miko’s existence had been revealed, other people were seeking to pull her away from the Kiketsu, and free her from their yoke. It only made sense that Yachie’s request for counterintelligence was to work against that. Such it was that the Kudamaki matriarch had signed them both on, in hopes of having her daughter interact with the Dragon Miko directly.

And not necessarily in the Kiketsu’s favor. They were tube-foxes, after all - if they didn’t perform some level of skulduggery, they’d just be suspected of causing trouble in some more subtle way. Naturally, their secondary mission was to find secrets to sell; hidden things to reveal about the Kiketsu’s practices.

Kosuzu took a deep breath, to steady her nerves. There were any number of ways this could go wrong. But… but the fact she was here now meant her mother trusted her. That she could do this. She’d just have to be careful about it.

[ ] …And not go too overboard. She was, after all, meant to be a hero! A savior! Not just a common kuda-gitsune. She was messing with the Kiketsu here, a deserving target if any, but… if she could do that by saving the Dragon Miko, and bringing her home, that’d be a good start. (Sets Spirit to 0, and ???)
[ ] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox. (Sets Spirit to 2, and ???)
[ ] She wouldn’t screw up this mission. Noble or no, her mother was counting on her. She had the perfect abilities for infiltration, she had the will to seek things out, now there was just proving herself a real tube fox. (Sets Spirit to 2, and ???)

Say, did anyone happen to remember Reimu's letter? :3c

I've reworked things a bit in this arc, so my favourite parts of the Maneki-neko arc can still be played out. I hope you enjoy, regardless!
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[X] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox.

It's tragic. We barely have a book horde to our name, even if we can write our own Youma books now. Let's get on fixing that with the right attitude.
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[x] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox.

Book :3
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[x] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox.

Yep. Good call making the initial spirit choice less obvious.
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[X] …And not go too overboard. She was, after all, meant to be a hero! A savior! Not just a common kuda-gitsune. She was messing with the Kiketsu here, a deserving target if any, but… if she could do that by saving the Dragon Miko, and bringing her home, that’d be a good start. (Sets Spirit to 0, and ???)

Once again, I definitely prefer the neutral spirit option.
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[X] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox.

We'll stumble upon juicy enough intel just by searching for the best literature.
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Man those are all tempting. Having kosuzer try to act like a heroine who gos out to resolve incidents, or a sneaking infiltrator in touch with her inner youkai are both fantastic… but I’m a sucker for characters having certain things so engrained in them that they carry over even through another lifetime.

But then again…

Yeah I’ll likely get to see that based on current votes anyways. I’ll tilt the scales towards something else potentially interesting.

[X] She wouldn’t screw up this mission. Noble or no, her mother was counting on her. She had the perfect abilities for infiltration, she had the will to seek things out, now there was just proving herself a real tube fox. (Sets Spirit to 2, and ???)
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[X] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox.

And so it begins anew.
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[X] She wouldn’t screw up this mission. Noble or no, her mother was counting on her. She had the perfect abilities for infiltration, she had the will to seek things out, now there was just proving herself a real tube fox. (Sets Spirit to 2, and ???)
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Ok, time to focus on the actual story rather that "what if"s for now (at least until I draw the other starts).

[X] She wouldn’t screw up this mission. Noble or no, her mother was counting on her. She had the perfect abilities for infiltration, she had the will to seek things out, now there was just proving herself a real tube fox.

oooh "???"

I'm with >>209499 on this one, option 2 probably will win, but let's try to tip the scale a little.
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[X ] …And not go too overboard. She was, after all, meant to be a hero! A savior! Not just a common kuda-gitsune. She was messing with the Kiketsu here, a deserving target if any, but… if she could do that by saving the Dragon Miko, and bringing her home, that’d be a good start. (Sets Spirit to 0, and ???)

Ironically enough, since Reimu really doesn't want an escort, Kosuzu being too nosey about the Dragon Miko might end up pressing her buttons.
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[X] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox. (Sets Spirit to 2, and ???)

Kosuzu *must* get her Youma books, one way or another.
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[X] …And not go too overboard. She was, after all, meant to be a hero! A savior! Not just a common kuda-gitsune. She was messing with the Kiketsu here, a deserving target if any, but… if she could do that by saving the Dragon Miko, and bringing her home, that’d be a good start.
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[X] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox. (Sets Spirit to 2, and ???)

I'm hoping the first meeting with Reimu happens because she catches Kosuzu snooping.
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[X] She wouldn’t screw up this mission. Noble or no, her mother was counting on her. She had the perfect abilities for infiltration, she had the will to seek things out, now there was just proving herself a real tube fox. (Sets Spirit to 2, and ???)
Embrace your newfound kon~niving nature, Kosuzu.
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[X] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox. (Sets Spirit to 2, and ???)

Kosuzu gonna Kosuzu.
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[x] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox.

Ah, lost once again, next time for sure.

Anyway, Kosuzu’s motives were to be a hero and also books. But really, it’s clear which one is obviously the more important one.
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[X] She wouldn’t screw up this mission. Noble or no, her mother was counting on her. She had the perfect abilities for infiltration, she had the will to seek things out, now there was just proving herself a real tube fox. (Sets Spirit to 2, and ???)

sneaky fox
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[X] …And not go too overboard. She was, after all, meant to be a hero! A savior! Not just a common kuda-gitsune. She was messing with the Kiketsu here, a deserving target if any, but… if she could do that by saving the Dragon Miko, and bringing her home, that’d be a good start.
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[X] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox.


This is Kosuzu we're talking about. Books are etched into her very soul. 😆
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[X] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox. (Sets Spirit to 2, and ???)

You can take the girl out of the bookstore, but not the bookstore out of the girl.
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[X] She wouldn’t screw up this mission. Noble or no, her mother was counting on her. She had the perfect abilities for infiltration, she had the will to seek things out, now there was just proving herself a real tube fox. (Sets Spirit to 2, and ???)
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[X] She wouldn’t screw up this mission. Noble or no, her mother was counting on her. She had the perfect abilities for infiltration, she had the will to seek things out, now there was just proving herself a real tube fox. (Sets Spirit to 2, and ???)
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[X] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox. (Sets Spirit to 2, and ???)
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[X] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox.

Seems interesting
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[X] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox.
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[X] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox. (Sets Spirit to 2, and ???)
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[X] She wouldn’t screw up this mission. Noble or no, her mother was counting on her. She had the perfect abilities for infiltration, she had the will to seek things out, now there was just proving herself a real tube fox. (Sets Spirit to 2, and ???)
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[ ] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox.

Do the side quest first, for more exp. The main quest can wait, can't it?
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[X] …And not go too overboard. She was, after all, meant to be a hero! A savior! Not just a common kuda-gitsune. She was messing with the Kiketsu here, a deserving target if any, but… if she could do that by saving the Dragon Miko, and bringing her home, that’d be a good start. (Sets Spirit to 0, and ???)
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Please remember to mark the option with an X.

Ok, rereading that after returned home from work. Was that a memory, or a nightmare? Poor thing
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[X] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox. (Sets Spirit to 2, and ???)



What do you mean, main quest is getting Kiketsu B O O K S, everything else is just our day job.

Though realistically I suspect we are going to steal from Reimu in the process. Dramatic Irony and all that.
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As tallyanon, it doesn't really matter as long as it's clear that it's an actual pick and not merely a discussion about a particular choice. :3
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Hmmmm, we have two options that set spirit to 2… but 2 what? Is one youkai and the other human? I… think it is, let’s look at what we got. Not in the correct order, but i’ll get to that

[]BOOKS: this I think is the Spirit Human-2 option. This option is sticking closer to to Motoori Kosuzu’s life and how it revolved around the Youma books (huh, it IS youma… I thought when Youma books came up in my head I was getting some wires crossed with my recollection of Sailor Moon.)

[]the job: this would be the Spirit Youkai-2 option. Focussed on Kudamaki Kosuzu’s duties and lessons.

[]Hero: this is neutral I think because, while it doesn’t follow Kudamaki’s values… It is Kosuzu reaching beyond what she was as Motoori, definitively stepping into the incident resolver shoes even if she has to start out without the others. Stepping out of the human comfort zone of the village and focussing on what she can be beyond her past of both Motoori or Kudamaki.

… a little split between BOOKS and hero… I wonder if a write in would end up with one a gain of one or something… shoot well, I’ll just go for it, if it gets smacked down I’ll just UNDO and go hero soley hero.

[X] …And not go too overboard. She was, after all, meant to be a hero! A savior! Not just a common kuda-gitsune. She was messing with the Kiketsu here, a deserving target if any, but… if she could do that by saving the Dragon Miko, and bringing her home, that’d be a good start. (Sets Spirit to 0, and ???).
{X}but if one (or two. Maybe 3?) Youma book just happened to fall into her hands that she could feel the energies from read later on wouldn’t hurt right?
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It looks like a memory when she was very young kosuzu (fox).

I feel like tsukasa is not affiliated with the tengus and that memory makes me think that she was supposed to have been trapped in that tube and maybe rescued by Lizunamaru or something.

But I think it's too early to theorize.

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I would argue that BOOK is neutral (the one common interest between Human and Youkai is reading). Hero plays better into Human, as it reflects her desire for power to help, while ofc the job is Youkai.

Funnily enough, if BOOK wasn't there I probably would have done the Job just to push Kosuzu down the Youkai path. I feel like I am bullying the poor girl.
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I might've said that... but hero IS definitively the neutral option (setting spirit to 0)... so that's why I reasoned that option the way I did.

Hero is also aligned to one her last thoughts just before the choices were presented before her too which is why I did it... but also BOOKS since Kosuzu would absolutely still try to have an attachment to them, why I added the write-in (at least until it is refused by writer Fiat or something.)
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I'm actually going to bring up an old spoiler Word of Goo here: >>207576
I assume this is two options for positive Youkai spirit and one for neutral, with ??? being instinct or some secondary stat.

On that note, I actually wonder if we should still be keeping track of JSK once we swing back around to Myon, or if the moment has passed now that Satori's negotiating with the mountain gods. Obviously irrelevant but I'd rather not forget.

If I wasn't operating under this assumption I'd have voted Job. I want her to be the pipe foxiest pipe fox to ever fox in a pipe.
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a follow up to >>209531, but are we sure it is the common interest between the two? or was it an echo of Kotoori that had her grab it (like how Reimu has those plushies, or Youmu randomly asked about the Scarlets.) or be interested in books in general.

Hero is something that would require both Kotoori's desire to help her friends and Kudamaki's (...well I'm still iffy on how the parasite powers are going to help... hopefully we're going to find out what other powers Gooboi is giving tube foxes.) ... instincts.

quickly grabbing from the Instinct/Spirit explaination from Arc 1:

>Spirit determines how a character thinks

so BOOKS is how Kotoori thought throughout her life

JOB/DON'T DISAPPOINT MOM is how Kudamaki thought before Kotoori's memories revived

HERO is something that is beyond either of their mindsets. Not quite the human, staying safe in the village (Kosuzu being a native Gensokite raised in that village) afraid of what goes bump in the night. nor quite the Youkai (especially considering her mother) being the thing that goes bump in the night.

and the option here do have impacts beyond just the stat or immediate result. (see Akyuu munching on Moochi every chance she got and a lot of us regretting not going to the parfait resulting in Akyuu having a very pronounced sweet tooth.)
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PipeFox!Kosuzu did pick up the manuscript and obsess over it, so I wouldn't consider it unlikely that she at least has some affinity for books.

...but seeing as I can't tell specifically which alignments, I probably should go ahead and swap over to the one more likely to be Youkai alignment. If you are right and BOOKS is human, I would prefer to avoid that story (because Bulb is bullying Kosuzu now I guess). Even if its unlikely to win given the current moment of BOOKS, I should try to give it a chance.

[UNDO] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox. (Sets Spirit to 2, and ???)

[X] She wouldn’t screw up this mission. Noble or no, her mother was counting on her. She had the perfect abilities for infiltration, she had the will to seek things out, now there was just proving herself a real tube fox. (Sets Spirit to 2, and ???)
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And why is it bully Kosuzu by spitting on her wish time may I ask?
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While her wish for power was technically met by becoming a Pipe Fox, it definitely doesn't meet the spirit of the wish, which Kosuzu clearly meant to be in a more active, less likely to backstab her friends, role.

As some anons have repeated several times, Kosuzu is our first choice where the Youkai choice in question is indisputedly harmful to humans (while Reimu COULD have taken that route, we chose to flavor her otherwise so ehh). I suspect that if Human!Kosuzu learned that the outcome of her wish would be becoming a threat to other humans, she wouldn't be entirely happy, even with the promise that it may be reversible.
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[X] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox. (Sets Spirit to 2, and ???)

Human, Pipe Fox, Maneki Neko, or Kappa, Kosuzu lives and breathes books, and in the eyes of a pipe-fox the information in a book is probably extra-handy, as unlike spying or tricking someone into saying something they shouldn't, your information-source can't have a witness; all you did was read a book, and stashing one inside another means it's easy to lie about what you're reading, too.
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yes that is exactly what I meant by 'spitting in the face of her wish.' thus my question of why?
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Just to be clear, both Spirit-2 options are spirit Youkai-2.
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TBH, I do want Tube Kosuzu to be an outright slimy sneak; I think it'd be very interesting to have one of the immaterial children receive such a different influence on their nature.

Basically, a Kosuzu that's become genuinely much meaner and more underhanded makes for an interesting point of friction going forward.

Books are books, though; no Kosuzu will pass on those.
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Counting to >>209537:
Main Choice:
[6] …And not go too overboard. She was, after all, meant to be a hero! A savior! Not just a common kuda-gitsune. She was messing with the Kiketsu here, a deserving target if any, but… if she could do that by saving the Dragon Miko, and bringing her home, that’d be a good start.
[17] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox.
[9] She wouldn’t screw up this mission. Noble or no, her mother was counting on her. She had the perfect abilities for infiltration, she had the will to seek things out, now there was just proving herself a real tube fox.

Potential Additions:
For [x] ...And not go too overboard:
-{1} But if one, or two (maybe even 3), Youma books just happened to fall into her hands, it wouldn't hurt to read them later on, right? (>>209528)
Apologies on the modifications made.

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Adding to >>209524 (I think that's mine?)
-{X} But if one, or two (maybe even 3), Youma books just happened to fall into her hands, it wouldn't hurt to read them later on, right?
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nah, it's fine! thanks for proofreading it! (though after posting it I wished I'd put "happened" in italics. XP)
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[X] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox. (Sets Spirit to 2, and ???)

New thread! And we are here, in hell, and we are meeting...Reimu? That was fast. Well, time to get to work. And find our quirk this time!
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>>209513 here

{X} But if one, or two (maybe even 3), Youma books just happened to fall into her hands, it wouldn't hurt to read them later on, right?

I absolutely gotta hop on this write-in.
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{X} But if one, or two (maybe even 3), Youma books just happened to fall into her hands, it wouldn't hurt to read them later on, right?
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Once they get a moment alone

R: So, Tsukasa, huh?
K: Don’t give me that. Your mother’s Yachie.
R: …That’s fair.

I’m picturing the two as being something of a schemer squad. But since Reimu’s no good at schemes, it’s more ‘Kosuzu comes up with an idea, runs it by Reimu for her to poke holes in, refine & repeat until they have something to work with’.
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if the ??? isn't an instinct set, then reimu's gonna be the only one without a third stat...

anyways, if both are youkai 2, then the selection is probably between what she'll end up prioritizing. and between pleasing her manipulative mother and her special interest in books.... i'm more partial to books, in all honesty.

not to mention the neutral option. i'm not too keen on kosuzu leaning too far into youkai spirit, since she's at risk of actually being a problem and liability if she goes full youkai.

but it would be very, very interesting...

X] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox.
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[X] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox.
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Screenshot 2024-06-16 023344
[6] …And not go too overboard. She was, after all, meant to be a hero! A savior! Not just a common kuda-gitsune. She was messing with the Kiketsu here, a deserving target if any, but… if she could do that by saving the Dragon Miko, and bringing her home, that’d be a good start. (Sets Spirit to 0, and ???)
[20] But really, the biggest draw were the written secrets. Kosuzu didn’t even really plan to sell what she read, she just was so, so curious about the sort of Youma books a youkai yakuza family could produce. And there was nothing better for nosing out those tomes than a clever fox. (Sets Spirit to 2, and ???)
[9] She wouldn’t screw up this mission. Noble or no, her mother was counting on her. She had the perfect abilities for infiltration, she had the will to seek things out, now there was just proving herself a real tube fox. (Sets Spirit to 2, and ???)

…Well, she’d mostly stay on track.

The manuscript wasn’t the first time Kosuzu had ended up getting herself extra reading material out of a venture, nor was it likely to be the last - especially if Kosuzu could help it. She just couldn’t resist sneaking an extra book here and there. The powers of any kitsune - of deception and of shapeshifting - proved very capable of getting into any nook and cranny, and while Kosuzu was still only really getting the hang of it, she was not shying away from using it to examine - and occasionally even take - any books that caught her eye.

Her mother… largely tolerated such distractions, with the provision that she was allowed to find some value out of such material as they could. The manuscript, for example, was intricately detailed, and Tsukasa fully intended to bilk a tidy sum of a reward from whoever the writer was when she returned to the surface. (...well, it had awakened Kosuzu’s memories of the past, but her mother didn’t know that yet, and would likely charge a fee regardless. A quick, quiet apology to the presumably Hieda’s coffers was offered.)

Still, Kosuzu was excited. The Dragon Miko and her connections was one thing, but, eh, Kosuzu had a hunch she knew a stronger miko, anyways. Now, if the Dragon Miko turned out to have any interesting writings, that was a different story. Kosuzu smiled, as she finished tidying up her hair. This was going to be fun.

Spirit set to Youkai-2.
Instinct set to 0.
???? set to 4.

The subway train came to a stop, nearly causing the younger fox to topple over. Tsukasa chuckled a bit as Kosuzu righted herself. The two foxes got out, among a small group of mingling animal spirits.

A green otter spirit with a scale around its neck was waiting for them. Quietly, the two of them stepped out, and at his gesture, began following him. A navigator was vital in this sort of strange city, so Kosuzu just let him lead them where they may.

That turned out to be through a strange series of gates (she vaguely recalled bumping through something similar on the way down to the subway), and into another, smaller vehicle, driven by an otter with an expression of utter dread. It didn’t do much for Kosuzu’s nerves as she was ushered into the vehicle, but the trip itself was smooth enough.

The vehicle they were in had a clear, glass-like partition with a window between the front and back. The driver and their guide sat in the front, with the window firmly shut - either to keep the otter’s words away from the foxes’ ears, or vice versa. Kosuzu stared out a side window, at the world passing before her. …Tall, square, red-lit spires dominated the landscape, even though they gave way over time. Supposedly, the animal realm was much like the outside world’s cities, but tended to be… behind them in many respects; after all, the humans whose desires ultimately shaped the world were the humans of yesteryear.

Still, it felt practically alien to Kosuzu. And yet, at the same time, thrilling. Another world, entirely unlike her own. And if it was like those outside cities, that likely meant some truly massive libraries - she hoped she got some time to explore the realm more fully.

They came to a stop at a strange structure. Its outside walls were made largely of glass, with a blocky, square demeanor to the concrete framing, and stood three stories tall, all-up. Otters played on the grounds, or kicked around in the pools next to the house - yet, Kosuzu was aware of a few keen-eyed stares hidden among the genuine merrymakers, sizing them up as they arrived. The path went around a central garden - featuring different-coloured flowers in a turtle shell pattern. Their guide got out of the car, and walked over to their door, letting Kosuzu and her mother out.

Kosuzu looked up. In the glass of the window above them, she saw a single figure, unmistakable. Blonde hair and yellow horns framed eyes the color of the sunset, coolly assessing the kuda-gitsune. Kosuzu couldn’t hold her gaze for long, and quickly looked away, letting herself be led inside.

The building was actually some sort of mansion, Kosuzu realized - at least in part. There were simple residential functions throughout, and few of the markings of an actual official building. The staff that were there largely appeared to be dressed in servant’s outfits (if they were the type to be wearing outfits at all, of course), with the detail of a seemingly-mandatory green scale necklace. The two foxes were directed into some sort of waiting room.

They didn’t appear to be the only ones waiting. There were three others. The first to get Kosuzu’s attention was an orange-haired girl, with green and yellow clothing and a single white bow in long lock of hair over her shoulder. She was salivating over a fishtank, seemingly in an intense debate on whether to try and snatch one of the fish - seemingly normal, actual live fish, though they looked decidedly strange to Kosuzu. Odd colors and shapes, likely quite exotic kinds.

The other two were sitting side-by-side, opposite the fishtank. Nearer to Kosuzu was a blue-haired woman, in an ensemble similar in color to the first girl. However, while it superficially resembled them in color, it was entirely different, eminently something of both practical and possibly ceremonial purposes. She was quietly restraining the girl she actually seemed affiliated with - a young, blonde girl with porcelain-perfect skin, and hair tied up in two buns with white ribbons. She was wearing what seemed to be some sort of light, yellow armor over white clothes, and had a small necklace - a haniwa? Perhaps that was indicative of her nature, but if so, why was she so small? She looked only a little bit older than Kosuzu herself. She glared at the foxes as they entered, but didn’t move beyond that.

Kosuzu and Tsukasa sat down, the younger fox appreciating the tail-room provided by her chair. She looked around the groups, a bit nervous.

An otter secretary approached them. “Well well well... Kudamaki Tsukasa, yes?”

The fox bowed graciously. “Yes, miss. Here to speak with Kicchou Yacchie about her consultancy task.”

The craftswoman hummed. Kosuzu’s ears picked up her muttering under her breath. “Ah, kon-sultancy, is it? No wonder she’s hidden away upstairs.”

The otter hummed, before slowly turning her gaze to the second fox. “Well, you’ve come early. And this bell-bearing girl is…?”

Tsukasa gestured, grandly. “This is my daughter. She’s a bit behind the proverbial curve of a normal kuda-gitsune, but she’ll get there eventually, and there’s nothing like practical experience, no?”

Kosuzu flushed a bit, but bowed. “Please forgive my intrusion. My name is Kudamaki Kosuzu.”

There was a distinct change in the energy in the room. Suddenly, it felt like all eyes were on her. The would-be fisher stumbled off her chair, flailing as she fell backwards, but managed to twist her body and land on all fours.

And yet, all eyes were still on her, with the exception of her slightly-baffled mother. Even the fish-obsessed klutz/acrobat had been only momentarily by her fall. The fox kit squirmed in the sudden attention. The otter secretary tapped her pen to her chin, assessing Kosuzu coolly.

At length, she spoke. “...I see. Well! The meeting may concern some topics not for the young to hear, so perhaps it is best for your young kit to stay outside. She can do as she likes while she waits.”

Kosuzu was surprised. “You’re… just going to let me wander the grounds?”

The otter chuckled. “Little one, this is the Kiketsu. Our secrets are quite well-kept, you know. There are plenty of guards who won’t let a stranger pass without one of these.” The otter lifted her scale necklace. “And, well, if an …unrefined pipe fox covered in bells actually manages to get somewhere they shouldn’t, that’s just the sort of issue we’re hoping you help us patch.”

The otter straightened up. “Well, first floor has more general amenities, and the pools of course. If you need anything, well, just let the house servants know and they will be able to direct you where you need to go. You can find the actual living quarters further up. There are more restricted areas there, of course, but it also has a few public spaces - such as the Kicchou’s home library.”

Kosuzu perked up, but a click of her mother’s tongue caught her before she went overboard. “I-I’ll take a look over the whole grounds. Thank you.” The otter gave her an appraising look, before nodding.

“Well, well, well… Ms. Kudamaki, if you need to quickly visit the bathroom or anything, you can, but Lady Yachie has been ready to start your meeting early. After all, you clearly are not the only one who is eager to meet our Lady.”

Tsukasa smiled, bowing. “Yes… it would be my pleasure, Miss. Kosuzu? Don’t get yourself too deep into a mess, will you?” Kosuzu nodded, as the two made their exit.

Kosuzu still didn’t feel easy. The other two kids had gone from ‘staring at her’ to ‘decidedly not staring at her’. The older woman, meanwhile, was openly assessing the young fox, seeming to take her own appraisal. She was still the center of attention in this room, and the fox squirmed under it.

…Still, she could just leave the room if she wanted. Or she could try talking to these groups. They seemed like some… interesting sorts, and it wouldn’t do to be caught flatfooted.

[ ] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her… haniwa? Bodyguard? …Daughter?
[ ] Leave those two alone.

{ } Talk to the orange girl. She seemed… eccentric. There was clearly something going on there.
{ } Ah, she was already looking at the fish tank again. Best to leave her be.

( ) Go to assess the ground floor first. Might as well take this from the top - err, bottom.
( ) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.

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Whelp looks like everyone there except tsukasa knows that a immaterial child has entered the building.

Will vote a bit later.
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[X] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her...haniwa? Bodyguard? ...Daughter?
{X} Talk to the orange girl. She seemed… eccentric. There was clearly something going on there.
(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.

And so the dealings with the Kiketsu family begin!

(Also my captcha was KeineSanae, nice)
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[X] Leave those two alone.
{X} Talk to the orange girl. She seemed… eccentric. There was clearly something going on there.
(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.
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Huh... Well our orange haired character is... Well Orange from LLS... Wonder what she's doing here.

And i think we've also seen guardian and driver here, glad to see them still around if that is the case! (Did their names get settled?)

Not quite as likely now that everyone there knows a IC is in the building, but it would be funny if while snooping Kosuzu comes across a big pile of plushies...

And if that is the case i do hope the blue catfish is still there. It may require some interesting lore gymnastics, but i do like the thought of an amnesiac Tenshi somehow last timeline coming across Reimu (or vis versa) and ended up friends, perhaps even sooner than canon took after the bad start of SWR.
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Is there any real reason not to choose both talking options? Efficiency, I guess? I'm going to hold off voting for a bit just in case anyone has a good reason not to.
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Hm… Maybe the longer we talk, the less time we’ll have to thoroughly indulge examine the library?
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Hmm, it appears Kosuzu still hasn't fully processed all of her former memories. Speculating now hidden stat may be meant to reflect to actually fully re-awakening memories, though ofc the alternative is that it instead relates to Tsukasa.

Assuming that this was how it worked for Sanae and Tenshi (since neither had access to an ancestral weapon or perfect memories being directly beamed into their head), it may explain part of why it took so long for them to fully reawaken their past life memories. They likely took repeated stimuli to actually regain their memories in their entirety.


I suspect we will have less time dedicated for each interaction we choose. I suspect we can get away with talking with one and still completely scout out at least one area (if we don't talk to either we may have enough time to cover the entire region, though ofc we are missing out on the lore).

Personally, I don't think Orange is secretly going to be 'Shi', so avoiding her may give more time for the other tasks I am more interested in. Keiki likely is going to pick up that there are additional immaterial children (assuming she looked into them), so she may slip to Kosuzu that she knows something is up.

[X] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her...haniwa? Bodyguard? ...Daughter?
{X} Ah, she was already looking at the fish tank again. Best to leave her be.
(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.
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[X] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her… haniwa? Bodyguard? …Daughter?
{X} Ah, she was already looking at the fish tank again. Best to leave her be.
(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.

I don't think we will find Reimu but it is quite possible to find her stuffed animals or maybe the letters that Akyuu or find her room.

Talking to Keiki may not be an ally at this moment but maybe she will give us a clue about the new situation of the Kiketsu family and a little bit about Mayumi.

Regarding the mysterious character (orange?) it would be a waste of time she seems very distracted and maybe even speaks the language of the gods [b][/b](a pity we don't have the twins to translate haha).
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> “And, well, if an …unrefined pipe fox covered in bells actually manages to get somewhere they shouldn’t, that’s just the sort of issue we’re hoping you help us patch.”

Oh damn. Pipe foxes serve as physical pen-testers? Forget everything I complained about with the Tsukasa choice. This kicks ass!

[X] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her...haniwa? Bodyguard? ...Daughter?
{X} Ah, she was already looking at the fish tank again. Best to leave her be.
(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.
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[X] Leave those two alone.

{X} Talk to the orange girl. She seemed… eccentric. There was clearly something going on there.

(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.
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[X] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her...haniwa? Bodyguard? ...Daughter?
{X} Ah, she was already looking at the fish tank again. Best to leave her be.
(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.
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[X] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her… haniwa? Bodyguard? …Daughter?

Come on, we gotta talk to Keiki. Maybe she'll let Kosuzu know something important, all things considered, especially since she's picked up on her being an IC, meaning she knows her (according to her logic as the giver of The Miracle) miracle daughter.

{X} Talk to the orange girl. She seemed… eccentric. There was clearly something going on there.

As funny as she is, we definitely don't have time to talk to her too.

(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.

I reiterate: B O O K .
The bibliophile's gotta biblio, y'know? 😁
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Uh… Did you mean to pick the other option for the second set of choices?
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[X] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her… haniwa? Bodyguard? …Daughter?

{X} Talk to the orange girl. She seemed… eccentric. There was clearly something going on there.

(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.
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I'm a little torn. Either more Keiki time... Or talk to Orange who seems more likely to let something slip... Or both but less time for BOOKs


From the wording of the update it seems Kosuzu (and tsukasa) might have some access to some of the mainline Kitsune powerset too? Probably not the full list or at least not as powerful compared to similar tail number, but still something.
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...a thought occurs... Since most people there seem briefed on the immaterial child situation... And some sort of communications are present... I get the feeling that Reimu is momentarily about to be informed her friend is here... And if she wanted to try to meet up sneakily without being able to communicate back, where would she guess Kosuzu was going to gravitate towards?

BOOK might just also be the Reimu ambush option...
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[X] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her… haniwa? Bodyguard? …Daughter?
{X} Ah, she was already looking at the fish tank again. Best to leave her be.
(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.

And a write-in! I hope this isn't too metagamey...

{x} Ask around about those scales the staff wear.
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[X] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her...haniwa? Bodyguard? ...Daughter?
{X} Ah, she was already looking at the fish tank again. Best to leave her be.
(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.

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[X] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her...haniwa? Bodyguard? ...Daughter?
{X} Talk to the orange girl. She seemed… eccentric. There was clearly something going on there.
(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.

I mainly want to talk with Orange? but some insight on what has Keiki been doing it's great, it we can talk to them might as well take the chance.

After that we can search books. If Reimu is notified that we're here AND hears about a Kosuzu, then she might as well be waiting in the library.
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[X] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her...haniwa? Bodyguard? ...Daughter?
{X} Talk to the orange girl. She seemed… eccentric. There was clearly something going on there.

Some might say trying to talk to both Orange and the clay duo is too ambitious. But hey, we can try to have our Keiki and eat it.

(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.
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File 17184855826.png - (1.29MB, 2004x1226, WhatIfAkyuu.png)
>> She looked down the tunnel in time itself. Should she try to get to Eiki before Youki took his mortal blows? …Somehow, she felt unhurried about it. There were four other very rambunctious problem solvers coming into play, one of them would throw things off in one way or another. Perhaps trying to think too far ahead was a doomed venture - For now, she just needed the perfect path to finding the others. Either something with resources, or something with the right abilities.

>> As if summoning to her thought, three paths appeared before her, loose collections of floating stones and tiles. By instinct, just looking at their headings, Akyuu already knew that tengu were off the table.

>> After all, each path came with its own incandescent moon.

>> The misty path that swooped under a red moon, dyed a bloody crimson by it's companion's ethereal light.
>> The path pulsing with waves of energy that curved around a dark, purple and… ever-so-slightly fake-seeming moon, coming back to the earth in a bamboo thicket.
>> The pure-white, almost featureless path that went straight as an arrow, but twisted upside-down as it flew directly towards a pale, silvery moon.

Here's Akyuu. I really like how white heron Akyuu turned out, and Akyuu Scarlet maybe looks a little too Scarlet-y, but works too. Her wings looks like a scroll with words written on them.

I can't take full credit for these, I asked Gooboi some stuff before making them. Youmu's alternate selves will have some guidance from him, too.

I'll try to draw Youmu today and then forward to Kosuzu we go.
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>>209563 here

>>209564, you're right, fuck. That's what I get for voting as I'm running out the door to work. 😅

{UNDO} Talk to the orange girl. She seemed… eccentric. There was clearly something going on there.
{X} Ah, she was already looking at the fish tank again. Best to leave her be.
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God DAMNIT Kosu. You’re seriously making me wish we had gone for vampire Akyuu now.
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Alright, finally decided on my votes. Let's socialmax this place.
[X] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her...haniwa? Bodyguard? ...Daughter?
{X} Talk to the orange girl. She seemed… eccentric. There was clearly something going on there.
(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.

Ooh, these look so pretty! I love Akyuu's rendition of the Amanojaku skirt and how it's pretty straight like Seija's, but then her coat has the more curvy lines on Sagume's that match her skirt. These variants of the head flower also look really nice, and I adore Vampire Akyuu's little red shoes.

I'm with you. Grumble, grumble, "so the SDM is too popular but Chireiden isn't?"
It's always the siren song of "what if?" that makes these choices so great. The fact that people are still wondering about old choices from months back means they were all great options, which is a sign of good storytelling. Opportunity cost and such.
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The "what if" versions are very cute, but my favorites are the Reimu tengu and the Akyuu lunarian.
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[X] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her… haniwa? Bodyguard? …Daughter?
{X} Talk to the orange girl. She seemed… eccentric. There was clearly something going on there.
(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.
We might be on a time limit, but Orange is a complete mystery (seriously, literally all canon has to say about her is that she's a weak non-human) and you know how we love mystery boxes.

Kishin Akyuu is adorable.
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[X] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her… haniwa? Bodyguard? …Daughter?

{X} Talk to the orange girl. She seemed… eccentric. There was clearly something going on there.

(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.

A bit too tired to give thorough explanations today.
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that was bad and you should feel bad! XD and I'm going to go for the same vote because of it!

[X] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her...haniwa? Bodyguard? ...Daughter?
{X} Talk to the orange girl. She seemed… eccentric. There was clearly something going on there.

going for both, both because of the pun there... and also if you want to do sneaking, then gathering intel is a must... and well, to see what they seem to know about her, considering their reaction to her name...

(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.
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[X] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her...haniwa? Bodyguard? ...Daughter?
{X} Ah, she was already looking at the fish tank again. Best to leave her be.
(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.
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[X] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her...haniwa? Bodyguard? ...Daughter?
{X} Ah, she was already looking at the fish tank again. Best to leave her be.
(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.
Wasn’t Keiki able to sense that reimu was a reincarnated human? Maybe she could do the same to kosuzu.
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[X] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her...haniwa? Bodyguard? ...Daughter?
{X} Talk to the orange girl. She seemed… eccentric. There was clearly something going on there.
(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.
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[X] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her… haniwa? Bodyguard? …Daughter?

{X} Ah, she was already looking at the fish tank again. Best to leave her be.

(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.

Of course the library is first - we're talking about Kosuzu here.
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Counting to >>209584:
Main Choice #1:
[19] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her… haniwa? Bodyguard? …Daughter?
[2] Leave those two alone.

Main Choice #2:
{11} Talk to the orange girl. She seemed… eccentric. There was clearly something going on there.
{10} Ah, she was already looking at the fish tank again. Best to leave her be.

Main Choice #3:
(0) Go to assess the ground floor first. Might as well take this from the top - err, bottom.
(21) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.

Potential Additions:
-{1} Ask around about those scales the staff wear. (>>209569)

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Ah, I'm not totally sure what to make of this choice, but I'll follow along with the understanding that we have limited time to do these three things, and that being the case I agree with these priorities.

[X] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her...haniwa? Bodyguard? ...Daughter?
{X} Ah, she was already looking at the fish tank again. Best to leave her be.
(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.
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Well, we are a pipe fox. Better take the time to learn what we can.

[X] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her...haniwa? Bodyguard? ...Daughter?
{X} Talk to the orange girl. She seemed… eccentric. There was clearly something going on there.
(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.
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hey if we were on a time limit, then why even offer the choice to talk to both?

[X] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her...haniwa? Bodyguard? ...Daughter?
{X} Talk to the orange girl. She seemed… eccentric. There was clearly something going on there.

not talking to sagume spiraled into the eternal night incident starting early. kotohime's "eccentric" dialogue was what clued us in to the paradox pair. might as well play it safe and get all the information we can. besides, isn't that what being a kuda-gitsune is all about?

(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.

> The craftswoman hummed. Kosuzu’s ears picked up her muttering under her breath. “Ah, kon-sultancy, is it? No wonder she’s hidden away upstairs.”

two birds with one stone! we're going to go see the library and reimu!

i wonder if goob is gonna have fun trying to delay us meeting reimu as much as possible while spacing out the updates.

and on another note, if keiki is willing to pull the "i am the father" card for reimu and she's noted as being motherly towards mayumi (who seems to be quite a bit younger than we should've seen her in wbawc), then would reimu be mayumi's big sister? did keiki reconfigure her first commander unit to keep an eye on the kiketsu heir?

ah, hopefully we'll find out next update
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There's a way to rephrase that question:
"If it's more optimal to talk to both characters because there is no such time limit, why offer the option to talk to both of them? Why even offer the option to decline talking to either of them?"

Maybe I'm wrong and there is no such time limit/drawback, but you have to acknowledge that there could be a drawback to talking to both characters. Whether that drawback is major, or nonexistent, is ultimately up to Gooboi.
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The drawback to talking to them is probably going to be related to over-sharing information. Information is the most valuable when the fewest people know it and can capitalise on it, and a young, inexperienced kit is a liability in regards to leaking information, depending on how well she was raised to be able to deflect and/or lie.

Of course that's not to say "never share any information", we'd have to give up some information to make it seem like we're not a threat, and the tactical sharing of information (whether true, false or misleadingly framed) can help manipulate others, but it's all a balance.
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[X] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her… haniwa? Bodyguard? …Daughter?

{X} Ah, she was already looking at the fish tank again. Best to leave her be.

(X) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.
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There have been times where asking questions have come with no downsides, sometimes I've just done it to psych yall out. And we're so early on in the arc, it'll be hard for you to 'spill' anything without giving yourselves more information as well.

Besides, as far as you know, it seems the most important cat regarding Kosuzu is out of the bag already.

All this to say that I've started writing the next chapter, and votes are now locked.
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>And we're so early on in the arc, it'll be hard for you to 'spill' anything without giving yourselves more information as well.
I feel like there's a misunderstanding here. I agree with you that Kosuzu has knowledge that the reader does not; and Kosuzu explaining those things to other characters serves as a way to also convey those things to the reader.

But I'm not trying to look at this situation from my perspective as a reader of this story. I'm trying to look at it from Kosuzu's perspective within the story, as a tube fox and a conniving trickster's daughter. Someone who likely would have been raised to not run her mouth giving away secrets to other characters, at least not without weighing up the pros and cons of doing so. Someone who probably knows something about whatever her mother's true intentions are (assuming Tsukasa has ulterior motives regarding the Kiketsu), but shouldn't be just giving away that information to other characters.

Sure, she can and should share that information with the reader, but ideally she should be doing so without giving away too much to other customers. Kosuzu shouldn't want to explain things for the reader's sake, not out of malice towards the reader, but because there is no reader that she knows about.
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[23] Talk to the blue-haired woman, and her… haniwa? Bodyguard? …Daughter?
[2] Leave those two alone.

{13} Talk to the orange girl. She seemed… eccentric. There was clearly something going on there.
{12} Ah, she was already looking at the fish tank again. Best to leave her be.

(0) Go to assess the ground floor first. Might as well take this from the top - err, bottom.
(25) Just because she couldn’t stay in the library, didn’t mean she couldn’t scout it out first. Take to the upper floors.

Kosuzu decided to walk over to the two sitting together, first. The woman gave her a wave, smiling.

“My, my. Kosuzu, yes? What a cute little fox you are.” She offered a hand, which Kosuzu shook. “My name is Keiki. You’re new to the city, I assume?”

Kosuzu did her best not to squirm out of the actual goddess’ hand. “Y-yes. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lady Keiki.”

The goddess chuckled. “My, did you not know who you were talking to? …This is the Kiketsu’s heart, you know. Most people here are bigwigs -” She glanced over at the third party sizing up the fish tank again. “Or at least connected to someone who is.”

The pipe fox did her best to recover. “I see. So what brings you here, Lady Keiki?”

“Why, my dearest little Mayumi, of course.” The figure next to her started to blush. “I’ve been working on more subtle models of guard haniwa. After all, the appearance of the Dragon Miko has the various Animal Gangs in a bit of an arms race looking for allies, and if any living allies manage to lock down my haniwa, the animal spirits are free to attack anyone else.” She smirked.

Kosuzu caught on quickly. “But if there’s haniwa blended in among the human spirits… then they’re gonna be on the back foot!”

Keiki smiled. “A bright girl, I see. Yes, that is the point. But the problem is that most of my models cannot convincingly portray a human. And there’s no advantage to anything less than that. But my extra-special Mayumi here has incredible learning potential, and with us reaching a level of… cooperation with the Kiketsu, the original task she was prepared for is lower priority now. Hence the smaller chassis.”

Kosuzu turned to inspect Mayumi. The haniwa, eyeing her up as well, might be in a ‘smaller chassis’, but that didn’t mean she was actually less of a threat. “And you put her with the Dragon Miko? Or at least, you’re trying to?”

Keiki nodded. “Yes, of course. Mayumi is the closest thing she has to a playmate her own age, and inversely, the miko’s one of the best sources of data on how human children behave - albeit with obvious caveats.” The goddess gave a wink. “I imagine your mother intends for you to be the same? Or perhaps you are already affiliated with her?”

Kosuzu shrugged. “We’re really just here for a consultancy. It’d be nice to be her friend, but… I can’t guarantee anything, of course. Besides, I know a stronger miko, anyways.”

“Oh, do you now?” Keiki smiled. “Well, I wish you luck. The miko’s been turning away all manner of youkai Yachie tries to assign as an escort. I even think your mother’s name was mentioned specifically on the very first candidate blacklist.” Kosuzu’s ears flicked back, and the goddess chuckled. “...But, well, Yachie’s most likely running very short on suitable candidates, and she didn’t say anything like that about you. Might as well try, eh? Or at least take in the Kicchou library while you can?”

Kosuzu paused, then caught on. “Ah, did the manuscript give me away?” The goddess raised an eyebrow, but nodded. “Yes, I think I’ll have to do that. Thank you for your time, Lady Keiki.” She bowed, and turned to the other person in the room.

“And… what are you doing?” The orange-haired girl started, turning to look at Kosuzu sheepishly. “I’m pretty sure that you’re not allowed to take those.”

“Aheheheh, well… I couldn’t help myself, there’s so many fish here!” The girl grinned, stepping down off her chair. She had to be connected to some kind of bigwig, if the otters were just letting her do that.

She was a bit older than Kosuzu, but not so much that the fox couldn’t chide her. “You really should behave yourself, you know, if you’re acting as a representative.”

The girl rolled her eyes. “Ugh, you sound just like my master…”

Kosuzu chuckled. “At least have a bit more tact, yes? My name’s Kosuzu. And you are…?”

“Call me Orange!” The girl stuck out her hand. “Actually, Miss Kosuzu, I wanted to ask. How do I look?”

The tube fox assessed ‘Orange’. “...Well… in appearance, I’d say you look like a pretty normal human.”

The girl grinned triumphantly. “Nyeheheheh… you think so?”

“But clearly you’re some kind of youkai cat, no?” Orange started, looking at her confused. “You’ve not exactly been acting the part of a human all that well, you know. Especially when you go ‘nyeheheheh’ when people call you normal.”

The disguised cat blushed. “Ah… oops. But the disguise is fine, right? My master made it, after all!”

Kosuzu shrugged. “Kinda hard to assess the finer points when you’re acting so strange… but yes, your master’s disguise works well enough. Kosuzu grinned. “Your master must be very talented. Kitsune, I’m guessing?”

“Woah, how’d you guess that?!” Kosuzu smirked. “Are you psychic or something?”

“Why, you just told me.” …Well, tanuki tended to be fairly insular when it came to their operations, and their magics were nowhere near as suited for some lasting enchantment. But better to not play her full hand.

Orange bounced her palm of her skull. “Nyaaahhhhhh… you got me again… you’re really smart, Miss Kosuzu. …So what are you here for?”

The pipe fox grinned. “Ah, just a little defense consultancy. It’s the power of a pipe fox, after all.”

Orange assessed her. “A white-hat hacker, huh… Is that all? I woulda thought you’d have come here for a different reason.”

Kosuzu shrugged. “Think what you want to think. We’re pipe-foxes, after all - if we’re not acting as advisors, we’re better suited to poking holes in existing defenses.”

Chen looked sympathetic. “...Is that all you can do?”

Kosuzu nodded, sighing. “Well… yes. Tube foxes are fairly specialized as far as foxes go, you know?” …In truth, Kosuzu had been wanting to try and learn some more versatile magic. But her mother insisted that a tube-fox who didn’t even have the basics fully down shouldn’t be trying to get other skills on hand too early.

Orange started to say something, but hesitated, uncertain. Kosuzu did her best to regather herself. “Anyway! If what I’ve been hearing is correct, I might not have a lot of time here, so… I might go check out that library, if that’s okay?” She gave a small wave to the youkai cat. “Hope to speak to you again, Orange.”

“...Yeah!” Orange regathered herself. “You take care too, miss Kosuzu.” The two youkai shared a wave, and went their separate ways.

She didn’t see the cat’s head turn back, and watch her make her exit.

Kosuzu sighed as she climbed the steps. Those thoughts had taken her to a somewhat moody place. She found herself, naturally, assessing the choice she made, at her reincarnation.

Kuda-gitsune were… not powerful. As far as foxes went, they were… not the weakest, but only barely. And what powers they did have were focused on specific tasks - limited shapeshifting, and a cunning that only served to undermine their partners in the end. Kosuzu really, really hoped that didn’t mean she’d essentially have to sit out being alongside her friends in solving this incident.

…Well, it wasn’t like she’d been flush with choices. Maneki-neko were maybe more benevolent, but arguably even less useful - a kuda-gitsune could at least be helpful for a time. And kappa were… in hindsight, maybe the best option. But living next to the water made them out of the question.

…And besides, she wasn’t that good of a Kuda-gitsune, anyways… After a moment, Kosuzu balled her fists. No! She couldn’t get discouraged like this. Pipe foxes might bring ruin, but that was as much because of their cunning as it was anything else. And it might still give her opportunities - sneak in amongst the enemy, and suddenly bringing ruin was actually what she’d want. She wasn’t going to waste this chance, she was sure of it.

There was the sound of hushed whispers, ahead of her. Kosuzu raised an ear, listening in.

“I-I’m not supposed to leave my post-”

“Yeah, and we’re supposed to report ASAP. So just let us pass it through, will you?”

“If you pass that through, I’ll die!” Kosuzu stuck her head around the corner. Three otter spirits were debating in low tones. One appeared to be guarding a door, while two others appeared to be holding some kind of message.

One of the delivery otters shrugged. “You’re already dead. And we already got our butts kicked once by that chicken god. You’re getting no sympathy from me.”

“Well, you’re not leaving me to sit on top of a bomb!” The guard otter groaned. “Ahhhhh… why did you have to come on my shift…? I’m gonna throw up…”

The third tried to placate his two companions. “L-look you two, nobody’s looking forward to this. But we still gotta do it, alright? You say you’re feeling ill, so, so how about this? You let us shove it under the door, then we take you to sickbay. Get old Asami to watch the girl until she explodes on him.”

There was a momentary pause. The three otters exchanged glances, then nods. “...Which way’s the sick bay, again?”

“It’s just down the stairs past the waiting room.” The otter holding the letter pointed it in Kosuzu’s direction. “She’s still sleeping, right? Come on, let’s be quick about it.”

The three otters slid the note under the door, then rushed for the exit. None of them were moving slow enough to register the slight rocking of an ornamental vase in the hall.

As their voices moved away, a small fox kit stuck her head out, scanning to make sure they were gone. As much as the piping was still a bit shaky, she could get into a small enough form to hide in seconds. She slipped out of the vase, padding over to the door and returning to human-ish form.

It was a western-styled door, with a keyhole. Kosuzu tried to look through the keyhole, and saw a spacious room, lit by twilight. A small pile of assorted plushies stared back, from the far side of the hole.

…So, this was the Dragon Miko’s room? It had to be, right? Kosuzu paused, tapping her chin in thought.

[ ] Knock on the door.
[ ] Leave it for now, head to the library.
[ ] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…

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[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…
We ought to longingly gaze at the library we're missing out on, but we've gotta Tube Fox. Breaking and entering. And if they've got better security than that, at least we know about that now and can include it in our report.

I appreciate the canonization of Anon's polarization by having even Kosuzu debate it.
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Hahahahaha! I was right on the money for finding the plush pile!

Sorry Reimu! I've been looking forward to this since the plushies first came up!

[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…
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[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…

On one hand, if Reimu is in there Kosuzu is probably going to be beaten up if she wakes up to a mysterious intruder. On the other hand, tube fox gotta tube and Reimu COULD be outside doing vigilante work and just pretending to be asleep.

Also going to go back to pondering what the mysterious ??? stat is, since Kosuzu has more memories than I initially assumed with my last vote so it probably isn't related to those.
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Reimu will never be able to live this down, not even half an hour and Kosuzu might already find top tier blackmail material, truly a late bloomer prodigy.

[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…
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hey, seems like i was right in mayumi being changed from a commander unit to "reimu's playmate/guardian/definitely-not-a-sister"!

honestly i feel kinda bad for those otters. they're gonna get one hell of a chewing out for this.

[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…

as much as the library is probably what kosuzu wants, we're sitting on a ticking time bomb on reimu waking up (or coming back in) and finding that letter. leaving is gonna let that explode naturally, and the knocking might speed that up. if we get in there at least, reimu will hopefully recognize kosuzu by her bells and not beat her up too hard, kosuzu will be able to explain the escort situation better (reimu might tolerate tsukasa if that means she gets to be reunited with kosuzu) and we might be able to prevent the inevitable eruption of reimu's temper when reading the letter. besides, it's possible that this is one of the few times we'll be able to talk privately without tsukasa trying to listen in to see why her daughter is suddenly so comfortable with their charge.

has "orange" for a name, kitsune master, youkai cat... it's about time we see the yakumos actively playing a role. wonder how yukari is doing?
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[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…

Reimu’s going to have to defend the plushie shrine! And this will be a valuable lesson for her on op-sec.
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I like Kosuzu's thoughts on what it means to be a kuda-gitsune, well as Suwako already said
"Any power, no matter how scary it is, can be used for good and evil."
Thanks uncle Ben

So Mayumi is learning to be human and is Reimu's playmate, that's interesting.

between knocking on the door and Reimu pretending to be asleep and not answering or entering through the keyhole...

[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…
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[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…

Hehe, foxo gotta foxo.
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Re-reading the update again, Chen was accidentally used outright close to the end of Orange's discusssion and I completely missed that. Looks like Yukari is making sure that Reimu makes it to the surface intact (I suspect she is still VERY unhappy with being forced to use her backup countermeasures, even if it worked out in tracking down the Immaterial Children). At the moment it looks like Reimu's entourage is going to consist of Mayumi (stealth model), Chen, and the Tube Foxes (though Tsukasa may have a difficult choice up ahead if she needs to choose between the mission and Kosuzu, especially if she still believes that Kosuzu still doesn't have her memories).
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[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…
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[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…

It is only our duty as anons to choose the most problematic options given to us.
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Oh, I'm so glad my initial thought of little sis Mayumi was right, that's so cute! 😭

[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…

A chance to see the Dragon Miko's room directly? While she's asleep? We gotta get to the library still, but this is the kind of opportunity that kuda-gitsune dream of. We can afford a brief detour, one that I imagine little Kosuzu might get plenty of praise from mama Tsukasa for, and this might even go towards proving that she's ready to learn more versatile magic.
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huh, so does that mean that for Gooboi's canon that retroactively Chen was the first boss of TH4? interesting if that is the case, just trying to scout out the growing incidnent while her master's master is hibernating, only to run headlong into the crimson slasher...


Hopefully we do get a couple of named Otter's to join in, but yeah, looks like we've got a pretty good adventuring party: a mage/cleric, a fighter, a rogue... possibly make that 2-4 (with two being minions...)

on top of Kosuzu finding the plushies, I wonder if Reimu's horns have started growing back? might just be some gasoline to pour onto the proverbial fire that the plushies represent. (or would that be too mean? hopefully not.)


the SDM might not be completely out yet, not guaranteed or anything since its only been some of us Anons that have ever said anything about this, but if we get a Fairisa option next arc it is conceivable that she could end up as a fairy maid in the SDM. but yeah, we'll have to see what the options are once we get there.
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[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…

I wanna play with the plushies…
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[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…

Hm... :3
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[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…

Guro'd by key.
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>“Yeah, and we’re supposed to report ASAP.

if you were supposed to report ASAP, then how did a pair that was at the village at the same time, that had to wait for a job offer get here at the same time as you? hmmmm?

actually... Asami... was that one of the perspective names for Guardian? where was that vote for the otter's names?
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[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…

Snooping is mandatory.
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and after checking, YES! Asami is one of the names! Congrats >>206238!
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[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…

I hope curiosity doesn't kill the tube fox.

Whoops although Chen does mean Orange, after this update it was easy to put two and two together
I hope it's a full party like you say and not limited to a single choice.

Yes it was voted some time ago and the name was already used in Yachie's (or was it Keiki's?) epilogue.

I couldn't finish the Youmu designs yesterday, I'm finishing today. I have one variation almost fully done, and have to start the other.
After that, I don't know which scene to choose from this arc to start drawing Kosuzu. I'll hear suggestions, and reread everything again to be sure.
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[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…

You know, I’m not certain the Kiketsu are gonna be all that mad at this. From the way they were acting, it’s almost like they wanted us to meet Reimu.
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I dunno, they might be a little upset when the resulting spell card duel barrage from a very annoyed Miko results in damages. XD
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[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…

Just a little peek, what harm could it do?
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I agree with all y’all that she should go in there, but if Reimu’s home then I’d say it’s better to announce ourselves.

[X] Knock on the door.
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[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…
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[ ] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…

Got the Pink Panther theme going in my head. No way this could backfire!
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if reimu's home, she might notice and open the letter first. given that multiple characters at this point have commented that reimu's gonna blow a gasket when she finds out just how close youkai (specifically the tengu) are to the village, i'd rather kosuzu be there to do damage control possibly before she reads it rather then reimu slamming the door open on her poor face in the ensuing rampage.

the latter case might have reimu not be in a good enough emotional state to recognize kosuzu in the first place, instead noting her as a kudamaki, who is high on the "DO NOT HIRE AS MY ESCORT" list seeing as tsukasa was on the first one.
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It might actually be worse too as Kosuzu mentioned having her hair down... Like it was during the ending arc of Forbidden scrollery when she got herself possessed by the night parade scroll which might give Reimu flashbacks to that and have her be as or more annoyed then just the kudamaki thought.
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[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…
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[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…

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[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…
I want to see Kosuzu's reaction when she realizes that the plushies each correspond to an IC, then notices that hers is a wolf.
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Has Kosuzu taken a look at herself and described her appearance yet?
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huh, if chen is here... and possibly going to be travelling with Reimu and Kosuzu... then Kosuzu might be able to get in personal contact with Ran... and being taught Kitsune magic by a full on nine tails ought to have some improvement of her ability, even if it is only the limited amount the Kada-gitsune can access...
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The question is if Kudamama would be disappointed that we, as a novice, have abandoned the path of TUUUBES to go practice fancy stuff with the nine-tails...

Or proud that we're already hobnobbing with the upper crust to finale their techniques.
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File 171857472419.png - (1.69MB, 2535x1838, WhatIfYoumu.png)
>> As if on cue, she felt things tugging at her. Tugging at her soul. Like pieces of her were being pulled away from her. She tried to snatch at them, feeling a rising panic - it was like she was being pulled apart, in different directions. She managed to grab on to four threads, holding them tightly. Youmu looked down the tunnel, and… a part of her knew. Knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she’d have to make a choice.

>> About what she was, down to her soul. Her phantom half had no hands with which to hold on to a strand of herself. She'd have to choose the two that mattered to her most, and hope she could recover the chance to indulge the other parts of herself. Perhaps the life she came into would allow her to indulge those other parts, perhaps it wouldn't, but... she couldn't know for sure.

>> ...She was a swordswoman, of that there was not even a moment of doubt. And beyond that, she was…

>> A stalwart guardian and protector. She remembered training by the old waterfall, the crisp breeze ruffling her hair… and her tail?
>> A faithful servant and assistant. She thought back to the image of her mistress; her sky blue garb, her pink hair… her third eye?
>> A humble gardener and groundskeeper. Her heart fluttered as she remembered cultivating a small bit of life while living in a place so utterly synonymous with death… a mausoleum?

I love how both Myonmiji and Shirokoma turned out.
Now, I don't know if I should make both other versions of Kosuzu right now or jump right into drawing something from this new arc.

Not that I can recall, other than her hair.

I would like to see an interaction with Ran. Apprenticeship would be the best case scenario, but I don't think we're going to go that way. Also, they're different kind of foxes, maybe it would be very hard for Ran to teach her.
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[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…

Gremlin time.


I've got to say, I also like how Myonmiji and Shirokuma turned out. The fire design on the skirt and the glaive speak to me especially.

I'd lean towards annoyed; as far as Tsukasa is concerned, Kosuzu has just learned to walk, so she's not in the right space to learn to fly.
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it would likely be an end of arc/post arc sort of thing if the possibility came up... though considering every arc has been mainly about a day (excluding Akyuu's escape from the moon.), maybe there still is a point even then...
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[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube
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Screenshot 2024-06-17 002214
Just posting a couple of small clarification:

Despite a slip-up on my part, Kosuzu does not know the real identity of 'Orange'.

Also, a few people have said they correctly guessed Mayumi becoming becoming Reimu's sister/rival, but that's not quite correct. "Inspired" would be a better choice of words :3c
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Counting to >>209632:
Main Choice:
[1] Knock on the door.
[0] Leave it for now, head to the library.
[25] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…

Reimu proceeds to instantly wake up once Kosuzu materializes in her room because of the sound of bells.
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File 171859403842.png - (213.75KB, 342x645, TOOBKosuzu hiding.png)
TOOBKosuzu hiding
This is exceedingly amateurish, but have a TOOBfox in a Vase.

... wanted to put a bell on it... but couldn't find a good spot.

and, will we have an appearance of the noble Tidepisser? Giving Kosuzu hope for her chance to visit the Library? or have they too fallen sway to the Pull of P L U S H I E?

...either that and/or the desire to pull up that one Jaws theme as they start reading the next update?
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[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…

Kosuzu funny moment

This totally won't get us some really fucked up consequence from Yachie!
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[X] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…
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Screenshot 2024-06-17 184626
[1] Knock on the door.
[ ] Leave it for now, head to the library.
[27] If she could see through the keyhole… that meant it was a tube…

…Right. She shouldn’t waste this opportunity, surely? Besides, it was technically what she was here to do. Any problems that came from this were the otter’s fault, not hers.

Hopefully, the Dragon Miko would agree. Kosuzu looked through the hole, took a deep breath, and began to squeeze through.

She wasn’t the best at piping, and this was an especially small and tight hole. And her mother had been on at her at length about eating too much. Kosuzu certainly found herself regretting it now - it meant she really had to squeeze and stretch herself, to slide through the mechanism.

Still, she managed it, easily enough, sticking her head out through the hole. She examined the room for any signs of occupants… There was a lump that might be the dragon miko, lying in her bed, but judging by its strange, humpbacked shape, it was more likely to be a plushie. After all, the Dragon Miko was a human, right? Kosuzu could reach the desk in the room from the keyhole, so she did so, snapping back into a more normal shape once she was through.

…It was probably smarter to stay in fox form, wasn’t it? As much as Kosuzu loved bells as accessories (and always, always had), they made poor stealth equipment. In fox form, all she had was a yellow collar, and a single bell she’d long taken the clapper out of. She took a moment to straighten herself out, and from her perch atop the desk, began to assess the room.

…Well, it was certainly a rich girl’s room. The writing desk Kosuzu was atop of would be something to envy all by itself, and the rest of the room had the quality to match. Everything was expensive wood, and a section of the floorspace had been surrendered to an impressive lineup of colorful animal plushies.

Kosuzu took a moment to examine the desk. The first thing she noticed was a small collection of scale necklaces - a small pile of white ones. There was also an open letter, containing a few pages worth of material on… the Moriya Shrine? A historical recount of its time in Gensokyo.

The young pipe-fox had never been comfortable at that shrine. There was just something… wrong about it, like it was intruding, and she’d never been able to suss out exactly what it was that bothered her. It appeared that the reader of the letter had some issues as well, as the letter had been augmented with small notes raising questions. Particularly about their actions before the Sixty Years Incident.

…Wait, this letter was predictive, then? And as she read it, something about the letter seemed familiar… no, way too familiar! This was Akyuu’s writing, wasn’t it? Moreover, some of these passages were seemingly lifted wholesale from the manuscript Kosuzu was carrying… so the Dragon Miko was in contact with Akyuu?

Kosuzu felt her ears flick back. …No. It couldn’t be, could it? How would someone like Yachie get her hands on Reimu…? The fox turned, starting to investigate the room more closely. A small set of the plushies caught her eye… she hopped down off the desk, turning to look at them.

The small set was on a large, rolled-out piece of paper, with a crude map drawn atop it - only barely marking out rough locations and their connections. Most of them were wearing red-scale necklaces, though one bearded turtle plushie sitting in the animal realm section was scale-less. One, a purple otter with a familiar flower on it, was sitting on the moon. There were two more sitting next to drawn question-marks - a green otter with two prop swords under the ground, and a crow in the middle of the village, whose scale sat around the rim of its sewn-on hat.

And, sitting in a blank space untouched, there was a wolf. Bright red, with a bell on it’s collar. Kosuzu stared at it, padding closer.

…Is this supposed to be… me? She turned to look at the plushies again. But… if that’s the case… where’s Reimu?

“A-hem.” Kosuzu’s tail shot between her legs. A small wisp of smoke trailed past her. She turned, slowly, to look up at the figure, arms folded and glaring at her.


There she was.
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Quickly Kosuzu you kon-vince Reimu to not beat the living furballs out of you.
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seems like reimu's been busy piecing all the puzzle pieces together herself. plushies appear to be keeping track of where they all reincarnated- genji (presumably representing reimu herself) in the animal realm, akyuu's otter-plush is on the moon, youmu's is underground, marisa is... in the village for some reason. are our choices for her gonna be locked there, perhaps? or maybe it's a placeholder location. kosuzu's location is unknown to reimu probably because of her parentage and the kudamakis moving around for jobs and all.

poor kosuzu. better shift into your regular human-like form in the hopes reimu recognizes you before she blows up.
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We heard in Youmu's arc (>>208642) that someone from the Hakurei Shrine saw a possibly-marisa in the human village.
Then in >>208772, OP stated that there was a 1-in-3 chance it WAS Marisa. so one marisa option is in the village, I guess.
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I don’t know why, but Kosuzu’s slow realization of exactly what kind of mess she got herself in over the course of the chapter is disproportionately funny to me.
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I'm curious as to how Kosuzu will play this one out:
>It's me, Kosuzu, reincarnated as a pipe fox. Good to see you, Reimu... Kicchou?.
>Oh, I'm Ko-ko, I felt like doing some impromptu penetration testing. I assume you're the famed 'Dragon Miko', Miss...?
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Screenshot 2024-06-17 195414
The dragon miko - no, she knew her too well for that. Reimu - no, that wasn’t quite right either. As she examined the figure’s scaly tail, and stubby, golden horns, it became very, very clear who this was. Kicchou Reimu glared down at her, coldly.

“So. I presume you’re one of Tsukasa’s minions?” She flicked her tail, glaring down at the trembling fox. “A bold one, at that, to sneak in here. I told Mama I didn’t want anything to do with her, but she wanted one last shot, I guess…”

Kosuzu had frozen up. A part of her was screaming at her to move, to transform back into a human shape, or at least to run, but she stayed transfixed, unable to break eye contact with the furious jidiao. “Well, anything to say for yourself? Or are you just gonna stare, slack-jawed?”

The fox knew that she had to transform back, and say something, but she still couldn’t move. Some alarm bell rang off, panicking, in the back of Kosuzu’s head. She’d never met Kicchou Yachie, but she had heard of her ability - the power to sap the will to fight back. Was Reimu using it on her? Probably not intentionally… but Reimu was someone who tended to rely on intuition more than anything else. It was very possible, terrifyingly so, that Reimu’s own fury at her intrusion was triggering it automatically.

“No? Nothing to say, little fox?” …Then again, she could just be feeling the impending oblivion any youkai would when Reimu was about to exterminate them. Especially a Reimu that could very definitely breathe fire oh god move Kosuzu move right now-

The jidiao reached down, picking up Kosuzu by her scruff. “I hope this deer-in-the-headlights act isn’t meant to fool me. I spotted you the moment you slithered into my room… no? Still nothing to say for yourself?” Reimu bared her fangs. “Very well. This may not be a schoolhouse, little fox, but… I think you will find this a… very informative lesson.”

The last word echoed around Kosuzu’s skull… and something primal awoke in her. Where once there had been a placid fox, now there was a whirl of limbs. She felt her paw - or rather, her hand - strike the dragon miko’s chin, and hit the floor a second later. She scrambled backwards, panting, trying to look for a way out.

Reimu fell back, twisting her body as she landed to avoid ending up on her back. She got into a position to lunge, billowing smoke.

“That hurt, you bratty little c-” She paused, staring. The rattled fox put up a hand defensively, and Reimu’s face fell off a cliff. “C...K...KOSUZU?!”

[ ] (Write-ins are in again! And yep, both characters are free to do so. If it's not obvious by your write-in, [R] for Reimu and [K] for Kosuzu)
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[K] Consider lying about her identity, then decide against it.

Hmmm. I can’t really think of one for Reimu, oh well, the rest of your probably have better ideas.
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[K] Verbally flail about how you went from going to the library to seeing the room to looking around and please don't exterminate you. Physical flailing encouraged as well.

[R] Throw the nearest (soft) object at her and assess the situa-kon.

[X] Once tensions fall, give it a good hug-out.

I love the mental image of Reimu holding this fox by the scruff threatening secondhand smoke inhalation, before she transforms to human form and baps the mob princess on the chin.
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[K] Flee like the wind! Escape is victory!
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[K] Pull out the manuscript and shakily hold it out to Reimu.
[R] "You took this? We were sure that Marisa or some random youkai had it."
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[K] She begs Reimu totally scared not to exterminate her she has not done anything wrong like reading a scroll from a fortune teller.

[R] Reimu is shocked for a couple of seconds, starts to apologise every now and then hugs her.

[R] She asks if she can hug her in her animal form like a plushie.

I'm sure I'll add more but I can't think of anything right now.
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Bless your soul tallyanon
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[K] Verbally flail about how you went from going to the library to seeing the room to looking around and please don't exterminate you. Physical flailing encouraged as well.
[K] Pull out the manuscript and shakily hold it out to Reimu.

[R] Throw the nearest (soft) object at her and assess the situa-kon.
[R] Ask if you can hug her in her animal form like a plushie.

Right back to business with Reimu. I wonder if it isn't even any special ability, but her inherent aura of intimidation.
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[K] Verbally flail about how you went from going to the library to seeing the room to looking around and please don't exterminate you. Physical flailing encouraged as well.

[R] Observe this act silently. Try to remember where you stashed that Sake in your room.

Drinking solves all issues!
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[R] slowly approach in a daze the first friend she has seen in over a decade, trying not to let the last memory of her friend before her come to the fore.

[K] Verbally flail about how you went from going to the library to seeing the room to looking around and please don't exterminate you. Physical flailing encouraged as well.

[R] Once in range, touch Kosuzu on the cheek to make sure she's real and there, and not a fake and alive and not burning and safe and not a trick and and...

[K] continue verbally flailing that this is just part of the pen-test and there was a gap between guards as they are sending Asami here because they didn't want Reimu to explode at them for some reason. and please don't explode her instead

[R] Yank Kosuzu into an absolutely unrefined hug and not care.

[R] totally not starting to lecture her about anything off the top of her head like someone that had to hang around Kasen a lot.

[R] She asks if she can hug her in her animal form like a plushie.

[R] Realize that Kosuzu has seen the plushies, and know who they represent... and make quite clear now that she has Kosuzu in her arms that no one is to hear about those

[R] wait why would she explode at the otter guard?

hmm, couldn't think of more Kosuzu ones...
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Tallyanon is going to explode i think
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[R] Grab her before she can escape and (fail to) convince her that you're not mad.
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[K] Try to escape using the keyhole again, only to get stuck and pulled back inside by Reimu.
[K] Verbally flail about how you went from going to the library to seeing the room to looking around and please don't exterminate you. Physical flailing encouraged as well.
[R] Throw the nearest (soft) object at her and assess the situa-kon.

[R] When she least expects it bam! Tactical headpat!

Even though Kosuzu passed the keyhole fine on the way in, while panicking and unfocused she might find it difficult.
If I think of anything else to add, I'll do that later. They're not mutually exclusive, but I think a headpat fits better than a hug here.

Reimu possibly using her mom's power can be really scary, but could be either that or just Kosuzu just instinctively knowing not to mess with an angry Reimu. Both make sense
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File 171863064945.png - (1.16MB, 2275x1494, WhatIfKosuzu.png)
>> There were… three sets of texts in front of her. And where the other tomes around her were unwriting themselves, these seemed to be somewhat progressing, or at least trying to. One would slightly develop its ink, and the others would shrink back - only for a different one to double forward, and try to claim itself.

>> It seemed like Kosuzu would get a choice. Frankly, all three were rather unusual pieces of text - not exactly the conventional books Kosuzu usually loved - and yet, she could feel they each had stories to tell. It was down to her, however, which story would be hers.

>> Slowly, she thought it through… and made her choice.

>> Grab a blue-and-white scroll, bedecked with detailed depictions of machinery. There was water splashing around them, but the scrolls themselves seemed fine for it.
>> Snatch for one of the furtive missives, carefully and yet quickly writing out small messages. Each missive, if it managed to complete itself, rushed into a small, glass test tube, and was sealed with a cork.
>> Follow the buddhist sutras, that seemed to be unrolling themselves as they wrote. The sutra’s tails seemed to extend far, far into the distance… Kosuzu couldn’t see where they ended, but it seemed to be much further away than the others.

Aaaand that's it for now. Next time it'll be something actually made for this arc.

[R] Realize that Kosuzu has seen the plushies, and know who they represent... and make quite clear now that no one is to hear about those
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File 171863094732.jpg - (2.29MB, 3508x2277, c39ab960e66082cf7b9a785e78544c53b48ea8551f6e150327.jpg)
I kinda wanted Kosuzu to keep her identity from Reimu, whether intentionally or not. It would have been a prime opportunity for foxy shenanigans, but it's still workable.

[K] Flee like the wind! Escape is victory!
[K] If mama's talking with Yachie, then she could become... compromised; just like Reimu.

[R] Try and fail to follow her as she escapes through the locked door.

If Kosuzu flees, could she escape the Kiketsu's surveillance and escape to the surface? That would be an interesting plot line, with Reimu trying to find her long-lost friend and Kosuzu doing everything in her power to evade detection by Yachie's pawns, putting everything her second mama taught her and improvising as she goes along.
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>>209659 hey that's mitori she's cute

[R] Throw the nearest (soft) object at her and assess the situa-kon.

[K] Why do you have so many plushies in your room?
[R] blushes clumsily trying to change the theme and talks about the situation of the other immaterial children.
[K] Ask about Akyuu's letters and the map.
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[K] Verbally flail about how you went from going to the library to seeing the room to looking around and please don't exterminate you. Physical flailing encouraged as well.
[R] Throw the nearest (soft) object at her and assess the situa-kon.
[X] Once tensions fall, give it a good hug-out.

Yeah, other anons already came up with about what I'd have come up with before I woke up. 😁
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[K] Flee like the wind! Escape is victory!
[K] If mama's talking with Yachie, then she could become... compromised; just like Reimu.

[R] Try and fail to follow her as she escapes through the locked door.
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Strolling in grabbing bits and pieces of other people's suggestions is also fun!

[K] Verbally flail about how you went from going to the library to seeing the room to looking around and please don't exterminate you. Physical flailing encouraged as well.
[R] Observe this act silently. Try to remember where you stashed that Sake in your room.
[K] Try to escape using the keyhole again, only to get stuck and pulled back inside by Reimu.
[R] Yank Kosuzu into an absolutely unrefined hug and not care.
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>>209655 here

to insert right after the >Yank Kosuzu into an absolutely unrefined hug.

[R]pick Kosuzu up and spin her around.

i.e. having Reimu do to Kosuzu what we see in that picture of Yachie and Reimu (Thanks again Kosu for all the awesome art!!! the alternates have all looked great! I look forward to the Marisa ones when they come up!)

maybe we can have both headpats and hugs?

and I have this picture in my head of Reimu spending a bunch of the time in this arc with Kosuzu in tubefox form just wrapped around her neck like a scarf.
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[K] Verbally flail about how you went from going to the library to seeing the room to looking around and please don't exterminate you. Physical flailing encouraged as well.

[R] Throw the nearest (soft) object at her and assess the situa-kon.

[X] Once tensions fall, give it a good hug-out.

[R] She asks if she can hug her in her animal form like a plushie.
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Hm... Doable.

[K] Verbally flail about how you went from going to the library to seeing the room to looking around and please don't exterminate you. Physical flailing encouraged as well.
[R] Observe this act silently. Try to remember where you stashed that Sake in your room.
[K] Try to escape using the keyhole again, only to get stuck and pulled back inside by Reimu.
[R] Yank Kosuzu into an absolutely unrefined hug and not care.

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[R] Try to calm Kosuzu down

I don't think Kosuzu's gonna be able to say anything after being pressured like that
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[K] Flail and try to explain why you decided to sneak into her room
[R] Hug Kosuzu after letting her flail a bit (and cry too of course)
[K] Return hug and try not to cry (cry a lot)
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Please note that I have -not- read any of the messages and what people have come to like from others and vote for. That being said, here's what the immediate "kon-tact" would look like to me


[K] Confused about her current knowledge of the Dragon Miko vs. reality.
[R] Explains the actual situation and also explains that she wasn't going to initially go with Tsukasa's plans
[K] Since she's here now, asks if she wants to reconsider but also asks about the letters between her and Akyuu.
[R] Explains how Akyuu and Youmu made contact and, now, the only Immaterial Children left to learn about is Marisa. Then, she still hesitates to go with Tsukasa even though Kosuzu's her daughters - because of previous memories of previous timeline.
[K] Asks about those previous memories
[R] Remembers that Tsukasa played both sides in an incident in the other timeline by manipulating both a God, tengu and an oomukade to go with her own goals. Reimu then shivers at the thought of even meeting Momoyo.
[K] Explains that her mom is still the "faithful servant" of Megumu and that access to the tengu might help with resolving the Pyre (NOTE: but doesn't know about Pyre - just saying for the write-in) incident. Unknown to her, with her arguments here, Kosuzu "slipped into Reimu's weakness" of solving incidents and make her begrudgingly accept to go with her and Tsukasa.


If anything of this is any good, go ahead and vote or use any of it. Personally very bad at write-ins.
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TOOBKosuzu hiding cleaned up

Is Tsukasa still Megumu's servant right now? I don't think there was any indication so far that that is currently the case.

also I don't think reimu knows for sure that Akyuu has made contact with Youmu yet. (remember that Youmu's plushie has a written question mark next to it.) In fact if Kosuzu heard about why the Tengu were rampaging around the village when she picked up the manuscript. She might now more than Reimu about that right now.

I don't think this is going to be a helpful suggestion, bbbuuuttt

(j/k:K) turn back into a fox and dive into the plushie pile!

oh hey! Reimu's horns have started growing back in and Genji is nice and fixed! yay!

has Reimu developed a taste for Youkai(tm) energy drink from Keiki I wonder?

and here's a refined Tubefox in Vase... just need to figure out transparency and find a good hallway with either a shelf or table to stick the Vase onto.
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Given that Tsukasa was technically Chimata's subordinate at the time and Chimata doesn't appear to have been forced to work with the Tengu, it seems unlikely that Tsukasa is working with the Tengu. It also appears that we are pre-Chimata recruiting Tsukasa, so we are in a period where Tsukasa (and thus, Kosuzu) are free agents in their entirety, or are speedrunning joining the Kitetsu (and may actually get to join, as the two individuals that ruined her chances, Son Biten and Mamizou, aren't actually around in Animal Hell/Gensokyo).

Also while I am not struck with inspiration on how the encounter goes, I do love the undercurrent of Kosuzu trying to run away because SHE knows how dangerous the Crimson Slasher can be to Youkai. Meanwhile Reimu just wants her to calm down/be sworn to secrecy about the plushes.
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[K] Reimu! Can we Redo that introduction"
[R] "Sure Kosuzu. Let me just Kaizou* my room so you can't see the plushies anymore"

*T/N: Kaizou means rearrange

[K] Try to escape using the keyhole again, only to get stuck and pulled back inside by Reimu.
[K] Verbally flail about how you went from going to the library to seeing the room to looking around and please don't exterminate you. Physical flailing encouraged as well.
[R] Throw the nearest (soft) object at her and assess the situa-kon.

[X] Once tensions fall, give it a good hug-out.
[R] Realize that Kosuzu has seen the plushies, and know who they represent... and make quite clear now that she has Kosuzu in her arms that no one is to hear about those

Good luck Tallyanon

>>209659 Got to say, I was a Maneki man, but Kappsuzu is especially adorable.

I figured Tsukasa was moreso under Megumu; Megumu's surname is Iizunamaru and pipe-foxes are also known as Iizuna. I figured that she was either the (nominal) master of the pipefoxes or at least the main person they contracted with. Probably a moot point for this story though; like you said, Yachie might be more interested in pulling them in, especially with an Immaterial Child that might influence Reimu. Also, Chimata isn't due for a long, long time in Gensokyo, unless something she gets drawn in by something Kasen/potentially Keine does differently. (Or if an IC is in the outside world, maybe as a Yorigami... or Chimata's own kid lol)
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That and Tsukasa's UM profile immediately starts out by introducing her as Megumu's right hand woman. Not Chimata's.

She does seem to be more freelance in this story in any case... although for a schemer, there's nothing stopping you from doing a bit of freelancing while still cultivating some primary connections. UM is a ways off, and we know little of what's going on with the tengu in this timeline, so it seems just as possible that Tsukasa isn't working with them at all or that she just hasn't solidified it as her big gig yet.
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>>209673 here

I'm actually going to make my joke submission an actual one:

[K] Turn back into a fox and dive into the plushie pile!

also... shouldn't the throw the nearest soft item be a Kosuzu option? it sounds to me considering all the rest of the options to be more what she would do right now compared to Reimu whose options are mostly trying to calm her down or comfort her/ be happy she's there.

[K] Throw the nearest (soft) object at her and assess the situa-kon.

"Protect me Marisa!!!"
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Anon of 209672 here.

I haven't given much thought of what I wrote. In fact, it didn't even cross my mind of "when did she exactly joined the tengu, the god and the oomukade in relation to the fic and/or canon?".

In canon, I don't think there's any mention that she only joined Megumu and al. as a servant only for the incident and/or to revigorate the market (and her own motives). So, for all intent and purposes, she could have been playing the tengu since forever. Furthermore, because there's nothing canon saying _when_ she started to be _friend_ with them, you're free to make your own headcanon about it.

AFAIK, Gooboi hasn't made a call about it either.

Now back to wait for what exactly Gooboi will choose of what we wrote.

(And I don't usually come and check on people's responses / actively participate. I mostly just vote. It happened that I had a scenario pop up in my head and decided to write it off here.)
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Note that this follows the same format as >>208408 because I'm lazy. :3

Counting to >>209677:
For Kosuzu ([K]):
[1] Consider lying about her identity, then decide against it. (>>209646)
[10] Verbally flail about how you went from going to the library to seeing the room to looking around and please don't exterminate you. Physical flailing encouraged as well. (>>209647, >>209653, >>209654, >>209655, >>209658, >>209663, >>209666, >>209668, >>209669, >>209675)
-[1] Continue verbally flailing that this is just part of the pen-test and there was a gap between guards as they are sending Asami here because they didn't want Reimu to explode at them for some reason. And please don't explode me instead? (>>209655)
Edits have been made? :/
-[1] Flail and try to explain why you decided to sneak into her room (>>209671)
[3] Flee like the wind! Escape is victory! (>>209648, >>209661, >>209664)
[2] Pull out the manuscript and shakily hold it out to Reimu. (>>209650, >>209653)
[1] She begs Reimu totally scared not to exterminate her she has not done anything wrong like reading a scroll from a fortune teller. (>>209651)
[3] GET OUTTA THERE! (>>209657, >>209661, >>209664)
[4] Try to escape using the keyhole again, only to get stuck and pulled back inside by Reimu. (>>209658, >>209666, >>209669, >>209675)
[2] If mama's talking with Yachie, then she could become... compromised; just like Reimu. (>>209661, >>209664)
[1] Return hug and try not to cry (cry a lot) (>>209671)
[1] Turn back into a fox and dive into the plushie pile! (>>209677)

For Reimu ([R]):
[8] Throw the nearest (soft) object at her and assess the situa-kon. (>>209647, >>209653, >>209658, >>209662, >>209663, >>209668, >>209675, >>209677)
[1] "You took this? We were sure that Marisa or some random youkai had it." (>>209650)
[1] Reimu is shocked for a couple of seconds, starts to apologise every now and then hugs her. (>>209651)
-[3] Yank Kosuzu into an absolutely unrefined hug and not care. (>>209655, >>209666, >>209669)
--[1] Pick Kosuzu up and spin her around. (>>209667)
-[1] Hug Kosuzu after letting her flail a bit (and cry too, of course) (>>209671)
[2] She asks if she can hug her in her animal form like a plushie. (>>209651, >>209668)
-[2] Ask if you can hug her in her animal form like a plushie. (>>209653, >>209655)
[3] Observe this act silently. Try to remember where you stashed that Sake in your room. (>>209654, >>209666, >>209669)
[1] Slowly approach in a daze as this is the first friend she has seen in over a decade, while trying not to let the last memory of her friend before her come up. (>>209655)
Edits have been made? :/
[1] Once in range, touch Kosuzu on the cheek to make sure she's real, and there, and not a fake, and alive, and not burning, and safe, and not a trick, and...? (>>209655)
Edits have been made? :/
[1] Don't start lecturing her about anything off the top of her head, like Kasen. (>>209655)
Edits have been made? :/
[3] Realize that Kosuzu has seen the plushies, and know who they represent... And make it quite clear now that no one is to hear about those. (>>209655, >>209659, >>209675)
*Throws up a billion plushies in frustration.*
[1] Wait... Why would she explode at the otter guard? (>>209655)
Slight edits have been made? :/
[1] Grab her before she can escape and (fail to) convince her that you're not mad. (>>209657)
[1] When she least expects it bam! Tactical headpat! (>>209658)
[2] Try and fail to follow her as she escapes through the locked door. (>>209661, >>209664)
[1] EXTERMINATE (>>209665)
Pfft... No.
[1] Try to calm Kosuzu down. (>>209670)

Miscellaneous Write-Ins ([X]):
[4] Once tensions fall, give it a good hug-out. (>>209647, >>209663, >>209668, >>209675)

Questions (Thou do be early, nay?):
[K] Why do you have so many plushies in your room? (1; >>209662)
[R] *Blushes clumsily trying to change the theme and talks about the situation of the other immaterial children. (1; >>209662)
[K] Ask about Akyuu's letters and the map. (1; >>209662)
[K] Confused about her current knowledge of the Dragon Miko vs. Reality. (>>209672)
[R] Explains the actual situation and also explains that she wasn't going to initially go with Tsukasa's plans. (>>209672)
[K] Since she's here now, ask if she wants to reconsider but also asks about the letters between her and Akyuu. (>>209672)
[R] Explains how Akyuu and Youmu made contact and, now, the only Immaterial Children left to learn about is Marisa. Then, she still hesitates to go with Tsukasa even though Kosuzu's her daughters - because of previous memories of previous timeline. (>>209672)
[K] Ask about those previous memories. (>>209672)
[R] Remembers that Tsukasa played both sides in an incident in the other timeline by manipulating both a God, Tengu and an oomukade to go with her own goals. Reimu then shivers at the thought of even meeting Momoyo. (>>209672)
[K] Explains that her mom is still the "faithful servant" of Megumu and that access to the Tengu might help with resolving the Pyre incident. Unknown to her, with her arguments here, Kosuzu "slipped into Reimu's weakness" of solving incidents and make her begrudgingly accept to go with her and Tsukasa. (>>209672)

I'm gonna prepare for the inevitable moment now...
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clarification on a couple of my votes

I voted for a Kosuzu version of throw the nearest soft thing (since considering all the other Reimu write-ins I see Kosuzu more being the one to do it in panic than whyever Reimu would do it.) >>209677

and for >>209655 the "don't start lecturing her" the "totally" part was to indicate that it was either sarcastic, or an attempt to fool convince herself that she is not lecturing like Kasen does, when she is in fact doing exactly that.

sorry for all the proofreading needed for my votes! and thanks for putting all the votes together Tallyanon!
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You actually did it holy shit
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I would rate it as a 6/10.
There's a lot more to improve and I need to experiment a bit more...
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Impostor syndrome mentioned 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥 go love yourself NOW

For real though, the fact you went to do this knowing that you'll get nothing in return speaks great dedication!
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While self-improvement is a nice goal, you've done genuinely done good work here. So stand proud, tallyanon. You can cook.
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File 171872896537.jpg - (200.14KB, 850x952, __hakurei_reimu_and_motoori_kosuzu_touhou_drawn_by.jpg)
“I-I’m sorry!” Kosuzu flailed about, still backing up. “I-I just, they told me I could come up here and they, they sorta directed me to the library but, but they also kinda, kinda encouraged a pen-test, and, and there were two otters who left a letter and ran away with the guard- please, please, I’m sorry, I-I didn’t realize, p-please don’t seal me, I-I don’t want to go back in the-”

A pink, plush snake’s muzzle bumped against her. Reimu gave her a gentle look. “C-calm down, alright? I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, Kosuzu…”

Kosuzu shakingly took the snake, pulling it up with her. The two girls stared at each other for a moment, slowly processing each other’s state and expression.

Reimu let out a slow breath. “...Kudamaki Kosuzu, I assume?” The fox-girl nodded, hesitantly. “Right. If you had a choice, it’s not what I would have picked, but… I somehow ended up with Kicchou as my Mama, so I guess I shouldn’t judge.”

Kosuzu was the next to speak. “So… the Dragon Miko thing…” Perhaps it was the adrenaline, but everything quickly clicked. “So the b-brainwashing line is just an excuse if you let slip she’s your mom?” Reimu nodded. “I-I see. That’s pretty clever.”

The young jidiao sighed. “Yukari came down here about a week after I remembered things. Asked a whole bunch of questions, tested how well I could keep up a lie… and promptly came up with a story where I technically didn’t have to.” She huffed. “So that’s how much the Kiketsu heiress inherited her mother’s cunning… please tell me you fared better.”

The fox let out a nervous chuckle. “Oh, I’m pretty crafty, I think. N-not that strong, though. How long have you been… remembering things?” She turned around, reaching for her bag. “And how are the others? I-I only came to this morning, because I found this on the ground yesterday…”

Reimu took the proffered manuscript. “Akyuu’s…? Did you really just find it on the ground?” The jidiao’s brow furrowed. “We both woke up about a month ago, and she's been writing it ever since. She was supposed to be taking it to your family’s store, how did it end up there…?”

Kosuzu coughed. “Um… so, some things happened yesterday in Gensokyo. And my mom was… kinda a big part of it.”

Reimu looked up, then turned to the letter on the floor. “...Right. Let’s see what the damages are, huh?” She picked it up, opening it with a claw.

Kosuzu waited, anxiously, for Reimu to finish reading. This gave her a front-seat view to the Shrine Maiden’s increasingly stormy expression.

“...Right. So a bunch of Tengu swarmed over the human village, huh?” Reimu scowled. “And how exactly was your mom a part of it?”

“W-well…” The fox felt a drop of sweat trickle down her face. “A-a cloaked figure in wh-white came up to Lady Iizunamaru, right? A-and she said there was an Immaterial Child - the Samurai, so I guess Youmu? - in the human village. And my mom, sh-she uh… she encouraged Iizunamaru to do a full investigation.” The fox felt Reimu’s eyes turn to her, then close, taking a deep breath. “...We stopped by the village to see the results, and then we came down here. So we’d be out of the way when the blowback came. P-please don’t be mad…”

The jidiao groaned. “Right, that’s just… ugh.” She started rubbing her head, trying to compose herself. “Okay, no, look at the positives; that probably means that Youmu actually was up there… and she’s immediately getting harassed by the god-damn tengu…”

Kosuzu stood back, watching her friend start to get worked up. “J-just calm down! I-I’m sure we can-”

“Young Mistress!” The door suddenly rattled, and an otter stuck his head through. “Young mistress, I have possible good news! A bell-wearing girl named Kosuzu-”

“I know, Asami!” Reimu said, glaring back at him. “She snuck in here while the guard and the scouts were all running away.”

Asami scanned the room. “...And she’s decided to hide among the plushies?” Kosuzu flinched. In hindsight, squeezing between the two green dogs was a mistake…

Reimu looked at the trembling fox, and sighed, doing her best to compose herself. “Asami, can you get what we discussed ready? Don’t worry about her, she’s not a threat.” The otter nodded, vacating the space.

The little fox breathed a sigh of relief, before turning to Reimu. The jidiao hesitantly reached out a hand, and after a few seconds’ hesitation, started to pet her. “...Sorry for scaring you, Kosuzu.”

Kosuzu returned to her human-ish form, blushing. “No, no, I should have known-”

“I’m not just talking about that.” Kosuzu blinked, turning to her. The jidiao’s face was gloomy. “...Last time… I don’t know how much you remember but… I failed to protect you. To protect anyone. And… and when Youmu was trying to hold out… I just gave up…”

Reimu looked up, trying to hold back tears. “From the moment I remembered everything, I’ve been trying to figure out… how I’d face you all again. What I’d say, and how I’d apologize… And instead, I nearly burnt you to a crisp… Kosuzu… I’m so sorry-”

Kosuzu reached out, giving her a pat on the shoulder. “...Well, when I imagined how our reunion would be, I didn’t think you’d find me sneaking into my room, either…” She paused, chuckling. “...Alright! Do-over, do-over!”

The jidiao stuttered, but Kosuzu chuckled. “Everything that happened up until now? Let’s just say it didn’t count. So… we’re starting fresh!” She stood up, walking around to Reimu’s front. “Reimu… I’m back. Kudamaki Kosuzu, here to help with anything you need!” She stuck out a hand.

Reimu stared at it… then smiled, helping herself to her feet. “Kicchou Reimu. Ready to bring the power of a dragon to bear on the problem.” She took Kosuzu’s hand, then pulled the girl into a hug.

Kosuzu gave a small chuckle, starting to tear up herself. They hung there, for a few moments.

"...Kosuzu. I've missed you."

"I-I..." She sniffled. "I've missed you too." She untangled herself, taking a few moments to reassemble herself. “Alright! Sounds like I have a lot of catching up to do. Mind filling me in?”

Reimu grinned. “It’d be my pleasure.”

A red-robed figure stood on the grounds, looking up at the figures through the window. The little jidiao, and her fox companion.

"...So, Kosuzu's here, is she?" The figure hummed. "Then that means..."

She paused, looking to the sky. And saw a small speck, trailing white light and black smoke, and undoubtedly in the process of trying to ensure a hopefully-at-least-somewhat-happy landing.

"...Ah, yep." The red figure grinned. "Right on time."

Kosuzu sat at the writing desk. Reimu skittered to and fro, pulling up bits and pieces of material. The fox settled herself for fiddling with the red scale necklace around her neck.

The scales were clearly a sign of trust; of the jidiao who lead the Kiketsu literally giving their closest allies a piece of themselves. The staff of this place were all wearing Yacchie’s green scales, while Reimu’s two colors were intended for various close allies of hers: red scales were meant to indicate (to those in the know) that these were the Immaterial Children, and white scales were to indicate others. They essentially guaranteed being treated as honored guests in the Kiketsu.

That wasn’t the only thing Kosuzu had been gifted. After a few moments of discussion, the two young girls had turned their attention to the plushies. Clearly, this had been how Reimu’s memory of everyone had manifested, but Reimu had happily offered Kosuzu any plushie she wanted. In fact, as many plushies as she wanted. All the plushies if she wanted just… just please don’t tell the others where they came from. Which was why Plush-suzu was now officially the property of the real deal.

“...So that was when you found out Akyuu sent the Yin-yang Orbs to you?” Reimu nodded, unfurling the map onto the table. “...Sounds like you both had a rough time of it.”

“Oh, you don’t know the half of it. Anyway, after that, me and Akyuu have been keeping in contact by trading letters, and we’ve been trying to track down you three. Hence, the map.”

Kosuzu smiled, then started to mull things over. “...Then… what’s with this need for an escort?”

“Well… me and Mama don’t get along when it comes to tactics.” Reimu shrugged. “I’ve got the training of a Kiketsu, but my instincts tend to lead me in another direction. And she’s also worried about various other people getting their hands on me and trying to manipulate me - and to be fair, she’s not wrong. So, rather than trying to beat my instincts out of me, Mama’s been looking for someone willing to work with me as… an advisor, of sorts. Someone who isn’t obviously a part of the Kiketsu, so it looks like I’ve been extracted from them, but still cunning enough to cover for me.”

Kosuzu tilted her head. “But it’s not been going well?” The fox chuckled. “Let me guess, you don’t trust them?”

The jidiao’s face curled into a snarl. “Slimy bastards one and all. Any schemers who aren’t already part of the Kiketsu aren’t part of it because if they were, they’d have already betrayed us. And, you know, a good part of our whole strategy is… not that.”

Kosuzu gave a small smile. “...Sounds like what you need is a friendly, independent kon-sultant.” Reimu chuckled, nodding in agreement. “Well, if Mom lets me, I’m happy to be your backup.”

Reimu smiled. “Great! If that’s the case, we can get the disguise from Chen, and we should be able to head topside in a matter of days. It’d be good to patch up my memories… there’s still lots of gaps, and some things I’m embarrassed to ask about yet. A-anyway, what about you?”

Kosuzu sighed. “I… don’t have many memories. And what I do have is mostly that last week.” The fox felt her tail droop. “...I barely remember anything about my family.”

The jidiao reached out to pat her shoulder, as Kosuzu continued. “...Well, there is one memory that feels pretty clear to me. Even before my memories came back, I kept having this… recurring dream of a woman, singing to me, while I’m lying down. A lullaby, maybe. And things are… so soft, and warm…” The fox smiled. “...It has to be my other mother. My… my current mother’s not exactly the type to break into song. If I had to pick a memory to keep… it’s not something I’d pick, but it’s something I’d regret not picking.”

Reimu returned a comforting smile of her own. “Must be a memory close to your heart. …WIsh I could tell you more about your family, but frankly, I’m not sure I ever even met them.” She flicked her tail. “All the more reason to get back topside sooner, eh?”

“Yep! The sooner, the better!” Kosuzu pumped her fists. “Once all four of us are on the surface, we’ll track down Marisa in a matter of days, I’m sure of it!”

There was a knock on the door. Kosuzu turned her head, and as Reimu opened the door, a trio of otters flitted in. Each of them was carrying a small plate - a plate of four cookies, a pair of caramel slices… Kosuzu felt herself drooling already.

Reimu smiled, taking a plate off the first otter. “Some brain food, Kosuzu? We’re gonna have those meetings soon, so… something to sweeten the deal, for you?”

Kosuzu started to shake her head. “N-no, I shouldn’t - m-my mother says I-I’ve put on a bit of weight already lately -”

Reimu chuckled. “Didn’t really feel that, myself. From my recollection, half the problem with kuda-gitsune is their appetites. Besides, you’re gonna be joining me on the front lines this time, right Kosuzu? And a few little sweet treats aren’t gonna blow you up.” She proffered them. “Come on, please? Mayumi barely eats anything, and only to humor me. I’m sitting on ridiculous amounts of money, the least I can do is treat you all.” She offered a plate to Kosuzu.

[ ] …No, she really shouldn’t… her mother said…
[ ] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?
[ ] Sweets eaten without parental witness have no calories.

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[X] Sweets eaten without parental witness have no calories.

Cookies? What cookies? If there aren't any crumbs, who's to say it wasn't just an empty plate.
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[X] Sweets eaten without parental witness have no calories.

Come on, bond with Reimu. She clearly wants to treat her friends now that she's not as poor as Shion. Plus, who says Tsukasa has to know?
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...I think I can see her problem as a pipe-fox. She's so inclined to people please that she isn't even trying to go behind people's backs...

Let's work on that.

[X] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?

Can't have too much. Still gotta be able to fit through pipes.
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[X] Sweets eaten without parental witness have no calories.

Eating cookies is definitely a very important part of being a pipe fox.
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[X] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?
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[X] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?
-{X} Ok, maybe another.
—(X) Alright, just one more.

Fall to the temptation of more sweets Kosuzu. Fall to it!
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[X] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?

I guess that Yachie is gonna be pleased by this turn of events, Reimu brings on the Kiketsu table new things but lacks on the traditional scheming side, but now an IC that can fill that weakness has literally showed on her front door and with their previous life relationship she knows that she wouldn't backstab Reimu.

For the cookies let's enjoy it but not go overboard.
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[X] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?
-{X} Ok, maybe another.
—(X) Alright, just one more.

Best write in so far
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[X] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?
-{X} Ok, maybe another.
—(X) Alright, just one more.
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[X] …No, she really shouldn’t… her mother said…
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[X] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?
-{X} Ok, maybe another.
—(X) Alright, just one more.
——[X]Just on- wait, what do you mean there's no more?

Before you know it, she had eaten all the caramel slices too. Quick, Reimu! Get another plate of sweets before her mom finds out!
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That last option is funny but I want to make sure Kosuzu is in top shape so...

[X] …No, she really shouldn’t… her mother said…
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Yeah, we can barely rely on our powers as is; it's best not to ignore advice from the person who knows best.
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[X] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?
-{X} Ok, maybe another.
—(X) Alright, just one more.

Can't not go with this one.

>> She paused, looking to the sky. And saw a small speck, trailing white light and black smoke, and undoubtedly in the process of trying to ensure a hopefully-at-least-somewhat-happy landing.

I'm drawing a blank here. As long as that's not Mimi-chan... (yeah I know it's probably a plane)

>> Which was why Plush-suzu was now officially the property of the real deal
Reimu can be a little less embarrassed meeting the others now that her own kon-sultant has her own plushie too.
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white and black... familiar colors, aren't they?

even if it's not marisa, my first thought was probably go, since i doubt the moriyas could hold her for too long and she is depicted as wearing white, after all.

much more sure on that speck being go than marisa considering we still don't know where she reincarnated, but i guess we'll find out eventually.

with go being locked up, i wonder if ichi will pull ahead with trying to line up events so that the IC stay as their youkai selves instead of restoring their original human selves. since kosuzu didn't have a human spirit option and ichi's only really been seen interacting with the kiketsu, it's... not out of the question.

on another note, either kosuzu's just really, really traumatized by that one "lesson" of being locked and trapped using her own tube fox powers, or tsukasa has some... concerning teaching methods. i vaguely remember gooboi mentioning that all of the named characters our reincarnators end up being related to care about them and they won't ever end up in any bad situations, so i'm deeply hoping for the former, but i've been digging around and can't find that specific word of god. if anyone finds it, thanks!

that aside, i wonder if mother will be proud of kosuzu for already worming her way into the dragon miko's "inner circle", or if she'll be in the know that her daughter is an immaterial child by the time we finally see her again.
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[X] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?
-{X} Ok, maybe another.
—(X) Alright, just one more.
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[X] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?
-{X} Ok, maybe another.
—(X) Alright, just one more.

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[X] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?
-{X} Ok, maybe another.
—(X) Alright, just one more.

I'm sure we'll have plenty of opportunities to work off the calories. No harm in indulging among friends.
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[X] Sweets eaten without parental witness have no calories.

Yes, Kosuzu. Take dieting advice from the woman who has "eat without gaining weight" as an actual superpower. Great idea!

More seriously, IIRC being pointedly and frequently judgy about weight (truthfulness irrelevant) is a common tactic of emotionally-abusive parents, so I'm in favour of ignoring everything Tsukasa says. At least until I have a better feel for if it's manipulation or genuine concern.
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Pretty sure that is "Go" having somehow gotten away from Kanako, probably trailing black smoke from her... Space ship? Time ship? Whatever it is. Anyways, trailing black smoke probably due to divine wooden cruise missiles being launched at it because of the crap Go pulled yesterday.

[X] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?
-{X} Ok, maybe another.
—(X) Alright, just one more.

I think this is an instinct vote? ...i think I'll vote this anyway though...
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[X] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?
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>Mayumi barely eats anything, and only to humor me

Did Mayumi pick that up from her brother Bishop? XD

And now we have a little more context for why Reimu hasn't shown too much of her lazy side since coming back.

Guilt. =(

Hopefully Kosuzu, Mayumi, and Chen can help with that on the way back to Gensokyo proper!
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[X] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?
-{X} Ok, maybe another.
—(X) Alright, just one more.
——[X]Just on- wait, what do you mean there's no more?
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[X] Sweets eaten without parental witness have no calories.
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[X] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?
-{X} Ok, maybe another.
—(X) Alright, just one more.

Plush-suzu is real, at least reimu's embarrassing secret is saved by kosuzu.
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[X] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?
-{X} She really should watch her figure, not for Mama's sake, but for her own ability.
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Dear god, I just realized. That's Youmu and she's not very happy...
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[X] Sweets eaten without parental witness have no calories.
And regardless of whether this or the write-in wins:
-[X] Make sure to clean yourself off afterwards. No evidence, no crime.
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pretty sure that it is Chiyuri (aka Go-san) running with her proverbial tail on fire after the event of yesterday, not to mention appearently escaping from Kanako... but I have to admit it being Youmu does have a little sense... though looking back on the final Yester/Youmu arc, I'd say she is currently either talking with Suwako alone or has brought her to talk as a group about Sanae at this time.

has Yacchie's and Tsukasa's meeting ended at this point? It would be rather funny if its still going on at this point, maybe even badly, and then when its done they come to check up what's going on only to find both of their daughters in the middle of a tea party, with Kosuzu already hired.

also... anyone know of any touhou cast member known for singing? I get the distinct impression that either that song or whomever is singing/humming it is going to be important for this arc...
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File 171876237172.png - (367.70KB, 531x891, Orange.png)
>> The tube fox assessed ‘Orange’. “...Well… in appearance, I’d say you look like a pretty normal human.”

>> The girl grinned triumphantly. “Nyeheheheh… you think so?”

>> “But clearly you’re some kind of youkai cat, no?” Orange started, looking at her confused. “You’ve not exactly been acting the part of a human all that well, you know. Especially when you go ‘nyeheheheh’ when people call you normal.”

Sorry, I had to take this 5 minute drawing out of my head.
I will do her more justice in a later drawing maybe? I hope

I don't think Marisa will be appearing before we choose her origin.
Probably not Youmu either, don't see her with a trail of black smoke
This one I can see happening.
The meeting is still underway.
Mystia, but 0% chance she's involved.
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I've just been watching the show for this thread and the last, time for me to do the voting thing
[X] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?
-{X} Ok, maybe another.
—(X) Alright, just one more.
——[X]Just on- wait, what do you mean there's no more?
These choices are absolute gold, I can't not vote for these
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>>209705 here, I'm just going for the full write in so adding to my vote:

——[X]Just on- wait, what do you mean there's no more?
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>>209691 here, and I’m going to do the same.

——[X]Just on- wait, what do you mean there's no more?
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[X] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?
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Counting to >>209719:
Main Choice:
[2] …No, she really shouldn’t… her mother said…
[18] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?
[6] Sweets eaten without parental witness have no calories.

Potential Additions:
For "Well, one cookie wouldn't...":
-{12} Ok, maybe another. (>>209691, >>209693, >>209694, >>209696, >>209699, >>209701, >>209702, >>209703, >>209705, >>209708, >>209710, >>209716)
--{12} Alright, just one more. (>>209691, >>209693, >>209694, >>209696, >>209699, >>209701, >>209702, >>209703, >>209705, >>209708, >>209710, >>209716)
---{5} Just on- wait, what do you mean there's no more? (>>209696, >>209708, >>209716, >>209717, >>209718)
-{1} She really should watch her figure, not for Mama's sake, but for her own ability. (>>209711)

Miscellaneous Additions:
{1} Make sure to clean yourself off afterwards. No evidence, no crime. (>>209713)

>>209683, I get to read Redo/Reimu and that's a pretty good reward. :3
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[X] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?
-{X} Ok, maybe another.
—(X) Alright, just one more.
——[X]Just on- wait, what do you mean there's no more?

Essentially the same as the third option, but a bit funnier to me.
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[X] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?
-{X} Ok, maybe another.
—(X) Alright, just one more.
——[X]Just on- wait, what do you mean there's no more?

This option is really just too perfect. I love the idea of Kosuzu having a major sweet tooth.
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[X] Sweets eaten without parental witness have no calories.
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I know the prevalent writein and option 3 are basically the same, but I kind of prefer the flavor of 3 over the write-in.
"I'm ignoring my mother's advice because I want cookies" versus "I have no self control whatsoever."

I dunno. Not going to try and fight it, esp. this late into voting, but I'm kind of reminded of the Yuuma fight where we tried to wrench one option into the shape of another one via write-ins when the perfectly fine one was already right there.
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I'm gonna be honest, I think I agree with >>209730. It's funny, sure, but it also has a different vibe from 3 in a bad way. I feel like "lack of self control" isn't necessarily the character trait we wanna establish.
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[X] Sweets eaten without parental witness have no calories.
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I will admit, both of you have a point with the lack of self-control. At the same time, I get the feeling you’d pick the lack of self-control option if we had put her in the vicinity of books, and I want to give Akyuu a sweets buddy.
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That and Reimu is looking for a snack buddy right now. (Though is the third plate for Mayumi?)
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>>209730 here.
Kosuzu can totally eat as many cookies as she wants- I encourage it, even! I'm more bothered by the "use 2 to do 3's effect" thing instead of just using 3.

She can have a sweet tooth. I'd be more than happy to send our fox off to Marisa-borrow some lunar mochi from Akyuu the first chance that she gets, or petition Youmu for a platter of freshly baked sweets.

(The lack of self-control option for books thing is correct, but that's because it's literally the first thing we really learned about Kosuzu. K/K opened with her waking up from devouring the manuscript. It's just canon characterization at that point.)
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>>209724 Here.

I don't think I entirely buy the argument that the write-in will put Kosuzu on the path of impulsiveness. But I'm feeling cautious today, so...

[UNDO] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?
-{UNDO} Ok, maybe another.
—(UNDO) Alright, just one more.
——[UNDO]Just on- wait, what do you mean there's no more?

[X] Sweets eaten without parental witness have no calories
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Doesn't necessarily have to be Kosuzu just by herself impulsively eating the cookies, it could also be Reimu giving her a nudge to have more.
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Personally, I've always thought Kosuzu seemed like prime impulsive little sister material. I don't mind playing into that a little, I think it'll be a fun characterization.
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So mischievous little sister that gets into trouble constantly to Mayumi's more-responsible-than-the-older-sister little sisterness? (Or i guess we're about to find out what kind of little sister Mayumi is.)
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[X] Sweets eaten without parental witness have no calories

Makes more sense imo.
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Oh dang, we're still voting? In that case...

[X] Sweets eaten without parental witness have no calories.

Made me chuckle when I saw it, and I approve of Kosuzu trying to justify her gluttony to herself.
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[X] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?
-{X} Ok, maybe another.
—(X) Alright, just one more.
——[X]Just on- wait, what do you mean there's no more?
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File 171889447852.jpg - (209.49KB, 1000x1000, __hakurei_reimu_kirisame_marisa_yakumo_yukari_kawa.jpg)
[2] …No, she really shouldn’t… her mother said…
[20] Well, one cookie wouldn’t hurt, would it?
[10] Sweets eaten without parental witness have no calories.
-{14} Ok, maybe another.
--{14} Alright, just one more.
---{7} Just on- wait, what do you mean there's no more?
{1} Make sure to clean yourself off afterwards. No evidence, no crime.

“...Well, just one.” Kosuzu reached out, taking a sizeable cookie. Her friend smiled, as the two began to eat and chat.

“...So. You have leads on Youmu and Marisa?”

Reimu nodded. “More than leads - I’m pretty sure we’ve tracked Youmu down. Judging by exactly what that tipoff was, Youmu’s probably the so-called ‘Phantom of the Underground’, and we’ve got someone investigating that rumor directly. So that only leaves Marisa. …Wondering why we haven’t found her, yet. Or at least the girl who’s supposed to be her.”

Kosuzu nibbled away at her cookie. “...Ah, maybe I can talk to that. Chances are she’s one of the ‘forward-thinkers’, or at least her parents are.” Kosuzu pointed skyward. “There’s a lot of youkai who… value being able to stay in the village long-term over living it up now. So, at least while they’re in the village, they do their best to blend in with the humans. A lot of them had grassroots youkai networks or similar setups in place even before Haru started to get weaker, or they just work somewhere in the village undercover.”

Reimu hummed. “I see… of course, she could just live somewhere else and only visit occasionally.” She picked up a cookie, munching idly. “There’s not exactly a small number of youkai who can waltz in right now.”

Kosuzu nodded. “And that’s assuming she’s even the one they saw, right? …I certainly think I’d notice that blonde-and-braids anywhere.”

Reimu chuckled. “Well, if we’re talking haircuts, you’ve changed yours, haven’t you? Made me even more worried when I saw you like that.”

The fox tilted her head, swallowing the last of one cookie and… oh, what was the harm? She picked up a second. “Mmm? Why?”

“...Well… last time I remember seeing you like that, you were possessed.” Kosuzu’s eyes blinked, as she flashed back. Oh, yeah… that whole ordeal with the Night Parade Scroll. “Made me worry you were getting haunted or something.”

“Ah, eh, it’s nothing like that… and what about you, huh?” Kosuzu pointed at the Jidiao’s hair. “Last I remember, you had… like, black, blue-black hair. What’s with this earthy brown?”

Reimu reached up, grabbing a lock of her hair. “...Now that you mention it… not sure what’s up with that. Maybe it’s a half-way between my old hair and Mama’s blonde.”

Kosuzu finished off her second cookie. “...So… looking at it that way, Marisa could have a good number of hair colors, or a completely different hair style… or have something else wildly different about her.”

“No-one’s been unrecognizable.” Reimu said, giving a reassuring smile. “...And anyway, if we can’t find her, we get that manuscript published and she’ll find us, I’m sure. After all, it worked for you, didn’t it?”

“...Right! So we gotta get this back to Akyuu.” Kosuzu… hemmed and hawed for a moment, but picked up the caramel slice. “Then finding Marisa will be easy-peasy!”

Reimu nodded, finishing off her own second cookie and handing the tray to a waiting otter. . “Sounds like a plan, Kosuzu. And that means we just need the disguise from Chen…” She paused. “...And we should get a disguise for you, too. Hopefully it’s a quick process to replicate, now that they have a solution in place.”

Kosuzu tried to speak, but caramel blocked her way. Reimu took that as permission to continue. “So! Let’s make this official. Kudamaki Kosuzu; I wish to hire you as an advisor, for the period that we will be traveling to the surface - and possibly additional periods thereon. We will be paying handsomely for successful completion of this task. Do you accept?”

Kosuzu swallowed one, last, heavy piece of caramel. And gave a small smile. “Kicchou Reimu, I happily accept. Let’s get to the surface - together.” The two girls shook hands, and then looked down. “...Now let’s make sure this is all cleaned up before my mother sees.”

It was while they were working on the third plate - of some rather unusual fruit Kosuzu had never seen before, including something Reimu and the otters were very insistent in calling a ‘pitaya’ - that they heard their mothers coming up the stairs. Fortunately, by that point all the crumbs had been swept away, and the plates removed, leaving no evidence of the younger Kudamaki’s dalliance from diet.

…Well, she’d had more than she intended, but having one little dalliance wouldn’t have any long-term effects. And that’d just mean she’d have to work a bit harder to get it off later.

???? has been reduced to 3.

Kosuzu was the one who heard them first, the twitch of her ears tipping off Reimu. The two did one, last, quick check as their mothers approached.

“...perhaps a month ago, I would have agreed with you at least on premise.” Yacchie’s voice was cool and calm, with just a touch of lecturing in it. “But frankly, in competitive environments like the Animal Realm in particular, trying to push Reimu to be too much like me only put us both at risk of falling to the same plots. Inversely, having her own methodology makes us far less predictable to the other gangs.”

“Ah, I see. And I suppose that unpredictability is a useful tool to call on when you’re trying to retake the recently-lost territory?” The two girls shared a glance, hearing the not-so-subtle barb in assignment of whose fault that was.

Yacchie knocked on the door of the room. The girls did one, last, quick check for crumbs, before Reimu called to their mothers. “Come in!”

Slowly, the two parents entered… and Kosuzu found herself under the eyes of the Kiketsu Matriarch once more. Tsukasa, for her part, slithered over to the young Reimu, whose face was crystal clear in her apprehension.

“Young Lady Hakurei! I hear you’re planning a venture to the surface, soon?” The elder kuda-gitsune swooned over her. “Fortunately, by all accounts you’ve hit it off with my daughter, yes?”

Reimu narrowed her eyes, glaring at the kitsune. “...Yes, I have. And only with your daughter.” Tsukasa got the hint, stepping back a bit.

“Well, despite her age, she is still green in many practical applications. A rather… late bloomer, bordering on truant. But where her personal skills are lacking, she is nonetheless an… imaginative girl in many respects.” The fox clasped her hands together. “A position of an advisor may be just perfect for her specialized skillset.”

Yachie’s eyes were still locked on the girl, examining her up and down. “...Well, she successfully snuck into Reimu’s room, according to the reports. Nothing like practical experience to awaken one’s true talents.”

Tsukasa shrugged. “Let’s hope so, hmm? Now, what do you need specifically? Would you like me to accomp-”

“No.” Reimu’s voice was firm. “One kuda-gitsune is plenty, thank you.” Tsukasa stared at her, starting to speak before Reimu cut her off again. “And if that one is Kosuzu, I’m quite certain I can trust her.”

The elder fox stepped back, thinking. “...You’re referring to this… Immaterial Child business?” Tsukasa tilted her head. “...I must admit, I’m finding it rather hard to process. Perhaps that’s because I’ve never met these robed figures you say are skulking about.”

Yachie broke her stare into Kosuzu’s very soul to glance at Tsukasa. “...You haven’t? I’m surprised. They seem to like dropping hints in advance to the parents of their daughters’ imminent awakenings or arrivals.”

The fox shrugged. “Well, personally, it all sounds like some big scheme to me. You can be sure that there’s something they want out of this.”

“On that, at least, we are in agreement.” Yachie turned back to bore her eyes through Kosuzu some more. “...Reimu, are you sure you two will be fine?”

The young miko gave an affirmative grunt. “Yep. After all, I’ll be heading topside with Mayumi, right? And together, we’ll whip Kosuzu into shape, I promise.”

Tsukasa rolled her eyes. “Well, regardless of if you manage that or not, I’m sorry to say the contract fee is non-negotiable. Granted, it was originally discussed with the expectation that I’d be your advisor and Kosuzu would stay back and help with something like cooking the books, but by the sounds of it, I’ll be the one showing my expertise in the intersection of the culinary and literary arts.”

Yachie turned to stare at Tsukasa now, seeming to size her up for a moment. When the elder fox noticed she was staring at her, the dragoness turned to a small smile. “Oh, I’m sure we’ll find a way to keep you busy. Asami, can you get her started? We’ve got some meetings to do.”

Reimu looked up, interested. “Oh, who’s here?”

As the otter spirit lead Tsukasa away, Yachie gave a small sigh. “It seems you’re popular today, Reimu. That Keiki is back, and Ichi’s said she’ll be by later… but first, ‘Orange’ is here again. Just her, this time.”

Reimu nodded, turning to grin at Kosuzu. “Well, let’s go meet her, hmm?”

Kosuzu nodded, hoping that’d get her away from the unending cool gaze. “Y-yes. Let’s.”

It did not, in fact, get her away from the unending cool gaze. As soon as her mother had left, Yachie had been peppering her with questions. Almost random, in seemingly no coherent order. It was some hellish confluence between a job interview, a personality test, and an interrogation technique, and it was all the fox could do to answer honestly on every question that could be answered honestly, and try and catch anything too personal or specific.

Did she have any sisters? No.
Favorite food? Fried tofu, this time.
When had she remembered? This morning on the train.
Had she met Yukari or her shikigami? There were some vague memories, probably in her past life.
What did she remember of her family from her past life? Little more than the song.
Did she prefer the cookies or the slice? The slice.
What was her father from this life like? Forbidden topic at home. (Reimu had given her a Look at that response).
Favorite color? Yellow, particularly brass.
Had she ever been possessed or enchanted before? Multiple times in her past life.
How old was she? Turning ten next week.
Worst crime committed? …something in her past life she didn’t want to talk about. And in this life? Forgery of a newspaper printing business’ accounts. Did that mean she’d spent some time with the Tengu? Yes..
What were her feelings on dark blues? …they were soothing?
Did she have any spell cards? Various ideas, but her training as a fox was weak and her training as a human was forgotten.

By the end of it, Kosuzu was already feeling exhausted, but it wasn’t long after that she was seated at a small table, with Reimu’s Inquisitor of a mother sat right next to her. This appeared to be some sort of presentation-oriented meeting room, where items could be presented and displayed in the center to an audience on the side. Reimu, for her part, was standing in the middle.

In came Orange, holding a small box. “Hello, hello! I-it’s just me this time.” The girl was clearly anxious. “I’ve come with a new model of the Kakkushi-Seki!”

Reimu looked the girl up and down, assessing her for a moment. “...And you’re demonstrating it yourself, Chen?”

The girl nodded, reaching for her hand and tapping on something. Kosuzu watched, fascinated, as her form flickered, dispelling. The girl underneath the guise had a decidedly different visage - red dress with a green hat, brown hair, two cat ears, and two cat tails.

She lifted up her hand, now revealing a small ring.

“Well, you wanted a demonstration. So we took a local youkai and used her look as a base for me. Yours won’t be anywhere near as dramatic as this, but Lady Yukari asked me to keep my identity hidden, if possible.”

Kosuzu tilted her head, but debated whether asking a question was really worth it. Yachie caught her reaction, and gestured for her to ask. “Ah-um. Does that mean you need a reference of sorts for the transformation? Where did you get that?”

“Yes, we did. Fortunately, we’ve had the aid of Inaba Akyuu for the reference images. Her ability to project her memories means we’ve already got pieces for the other ones half-ready, we just need their genetic material.” She paused. “Akyuu’s is ready too, but she said she wanted to wait until Reimu proved it was working. Lady Yukari called it a stall tactic.”

Kosuzu tilted her head. “What do you need our genetic material for?” The girl looked at her, before Kosuzu clarified. “Ah, I’m one of the Immaterial Children, myself. I reincarnated as a kuda-gitsune.”

“Oh.” The girl seemed momentarily disappointed, which irritated Kosuzu a bit, but she caught herself. “Ah, we need the genetic material so the illusion can convincingly age with you. For example, where your ears are, we need to simulate hair, and that’s easier if the spell knows automatically how long your ears are. The less we transform, the better, after all - my master’s managed to really optimize it, so you can basically leave it running as long as you want.”

The fox tilted her head. “What other sort of things did you do to optimize it?”

“Well, it will automatically switch off if you get into combat. Up on the surface, we’re framing it as the same ‘blessing’ that makes the Dragon Miko the ‘dragon’ miko, just different species for each of you, so you can fight to your heart’s content. On top of that - this one Lady Ran was particularly proud of - they’re all hyper-optimized to you; if you were to use someone else’s, it’d be super obvious that the wrong person was using it. And we’ve improved the tracking, too - now it sends the location data at regular intervals while activated, rather than constantly.”

Both Reimu and Chen started to reach out to hand the box over, but Yachie coughed. “Before you do that… is it possible for young Kosuzu here to examine the enchantment?” Kosuzu was about to interject that there was probably no way she could really read a complicated spell like that, but Yachie’s eyes were locked on the nekomata, watching for any guilty reactions.

Chen blinked, then smiled. “Oh, sure! Just lemme…” She walked over to Kosuzu, fiddling a bit with her ring. As the fox looked closer, the magic started to glow, forming itself into orderly lines in front of it. “Lady Ran always includes a debug display.”

The young fox reached into her pocket, pulling out her reading glasses, and looked closely at the lines of runes. …It vaguely reminded her of the magic she’d tried, but the level of sophistication was simply incredible.

Fortunately, whatever these runes were seemed to count as some kind of language, for her ability kicked in, making it actually pretty easy to read. Everything was ordered into neat, organized lines, with a stilted but legible logic to it. For example, a lot of it seemed to be about declaring a particular shorthand for something, then modifying whatever that shorthand referenced. Kosuzu flitted through the debug display, marveling at its complexity.

[ ] Focus on the transformation feature.
[ ] Investigate the tracking.
[ ] Scan the whole thing.

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Okay. That reduced... something. We'll find out what exactly happened soon enough, I guess.

I'm not voting yet, but some part of me wants to focus on scanning the transformation feature for some reason.

I feel like anything potentially malicious would be hiding there rather than out in the open with the tracking feature.

Scanning the whole thing seems like a bad idea, though. That is what I would want to do if we had all the time in the world, but since Chen or someone else is likely to cut us off... We could end up getting nothing useful about either feature.

Scanning the debug feature is also an option. If we know how to enable debug mode that could be busted. Maybe scanning the whole thing actually would be a good idea in that case? I dunno.
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And when I say "busted" I mean we could just thorougly scan the whole thing at our leisure or even make modifications or tweaks if we get good enough.
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[X] Focus on the transformation feature.
How does this mysterious mechanism work? Could we subvert it to our own purposes... could we grow additional fluffy tails?
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[X] Scan the whole thing.
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[X] Focus on the transformation feature.

Sadly we can't just use it to generate infinite books... but maybe we'll learn something.
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Oh the mystery stat was modified, I also noticed that both times there was some mention of his mom in some way....

I'll vote later when I see more opinions but at first glance I'd just choose to scan the whole ring.
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[X] Investigate the tracking.
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[X] Investigate the tracking.

Realistically, if Kosuzu is going to pick up some tricks, the tracking is probably going to be more helpful than the transformation (assuming that that is the main result).

As for our mystery stat, at this point I suspect its related to Tsukasa in some way... it going down when we were rebellious against her wishes (and her immediately talking about trying to mold their children into better matches) makes me suspect that its tied specifically to Tsukasa's expectations/training on being a "ideal" pipe fox.
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[X] Investigate the tracking

Tracking systems have always rubbed me a bit the wrong way, so I feel like that could be a decent avenue of investigation.

Maybe it's some sort of independence stat? It seems like, in a way, with Kosuzu's memories coming back, she's been somewhat distanced from Tsukasa. So maybe it'll determine at the end of the story whether she stays with mom, goes solo, finds a new mentor, etc. Of course, that's just my theory.
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[X] Focus on the transformation feature.

This choice gets us the best understanding of how to use the spell itself.

But as for malicious code - a common tactic people use when writing viruses is obfuscation. Basically, making the malicious part of the code hard to detect by either human or computer (e.g., an antivirus). In one example I know of, this virus declared parts of the encrypted malicious code throughout the code, and after the code was run, would decrypt and assemble the malicious code as the rest of the code was running to avoid detection by antivirus (Obviously, my recollection isn't perfect here, but nonetheless cybersecurity is a very interesting and readily applicable topic I'd recommend reading up on yourself!)

Considering Kosuzu's ability, we could even detect some malicious code ourselves... If only we had more time we could do a full review. but I do think if there is something malicious Chen wouldn't want us taking our sweet time reading through... But I do have a cheeky solution in mind for getting a little more time:

{X} If Chen tries to stop you reading, dart your gaze around the floor and pretend there's a mouse spirit to distract her for just a moment's more time.

It couldn't hurt to try, and Chen's already shown that she's not the most controlled youkai already.
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[X] Focus on the transformation feature.
-{X} If Chen tries to stop you reading, dart your gaze around the floor and pretend there's a mouse spirit to distract her for just a moment's more time.

On the one hand, a tracking device is a tracking device. No need to dig deep for malware; it's pretty open about the avenue for unintended(?) malicious co-opting. We can also probably assume it's secure - the Yakumo are security-minded, and even more so if they are planning to use it maliciously; they won't want it to be possible for anyone else to abuse it. I'm not a cybersec expert by any means, but I'd imagine some kind of credentialed ping-and-response system? At the very least, I think we can trust that we're not just broadcasting our location to anyone who can guess what signals to look for.

On the other hand, maybe that obviousness is exactly why it should be examined more closely. Assuming Yukari has a scheme and assuming it's in Kosuzu's interests to foil it, Yukari does seem to like getting "caught" to disguise a deeper layer of the plan or open up an opportunity for someone else.

I think I'd still prefer to check out the transformation code. Kosuzu stands to learn a lot from that! In theory, there should be nothing stopping a pipe-fox from transitioning away from being a covert specialist towards more classic bakegitsune sorcery, and if Kosuzu still wants to be a hero, that'd work much better for her. Copying from a genuine nine-tails' homework would be one hell of a leg-up on that. If only we had enough time for her to live another 90 years (and one week) to grow her second tail...
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Why does Kosuzu even need a disguise? Akyuu's been doing fine without one, and Kosuzu's an actual trained infiltrator. More importantly, why do either of them need a tracking device?

[X] Investigate the tracking.
{X} If Chen tries to stop you reading, dart your gaze around the floor and pretend there's a mouse spirit to distract her for just a moment's more time.
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[X] Investigate the tracking

I trust Yukari to not put anything actively malicious in but there's probably something extra. I also think Yachie wouldn't let Chen stop us for taking too long, unless we're actively pressed for time and I didn't get that vibe. Reimu, on the other hand, is the one most likely to get impatient imo.
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[X] Focus on the transformation feature.

This just seems more interesting, and I'm not sure what we expect to find in the tracking feature. Sure, it could be tracking us in more detail than was claimed, but is that really the most world-shaking of revelations?

On the other hand, the transformation feature is something where an exploit could be far more important, and if we pick up any tricks around it, all the better.
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[X] Focus on the transformation feature.
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likely to make public appearances. eiki's been talking about how to reintergrate akyuu back into the hieda family, and no doubt as haru's missing child reimu is expected to start training as the hakurei shrine maiden. and if they get to have their immaterial children back, shouldn't the motooris and the kirisames have theirs as well?

the fact that they've been reincarnated as youkai would be incredibly alarming for the human villagers. could be inevitable that they'd find out, if we keep the spirit more youkai aligned and their instinct high, but the illusions should be enough to convince most other people that they're still human and the immaterial children incident is finally closed, bringing a sort of balance to gensokyo again.

to that end, reimu, youmu, and sanae probably have the better deal among all seven of them- their previous families already know that they're youkai and are fine with (or in haru's case, maybe tolerate) it, and in youmu's case, both of her families get along pretty well.

wasn't originally gonna vote, but writing all that down and thinking about it made me reconsider.

[X] Focus on the transformation feature.

to be fair to yukari and ran, reimu and kosuzu have connvining schemers for mothers. even if they don't entirely take after them, a bit of caution's definitely warranted on their end. not to mention that in the future it could provide information on any future threats when the IC all meet up and start investigating the pyres for real. best to make sure we know how it works to its fullest extent, either to further improve it or to know when it could possibly fail.
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[X] Scan the whole thing.

Honest to God, I couldn't decide between the tracking thing or the transformation feature.
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I don't feel we're pressed for time, and it might be on both Yachie's and Tsukasa's best interest to let her know what is coded in the rings (because of Reimu's safety and whatever secret Tsukasa can get from that)

I say we let her
[X] Scan the whole thing.
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[X] Focus on the transformation feature.
-{X} If Chen tries to stop you reading, dart your gaze around the floor and pretend there's a mouse spirit to distract her for just a moment's more time.
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[X] Scan the whole thing.
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[X] Scan the whole thing.
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[X] Scan the whole thing
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[X] Investigate the tracking.
-{X} Take a mental note of how that debug display was opened. It might be helpful to know later.

Hm. Interesting. We should probably figure out if there's a way to disable this, especially in a pinch.
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[X] Focus on the transformation feature.
{X} Take a mental note of how that debug display was opened. It might be helpful to know later.
{X} If Chen tries to stop you reading, dart your gaze around the floor and pretend there's a mouse spirit to distract her for just a moment's more time.
{X} Make sure to ask why a tracking feature is included and who all has access to it, citing it's potential vulnerability to either the other features or the Immaterial Children themselves.

The transformation bit probably has the most important info for Kosuzu, being able to look at the debug stuff and give it a full look-through on her own time is more important.

Looking at it all now is probably a bad idea, however.
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[X] Investigate the tracking.

I have a feeling that Chen is showing Kosuzu the code because she believes that Kosuzu can’t comprehend or even read it.

And since most of Gensokyo can’t read English, let alone code, I think Ran may not have bothered with making the “hidden” features very hidden. So let’s check over the tracking part.
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[X] Scan the whole thing.
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[X] Scan the whole thing.

to all saying reimu might be impatient, we're in yachie's home, her home her rules. if she wants to know whst is in the thing, she will let kosuzu snoop as much as she wants
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while it wouldn't make sense for Kosuzu to act based on this information, we do know that Haru, and particularly Aunn has been riding hard on Ran regarding the tracking function.

We've had our attention drawn by Chen explaination towards the Transformation aspect, and the tracking aspect... I and inclined to think if there's something hidden within it might be in something that wasn't mentioned to us, so we want to check the whole thing?

I also kinda want to go with >>209766 especially regarding being able to peek at Ran's work regarding transformation, but...

I think I am going with:

[X] Scan the whole thing.

for now, maybe be convinced otherwise in the next couple of hours

as for our mystery stat... from our clues of it being starting @ 4 and going down 1 from the last choice, I can see a couple of things

- it could be that a couple of the posters were right and that was a restraint stat... I hope not since the choice we made was to accept Reimu's invitation for snacks and if this is something that makes the situation worse, Reimu's going to feel even more guilty

- Hunger?/appetite? the Tube fox as Reimu said is known for its hunger, and since Kosuzu has been focusing more on books means that the hunger stat has started high (as far as I have noticed, stats usually run from either 0 to 5 or with Spirit, in essence -5 to 5, so 4 seems really high for our mystery stat to start out at.) and thus having the snacks has lessened it... but possibly either it will raise again passively, or we'll have more checks regarding it than the other stats so far.

- Dependance/obedience on Tsukasa: both stat checks have involved Kosuzu and how closely she is following her mother's wishes (since the stat went down in the last check it can't be independence as we went against Tsukasa's wishes in doing so, if it was INdependence it should have gone up if that was the case.)
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Counting to >>209784:
Main Choice:
[9] Focus on the transformation feature.
[7] Investigate the tracking.
[9] Scan the whole thing.

Potential Additions:
-{4} If Chen tries to stop you from reading, dart your gaze around the floor and pretend there's a mouse spirit to distract her for just a moment's more time. (>>209766, >>209767, >>209774, >>209780)
-{2} Take a mental note of how that debug display was opened. It might be helpful to know later. (>>209779, >>209780)
-{1} Make sure to ask why a tracking feature is included and who all has access to it, citing it's potential vulnerability to either the other features or the Immaterial Children themselves. (>>209780)

Anything is possible :3
Nobody saw anything :/
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>What were her feelings on dark blues? …they were soothing?

? what was that question about?

>The girl seemed momentarily disappointed,

Hey Chen! what're you disappointed about Kosuzu for? )=< Considering her reaction to Kosuzu's name she knew it was a possibility that Kosuzu was an Immaterial child... so what was that reaction about?
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It refers to Megumu's color im pretty sure
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File 171895261526.jpg - (44.81KB, 700x900, __junko_hecatia_lapislazuli_kishin_sagume_and_dore.jpg)
Alright, if we hit 07:00 server time still tied, the next vote will take it!
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[X] Scan the whole thing.
-{X} If Chen tries to stop you from reading, dart your gaze around the floor and pretend there's a mouse spirit to distract her for just a moment's more time.
-{X} Take a mental note of how that debug display was opened. It might be helpful to know later.

Welp. I'm the one who said scanning the whole thing was a crapshoot, but maybe the write-ins will help?
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>>209776 / >>209777
Not sure which one is mine, but I wanted to add
-{X} Take a mental note of how that debug display was opened. It might be helpful to know later.
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[X]Scan the whole thing
I can't imagine Kosuzu not wanting to scan the whole thing.
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[X] Scan the whole thing.
-{X} If Chen tries to stop you from reading, dart your gaze around the floor and pretend there's a mouse spirit to distract her for just a moment's more time.
-{X} Take a mental note of how that debug display was opened. It might be helpful to know later.
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>>209792 here
...I just realized that distracting Chen would work much better by "accidentally" spilling a cup of water, but it's way too late to change the write-in lol.
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File 171898383665.png - (373.88KB, 538x393, Screenshot 2024-06-22 012945.png)
Screenshot 2024-06-22 012945

More obviously distracting, but also more hostile. Balances to everything, you know.
New thread is up at >>209799!
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