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File 172071548265.png - (383.35KB, 751x834, Screenshot 2024-07-12 022826.png)
Screenshot 2024-07-12 022826

The world has ended, but five (well, it’s complicated) humans get a chance to do it over, and make things right. Only problem is, for their second go around, they're not going to be 'human'...

Kudamaki Kosuzu has reawoken, and promptly been given a task; escort and advise the Dragon Miko for her last few days in the Animal Realm, and her entry into the world of the living. Fortunately, said Dragon Miko is actually her old friend, Reimu, reborn as the heiress of the Kicchou line and the Kiketsu family as a whole.

As they were preparing to head to the surface, however, another girl fell into peril. A human piloting a strange craft known as the Probability Space Vessel crash-landed in Keiga territory, and pilot and vessel both have now been seized by Saki Kurokoma.

The fortune-teller Ichi sent Kosuzu, Reimu, and the young Mayumi out to rescue the girl; one Okazaki Yumemi, seemingly closely-related to the soothsayer. They snuck into a makeshift hideout, and with some minor issues with the door, split up to each take different methods of opening it. Kosuzu snuck in and freed the young Yumemi from her most immediate confinement, only seconds before a certain wicked hermit began to make her own way into the room…

Previous Threads:
Redo/Reimu >>205449 >>205720
Again/Akyuu >>206017 >>206302 >>206595 >>206906 >>207202
Yester/Youmu >>207370 >>207705 >>208027 >>208337 >>208664 >>208978
Kaizou/Kosuzu >>209221 >>209492 >>209799 >>210140
Epilogues and Shorts >>/shorts/2804

Or read the story archive on Ao3:

[0] Kosuzu vents, Yumemi stays.
[6] Yumemi vents, ‘Yumemi’ stays.
[15] Trust in the book. Prepare a sneak attack.
Kosuzu turned to Yumemi. Her face was pale.

“Listen to me, Yumemi. This woman… she’s very dangerous. Do you think you can do something to open a jammed lock?” When the girl shook her head, Kosuzu sighed. “Then… find something to defend yourself with. This could get really, really bad.”

The fox girl focused, starting to draw in her energy. She did her best to recall the page from the book, pulling the gestures and poses from her mind. She started summoning danmaku, the first moving at a crawl, the next ever so slightly faster… more and more, in building rings, all convalescing.

Slowly, the ring drawn onto the wall was completed. At its center, a small hole formed, before expanding rapidly. Before the hole had even reached half its full-size, a blue-haired woman stuck her head in from outside.

“Hello! It’s Nyan-nyan-”

The danmaku converged. The room turned bright. There was a shriek of pain, and the woman staggered back, banging her head on the top of her tunnel as she went.

While the spots in Kosuzu’s eyes were still clearing, she saw several red blobs forming, roughly around the hole. Assuming there was no downside to firing on them regardless - she heard the sound of Yumemi moving the chair behind her - she fired danmaku through the hole, being gratified at the sound of pained yelps.

As her vision came back to her, Kosuzu continued firing. There was a few wolves behind the first few she’d hit, that hadn’t yet tried to cross the threshold. Behind her, she heard the sound of Reimu yelling, but she didn’t quite catch the words.

“Yumemi!” She yelled, as another pair of wolves approached. “Tell her to break down the door!”

The wolves surged forward. Kosuzu fired frantically, trying to hold them back. And trying to remember what the book had in it.

Another page surged out of her memory. About creating a magical scope, to deal with weaker living ghosts. She hadn’t tried it, but… it was now or never. Kosuzu focused, trying to recall the page.

How should she shape it? …The first thing that came to mind was after a book. Right, that’d do. She imagined thrusting the book out, projecting a rectangular field of blue light right in front of her. The first wolf it hit paused, its body shuddering. Two wolves on either side skirted around the field, but Kosuzu was ready for that too, ‘opening’ the book, causing the field to dramatically widen. All the wolves were afflicted with the shuddering, now.

Kosuzu gave a wild grin, firing off a set of shots at the nearest wolf. It destabilized, creating a shockwave that struck the wolf behind it - causing it to shudder in turn. A brilliant chain reaction sounded, dissipating any in the pack that didn’t think to run away in time.

But not the wicked hermit. She pushed through - unphased by the dissipating wolves. Her eyes were locked on Kosuzu, and she was sporting a face absolutely giddy with delight.

“Oooooh, a bonus prize! Lucky me!” She fired off a slow-moving wave of large, purple danmaku, confusing Kosuzu briefly. Surely she didn’t expect they would - the fox paled, diving to the side as the other end of the danmaku rocketed out at a much higher speed. The slow-moving ones only made the next dodge more frenetic.

The portal had now closed, but the hermit had gotten inside in time. She surged forward, grabbing Kosuzu by her collar. “My my! From what I heard, the little fox had no teeth at all, and yet you’ve got quite a bit of fight in you, don’t you? Vicious little thing.”

She reached to her side, pulling out her hairpin. She smiled viciously, beginning to wave the tip around, only inches away from Kosuzu’s face. “You know, I’ve always wondered how the anatomy of a kuda-gitsune works. How do you avoid breaking all your itty-bitty bones every time you squeeze through a crack? Maybe you can join me for… an anatomy lesson?”

Kosuzu’s eyes shrank to pinpricks. She tried to pull away, scratching the woman with her claws, and firing danmaku point blank. The woman pulled Kosuzu up off her feet, grinning. “Now now, temper temper, little fox. You may have had a good shot at the start there, but if you want to beat the great Kaku Seiga, you’re going to have to hit a little harder than that.”


Seiga’s smile turned rigid. Kosuzu blinked, stumbling back as the hermit first let go, then fell forward, leaning on her. The fox managed to half-push her one way, and squirm out the other, leaving the woman crumpled on the floor.

For a moment, there was something resembling a stunned silence. Kosuzu heard the sound of wood splintering behind her, and Reimu grunting in exertion.

The fox looked up. Yumemi lowered the folding chair she’d been sat on, breathing heavily. Her face was pale, and she was staring at a bloody red patch on the back of Seiga’s head. “Y-you don’t… she’ll be alright, won’t she?”

Kosuzu nodded. “Y-yeah. It’d take more than a good hit to beat a hermit for good.” Yumemi started to sigh in relief, as the two of them heard a distinctively final-sounding splintering, followed by a litany of curses coming from a voice far too young to utter them.

Reimu had managed to bust through the door, by slamming it with her back. She was now struggling to separate tangled wood from her shell’s spikes. This, combined with what Kosuzu assumed had been a jumping finish, left her legs barely on tippy-toes, giving her little purchase.

She stared at the room, confused. “You… Kosuzu, did you beat Seiga?!”

The fox shook her head, as she stepped forward to pull Reimu off the door. “No, Yumemi just caught her unawares. I really didn’t do much.”

Kosuzu’s rescuer returned Kosuzu’s shaking head with even more vigor. “You did a whole lot! You beat like twenty wolves so they couldn’t get in on us!

“But they were only coming through Seiga’s hole… it really wasn’t much…” Kosuzu pulled a bit, finally freeing Reimu from her temporary status as decoration.

The jidiao smiled, taking Kosuzu’s hand. “That’s still a fair bit to deal with at once. And if you hadn’t been there, this girl would be only further in the hands of the Keiga.” Her smile turned into slightly more of a smirk. “...You did good, Kosuzu.”

The kuda-gitsune looked down, stammering. “I-It was just the book, really… I used its techniques, and the scope thing from that.”

Reimu blinked. “Wait, the scope thing…?” The sound of howls echoed throughout the building. Reimu turned to the door. “Come on, we need to get moving. I’ve called in the car already, and undoubtedly Mayumi’s gonna be rushing back here too. We’ll get, uh-” She paused, looking at the young girl. There was a pause, and then… her face lit up with recognition. “Oh! Yumemi, right?”

Yumemi looked briefly confused. Likely wondering why a dragon-girl could recognise her. To be fair, Kosuzu was wondering much the same. “...Yes…?”

Reimu smiled. “Well, we’ll get Yumemi out of here. Come on girls, let’s go.”

As the three of them turned to leave, Kosuzu paused, looking back towards the room. Her eyes scanned around it, searching for something.

…There, a few inches from the whacked wicked hermit’s hand. Her hairpin lay loose, hanging from her fingers. Kosuzu… was tempted. Anyone who specialized in subterfuge could always use new ways to do it, and a kuda-gitsune even more so would thrive with such a tool in her hands. And if it could cut through glass as easily as it cut through the wall…

[ ] Take the hairpin.
[ ] Leave the hairpin.

{ } Any final things to do on the way out? Any strategies or anything?

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[X] Take the hairpin.

{X} Any final things to do on the way out? Any strategies or anything?
-{x} Step 1: Make hole in floor with hairpin
-{x} Step 2: Stuff Seiga in the hole up to her neck
-{x} Step 3: Close the hole to trap Seiga in the floor

You know how you can prank people at the beach by burying everything but their head in the sand? That hairpin lets us do that with concrete. That ought to keep the wicked hermit out of commission for a while.

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You know, with Ichi/Yumemi I was waiting for the time a folding chair woukd be used to bash someone's head, but I never imagined it would be against Seiga, of all people.

Grabbing the hairpin is really tempting...
But is it worth it? I mean, it could be a great tool to have, but Seiga won't be too happy to part with it (maybe putting a target on our backs), and we have to see if we can even use it.

I'll see what you think about it and vote later.

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[X] Take the hairpin.
We can't just leave her with this. She'll be pissed as hell later, but she won't be able to do her usual tricks without it, making it much easier to evade her when necessary. Plus, funny hairpin shenanigans will open up our options so much more and let us get through larger openings we wouldn't need to super squeeze our way through. Plus plus, it's an insane option to have. It may seem simple, but any good TTRPG player knows that even the simplest of magic tools/spells can be used in the most extraordinary and unexpected of ways.

{X} Any final things to do on the way out? Any strategies or anything?
-{x} Step 1: Make hole in floor with hairpin
-{x} Step 2: Stuff Seiga in the hole up to her neck
-{x} Step 3: Close the hole to trap Seiga in the floor
And, as a demonstration, we'll knock her out of commission for longer. They're gonna have to fuckin' chisel her outta there.

Anyways, though! It's safe to say that Tsukasa sold us out, considering Seiga's comment about how she was told Kosuzu couldn't fight her way out of a wet paper bag. That bitch is getting everything she deserves and then some later, hopefully at the first chance we get.

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don't trust seiga to not have something anti hairpin theft. and if she wants it back, well. i'd rather avoid making ourselves a target for yet another enemy. and one as dangerous as seiga, at that. but i'm open to more arguments for taking it before caring my vote.

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don't forget to grab the zombie!

And well in terms of putting a target on our back, we're already thinking of grabbing the Yoshika... so in for a penny?

[X] Take the hairpin.

{X} grab Yoshika as they go! (remember to remove the Talismans first! not that the one who the alarm is for is conscious enough to receive it right now...

...wait... uh with the hermit knocked out here, is it alright to still call the artillery strike...?


>From what I heard, the little fox had no teeth at all


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I wouldn't take his hairpin BUT
taking her amulet and stealing Yoshika would really upset her.

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>Her face was pale, and she was staring at a bloody red patch on the back of Seiga’s head.

BAHAHAHAHA. Easily one of the best spent votes so far.

Honestly, I don't think we should take the hairpin. At least, we shouldn't permanently take it. I think using it to escape and then leaving it behind as we get away would be a good idea.

Seiga is gonna be pissed enough as is, but she can probably brush if off. If we prank her or steal her shit, though...

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Actually... we also can't leave the Probability Space Vessel here, can we? We either need to use it as our get away or make sure it gets hit in the artillery strike.

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forgot to vote

[X] Leave the hairpin.
{X} grab Yoshika as they go! (remember to remove the Talismans first! not that the one who the alarm is for is conscious enough to receive it right now...

this is going to be fun x)

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I think that the PSV is somewhere else? Probably still at the crash site and either Yachie or Keiki are securing it?

also... I'd like to add to my vote at >>210529

-{x} Step 1: Make hole in floor with hairpin
-{x} Step 2: Stuff Seiga in the hole up to her neck
-{x} Step 3: Close the hole to trap Seiga in the floor

{X} call in that artillery strike when their ride gets going!

...hopefully being only having a head above ground will protect Seiga? do we care? should we add a hard hat to her?

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Okay. I've decided. Not gonna argue the using it to escape angle. We fight our way out.

[X] Leave the hairpin.
{X} Reimu covers the front, Kosuzu covers the back, Mayumi covers both.
{X} If we can find a quick way to arm Yumemi, do it. If we can't, just keep moving.
{X} Ask Yumemi if she knows where her ship is as we leave and then fire an artillery strike on it from a safe distance.

If anyone wants to melt the beams, my recommendation would be to vote to take the hairpin. I'm not interested in hinging a plan on getting cornered, though.

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Is it actually?


{UNDO} Ask Yumemi if she knows where her ship is as we leave and then fire an artillery strike on it from a safe distance.

Gotta think about this more. This is super open ended, and to be honest nobody who has voted so far has actually come up with a strategy. Shitty thing to say, but we need to get OUT. Not prank Seiga or steal Yoshika.

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[X] Leave the hairpin.

There is no way this thing ISN'T cursed, or has a tracking device on it, or is just in general fucked with and booby-trapped. Leave the damned thing.

I can't come up with anything to do on the escape just now.

But just as an aside, I'd like to say thank you to Gooboi, Kosu, Tallyanon and everyone else here on the thread! Cheers to you all!

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well it sounds like the escape is already set, we're just being asked for anything else to add on to this, (such as grabbing yoshika or anything to hold Nyan Nyan off longer.) The extract vehicle is already on its way and the way to it thanks to the hole the path to it is clear. (and I think we just dealt with all the outside wolves just now?)

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The PSV exploded when Yumemi tried to use its railgun on Saki. We don’t need to worry about it now that is a pile of rubble.

>maybe putting a target on our backs

There’s already a target on our backs. You really think Seiga is going to let hitting her with a steel chair slide? Sure it was Yumemi that did it, but Kosuzu’s interference allowed it to happen.

Might as well deprive Seiga of as many weapons as possible before she goes after us. I mean, if someone came at you with a gun, and you managed to knock them out, would you really let them keep the gun to use against you again?

Besides, that hairpin should make escaping much easier.

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[X] Take the hairpin.
- {X} And while we're robbing her blind, try the hairpin out to give her a haircut. You could probably use the hair for... something. This was a very tactical and not at all mischievous idea.
- {X} Stuff her into the floor up to her neck.
- {X} And take a route on the way out to try and pick up Yoshika, if she's still in the hole. (Remember to remove the talismans!)

If we're in for a penny, let's go in for the whole bank. I'd say to go for her wallet if I thought there was a reasonable chance she carried one. Sure, she might be infuriated later, but that's a problem for Futuresuzu.

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I'm not saying we're safe since it's clear we're still in danger, but there's a huge difference between defending yourself and stealing her stuff. On the former, whatever the next time I see you I'll get you. On the latter be assured I'll hunt you down for my stuff lol

Also, I don't think we should leave the hairpin with her, but I'm saying we shouldn't take it with us either: drop it somewhere, throw it down a river, whatever. The thing is unknown and possibly dangerous to us if it's booby trapped or something.

The escape vehicle is coming, but we're not out yet. There are still wolves around ("The sound of howls echoed throughout the building.") and a hole in the wall is probably better access for them than an exit for us.

Why not tie her shoes together while you're at it? lol

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Using the hair as shoelaces would be tactical, but not nearly enough setup for actually using them somehow to be funny. The shoes don't appear to normally have laces, and they'll be too busy being stuck in the floor anyways.

Good spirit, though! If we had the time to doodle on her face, I'd suggest that as well.

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eh, but the lead in to the vote does sound like the escape strategy has been set, we're just being asked if we're adding anything for support or bonus rather than asking us for an escape strategy itself.


do you mean hairpin for your first post?

though that does bring up a good point about keeping the talismans for study... though maybe the first one? the second one might have tracking on top of just the alarm...

also anyone else have any opinions on the artillery strike at this point?

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[x] Take the hairpin.

- {x} Step 1: Make hole in floor with hairpin
- {x} Step 2: Stuff Seiga in the hole up to her neck
- {x} Step 3: Close the hole to trap Seiga in the floor
- {x} Step 4: Swipe Yoshika and have her be our friend. (Remember to remove the talismans!)

I am all for ruining the hermit’s day.

I did mean the hairpin.

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[X] Leave the hairpin.
I'm with >>210538, there's no way that thing isn't trapped. I'd be reluctant to even touch it barehanded.

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[X] Take the hairpin.
- [X] Ask Reimu to cover it in talismans to seal it just in case, and show it to Keiki the first chance we get.

{X} Get something to tie the hermit before she wakes up, to gain extra time just in case. This is a hardware store, there must be zip ties or rope nearby at hand.

{X} Check on Mayumi. What has she been preparing for the getaway? If she was able to prepare something, now is the time to use it.
- {X} As soon as we're in safe distance, tell her it's boom time.

{X} Don't bother with the jiangshi, she will only slow us down.

This is the most I could come up with. I'll be lurking for a while to see if anyone else has other ideas.
Of course, I'm guessing we're not out of the water yet.

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[X] Take the hairpin.

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[X] Take the hairpin.

{X} Search Seiga for anything else useful.

{X} If possible, grab Yoshika on the way out. Make sure to remove her talismans.

Let's take everything from her. She's gonna be pissed as hell anyway! Though, in-character, I suppose Kosuzu has no real reason to be so greedy and/or pettily vengeful. At least searching Seiga is good sense, she's an important contractor, the Keiga might have given her keys or an ID card or intel or something that could come in handy if we ever have to bust into another Keiga stronghold at some point.

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[X] Take the hairpin.

Not only can we reduce an enemy's capabilities, but we get an item that heavily synergizes with our natural abilities.

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[X] Take the hairpin.

{X} Any final things to do on the way out? Any strategies or anything?
-{x} Step 1: Make hole in floor with hairpin
-{x} Step 2: Stuff SEIGA in the hole up to her neck
-{x} Step 3: Close the hole to trap SEIGA in the floor
-{x} Step 4: If possible, grab Yoshika on the way out. Make sure to remove her talismans.

Write-ins: Screwing your enemies over since 2008.

SEIGA Family Guy death pose when? Lol jk

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[X] Take the hairpin.
- {X} And while we're robbing her blind, try the hairpin out to give her a haircut. You could probably use the hair for... something. This was a very tactical and not at all mischievous idea.
- {X} Stuff her into the floor up to her neck.
- {X} And take a route on the way out to try and pick up Yoshika, if she's still in the hole. (Remember to remove the talismans!)

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[X] Leave the hairpin.
-{X} But first, make a hole to stuff Seiga and trap her inside.
-{X} Make sure the hairpin is out of the trapped Seiga’s reach.

I’m not going to trust that she doesn’t have some way to track her hairpin, but this is a very funny way to knock this wicked hermit out of the picture.

And this burned all my goodwill. We’re punching Tsukasa in the face when we get back.

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[X] Leave the hairpin.
-{x} See if Reimu has any amulets/needles which could Yumemi could use as a weapon, if necessary.

Don't want to get whatever bad juju Seiga has. Yumemi probably won't be super helpful, but a third avenue of attack could be useful, especially if surrounded.

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Wait, did Tsukasa do anything in this last update? Did I miss something?

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I think it might be one or two things.

1) Kosuzu is making great use of the grimoire right now. Of course, it could be that the grimoire is super useful and is teaching her a bunch of spells, but it could also mean that Tsukasa was slacking in terms of teaching Kosuzu to defend herself


2) The serious self-esteem problems Kosuzu has- getting overwhelmed dealing with 20 wolf spirits and the Wicked Hermit, Seiga Kaku is understandable, but because she needed help, Kosuzu has a hard time accepting any credit whatsoever. The way Kosuzu kept deflecting praise speaks to some issues with self-esteem, and the primary suspect for that would be her mum.

So Tsukasa's actions were felt despite her not being here physically.

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Seiga somehow knows of Kosuzu, and that she is appearently "no teeth at all." And the list of people that know of her and at the same time think she's harmless that could possibly tell ol' Nyan Nyan is a Very Short List. The otters got the danmaku tested on them, so they and all observers know differently. Chen and Yukari gave her the book. And we don't know where Tsukasa went to "scout ahead" so we're pretty sure Tsukasa's scouting was for a deal and not to help with the operation.

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Reimu seems to have picked up another one of Bowser's moves there with the shell battering ram! Though it didn't work out quite as well. XD

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[X] Take the hairpin.

{X} Any final things to do on the way out? Any strategies or anything?
-{x} Step 1: Make hole in floor with hairpin
-{x} Step 2: Stuff Seiga in the hole up to her neck
-{x} Step 3: Close the hole to trap Seiga in the floor
-{x} Step 4: Have Reimu seal the hell out of the hairpin just in case.
-{x} Step 5: If possible, grab Yoshika on the way out. Make sure to remove her talismans.

This could very easily backfire, but it's too funny not to attempt.

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[X] Take the hairpin.

Well, it'll piss Seiga off, but she's already some kind of enemy and we may well have another run-in with her regardless, so what's a little more ire? Might as well claim an advantage.

It potentially being trapped or trackable is a bigger issue. But provided we're not prevented from using it (which is admittedly possible), that honestly might kinda balance out. The chisel is SUCH a useful item.

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oh right, the shelving! I nearly forgot!

>>210535 & >>210529 here adding in:

{X} While waiting for Mayumi Reimu starts weakening one of the shelving units with fire, when Mayumi arrives, knock it over!

{X} Kosuzu: keep in mind how Seiga apparently had heard of you, but also an misimpression of your fighting ability for later.

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>And if it could cut through glass as easily as it cut through the wall…

huh, Kosuzu is hoping to use it if she ever get stuck in a test tube again...

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[X] Take the hairpin.

Why not? That would take away a huge tool from the enemy as well. Also, come on, it's a guda-gitsune's dream tool.

(Also bad with write-ins - not gonna add anything)

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[X] Take the hairpin
- {X} Step 1: Make hole in floor with hairpin
- {X} Step 2: Stuff Seiga in the hole up to her neck
- {X} Step 3: Close the hole to trap Seiga in the floor
- {X} Step 4: Swipe Yoshika and have her be our friend. (Remember to remove the talismans!)

Fun :D
Also, I propose:

{X} When we're out of range, call in the big guns. No kill like overkill.
{X} Search Seiga for anything else possibly useful
{X} Ask Yumemi about the PSV, no harm in seeing if we can find out where it is, for whatever comes next.

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Counting to >>210568:
Main Choice #1:
[15] Take the hairpin.
[6] Leave the hairpin.

Potential Additions:
Note that certain votes are highlighted in similar colors due to similarities (Hopefully I do it correctly...)
For [x] Take the hairpin:
-{2} And while we're robbing her blind, try the hairpin out to give her a haircut. You could probably use the hair for... something. This was a very tactical and not at all mischievous idea. (>>210542, >>210555)
-{1} Ask Reimu to cover it in talismans to seal it just in case, and show it to Keiki the first chance we get. (>>210550)

For [x] Leave the hairpin:
-{1} Make sure the hairpin is out of the trapped Seiga’s reach. (>>210556)

Miscellaneous Additions:
-{2} Grab Yoshika as they go! (Remember to remove the Talismans first! Not that the one, who the alarm is for, is conscious enough to receive it right now...) (>>210529, >>210534)
-{2} Stuff her into the floor up to her neck. (>>210542, >>210555)
-{2} And take a route on the way out to try and pick up Yoshika, if she's still in the hole. (Remember to remove the talismans!) (>>210542, >>210555)
-{1} Call in that artillery strike when their ride gets going! (>>210535)
-{1} Reimu covers the front, Kosuzu covers the back, Mayumi covers both. (>>210536)
-{1} If we can find a quick way to arm Yumemi, do it. If we can't, just keep moving. (>>210536)
-{1} Don't bother with the jiangshi, she will only slow us down. (>>210550)
-{2} Search Seiga for anything possibly useful. (>>210552, >>210568)
-{3} If possible, grab Yoshika on the way out. Make sure to remove her talismans. (>>210552, >>210554, >>210563)
-{1} But first, make a hole to stuff Seiga and trap her inside. (>>210556)
-{1} See if Reimu has any amulets/needles which could Yumemi could use as a weapon, if necessary. (>>210557)
-{1} While waiting for Mayumi, Reimu starts weakening one of the shelving units with fire. When Mayumi arrives, knock it over! (>>210565)
-{1} Kosuzu: Keep in mind how Seiga has apparently heard of you, but also had a misimpression of your fighting ability for later. (>>210565)
-{1} When we're out of range, call in the big guns. No kill like overkill. (>>210568)
-{1} Ask Yumemi about the PSV, no harm in seeing if we can find out where it is, for whatever comes next. (>>210568)
-{5} Step 1: Make hole in floor with hairpin. (>>210524, >>210527, >>210535, >>210554, >>210563, >>210568)
-{5} Step 2: Stuff Seiga in the hole up to her neck. (>>210524, >>210527, >>210535, >>210554, >>210563, >>210568)
-{5} Step 3: Close the hole to trap Seiga in the floor. (>>210524, >>210527, >>210535, >>210554, >>210563, >>210568)

-{2} Step 4: Swipe Yoshika and have her be our friend. (Remember to remove the talismans!) (>>210548, >>210568)
-{1} Step 5: Have Reimu seal the hell out of the hairpin just in case. (>>210563)
-{1} Get something to tie the hermit before she wakes up, to gain extra time just in case. This is a hardware store, there must be zip ties or rope nearby at hand. (>>210550)
--{1} As soon as we're in safe distance, tell her it's boom time. (>>210550)

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>>210571 here:
Note that it's {6} and not {5} for the counts.
I'm now going to sleep to prepare for the next vote.


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>> The gap youkai reached into a summoned gap, pulling out… a pristine, heavy tome, with a deep indigo cover. Kosuzu felt her heart skip a beat. “This is… an instructional book penned by Yakumo Ran herself. It contains detailed descriptions of many of the spells her fox magic can cast, as well as numerous applications and optimisations of each. And even further, it includes a bunch of reference material on all things fox-related.”

>> Kosuzu stared at the book, transfixed. Yukari moved the book left, right, up and down, and the book-keeper’s head dutifully followed.

>> Reimu’s arm stuck between Kosuzu and the book, breaking the not-so-literal spell. The fox blinked, not realizing she’d dried out her eyes.

>> She held the book low, in front of the Kuda-gitsune. “Little Suzu. Would you like to borrow it, for a time?”

>> [ } Don’t take-

>> Reimu blinked. The book was now in Kosuzu’s hands. She traced her hands along the spine, marveling. It was in absolutely immaculate condition.

I was thinking to myself, looking for a bad joke to make in the title but I couldn't find inspiration so I called it a grimoire and called it a day. Introduction to C fox fox?

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[15] Take the hairpin.
[6] Leave the hairpin.

-{X} But first, make a hole to stuff Seiga and trap her inside.
-{X} As soon as we're in safe distance, tell Mayumi it's boom time.
-{X} Reimu covers the front, Kosuzu covers the back, Mayumi covers both.

“Reimu, just one quick minute.” Kosuzu stepped inside, kneeling to pick up the hairpin. “I’ve got an idea.”

She knelt down on the floor, starting to carve a small hole. The tool dug into the stone with eerie ease, as if she were using a pencil.

“Kosuzu, is now really the time?” The jidiao glanced frantically around, trying to see where enemies would be coming from.

“She won’t be down for long. So let’s put some real distance between us and her.” She glanced up at Reimu. “You think that you can weaken the supports of the frames?”

“There’s not enough-” A bullet struck the remnants of the door, and Reimu cursed, firing off a few shots. “Not enough time for that now! Damnit, fine, guess we’re holding up here until Mayumi gets back! Stay hidden, Yumemi!”

Kosuzu focused, trying to draw the hole as quickly as she could. The moment it was completed, the cavity below was revealed - perhaps a basement room of the store.

Eh, good enough. Kosuzu grabbed the unconscious hermit, dragging her, slowly, into the hole. She did her best to make sure the hermit didn’t land too badly, pulling her in feet-first, but… well, at this point, it wasn’t like avoiding pissing her off was possible.

As the hermit fell through the hole, she heard the sound of more approaching, and even more frantic danmaku. The fox got up, running to the back wall. “Do you see Mayumi yet?! Is she coming!”

“Not yet! Need a second pair of hands out here!”

Kosuzu turned to the huddling Yumemi. “Take over for me, will you? Just keep drawing a big circle on the wall!” The scared girl nodded, rushing forward to take the hairpin off Kosuzu. As soon as she had done so, Kosuzu rushed back to join Reimu at the front.

Reimu glanced back at the hole. “That the plan?”

Kosuzu nodded, surveying the field of wolves. …There had to be at least a hundred-strong pack coming for them now. “Well, we’re probably not getting out any other way, so I guess we’re doing this…”

“Why’d you even grab it, anyways?!” The jidiao fired off another blast of danmaku. “We could already have been out of here if we just booked it!”

“It’s a tube fox’s dream tool, Reimu!” She countered, firing off at a particularly grizzled-looking wolf. “I couldn’t resist!”

She spotted the haniwa, diving under a beneath on of the shelves. Some kind of glistening liquid was following Mayumi, seemingly coming from two canisters she was hoisting.

“Reimu- there!” The two youkai did their best to cover the retreating Mayumi, as she tossed one of the canisters behind her. The haniwa’s liquid reeked of some scent Kosuzu couldn’t name, but… it was a scent she was beginning to associate with the city.

The clay-fired girl turned to Kosuzu. “Have we got a way out?” The fox nodded, beckoning her inside, and the haniwa took her place, allowing the fox to step back to the door.

She took a moment to glance out the window. It seemed like a lot of the wolves had dispersed to take another entrance, but there was still a decent number there. Nowhere near the number already inside, though. “Everyone, get ready to move!”

Mayumi grinned, pointing to the trail on the floor. “Reimu, can you light it up?”

“Eh?” Kosuzu turned, to see the jidiao breathing a gout of flame. The liquid immediately took to it, a trail of flame tapering off into the distance. Mayumi gave a mischievous grin, tossing her other container towards the wolfpack, and running for the new entrance.

As the hole in the wall opened, it was Mayumi who leapt through first, firing on the few wolves immediately around them. Kosuzu and Yumemi clambered through next, the former turning around to yell. “Reimu! Time to go! I’ll cover your escape!”

The jidiao took a deep breath, and released one last gout of fire. Kosuzu could see her tilting her head around, likely hoping to catch or drive back the whole pack. Satisfied, Reimu turned and ran for the hole, danmaku and wolves nipping at her heels. One almost managed to make its mark on her leg, before Kosuzu’s shot caused it to dissipate.

The jidiao took off as she leapt through the hole, soaring up into the sky. Kosuzu fired a few more rounds at the incoming wolves, before the hole finally started to close again. Reimu yelled down at the group. “Kosuzu, cover our rear! Mayumi, go where you’re needed!”

The fox nodded, running as fast as she dared at the back of the pack. She yelled to the Haniwa, who was at the front of the ground-based trio, if still behind Reimu. “Mayumi! What was that liquid stuff?!”

The haniwa chuckled. “That’s fuel for a fire!”

“Are you trying to burn the building down?!” Yumemi yelled, following close behind the haniwa. “Petroleum’s not gonna be hot enough to melt the infrastructure!”

Mayumi shook her head. “The fuel’s only gotta get to the propane tanks I tore holes in.” She flashed a wicked grin. “I’m not trying to burn the building down. I’m trying to blow it up.”

Suddenly, the ex-hostage had found a fresh burst of speed, tearing away from the building. Kosuzu took that as a sign that she should speed up too.

She heard another set of howls, and turned. The doors of the hardware store were thrown open, and wolves began to flood out. But the wolves weren’t going for the fleeing young girls - they were just trying to get out as fast as they can.

And only a second later, Kosuzu saw why. Every single window she could see on the building was suddenly host to a bright, orange flame. Many of them burst into glass shards, releasing gouts of red flame from them. Kosuzu almost started to slow, staring at the great conflagration, until the sound of screeching tires snapped her back to reality.

A small vehicle, largely nondescript with the exception of it’s otter driver, was swerving into the curb right in front of them. Reimu opened up the near front door, throwing herself inside. Mayumi and Yumemi clumsily leapt in the back seat, a mess of limbs.

Kosuzu didn’t wait to ask. She grabbed the side of the vehicle's door, throwing herself into the back seat…

[ ] Staying in human shape, so she could play some level of defense while the trio in the back got themselves sorted.
[ ] Switching to fox form, so as to not make the pile-up in the back worse than it already was.

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[X] Switching to fox form, so as to not make the pile-up in the back worse than it already was.

We are unlikely to provide good defense while the rest of the party is still trying to untangle itself from this clown car situation. Give them space so the big guns can get organized.

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[X] Staying in human shape, so she could play some level of defense while the trio in the back got themselves sorted.

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[X] Switching to fox form, so as to not make the pile-up in the back worse than it already was.

Let's not make this a bigger mess than it needs to be. Three people in one row of car seats is always way too cramped for comfort, even with time to properly situate everyone.

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[X] Switching to fox form, so as to not make the pile-up in the back worse than it already was.

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-Mayumi has not used artillery yet
-Many of the spirit wolves are in panic
-Seiga is incapacitated
-Yoshika is ????
-The only person who can stop them is Saki, which is unlikely...

[X] Switching to fox form, so as to not make the pile-up in the back worse than it already was.

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[X] Switching to fox form, so as to not make the pile-up in the back worse than it already was.

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>> “Are you trying to burn the building down?!” Yumemi yelled, following close behind the haniwa. “Even jet fuel can't melt steel beams!”

Sorry, had to do it.

I feel this set of options are so deceptively simple that something's up
[X] Staying in human shape, so she could play some level of defense while the trio in the back got themselves sorted.

I feel Kosuzu wants to help anywhere she can, so she can just shoot now, shift to fox form after they're safe (and get petted by Yumemi). Maybe she can even see the artillery barrage when (if?) it arrives, too!

What better way to practice the things she has read in the book than now against live targets? Better sneak a little more practice from the safety and comfort of a cramped, fast moving car!

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[X] Switching to fox form, so as to not make the pile-up in the back worse than it already was.

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> Seiga chucked into a basement instead of trapped in a concrete floor

Weren’t quite willing to let us put Seiga that far out of commission, eh Gooboi. Whelp, better prepare for round 2 then.

[X] Switching to fox form, so as to not make the pile-up in the back worse than it already was.

Let’s get everyone untangled first.

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[X] Staying in human shape, so she could play some level of defense while the trio in the back got themselves sorted.

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[X] Switching to fox form, so as to not make the pile-up in the back worse than it already was

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If I had to guess, this choice is mostly about Kosuzu's state of mind (and possibly also the mystery stat). Shifting means giving in to her insecurities, staying human means acknowledging on some level that she's just as competent as Mayumi.
Or maybe I'm overthinking it and it really is just a simple tactical decision.

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And Reimu agrees with me! Fuckin' wild.

Whatever. I guess it worked.

[X] Switching to fox form, so as to not make the pile-up in the back worse than it already was.

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It is 100% a purely tactical decision based on the wording of the choices and the line leading into it. None of it reads like rationalizations for some insecurity.

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That's exactly what I'm thinking. I'm happy to see smol fox Kosuzu any day of the week, but this is a chance to have a little more character growth, so I'm voting otherwise.
Also, even though I wanted a little infiltrator/tactician when I first voted for foxsuzu, her being possibly Ran's kid and Tsukasa's latest appearances made me reconsider following her steps. (and arguably, the latter option is still possible nonetheless).

I might change my tune again and again as the arc progresses, but this is how I feel right now so I'll go with it.

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[X] Switching to fox form, so as to not make the pile-up in the back worse than it already was.

Less bones to break.

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[X] Switching to fox form, so as to not make the pile-up in the back worse than it already was.

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[X] Staying in human shape, so she could play some level of defense while the trio in the back got themselves sorted.

going to agree with >>210596 and Kosu here

and no Yoshika, nuts (though since Seiga came by perhaps she freed her and we're about to be jumped by Yoshika? might still have a chance then!)

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[X] Staying in human shape, so she could play some level of defense while the trio in the back got themselves sorted.

Just in case.

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[X] Staying in human shape, so she could play some level of defense while the trio in the back got themselves sorted.

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[X] Staying in human shape, so she could play some level of defense while the trio in the back got themselves sorted.


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>>210586 here, just posting again before the next update to talk about something interesting I was thinking about earlier in regards to Yumemi. Namely, the way she seems to be experiencing time. We know PoDD happened in this timeline, thanks to Kotohime, so I pieced together a little timeline:

PoDD - 18 year old Yumemi and 15 year old Chiyuri host a tournament in Gensokyo. They return to the outside world (and their home time?) to present their findings and get laughed out of the university, so they return to Gensokyo, likely permanently. (In the original game, they crash at the shrine, so it's funny to think about how they were Reimu's first freeloaders, depending on where you think Mima preferred to live outside her seal.) ~> Some time before EoSD - Future (age undetermined) Yumemi and Chiyuri (age undetermined - 3) time travel back to this date and take on the personas of Ichi and Go, seemingly to influence the Immaterial Children and their families in some way. ~> Around PCB - Young (10-12?) Yumemi crash lands in Animal Hell and is rescued thanks to a request from her future self. Beyond that, we still have to see. ~> Unknown Timeframe (likely before the Week of Fire sometime after UDoALG?) - Yumemi (age undetermined) and Chiyuri (age undetermined - 3) decide to start a time loop in order to change the current path of the future. It's unknown if they did this in the previous timelines too, if doing this let them dodge the effects of Keine's history rewrites (unlikely, given how Chiyuri said their time travel works on much stricter rules), or what happens to Ichi/Go by the time this point rolls back around (likely to be influenced by our decisions).

All of this begs some interesting questions. 1: How does child Yumemi return to her own time to then come back at 18 for PoDD before all this? Does she manage to repair the PSHV? Or does Ichi give her the future version of the PSHV, thus entering that interation of the machine into its own time loop? 2. Does this mean that PoDD Yumemi (in her early 20s now) is present somewhere in all this? I wonder if Ichi is deliberately avoiding her in order to not change her own future too much. 3. Are Ichi/Go following time normally now, are they jumping ahead to important moments, or are they jumping around in a weird order to best achieve their goals?

Is any of this even important? I dunno, maybe some of it? But it IS fun to think about these things. Time travel is fun to analyze and unwind.

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Counting to >>210608:
Main Choice #1:
[7] Staying in human shape, so she could play some level of defense while the trio in the back got themselves sorted.
[11] Switching to fox form, so as to not make the pile-up in the back worse than it already was.


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[X] Staying in human shape, so she could play some level of defense while the trio in the back got themselves sorted.


I reckoned that PoDD Yumemi(and Chiyuri) were just chilling in the outside world. If the black fire wasn't contained to Gensokyo, then the Black Pyres could have been what caused the two to head back to Gensokyo and become Ichi and Go.

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[undo] Switching to fox form, so as to not make the pile-up in the back worse than it already was.

[X] Staying in human shape, so she could play some level of defense while the trio in the back got themselves sorted.

I hope it's just a minor inconvenience.

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Maybe, but PoDD's final ending (which I think is reached through a 1cc?) DOES show the duo return to Gensokyo after being kicked out by the university again, though rewatching the scene, I see it just ends with Yumemi coming to the shrine to sob. I always felt the implication was that the duo decided to stay, but it's A LOT more up in the air than I'd remembered.

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[X] Staying in human shape, so she could play some level of defense while the trio in the back got themselves sorted.

don't think we're in the clear yet. plus, i'm always down for a high stakes car chase!

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And with our favorite crazy badass scaredycat-looking otter driver too!

I wonder, could Kosuzu learn to shoot danmaku while in fox form?

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I think she easily could do so. She just hasn't tried it yet and now probably isn't the time.

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[X] Staying in human shape, so she could play some level of defense while the trio in the back got themselves sorted.

if this ends up being important for kosuzu ill feel bad voting for the other option. if its not importsnt, then they sre just not comfortable, theres nothing to lose too

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I had a thought about what Tsukasa may be up to at the moment. I’ll preface it with the fact that I’m firmly in the anti-Tsukasa camp. She’s definitely a bad mom and probably a kidnapper. But as kuda-gitsune it’s in her nature to bring ruin to those she works for. If she cares for Kosuzu on any level and wants to help her, one the best places for her to do so is at the enemy’s side.

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Yeah i think that's where Seiga got the information about Kosuzu being toothless (as well as Kosuzu's existence at all!)

And that was my suspicion the moment she went "to scout ahead."

But we'll possibly see when she next shows up.

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[X] Staying in human shape, so she could play some level of defense while the trio in the back got themselves sorted.

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Yeah, I’m saying if she is there, it doesn’t immediately have to be proof of betrayal.

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[X] Switching to fox form, so as to not make the pile-up in the back worse than it already was.

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[X] Switching to fox form, so as to not make the pile-up in the back worse than it already was.
-[X] Cuddle with Yumemi to help keep her calm.

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>>210602 here... I'm pretty sure. I'm one of the people who voted for fox form without additional comment, anyway.

Adding that last write in:
-[X] Cuddle with Yumemi to help keep her calm.

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>>210622 here, adding:
-[X] Cuddle with Yumemi to help keep her calm.

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Adding to >>210588
-[X] Cuddle with Yumemi to help keep her calm.

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Pretty sure we're tied right now? from Tallyanon's last call, we've had 5 votes for human, 2 votes for fox, and 1 retraction from fox, putting both at 12-12

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>>210586 here, adding on:

-[X] Cuddle with Yumemi to help keep her calm.

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I genuinely think this is just a strategic call, and letting people get set up to defense position is more important than getting in offense position ourselves since we'd be delaying everyone.

[X] Switching to fox form, so as to not make the pile-up in the back worse than it already was.
- [X] Cuddle with Yumemi to help keep her calm.

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Reimu is in position already as she got inside first in the front passenger seat. The only one your delaying is Mayumi, and just a couple seconds. And then theres the other point, what defensive position? Theyre in a getaway car they just have to sit Mayumi next to the window and Yumemi in center. Going in fox form just makes it so they have one less fighter playing stuffed toy with the hostage!

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Defense position: the two votes literally mention either staying in human form to play defense or switching to fox form to make it easier for the others to get sorted out. The fact that we're voting on it implies it actually means something. The vehicle is described as small and we just threw ourselves into the backseat after the other two already "became a mess of limbs."

If we stay in human form, those couple of seconds it takes for them to get upright and untangled are seconds where we're being pushed and shoved by the other two while they get themselves sorted and thus probably not operating at our best ability.

If every second counts, we want the Haniwa built to fight animal spirits in commission ASAP. If not every second counts, that means we can probably afford a few seconds with just Reimu defending us anyways.

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[X] Staying in human shape, so she could play some level of defense while the trio in the back got themselves sorted.

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Additionally, making sure the panicked kid with (probably) no previous experience in a life-or-death situation is staying calm and not getting in the way of the people who are prepared for this ought to be paramount. Yumemi flailing about could potentially be even more of a hindrance than Kosuzu could be a help.

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Counting to >>210633:
Main Choice:
[13] Staying in human shape, so she could play some level of defense while the trio in the back got themselves sorted.
[13] Switching to fox form, so as to not make the pile-up in the back worse than it already was.


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[X] Switching to fox form, so as to not make the pile-up in the back worse than it already was.

I'll admit, I usually just lurk, but in this case I'll play tiebreaker.

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[X] Switching to fox form, so as to not make the pile-up in the back worse than it already was.

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I forgot about potential additions...

Potential Additions:
For [x] Switching to fox form:
-[6] Cuddle with Yumemi to help keep her calm. (>>210624, >>210625, >>210626, >>210627, >>210629, >>210630)

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[13] Staying in human shape, so she could play some level of defense before they got themselves sorted.
[15] Switching to fox form, so as to not make the pile-up in the back worse than it already was.
-[6] Cuddle with Yumemi to help keep her calm.

When Kosuzu’s feet left the ground, they were human. What landed in the back were her paws. She bounded inside, clambering up and digging her claws into what she assumed was a headrest. No sooner had she done so did the engine roar, tearing off down the street.

She saw Reimu lean out her window, firing at pursuing wolves. The two girls in front of her seemed to have gotten themselves in some form of settled, so all Kosuzu had to do was -

The car swerved, throwing the fox kit over the seat. She bounced off the back of Reimu’s chair, landing in the footwell. For a moment, she thought she might be safer there, but a rattling noise rather explicitly informed her that the wheels were a target for their pursuers, leading her to scamper up. Yumemi was looking down at her from the middle of the seat, and Kosuzu leapt into her waiting arms.

“Mayumi!” The haniwa stopped looking out the window to glance at Kosuzu. “We need that artillery, now!”

“Ah, right-!” She grabbed at the haniwa pendant on her neck, raising it as if to speak with it directly. “We need covering fire! Follow our position and cut off our pursuers!”

“Affirmative.” A voice sounded, rather disconcertingly calm considering the situation. “Firing.”

There were a few tense moments. Kosuzu huddled close to Yumemi, to keep emotions calm - whose didn’t matter. The girl herself did her best to stop the fox from flying away again, as the car lurched and turned.

Then the first shot hit. For a moment, the room around them was backlit, a flash of light from behind the car making everything else look dim. Then a boom that ran through the girls bodies, jittering them to the bone.

Kosuzu saw a piece of metal spin past the window. She didn’t have a clue as to what it was, but it was trailing a spiral of smoke.

The car around a corner again, as a series of booms rang out behind them. This time, the whole car seemed to tilt, and it was only when she heard a metallic crunch that Kosuzu realized half of the wheels had left the ground entirely. She heard Reimu cursing out the driver viciously, having nearly scraped her face on the tarmac. Some dim part of her brain assessed the possibilities, and decided that the otter’s name was more like to be ‘Kaze’ than any of Reimu’s other epithet choices. Like ‘flea-bitten petrol-sniffing aquatic rat’.

More cars started coming out ahead of them, but Kaze didn’t even slow slightly. He drove like a madman, swerving wildly through the streets. Some of the cars were clearly trying to outright ram them, likely knowing the only ‘lives’ at stake were in their car, but none of them would manage to even scratch their car. The wheels would leave the ground again; at one point, Kosuzu swore that a car was only dodged because the wheels were far off the ground, causing it to pass safely underneath.

But most unnerving was the driver’s expression. Gone was a look of utter dread Kosuzu had hoped was just his default; now was an utterly cold and expressionless gaze that chilled the little fox. Even as the car screeched and groaned, he was as cold and calm as the abyss, eyes locked on his target.

At this point, it appeared to be directly ahead. A squad of soldiers with hair the color of desert sand were standing in a blockade, currently open to allow exactly one car through. The otter floored it, pushing Kosuzu into Yumemi’s chest from sheer acceleration, and the roar from the cars behind them told Kosuzu that he wasn’t the only one.

The haniwa lined up, and began firing some sort of smoking projectile. They rocketed past their car, as Kaze hit a bumper.

For a moment, Kosuzu was in the air, completely loose and weightless. Then they thudded back down to earth, on the far side of the blockade.

Mayumi let out a whooping cheer, as Reimu fell back into her seat, exhausted. Yumemi looked around, and slowly started to ease her grip. Kosuzu could feel the girl’s beating heart beneath her.

“We’re… we’re safe?” Kosuzu asked, pulling her head up a bit. Mayumi turned back, nodding - and Kosuzu felt her skin crawl. The haniwa had taken a shot to the cheek, cracking it dramatically.

“Yeah, mission accomplished.” In spite of it all, Mayumi was beaming. “Everyone’s safe.”

There was an immensely celebratory mood as the car limped its way onto a new estate. This was clearly Keiki territory, staffed with dozens of stony soldiers, many of them clearly excited. Reimu and Mayumi had passed on news of their successful arrival to the sculptor goddess. Reimu was all-but falling asleep in the car as adrenaline caught up to her, while Mayumi was waving to the other soldiers like it was a parade.

Kosuzu stayed in Yumemi’s lap, sitting upright but not otherwise shifting. The red-headed girl was petting her slowly, an act that was doing a lot for both of their frazzled nerves. Kosuzu felt a little guilty about largely just spending the trip hiding, but… perhaps it was for the best she didn’t risk making things more complicated. And they’d escaped, anyways, so… it probably didn’t matter, in the end.

G___ stays at 3.

They pulled up at the front entrance of the estate, to see the sculptor goddess herself approaching them. She was wearing an expression of outright relief as the car pulled up, and as she kids clambered out, she rushed over to inspect them. Yachie was only a step behind, focusing her attentions on her own daughter.

“Is everyone alright?” Her first focus was on Yumemi. “You poor dear… you’ve had a dreadful time of it, haven’t you? My name is Haniyasushin Keiki. Is there anything we can get for you?”

Yumemi nodded, slowly. “Um… some strawberries would be nice…”

Keiki chuckled. “Well, I’m pretty sure we can manage that.” Her eyes turned to Kosuzu. “Ah, you poor dear, is your ear okay?”

Kosuzu blinked. She shifted back to human form, following Keiki’s gaze with her fingers. One of her ears had gotten nicked by something, and was now bleeding profusely.

She stared at it, stunned, and then… she started to tear up, shivering. Keiki gave her a pat on the head, letting the young girl take a moment.

“I think you all could do with a little time to… relax. The danger has passed, after all. We’ll get some comfort food going - does that sound good, little one?” Kosuzu nodded, mutely. “Then it shall be done.”

She turned to Reimu, who was abjectly worried about the other two. “Reimu. Can I ask you to help with Mayumi’s report?”

The jidiao blinked, looking up at her. “O-Of course. What do you need?”

She looked Reimu dead in the eyes. “...The fire. The artillery was pre-cleared, but the fire’s spreading out of control in Keiga territory. …You wouldn’t know who’s responsible for that, would you?”

What was left of Mayumi’s face was suddenly caught in awkward guilt. Reimu took a moment to think, shuffling stiffly under the sculptor’s gaze.

[ ] The basic truth at the time. It was Mayumi’s plan, and Reimu hadn’t understood it in enough time to react to it.
[ ] Downplay Mayumi’s culpability. Call it a team effort.
[ ] State that the fire helped get Yumemi out safely.

For Kosuzu:
{ } Tell the faction heads about what Seiga said. She found it unlikely Keiki or Yachie would put Yumemi or Reimu at risk.
{ } Only tell Mayumi and Reimu. Neither was that sort of schemer, and they at least could be trusted.
{ } Keep it to herself for now. Look into that matter solo.

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[X] Downplay Mayumi’s culpability. Call it a team effort.

You don't throw teammates under the bus. Diffuse blame across the team or refuse to assign it at all. Basic tenet of working with others long-term.

{X} Only tell Mayumi and Reimu. Neither was that sort of schemer, and they at least could be trusted.

Caught between the first two options, honestly. Keeping it to herself does no one any good. In fact, it actively endangers everyone to suspect a leak and then do nothing with it. Mainly going with this one because I expect Reimu will put together the clues in the same way we did, and then go ballistic if she doesn't have her parents around to force the more circumspect route. I wanna see that! It's not really the more responsible or effective route, but I want to see it.

As for the mystery stat... Hm. Gonna need to think about it more before I take a guess. I don't see how that last option matches with the hypotheses we had before, and one letter isn't a lot to go on.

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>G___ stays at 3.
Called it!

[X] Downplay Mayumi’s culpability. Call it a team effort.
No need to throw our teammate under the bus.
{X} Tell the faction heads about what Seiga said. She found it unlikely Keiki or Yachie would put Yumemi or Reimu at risk.
Tsukasa isn't so lucky.

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[X] The basic truth at the time. It was Mayumi’s plan, and Reimu hadn’t understood it in enough time to react to it.

{X} Tell the faction heads about what Seiga said. She found it unlikely Keiki or Yachie would put Yumemi or Reimu at risk.

Kaze must have been the otter of Steve McQueen once upon a time.

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Nuts, i wasn't sure which one to take, even when i had voted for change back.

If i had to guess, the stat is guilt? (It doesn't sound like Guile, not sure what else would be a guess.)

But now we know if a choice had us choose between being active or not which one to take.

[X] Downplay Mayumi’s culpability. Call it a team effort.
No need to throw our teammate under the bus.
{X} Tell the faction heads about what Seiga said. She found it unlikely Keiki or Yachie would put Yumemi or Reimu at risk.

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Hm. Throwing a guess out there, maybe "Guts?" So far, the things that have influenced it or been influenced by it seem to involve some form of bravery - defying her mother, being openly vulnerable, and joining the fight.

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[X] Downplay Mayumi’s culpability. Call it a team effort.

{X} Tell the faction heads about what Seiga said. She found it unlikely Keiki or Yachie would put Yumemi or Reimu at risk.

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[X] Downplay Mayumi’s culpability. Call it a team effort.

{X} Only tell Mayumi and Reimu. Neither was that sort of schemer, and they at least could be trusted.

Generally agree with the majority here- Mayumi's fire might have been more dangerous than we wanted, but she was part of the team and any consequences should be distributed among the team.

Meanwhile, Tsukasa may be family, and perhaps we're all misinterpreting things, but she has a reputation for playing both sides and we've been pretty set since the origin vote that we didn't want to be that kind of schemer ourselves.

As for the mystery stat, I'm not sure either. We could compare every instance of it to any four letter G word, to try and figure out what it could be (and if human would've been positive or if we made the right choice going fox) but that seems like a stretch.

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Oh almost the mysterious statistic is reduced so... it's a four letter word (Maybe?) that starts with G but one thing is for sure is that kosuzu has to be valient and not hide.

[X] Downplay Mayumi’s culpability. Call it a team effort.

{X} Tell the faction heads about what Seiga said. She found it unlikely Keiki or Yachie would put Yumemi or Reimu at risk.

it may change in the future.

Kaze probably played crazy taxi in some other life.

I also thought about this word but then the statistics would have to go up, not the opposite.

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>> G___ stays at 3.
I'm going to be petty on this one, and say "I told you". Then again I'm wrong most time I call these so we can call it even.

[♪] We didn't start the fire, it was always burning as the wheels were turning.

[X] Downplay Mayumi’s culpability. Call it a team effort.

We told Mayumi to help us escape, and she did perfectly.

{X} Tell the faction heads about what Seiga said. She found it unlikely Keiki or Yachie would put Yumemi or Reimu at risk.

I was torn between telling them or just their kids, but this is serious. If there's information leak then it's a danger that can't just be ignored, disregarding who's possibly doing the leaks.

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[X] Downplay Mayumi’s culpability. Call it a team effort.
Let's not throw Mayumi under the bus.

{X} Tell the faction heads about what SEIGA said. She found it unlikely Keiki or Yachie would put Yumemi or Reimu at risk.

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[X]Downplay Mayumi's culpability. Call it a team effort.

Agreed, let's not throw her under. After all, they all kinda blew it up lol

{X} Tell the faction heads about what Seiga said. She found it unlikely Keiki or Yachie would put Yumemi or Reimu at risk.

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[X] State that the fire helped get Yumemi out safely.

Who cares about blame, what matters is the outcome!

{X} Tell the faction heads about what Seiga said. She found it unlikely Keiki or Yachie would put Yumemi or Reimu at risk.

We lack too much clarity to count on handling this quietly. Let's shine as much light on the situation as we can.

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[X] Downplay Mayumi’s culpability. Call it a team effort.
{X} Tell the faction heads about what Seiga said. She found it unlikely Keiki or Yachie would put Yumemi or Reimu at risk.

The faction heads also probably know exactly who would know such details and would be able to pinpoint the leak quicker than if we tried doing it sneakily.

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[x] State that the fire helped get Yumemi out safely.
{x} Only tell Mayumi and Reimu. Neither was that sort of schemer, and they at least could be trusted.

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[X] Downplay Mayumi’s culpability. Call it a team effort.
{X} Tell the faction heads about what Seiga said. She found it unlikely Keiki or Yachie would put Yumemi or Reimu at risk.

Friendship, yeah. No chance that either of the faction heads would snitch to the Keiga either.

I can't believe we've been messing with Kosuzu's geek level this whole time.

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Hm. Of course it's also possible that the alternative might have increased this stat too, but I find that unlikely.

Speaking of our mystery stat, well... even assuming that it's a four-letter word that starts with G... I wonder what it could be.

There's way too many options. "Gaze?" "Gybe?" "Gash?" "Gnaw?" "Gyre?" "Gaps?"

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For four letters maybe it's Grip? for Tsukasa's grip over her?
I don't know, maybe it will be slowly revealed the next couple updates.

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[X] Downplay Mayumi’s culpability. Call it a team effort.

-{X} Tell the faction heads about what SEIGA said. She found it unlikely Keiki or Yachie would put Yumemi or Reimu at risk.

-(X) Have Keiki check Seiga's hairpin for any dangerous enchantments or otherwise.

I'm a bit wary that she might take it off us - but we've already proved its value, and opefully if she does want to take it away we can strongarm her into not doing that with whoever we have influence with (Our friends, Yakumos, Tsukasa etc.)

If giving it to Keiki is too much of a risk, I'd give it to Reimu instead to "purify" it, though I'd wager she'd do a shoddier job (Sorry, Reimu!)

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[X] Downplay Mayumi’s culpability. Call it a team effort.

Never throw a teammate under the bus. Never ever.

{X} Tell the faction heads about what Seiga said. She found it unlikely Keiki or Yachie would put Yumemi or Reimu at risk.

Yachie may be a schemer, but this leak actively endangered the mission SHE assigned. It wouldn't make sense for it to be her.

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It might be more than 4 characters


I've done it where even though there's more letters than blanks, I would use less as to indicate the length (considering letters like i, l, t, and j are really think compared to the others, so the blanks are indicating the length of the word.

now granted that's just my guess.

though this might indicate, depending on the word length that we have either 3-4 more attempts to lower the stat (if it is 4 I wonder if when we hit below 0 on the stat is it just going to go negative, or be like the Spirit stat, and change name when it goes below the 0 point.)

oh dear, that will be interesting if that is the case, the last time a mission was endangered was the Yuuma fiasco, and again it put her daughter in the line of fire of a very powerful and hostile person... she's going to be on the warpath from this.


ehhhh, this is Keiki we are telling it to, and that sounds a bit like 'the ends justify the means.' that she might not take well, especially in regards to what Mayumi is learning. us taking responsibility for it sounds better for me. it may have messed up, but we made that choice together and are willing to accept the responsibility for the result. or something like that.

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[X] Downplay Mayumi’s culpability. Call it a team effort.

{X} Tell the faction heads about what Seiga said. She found it unlikely Keiki or Yachie would put Yumemi or Reimu at risk.

(X) Have Keiki check Seiga's hairpin for any dangerous enchantments or otherwise.

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[x] Downplay Mayumi’s culpability. Call it a team effort.
{x} Tell the faction heads about what Seiga said. She found it unlikely Keiki or Yachie would put Yumemi or Reimu at risk.
-(x) Have Keiki check Seiga's hairpin for any dangerous enchantments or otherwise.

We all know that G___ = Gooboi. :3

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[X] Downplay Mayumi’s culpability. Call it a team effort.

{X} Tell the faction heads about what Seiga said. She found it unlikely Keiki or Yachie would put Yumemi or Reimu at risk.

-(X) Have Keiki check Seiga's hairpin for any dangerous enchantments or otherwise.

if there's a leak, then it's best they know about it so they could nip it in the bud, or leak false information instead of the truth and lay down a trap of sorts. they're in the best position to do so instead of just mayumi and reimu, who aren't suited to playing the long game.

only problem i could see is that if tsukasa really did double cross us, it might cast suspicion on kosuzu in turn. i'm hoping the fact that we're the ones who brought this to their attention, kosuzu's an immaterial child alongside reimu, and reimu's own defense of us will be enough to not get skinned.

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Counting to >>210667:
Main Choice #1:
[1] The basic truth at the time. It was Mayumi’s plan, and Reimu hadn’t understood it in enough time to react to it.
[16] Downplay Mayumi’s culpability. Call it a team effort.
[2] State that the fire helped get Yumemi out safely.

Main Choice #2:
{16} Tell the faction heads about what Seiga said. She found it unlikely Keiki or Yachie would put Yumemi or Reimu at risk.
{3} Only tell Mayumi and Reimu. Neither was that sort of schemer, and they at least could be trusted.
{0} Keep it to herself for now. Look into that matter solo.

Potential Additions:
-(4) Have Keiki check Seiga's hairpin for any dangerous enchantments or otherwise. (>>210662, >>210665, >>210666, >>210667)


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...Is the stat Guts?

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[X]Downplay Mayumi's culpability. Call it a team effort.
{X} Only tell Mayumi and Reimu. Neither was that sort of schemer, and they at least could be

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[X] Downplay Mayumi’s culpability. Call it a team effort.
{X} Tell the faction heads about what Seiga said. She found it unlikely Keiki or Yachie would put Yumemi or Reimu at risk.
-(X) Have Keiki check Seiga's hairpin for any dangerous enchantments or otherwise.

Keiki and Yachie needs to know that the enemy has some info on us, so they can minimize the amount of info that leaks.

As suspect as Tsukasa looks, shouldn't we give her a chance. We have been suspecting her from the start, I feel that she is some kind of red herring. We and Reimu expected her to betray us from the start, which is why I feel the Gooboi is leaving us hits of betrayal knowing we would think that Tsukasa is the one doing it, while Seiga got her info somewhere else.

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[X] Downplay Mayumi’s culpability. Call it a team effort.

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Hey I had a thought: what if we discover that Kosuzu can't speak about Tsukasa if it incriminates her? Maybe the mental conditioning thing is true and we want to tell Keiki and Yachie but can't because we're a living alibi?

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I was just thinking on a similar vein, as i was a little surprised considering the rather short suspect list that we didn't have a weighted vote... But that might be that Kosuzu isn't connecting that it might be her mom just yet. Either it won't be an option following this vote once the others bring up that suspicion or a +30 one.

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I don't see why Kosuzu would be saying anything about Tsukasa, though? There's no indication that she even suspects her mom, but even beyond that there's no reason she needs to include speculation on the culprit at all. All Kosuzu knows is that Seiga had unexpected inside information, and that's all she needs to say as Yachie is frankly going to be better at getting to the bottom of it anyway.

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Yes, but when she does eventually realize that the list of suspects is so short that she might as well be pointing a finger towards her mom, what will happen?

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>>210645 here, adding:

-(X) Have Keiki check Seiga's hairpin for any dangerous enchantments or otherwise.

To my vote.

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Well, that's exactly why it's good to get the subject out there before that happens.

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So it’s probably either Guts (metaphorical) or Guilt (not metaphorical).

Guts would make sense due to Human Kosuzu’s wish to be a braver and more active part of the incident resolvers.

But Guilt is something which gnaws away at the conscience and can create fear. If you’re guilty, you don’t exactly want to tell anybody do you? You would need a lot of bravery (and 30 extra votes) to overcome that guilt and tell someone about the thing you’re guilty of. Then again, maybe if it is Guts, then having a higher stat would decrease the votes you need to get over your fear.

But where Guts breaks apart is probably when Reimu gave sweets to Kosuzu.

> …Well, she’d had more than she intended, but having one little dalliance wouldn’t have any long-term effects. And that’d just mean she’d have to work a bit harder to get it off later.

This reduces G___ to 3.

Why would indulging in sweets and then deciding that the calories can be worked off reduce bravery? It would make more sense that Kosuzu realised that she’s eaten too much and instead of feeling guilty and depressed about it, she decides she’s just going to have to work a bit harder. This is however, a bit shaky, as the stat change could have been not being brave enough to refute Reimu.

Guilt ties in quite a bit with Kosuzu’s story so far too. One example being the feeling of guilt for “letting down” Megumu.

So if it is Guilt, then Kosuzu has to have felt guilty about something in the flashbacks. I’m guessing that getting captured somehow affected someone else (probably Tsukasa) and she feels guilty about that.

On to the voting, as much as I hate her, some people are making good points about Tsukasa helping the enemy to cause their misfortune and Kosuzu probably wouldn’t rat out her mother (figure).

{X} Only tell Mayumi and Reimu. Neither was that sort of schemer, and they at least could be trusted.

I’m a bit conflicted as to whether Reimu should state the fires helped get them out or downplay Mayumi’s culpability. But Mayumi is making a pretty obvious expression, so we can’t exactly deflect blame from the entire team and not tell anyone about who was mostly responsible.

[X] Downplay Mayumi’s culpability. Call it a team effort.

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I would say it might be a couple more

it could be as Kosu guessed: Grip (eating the sweets is going against Tsukasa's instructions, easing the grip she has over Kosuzu's mindset and actions.) and getting involved in the fighting with the others is turning away from the sneaking Kuda-Gitsune mindset.

or (and this makes things a bit more pressing if my earlier guess that the blanks being filled in here mean that we have as many opportunities as we do remaining letters) it could be Gap, accepting eating with Reimu eased the Gap this new life has left between Kosuzu and the rest, and sitting to the side, not joining as the other 2 fight is leaving Kosuzu still aware of that separation

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>>210678 (and thus >>210645 as well)

Adding to my vote:

(X) ask Mayumi how she is (especially regarding that hit to her cheek.)

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Maybe it's relevant but Reimu wanted to mention something about the spell Kosuzu cast but couldn't due to the chaos while they were escaping.

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It was about the "scope thing" (aka the aura or whatnot from TH19 of various shapes depending on the character that 'captures' the animal spirits.) Looks like Kosuzu's is almost an inverse of Aunn's (starts small but snaps wider after initial deployment.)

But yeah, i'm also curious what she was about to say on that, whether to express that it was impressive or just to note that she recognizes it or something.

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[1] The basic truth at the time. It was Mayumi’s plan, and Reimu hadn’t understood it in enough time to react to it.
[19] Downplay Mayumi’s culpability. Call it a team effort.
[2] State that the fire helped get Yumemi out safely.

{17} Tell the faction heads about what Seiga said. She found it unlikely Keiki or Yachie would put Yumemi or Reimu at risk.
{4} Only tell Mayumi and Reimu. Neither was that sort of schemer, and they at least could be trusted.
{ } Keep it to herself for now. Look into that matter solo.

Her decision made, Reimu met Keiki’s gaze head-on. “Me and Mayumi both, really.”

“Oh?” The sculptor goddess raised an eyebrow.

“Kosuzu only asked Mayumi to make our escape as easy as possible. Mayumi therefore came up with a plan that would do so - setting a fire in the building.” The young jidiao folded her arms. “But I was the one who actually set things alight. If I’d had any objections, I could have simply denied her.”

Keiki held her gaze for a little longer, before sighing. “...Alright, well… it’s far from the most ideal solution - and we will be having words later, Mayumi - but we’ll leave it there for now.” The haniwa nodded stiffly, as her sculptor got up. She did, however, give a grateful glance over to Reimu.

Yacchie focused her attention on the young Kosuzu. “...I think this one’s a little shell-shocked. Let’s get inside, shall we?” Reimu nodded, and the girls were escorted inside.

The quarters Reimu was brought to didn’t surprise her. Keiki had designated a small set of quarters for Reimu and the other Immaterial Children - ten bedrooms and a common room, enough for each of the reincarnators and a bodyguard haniwa. She was a little more surprised, however, to see that the only permanent resident had introduced a little decoration seemingly on her own volition. Nothing much, a few simple strategy games and a flowerpot, but it was another sign that Mayumi’s appearance was less deceptive than it might otherwise seem.

Speaking of, Keiki and Mayumi were on one side, with the former patching up the latter’s face. While she had a captive audience, the Idola Deus was using the time to criticize Mayumi’s plan. How it was horribly dangerous for poor Yumemi, and how Mayumi needed to spend the time they had together learning how she needed to treat living humans.

But she wasn’t mad. Just very disappointed.

The stern tone of the reprimand was, however, being actively undermined, by the (absolutely, definitely 100%) Okazaki Yumemi who was eagerly hopping next to Keiki, peppering her with dozens of questions about the construction and powers of haniwa. It somewhat dampened an honestly fairly-dealt lecture when you turned to the victim to back you up on the suffering they had endured, and they explicitly dismissed it in favor of peppering you about the ingredients of your clay. While shoveling in large mouthfuls of strawberry sundae. Keiki had largely given up that angle, and settled for lecturing Mayumi directly.

Reimu was taking the time to make some fresh talismans, after using a fair few up during the mission. Next to her, Kosuzu was hugging on to her plushie counterpart. It was clear the realization she’d gotten grazed by some of the bullets had rattled her, but she was at least physically fine. Reimu paused her talisman-writing, to give her a hand on her shoulder.

“Hey. You did great today.” She reached out, petting the fox gently. Kosuzu looked up at her, uncertainty in her eyes. “It’s thanks to you we got Yumemi out, after all.”

The fox sagged a bit. “I… I really didn’t do much, honestly. It was my dumb plan that screwed up the lock, and all I really did was stall until you got in there.” She looked away. “I wasn’t even the one that took out Seiga, that was Yumemi.”

Reimu shook her head. “You managed to take out who-even-knows how many wolves by yourself. Enough to get Seiga’s full attention.” The shrine maiden smiled. “And you got that scope working for you too, first-try.”

“Indeed.” Yachie had brought out more paper to use for the talismans. “You punched well above your weight, Kosuzu. And make no mistake; while all three of you worked together, the deciding factor in getting Yumemi out of there safely was you.”

Kosuzu brightened a bit at that. “Yeah… we make a pretty good team, huh?” She chuckled, straightening up. “Alright! I gotta thank Lady Yukari for that book. It’s really good.”

The younger jidiao smiled. “And you’re certainly getting more than she expected from it. She said it’d take days for basic foxes to learn some of these spells, and you have a whole set ready in a matter of hours! That’s shockingly good, huh?” She turned to her mother for support.

Yachie picked up a tea cup, taking a moment to consider. “...It is good, yes. If the rumors I’m hearing are true, they were rather blindsided at the thought we had another living, capable combatant in our hand.” She chuckled. “Naturally, we’re spreading word of our new kitsune, of course. Never hurts to get them more afraid than necessary.”

Reimu turned to encourage Kosuzu further, but the latter’s face had suddenly fallen. “...Um. Lady Yachie? I need to tell you something. You and Lady Keiki both, actually.”

The sculptor goddess looked up. “Is that so? By all means, dear. What is on your mind?”

Kosuzu took a deep breath. “Something Seiga said… implied that she already knew about me. That she knew I’d be there.” She couldn’t meet anyone’s gaze. “It sounded like there’d been a leak.”

All eyes were suddenly on Kosuzu. Reimu pulled her hand away from Kosuzu’s head, to instead take her hand. “...Do you have any idea who?”

The fox shook her head. “...Well, most of the people in this room either aren’t the type who’d leak in general, or wouldn’t leak if it put someone on the mission at risk. So at the very least, you all should be safe to tell.”

Keiki tilted her head, considering. “...Right. I’d obviously prioritize saving Yumemi, and Yachie wouldn’t put her own mission or her daughter at risk. We have nothing to gain by leaking to our rivals.”

Yachie’s maw was beginning to puff smoke. “...And I doubt that either of our main grunt forces would dare betray their masters. Which… rather shortens the list of candidates. Assuming this is an accurate report, of course.” She glanced at the other young girls.

Yumemi piped up. “Um, I heard it too. Just before I hit her with the chair.” Yachie’s eyes locked on to her, but when she didn’t relent, she nodded, curtly.

The two elders looked at each other. “Counting any possible assistants with their master… it’s a pretty short list.”

They nodded, and spoke together.

“Two candidates.”
“Three candidates.”

Reimu looked over at her mother. “Three?”

Keiki let out a concerned noise too. “You’re not getting too paranoid, are you? There’s only two possible candidates I can think of, personally.”

Yachie shrugged. “You may as well start, then. If our options overlap, then the only outlier is mine.”

Keiki raised a finger. “First candidate, then, and best-case scenario. It’s Ichi who leaked the information.”

Reimu shook her head, firmly. “No way. I really doubt that - there’s no reason she’d want to do it.”

Yachie shook her head. “Want to? No. Need to? Maybe. She is a soothsayer, after all.”

Keiki hummed. “Ichi and Go appear to be trying to provoke your Re/Awakening states. It’s possible they set up this event, either to do just that in young Kosuzu-” She glanced over at Yumemi. “-or because they believed this event was necessary to the future they want.”

Kosuzu tilted her head. “Re-Awakening…?”

Reimu shook her head. “...I’ll tell you later.” She turned back to the crowd. “Alright, it’s a possibility. Not one I like, but one I’ll accept. What’s your other one, Keiki?”

The sculptor goddess hummed. “...The sage. Yakumo Yukari. She may have given them the intel.”

Mayumi tilted her head, confused. “...But Yukari was the one who gave Kosuzu her book, right? Doesn’t that defeat her purpose?”

Yachie chuckled, a hint of condescension in her tone. “If her purpose was sabotaging our rescue mission. However, her goal may have been to push Kosuzu into relying on the tome - for which any number of motives may lie beneath.”

Keiki nodded. “So you’re in agreement on those two? Then… what is the third you had in mind?”

Yachie… hesitated. “...I’m not sure it’s my place to say. On further consideration, this candidate would be off the list if I’ve… misjudged them.” She shrugged. “Perhaps we should follow up on our mutually-agreed leads first?”

Reimu looked down, thinking. Someone who might know Kosuzu came down here, and who might want to sabotage their efforts…? It was a long shot, but… she’d been ruminating on a bigger theory for a while. Perhaps now was the time to bring it up.

…Now that she was thinking about it… Kosuzu looked pensive, too. Maybe she had someone in mind, as well.

Keiki sighed. “Well, if you’re not going to tell me, I suppose we must. I suppose at least for now it is not a major concern - either they meant to harm us and failed, or meant to frustrate the Keiga and succeeded. In fact, Kosuzu came away with a little spoil herself, didn’t she?” The young bookkeeper looked up at her, before nodding.

Reimu scowled. Right. Seiga’s hole-making hairpin. She’d done what she could to seal the hairpin’s effect, but considering its power was literally one of bypass, there was a good chance it’d still work regardless. “If Seiga’s out of that cave-in yet, she’ll be furious.”

“Quite.” Yachie nodded, but gave a reassuring look. “But there’s nothing wrong with frustrating one’s enemies when you can deal with the consequences. …Young Kosuzu. What is your intention with the hairpin?”

[ ] Return it. Minimize the chance of getting the grudge of a wicked hermit.
[ ] Break it. Set the witch back a bit, without the risk of creating a liability.
[ ] Keep it. It was good to go already, and a godsend to any Kuda-gitsune.
[ ] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.

Reimu’s theory:
{ } Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.
{ } Keep it to yourself.

Kosuzu’s theory:
( ) …No. Who knew what the consequences of saying something like that would be?
(-15) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

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[X] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.
{X} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.
(X) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

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[X] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.

Was choosing between this and keep. Breaking it aggros Seiga anyway and while I favoured leaving it, going out of our way to return it now will still leave her with a grudge.

Reimu’s theory:
{X} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.

Kosuzu’s theory:
(X) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

Let's be forthright. Get our thoughts out there and bounce them around.I guess I'm taking the -15 as a challenge too.

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I'll think about it for a while and vote what to do with the hairpin later, but I'm leaning to keep it while asking Keiki to make absolutely sure there's no tracker, curse or surprise on it. To replicate it and return the original (or better yet, keeping it as a bargaining chip for later) is not that bad of an option either, if we manage to do it. Just giving it without trying to replicate it would be bad. No matter what, just breaking it would be the absolutely worse option.

{X} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.
(X) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

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[X] Keep it. It was good to go already, and a godsend to any Kuda-gitsune.

{X} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.

(X) Well...as long as she gave the appropriate context, it'd be fine. Probably.

I feel like Reimu and Kosuzu's theories might be related to Tsukasa. They're the only people I can think of who haven't been accounted for in this conversation already, and the only person I can think of who might've betrayed them.

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*She's the only person I can think of

I just realized I wrote it in plural form lol

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[X] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.
{X} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.
(X) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

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[X] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.

I actually like the idea of taking the time to replicate the effect, if only because it gives us the artifacts ability without us needing to rely on it.

{X} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.
(X) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

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[x] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.
{x} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.
(x) Well...as long as she gave the appropriate context, it'd be fine. Probably.


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[X] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.

Wanna keep using that book.

{X} Keep it to yourself.

On the whole, probably not the responsible option. On the other hand, Reimu's instinct is extremely well-trained and reliable, so getting second opinions and introducing doubt may be more likely to lead her astray. More importantly, it feels right to me in terms of characterization and narrative for Reimu to keep this one to herself and strike out on her own instead, at least if I'm right about what she's thinking.

(X) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

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[X] Keep it. It was good to go already, and a godsend to any Kuda-gitsune.
[X] Replicate it. It might take some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.

Why not both? If Seiga somehow is able to retrieve it by definiting Kosuzu and co., well, we'd have another copy to use and be able to slide around.

Reimu’s theory:
{X} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.

Kosuzu’s theory:
(X) …No. Who knew what the consequences of saying something like that would be?

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[X] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.
{X} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.
(X) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

We ain't gonna back down from that -15, not when we've overcome greater. Anyways, replicating the hairpin gives us a shot at keeping its effects when Seiga inevitably gets it back, and Reimu should absolutely voice her theory. We know what her intuition is like.

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[X] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.
{X} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.
(X) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

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[X] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.
{X} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.
(X) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

The funny thing is, I'm pretty sure the -15 modifier ultimately raises the chance of this option getting picked.

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[X] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.
{X} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.
(X) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

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[X] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.
{X} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.
(X) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

Being able to replicate the hairpin gives us a very good tool for use in the future

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[X] Break it. Set the witch back a bit, without the risk of creating a liability.

{X} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.

(X) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

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[X] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.
{X} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.
(X) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

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[X] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.

To be honest, I don't think we will be able to replicate the hairpin. Best case scenario, we end up with a lesser version of it (which I would still be happy to have in a pinch if I were... I don't know... stuck inside a glass vial or something).
The real upside here is being able to get more practice with the grimoire in hand, which is why I'm choosing this.

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My concern would be that if it can be copied then maybe Seiga has more hairpins so the copy would not serve much purpose or that it would fall into the wrong hands, I will choose to copy it but I hope it is not my paranoia hahaha.

[X] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.

{X} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.

(X) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

Come on guys, let the votes reach 30 so that Kosuzu stops doubting :)

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[X] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.

{X} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.

(X) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

Might change my mind on replicating it, if someone could point out something else better for Kosuzu to do.

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As soon as I saw the -15 modifier, I knew that option was basically guaranteed to win.

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[X] Return it. Minimize the chance of getting the grudge of a wicked hermit.

Fuck this shit.

{X} Keep it to yourself.

Give Kosuzu the floor.

(X) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

Let's have some Guts.

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[x] Keep it. It was good to go already, and a godsend to any Kuda-gitsune.
{x} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.
(x) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

How considerate of Yachie, keeping her suspect to herself as to not worry Kosuzu. I suppose she will investigate that lead by herself even if the weighted option ends up losing.

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Alright, a possible first shot across Tsukasa's bow.

Heck we've even had another indicator of something funky going on... Kosuzu struggled with tubing, but then manages a whole section of Kitsune magic after a short study time?

And hey, this is just investigating, Keiki and Yachie might find how we are wrong about this instead.

And we didn’t even have to worry about Keiki or Yachie scheming about this, Yachie even held back for worry about Kosuzu!

As for the hairpin, replicating, as long as we have the time to pull it off, lets us have the benefit, while at the same time leaving the other options open for later. Keep it? We can lend it to someone and then make our own holes.

Get cornered by Seiga? Toss it back to her, and then start cutting holes, and since we can tube through, our holes will be much smaller than hers, meaning we can cut a hole much quicker, and then squeeze through before she can get to us even with the hairpin back in her possession! (Heck that option is all the better even if we keep the hairpin while running from her ourselves. Fast small holes against her much larger ones she'll need to use, especially if she has a backup.

Also it allows Kosuzu a chance to go through the Tome again.

[X] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.

{X} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.

(X) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

Interesting how this was at a penalty rather than the other one having a bonus.

Also, I get the feeling that Reimu might be about to catch us off guard here… guess we’ll find out!

>The fox sagged a bit. “I… I really didn’t do much, honestly. It was my dumb plan that screwed up the lock, and all I really did was stall until you got in there.” She looked away. “I wasn’t even the one that took out Seiga, that was Yumemi.”

Kosuzu, you staggered Seiga before she could get in the hole, if at any point you and Yumemi had ended up facing both Seiga and the wolf spirits that would have been it! But you staggered her, and then wiped the floor with the wolf spirits! You Rock!

>Reimu was taking the time to make some fresh talismans ...Yachie had brought out more paper to use for the talismans.

D’aww, a sweet simple moment there!

And this might be a little early but i wanted to get it down before I forget, I do have a spellcard idea for Kosuzu.

< X > Fox Sign ~ writing on the walls

Danmaku in the shape of various characters float around … but more appear when the target looks in different directions, so the more the target jinks about, the more danmaku appear, but if the target moves smoothly in one direction consistently it doesn’t spawn as much. (so in gameplay terms whenever you would change your directional input, it would generate some danmaku in the direction that you imputed, but if you held that input down then more wouldn’t appear. Requiring decisive playing to avoid being overwhelmed.)

A reference to Forbidden scrollery chapter 18 & 19, so yeah, Reimu sees this Spellcard and she’s going to give Kosuzu some stink eye over it XD

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[X] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.

{X} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.

(X) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

What appropriate context? I must know!

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Hmmm. This time instead of it being +30, it’s -15. This might just be a decision by Gooboi to change how the vote system works, but I feel like it could be a narrative decision. Then again, I can’t really see a difference if it’s easier to get an option compared to harder to get an option in a two option vote.

Let’s assume that the change is arbitrary. G___ hasn’t changed but we can see that the magnitude of the biased votes has changed from 30 to 15. It may be that G___ had a larger effect on the previous vote for some reason but not this one, probably because of the “context”.

The person Reimu and Kosuzu are thinking about is probably Tsukasa, with the context being that Tsukasa is a spy infiltrating the enemy. Personally, I think this vote being affected by G___ probably lessens the possibility of it being Guilt while increasing the chance of it being Grip or Guts.

On to the voting,

[X] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.

We might pick up some useful information and having an infinite amount of these hairpins could be useful.

{X} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.

(X) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

Reiki would definitely bluntly state her theory and Kosuzu would need to jump in to defend Tsukasa even if Tsukasa doesn’t deserve it

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[X] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.
{X} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.
(X) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

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If there was 3 choices than the penalty does make sense there. (Otherwise yeah narrative wise would probably be the reason.)

I'm wondering if we're going to be hit by an trap and have one of the altered votes be the bad one!)

Also wondering if there would be a vote where if one choice succeeded was taken would penalize (or boost) a seperate vote from that set.

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The switch to negative is largely stylistic in this case. And like >>210728 says, I feel it makes more sense to penalise more neutral choices if multiple choices are added.

Any choice can have consequences, and the penalities don't necessary lead you down the wrong path. For example, if one's instincts are causing the split, well... instincts exist for a reason.

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[x] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.
{x} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.
(x) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

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Nice one. Didn't want to mention it until we actually needed one but I've been thinking of a few as well!

Tome Sign: Bibliophile's Bookshelf
Kosuzu pulls out a book, and starts reading through it at a rapid pace, words literally flying off the page with how fast she reads. The words themselves are chains of connected bullets, and they'll dance around in spirals around the target like eels before closing in to try and deliver a wordy walloping.
"A spell that'll give you the feeling of a book capturing your attention. Careful to not let yourself be surrounded, or you'll go from getting lost in a book to getting trapped in it!"

Faux Sign: Fox's Duplicity
Kosuzu changes into animal form and summons a levy of slave bullets shaped like foxes as well, then all of them start running around midair. (The actual movements aren't too complicated, just running in basic geometric shapes, but there's a lot of them.) Kosuzu will try and blend into the waves of foxes, and if the wrong one is shot down it explodes into a wave of bullets.
"A fanatastical flurry of fluffy foxes fly freely! Kosuzu invented this card to try and burn a few calories to better follow her mother's suggested ideal body type for sneaking through tight spaces."

Recollection: Claustrophobia
A disorienting spellcard about fitting into tight spaces, the target is bombarded with fox magic in order to throw them off balance, before tight (like, approaching LOLK-level tight) rings of Danmaku appear around them. Unless the target is a master of highly precise dodging, the far better option is to get exactly in the middle of all the bullets and hold yourself in a small safe spot. The current bullets fade away after the ring tightens enough, and a new ring appears, forcing them to move to the new safe spot. (Harder difficulties also add Kosuzu firing some lines of bullets sort of like Danmaku Paranoia to make the shrinking harder.)
"You will learn how it feels to be trapped."

Tried to give all of these a subtle theme of "surrounding and enveloping" to some degree. The last one's the most obvious about it, but that deep-seated trauma sure does like to whisper itself in where you wouldn't be thinking about it, huh?

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< X > Kaizou sign: KonKon Beam!
"It's over, Seiga. Taste the wrath of my Kaizou/Kosuzu!!!"

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On the subject of spell cards, I wonder if it might be worth trying to combine Kosuzu's history of bibliophilia with her ongoing fox stuff by having spell cards that invoke famous stories of foxes. I haven't had a chance to try to contribute to the spell card discussions yet, so bear with me if it's not so good. Maybe something like:

Poison Sign: Illustration of the Sessho-Seki
Kosuzu throws out a piece of paper with a section of the myth of Tamamo-no-Mae written on it. Wherever it stops, a huge bullet is positioned. A barrage of the dreaded curvy lasers, designed to evoke Tamamo-no-Mae's nine tails, attempts to drive the targets into the faux-killing-stone. Just before the spell ends, the 'stone' splits in half and attempts to 'crush' the target.

Ancient Tale: Kuzu-no-Ha's Farewell Poem
A series of kanji from the poem appear, and burst into masses of ivy that move away from Kosuzu. Kosuzu spends the entire spell card moving around to make herself harder to hit, make the ivy less predictable, and evoke the image of Kuzunoha fleeing back to Shinoda after being caught.

Fox-Dragon: The Telling of Masaki's 999 Lives
Kosuzu produces eight prayer beads with "Even thus can a beast conceive a heart to know truth" written on them, as in the Hakkenden, the novel Masaki comes from (although they're not actually connected to Masaki at all). More pop up at random and burst into fast-flying bullets, representing the 999 lives she saved. Finally, an image of the fox-dragon she became as a reward spirals into the centre of the target area and then bursts into a pattern evoking a splash.

And then, since one of Kosuzu's running gags in Forbidden Scrollery was misunderstanding news from distant countries, we could probably throw in fox tales from elsewhere, too.

Water Sign: Fox Confessor's Flood Song
Kosuzu pretends to read aloud from a Ukrainian bible, evoking the image of the fox posing as a priest. The spell card works similarly to Knockout in Three Steps, but moving downward instead of outward. Bullets appear in sequence from near Kosuzu, attempting to force the target away, then a huge flood appears at the 'bottom of the screen' (as it were), thus putting the target into the role of the wolf who is fooled into throwing itself into the ocean.
(I really only know this one from a song based on it, hence the name I gave the card)

Fox Sign: Fabill of Lowrence and the Lion King
Kosuzu and danmaku in the image of a wolf chase the target around, leaving bullets in their wake (think Green-Eyed Monster). When the spell is about to end, or Kosuzu successfully corners the target, a huge danmaku lion 'eats' her, and ideally catches the target as well - thus recreating Henryson's story, where a wicked feudal lord of an animal kingdom dies and his equally wicked bastard son inherits his land, but before he can enjoy his reign, he's summoned before the king's court, sent alongside a dimwitted wolf to track down a fugitive, and ultimately executed for his crimes.

... most of them ended up having some connection to parenthood, huh. Kuzunoha is famously Abe-no-Seimei's mother, Masaki's story largely revolves around her deciding to care for a child she killed the caretaker of, and Lowrence is defined by his inheritance and heredity. I guess I had those theories we've been passing around on the brain. And hell, if one of them in particular turns out to be right, Tamamo-no-Mae and figures of false authority would be pretty relevant, too.

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[X] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.
{X} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.
(X) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

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Counting to >>210735:
Main Choice #1:
[1] Return it. Minimize the chance of getting the grudge of a wicked hermit.
[1] Break it. Set the witch back a bit, without the risk of creating a liability.
[3] Keep it. It was good to go already, and a godsend to any Kuda-gitsune.
[22] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.

Main Choice #2:
{24} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.
{2} Keep it to yourself.

Main Choice #3:
(1) …No. Who knew what the consequences of saying something like that would be?
(25) (10) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.


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[X] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.
{X} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.
(X) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

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reimu pov, nice.

[X] Replicate it. It might takes some time, but perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.

even if seiga manages to get it back (or if it ends up breaking), it's pretty damn useful.

{X} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.

reimu's intuition is pretty damn good, and yachie and kosuzu both know it. keiki and mayumi might not have known her as long, but i'm hoping yachie and kosuzu might convince them to at least consider it.

(X) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, it’d be fine. Probably.

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File 172132218686.jpg - (294.45KB, 1165x1320, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_yume_shokunin__720.jpg)

[1] Return it. Minimize the chance of getting the grudge of a wicked hermit.
[1] Break it. Set the witch back a bit, without the risk of creating a liability.
[3] Keep it. It was good to go already, and a godsend to any Kuda-gitsune.
[24] Replicate it. Perhaps the Grimoire had some information on how to study magical artifacts.

Reimu’s theory.
{24} Tell everyone your out-of-the-box theory.
{2} Keep it to yourself.

Kosuzu’s theory.
(1) …No. Who knew what the consequences of saying something like that would be?
(25-15) Well… as long as she gave the appropriate context, she’d be fine. Probably.

“I’m… going to try to replicate its effects.” Kosuzu smiled. “I’m hoping the spellbook can help me identify its workings.”

Yumemi surged forward. “YOU HAVE A SPELLBOOK?!” She leaned over the table. “CAN I SEE?!”

Kosuzu blinked, but nodded. “...Um, if you’re careful. I’ll get in trouble if it gets damaged, alright?”

Yachie hummed, thinking. “That’s probably the best long-term plan, with a trinket like that. If, of course, you’re up to it.” She smirked. “But… if you can, you’ll be far more than a common tube fox, that’s for sure.”

The fox gave a nervous smile. “I-I’m sure the book can help me. It’s really, really good.”

Keiki piped up. “Oh, if you want to look at creating a magical artifact, I’m sure I can help with the actual construction once you understand its process.” …Then, she let out an outright devious smirk. “...And you should consult my own tomes for magical artifacts. Perhaps my librarian in particular will be a boon to you, Kosuzu.”

Reimu raised an eyebrow, as Yachie’s face snapped up. Had Keiki really found one? In the animal realm? That… was rather shocking. It wasn’t exactly the place Reimu expected any of them would be.

Kosuzu looked mildly concerned, turning to Reimu. All the jidiao gave was a small smile, not wanting to spoil the surprise. “...You really should make the trip, if you’re studying that. She’s a craftswoman goddess, after all.”

The fox nodded, slowly. “...Alright. Once we’re all cleaned up.” Her ears flicked, and Reimu’s attention was brought to the bandage. Specifically, she’d used one of her purification amulets to do it - magically keeping blood in, and anything with ill intent - mundane or otherwise - out.

…Though, having that talisman on her ear…

The sound of grunting and straining broke her train of thought. She looked over to see Yumemi putting great strain into opening the book, and failing entirely. “Mmmmmph…”

Keiki gently put her hand on top of the book, putting it down. “Don’t try to force it, Yumemi. Chances are it’s magic that’s keeping it shut.” She pushed the book over to Kosuzu, who opened it without any issue. “I’d guess some sort of whitelist effect. Only openable if given permission beforehand - Yukari likely added her to the book to allow her to use it.”

Yachie let out a small scoff. The sculptor goddess turned to her, slightly indignant. “What’s that for, Yachie? You don’t think you can understand an artifact like that better than I can, do you?”

Yachie chuckled. “Of course not.” She sipped at her tea, smugly enjoying the Goddess’ annoyed expression. “Anyway, we should be focusing on investigating those potential leakers, no? We can leave these girls to do their own research.”

Kosuzu looked up. Seeming hesitant. She spoke slowly, awkwardly. “...Um. There might be one more that I can think of.”

Keiki turned to her, surprised. Yachie didn’t visibly react at all, though she did speak up. “And who would that be?”

“...My mother.” She looked down, awkwardly. Reimu clenched her fists, slowly.

Keiki tilted her head. “I’m… I’m sure your mother wouldn’t want to put you in harm’s way, dear.”

Kosuzu shook her head. “No, it’s… it’s not like that.” She looked up. “Um… how do I explain this? …My mother’s never someone to work just from one side. She’s always looking out for ways to try and curry favors with other factions, so she can use them later. Gain intel, gain understanding, gain some sort of ability to influence them from the inside.” She looked up. “My mom doesn’t know about the book yet. So she wouldn’t be able to tell them that.”

Reimu bristled a bit. “So she gave them a tipoff just for favors later? We were all in real danger there, you know.” Kosuzu flinched, and Reimu caught herself a bit too late. “...Sorry. That was a bit out of line.”

Yachie’s eyes were locked on Kosuzu. “It’s… possible her intention was a just-too-late tipoff. If Seiga had only gotten there when your group was leaving or had already left, she would have been even more useless.”

The fox sagged a little. “I’m sorry… It's my fault. I screwed up the plan and got the door stuck. If we’d gotten out faster…”

Yachie… gave a sympathetic smile, and shook her head. “Hardly. If her intention was to provide such a tipoff, she should have accounted for any delays. Besides, in my own eyes, this is the best outcome.”

Kosuzu looked up, as the Kiketsu matriarch continued. “You not only succeeded in your mission, you managed to directly defy their attempt to cut you off and leave them weaker for trying. And in a way that makes the one who gave them the tipoff seem unreliable.” She smirked. “If it was your mother, she would have lost any trust she would have hoped to build there. And I’d rather someone not try to sneak my secrets into that dullard horse’s ears, even if they think I’d thank them for it later.”

The jidiao kept sipping away. “In my eyes, the need to grasp every lever of control directly is weak. A sign of one whose ambition outstrips her abilities. One should only set up complex systems of direct influence if they truly must, or they risk ruining all their potential allies at once.”

She turned to face Kosuzu head on, her voice taking on a teacherly tone. “If one butterfly in a rainforest can flap its wings, and bring about a great storm, one doesn’t need to control the storm, or the rainforest. One only needs to control the butterfly.”

Reimu nodded, sagely. Yukari was much the same, now that she thought about it. Always trying to control just a little bit, rather than shape all of Gensokyo. …If only the heiress was as good at it as her mother. …Ah, but she’d figure it out.

The young fox looked up at Reimu’s mother, seeming cautious. “You’re… not gonna be mad at me?”

“Not at you, no.” The matriarch smiled, baring her fangs. “But your mother and I will likely be having quite a talk, if she turns out to be the culprit. Wisdom is knowing which levers to pull. I hope you learn to be wiser than Tsukasa.” She looked around the table. “Well. That was the third I’d had in mind - I got a glimpse of that nature for myself earlier, while we were talking. Complexity being seen as a sign of quality. Common fault of the ambitious ones.”

Reimu piped up. “Actually… I had a fourth, myself.” She stood up, gesturing. “They’d be an outside influence, but… it comes from my knowledge of last time. There’s someone out here who I don’t think would sit idly by in an incident like this. In fact… there’s a good chance they’d seek to get their hands on one of us, by any means necessary. And they might have done so already.”

Kosuzu turned her head to her, surprised. “...You think Akyuu might be being controlled?”

“...Either that, or…” The jidiao paused, debating. No, this would explain her gut feelings pretty well. “Either that, or they’re behind the Pyres.” Kosuzu let out a gasp, as Reimu took a moment to focus herself.

…Right. No holding back, now.

She looked up. “I suspect this tipoff is part of a conspiracy. At the hands of the Moriya Shrine.”

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>She looked up. “I suspect this tipoff is part of a conspiracy. At the hands of the Moriya Shrine.”


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I knew Reimu was going to go a Waaaayyy different direction tha I had assumed she would when i voted for it! Dangnabbit Reimu!

...you know her instinct may have misfired, but it wad weirdly close at the same time. Yeah they were involved with a tip off, and the Pyres. But the tip off was for Youmu (and that was Chiyuri.) And the pyres bit was because Suwako had turned into one. Neither of which had to do with Seiga or Kosuzu...

Oh heavens we have Youmu working one side to distrust Yachie... And now we have Reimu working to mistakenly work the other to mistrust Moriya... This is going to be a hilariously confusing clash when the two developing factions come together isn't it?

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I have no idea where Reimu is coming from here. Come to think of it, does she even know Sanae is missing yet?

Though I suppose if she had heard, it kind-of makes sense that the Moriya Shrine would stop at nothing to get an IC for information. That's sort-of what happened in Youmu's arc if you squint.

Also, Kosuzu getting active support from Keiki and Yachie is heartwarming.

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It's a Moriya shrine kon-spiracy!

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She doesn't know anything about Tenshi or Sanae or why the Moriya shrine (Suwako) wanted an IC. All the information she has only comes from Akyuu's letter and the Tengu crows invading the human village by Kosuzu.

Also the entire youmu arc happened yesterday, I doubt she knows anything else.

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Looks like Youmu is going to be thinking Reimu is kon-promised due to Yachie(and potentially Kosuzu thanks thanks to Tsukasa) whereas Reimu will think Youmu(and maybe Akyuu) is compromised due to the Moriya konspiracy. Absolute scenes.

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Reimu's instincts have tipped her off that Moriya is involved with a tip off regarding the ICs and the pyres, but she misinterpreted it from a lack of context.

Granted the others should(?) Be able to point the issues of logistics there. How would Moriya be able to learn... Well any of the info needed for the tip off? That the three were going to be at the werehouse? And how would either of the goddesses be in contact with Seiga to tell her of such?

Also, do we have any guesses on who Keiki's new librarian is? Sounds like it isn't a Haniwa... They would be a spirit here in the animal realm? Right?

And also can i say that mamachie just continues to be awesome? I don't know about canon her, but R/R Yachie is one of my favorite characters here! And the trust between her and Keiki as they work and counsel together here is great. And being comfortable enough to poke fun at each other like with Yachie's snort there.

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what's with the sudden switch to reimu's pov instead of kosuzu's? i'm not complaining, just curious.

hm. for all we went on about reimu's instinct, i think we forgot about the fact that instint doesn't necessarily mean it's correct. i mean, she's not entirely wrong, the moriya shrine does have an interest in the immaterial children. they're involved with a tip-off regarding them. just. not the way she thinks they do.

she suspects something's wrong with the moriyas, at least. akyuu states that reimu also asked her to give a recount of the moriya's history. nothing about sanae, but she definitely suspects something's not right about them, seeing as she's written notes and questions about their actions before pofv (which shouldn't have been a thing in the first timeline). no time for news about sanae or youmu to have made it to the animal realm, youmu's arc happened just yesterday. youmu didn't learn the truth about sanae until the night of, and the letters are gonna take a while to send- even if youmu's closer and sends a letter of her own, as of right now it's likely she's headed up to the netherworld instead of writing one.

i don't think we were wrong to trust reimu's intuition- it's really, really good. but i do think she's misreading her instincts here- something being wrong with the moriya and general bad feeling about the tip-off making her jump to the wrong conclusions. she's shown to have done that in canon, but i guess we'll wait and see how true her guess ends up being, huh...

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Damn it. This is why I wanted to have Reimu keep the trap shut and give Kosuzu the floor.

The Moriya will probably get a pass once they're investigated. Akyuu probably will, too, and it will make her redouble her instinct/hypnosis resistance training, but it will probably wast shitloads of Keiki and Yachies time/resources.

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Reimu's instinct always worked like that: she's only pointed towards the goal more or less, but doesn't know how or why (that's why she ends up fighting against unrelated people at first most of the time).

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>> Complexity being seen as a sign of quality. Common fault of the ambitious ones.

Yachie preaching the wisdom of a certain programmer prophet. "Keep it simple, stupid!"

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For some reason, the latest update has increased my doubt of Tsukasa's guilt.

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On the upside here, at least Reimu's interpretation of her instincts are out in the open? Though whether that means that it ends up being headed off by someone in the room pointing out the issues with the idea... or that all it ends up doing is leaving Kosuzu standing/floating beside Akyuu as they both watch the oncoming trainwreck between Reimu and Youmu develop... or possibly not past the palms that they have put in their own faces respectively.

I am hoping we're about to be interrupted by an urgent letter arriving via... whatever the Rabbit gang's name is. (because I'd think that not only is there 2 more Immaterial children to look for... But also that there was a fight with a Pyre would be a priority message that Akyuu would want to get to Reimu NOW. regardless of if Tewi is cooperative, or that Akyuu owes her one. (or whatever method of delivery Akyuu would use, Tewi just sounds like the best one on hand for her, even if a favour ends up being owed.)
anyways, the urgent letter would probably recontextualize Reimu's instincts and head off her theory here... but that would be too convenient, wouldn't it?

a little follow up to my post of >>210752 unlike with Ichi&go who has knowledge of the future (and was invovled wit hteh planning.) or with Yukari who can just peep in with her Gaps, what does Moriya have that would be able to observe that the trio was at the werehouse and that Seiga needed to intercept them?

I'm guessing that she thinks that Moriya knowing about Kosuzu at all was via Megumu? but how would either goddess convey that information? who does she think is the courier for that information? (maybe she's going to piggyback that to Tsukasa?)

also I have a feeling that if Kosuzu had gone to check out the idea by herself Tsukasa would have given her the "you were supposed to be gone by the time she arrived, what delayed you?" spiel, and without Yachie's followup about how delays should be factored in, Kosuzu would have been guilt tripped to accept the explanation...

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You know that's not how intuition/instinct works, right? It's not magically generating information from nowhere. It's a subconscious process by which information that would otherwise be filtered out or otherwise go unnoticed by the conscious mind is interpreted, compared, and synthesised into (hopefully) useful conclusions, which are then received by the conscious mind. It can appear baseless, since the conscious mind never even knows it has that information (much less how the conclusion was reached from it) and it can be unreliable because you can't go back and double check the process, but it's a real and valid expression of intelligence.

For what it's worth, I think Reimu's probably not wrong on the level of "the Moriya Shrine is suspect and probably working behind the scenes," she's just taking that conclusion further than she can support by assuming they're responsible for her current problems. It's not like that's never happened before. It's not like that's never happened with specifically Kanako before.

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well it is Reimu's intuition, in Gensokyo... so it quite possibly could be magical, or some flavour of supernatural here.

as a couple of us have pointed out, Reimu's intuition was spot on on 2 pieces of information, one of which she could not have been informed of by this point (namely, the invovlement of a Pyre with the Moriyas.) the problem is that Reimu's intuition, supernatural or not, does not give full context and so Reimu here has misinterpreted the particulars. Thus our current pickle.

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Now that you mention it, it is true that for Reimu, some of the "otherwise unnoticed" information is any nearby gods talking among each other/to themselves/to her, which does give her a leg up over everyone else.

Sorry, I spoke a little too soon. I just have a chip on my shoulder about the devaluation of irrational modes of knowledge.

... it occurs to me that WAHH established that Reimu is a really good oracle who can reliably and frequently get accurate prophecies out of the gods... and that she does that mostly as a side attraction at her shrine for a quick buck, and basically never for anything else. I guess that's Reimu for you!

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cirno crying

This was just a conspiracy/intuition joke.

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Yeah, I was out of line. Sorry.

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There was a sizable reaction. Mayumi tilted her head, confused. Kosuzu looked outright shocked. Yumemi was predictably lost, and Keiki and Mama were both listening intently.

“I’ve mentioned to a few of you that… something has been bugging me about the Moriya Shrine. Something about the history related to it feels… wrong, and I don’t know why.”

Kosuzu nodded, slowly. “Yeah, I felt that way too… but we should be able to trust Akyuu’s memory, right?”

Reimu raised a finger. “Unless it’s been compromised, somehow. Maybe there is something wrong, and she’s messing with their history to let us subtly know, or something. And, frankly, it’d be strange for them not to get involved in an incident this big. They’re always up to some zany scheme.”

Mayumi was deep in thought. “So. You think the reason Akyuu’s timeline feels off to you is because it’s compromised by the gods of the Moriya Shrine?”

Reimu started to pace. “And they are, technically, the gods the Tengu worship. It’s most likely that they joined in on the crow’s efforts to find Youmu. Maybe they even did something like lure her to the surface, where the tengu could catch her out. And likewise, they might have known your mother came down here, and hoped to use the Keiga to snuff you or even both of us out.” She hummed. “Keeping their hands, technically, squeaky-clean both times.”

Kosuzu looked up at her. “Reimu, that’s… possible, I guess. But would the Moriya really destroy the world?”

Reimu let out a mirthless chuckle. “You would be genuinely surprised at how close they’ve come to doing exactly that.” …Kicchou Reimu did note, however, that said disaster wasn’t their intention. But right now, it was her other half speaking, and she deferred to that judgment. “My gut is telling me - right at the core of this incident, I’m sure the Moriya are involved. And them being involved by being the masterminds makes a lot of sense to me.”

…Keiki coughed. “...Well. We’ll… keep them in mind, but perhaps it’s better for us to investigate our more convenient leads first.” Reimu had to concede that point - it’d be easier to rule out possibilities of people who were more available than being literally across the Sanzu River, and up a mountain.

She turned to her Mama. “Where are they, by the way? Ichi, Yukari, and Tsukasa, I mean.”

Yachie scowled. “All three of our more convenient suspects are out, for one reason or another. Chen as well, in fact. But they all know that we’re setting ourselves up here, so we suspect they’ll be along soon enough.”

Keiki nodded. “We’ll enquire into their whereabouts tonight; any that don’t match up, we’ll let you know. In the meantime…” She smiled, gently. “I think you girls have earned a little break.”

Kosuzu sat up. “Mmmm… well, if it’s alright, Lady Keiki, I’d like to check out that library, if it’s possible.” She was putting on a polite air, but… Reimu chuckled. Kosuzu’s tail was giving up her true excitement.

“Oooh! Oooh!” Yumemi hopped up. “Um- I wanna learn more about how you make haniwa! Can I go check out your production lines?”

Reimu and Mayumi shared a glance. There was a moment of understanding between them. The quiet repository of the library was a long way away from the ever-sounding construction lines. It’d be difficult to take the girls to both locations, even for a tour, before dinner came along.

[ ] Prioritize the Library first. Maybe Yumemi would find the info she needs there.
[ ] Go to the production lines. Perhaps learning more about the construction stuff there would help Kosuzu learn more.
[ ] Pair up and split up. Divide and conquer, so everyone’s seen what they wanted to by dinner.

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The swap to Reimu PoV here is interesting, I'd say. I can't remember if Youmu's arc had any full shifts to Akyuu's PoV or not. Either way, this is getting complicated, and I hope Youmu's revelation can reach Reimu soon. Either way!

[X] Prioritize the Library first. Maybe Yumemi would find the info she needs there.
I never like splitting the party, and I do feel like Kosuzu is probably the one that needs more help than Yumemi right now. Plus, Yumemi's gonna grow up as a child prodigy and become a college professor by the age of 18. Girl's gonna love sticking her nose in a good book.

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[X] Pair up and split up. Divide and conquer, so everyone’s seen what they wanted to by dinner.

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[X] Prioritize the Library first. Maybe Yumemi would find the info she needs there.

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I don't think there's a right or wrong option here. We're in a safe zone, with no apparent risk. Library would advance Kosuzu's research, I assume going to the production lines would not. Dividing doesn't seem bad either, but we might lose on info from the ones that didn't go with Kosuzu.
For now, until someone makes a good argument against, I vote:

[X] Prioritize the Library first. Maybe Yumemi would find the info she needs there.
- [X] Try to convince Yumemi to go there using fox form. If that doesn't work, use your sad puppy face.

I feel that Yumemi would have a hard time saying no after that. Pic related.

Source of the translation:
Original image:

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[X] Prioritize the Library first. Maybe Yumemi would find the info she needs there.
- [X] Try to convince Yumemi to go there using fox form. If that doesn't work, use your sad puppy face.

Given what we've just pulled, I really don't want to split up, and I think Kosuzu's research takes priority.

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[X] Pair up and split up. Divide and conquer, so everyone’s seen what they wanted to by dinner.


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[X] Go to the production lines. Perhaps learning more about the construction stuff there would help Kosuzu learn more.

Maybe we could learn something about cosntructing our own golems, or learn about their weaknesses if Keiki and her lot... become a problem.

Plus, by watching an learning how the Haniwa are profuced, we could write a book on it! Or "acquire" a manual for Haniwa production/schematics. Would Keiki even need such a thing? Probably, if she's wanting to expand with production. Can't do all the work herself.

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[X] Go to the production lines. Perhaps learning more about the construction stuff there would help Kosuzu learn more.

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[X] Pair up and split up. Divide and conquer, so everyone's seen what they wanted to by dinner.
- [X] And maybe take a chaperone each?

we're in a safe zone right now, and if nothing goes to hell before dinner (hoping i'm not jinxing anything here) we can swap information then. on the off chance that we can't make it to dinner, then at least each pair of girls have someone else with them.

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[X] Pair up and split up. Divide and conquer, so everyone’s seen what they wanted to by dinner.

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[X] Prioritize the Library first. Maybe Yumemi would find the info she needs there.
- [X] Try to convince Yumemi to go there using fox form. If that doesn't work, use your sad puppy face.

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I prefer that they focus on one thing, it won't be like the choice of the ring that in the end Kosuzu didn't find anything because she didn't specialize in looking for something specific.

[X] Prioritize the Library first. Maybe Yumemi would find the info she needs there.
- [X] Try to convince Yumemi to go there using fox form. If that doesn't work, use your sad puppy face.

maybe find a book like "how to build a haniwa 101"

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Giving you the benefit of the doubt about Keiki (which I very much doubt will turn against us, at least willingly). As for their weakness, Reimu knows the haniwa already, she fought against them in the previous timeline(s?). It's not that they are super powerful either, just effective against spirits.

Why would Kosuzu get sidetracked on trying to replicate the hairpin's effects? Making our own golems is not a priority right now.

Agreed on that we can share information if everything goes well after splitting up. As for chaperones for both groups, (for example) Kosuzu going with Reimu and Yachie to the library opens the possibility to watching more of their regular day to day (maybe), I like that. As long as they're not paired with regular haniwas... (both Yachie and Keiki might be busy right now).

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Admittedly my suspicion of Keiki is unfounded, and creating golems is a long shot. But the children long for the factory.Finding a weakness in the Haniwa isn't so redundant - Reimu is more of a brute strength type, and her knowledge of the Haniwas is probably very good in terms of their tactics and attacks, but not in terms of their biology/construction. The knowledge of where to hit for best effect could be useful for our lower power teammates should the need arise. I also personally keep note of the weaknesses of everyone I know, and let me tell you, it does wonders for your mental health, relationship stability, and social standing!

But as an extra point, I predict that this option could lead to a "power-up" for Yumemi and/or Mayumi, just like how the library option is a power-up for Kosuzu. "Come hither, Mayumi-san, so I can install a water cooling system in you before you seal up those cracks..."

But, to shoot myself in the foot here, maybe the library option would be better because I think that hairpin has to be super cursed. Better to avoid a potential threat by replicating it and thus not being dependent on it, than gambling on a power-up... I admit as well that my choice was influenced by the fact Yumemi's one of my favourites...

Alright, I'm in agreement with you now. But I'll allow myself a write-in as well, to make sure my girl's not missing out:

[UNDO] Go to the production lines. Perhaps learning more about the construction stuff there would help Kosuzu learn more.

[X] Prioritize the Library first. Maybe Yumemi would find the info she needs there.

- [X] Try to convince Yumemi to go there using fox form. If that doesn't work, use your sad puppy face.

- [X] When we arrive at the library, make sure that Yumemi's not left out. Let her study with Kosuzu, or refer her to the librarian to find something she'd like to study herself.

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Sorry, I'm >>210773. forgot to put that in the post there.

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Let me admit that you do make a good point about a possible power up there for Mayumi. Maybe Yumemi can improve her design a little?
But yeah, the hairpin should be priority I think.

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Even if it is a peaceful area, I am still worried about splitting them up right now, we have 3 potential sources of the leak out and about right now that might show up with one of the groups... I know which one I'm thinking of, but regardless I'd rather have as many supportive people around Kosuzu right now. as for choosing the library first, Yumemi seems to have largely recovered from the danger, meanwhile Kosuzu just had to seriously theorise that her own mother might've just put her in danger, on top of everything else so far this day. so I feel a little comfort reading is in order

[X] Prioritize the Library first. Maybe Yumemi would find the info she needs there.
- [X] Try to convince Yumemi to go there using fox form. If that doesn't work, use your sad puppy face.
-[X] also make up for the delay by introducing Yumemi to the wonders of Youma books,
--[X]while not likely in Keiki's Library, try to find a youma book with either a particular amount and/or type of Youma energy it is manifesting for to show to Yumemi.

A good chunk of Kosuzu's enjoyment of the Youma books was the Youkai/Youma energy she could feel while reading them so with Youmemi's interesting in magic, even if Kosuzu had to read it for her.

also for our librarian, is there any PC-98 characters it could be?

of the characters interested in books,

Kosuzu: well, she's right here, so its not her

Akyuu: above ground, can't be her...

Patchouli: The Unmoving Great Library? outside of the SDM? probably not.
- Koakuma: I mean, more likely than Patchouli? but not by much? unless Patchouli and/or Remilia had her here to help prep for Remilia's proper incident?

Kiene?: a stretch, but she was a teacher?

The last one I can think of actually makes sense on a couple of points, while as a librarian she is not directly learning from Keiki, being able to work in some capacity for her, and be able to access her creation research in the library would be an incredible boon to her goals that she would have right about now...

Are we about to run into Alice?!

Or does anyone else have an idea who the librarian might be?

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From PC-98 I can see Elis or maybe Ellen. It would be funny if it were Ellen in her alternate colors so she briefly gets mistaken for Marisa lol.

Another possible librarian could be Unnamed book-reading youkai Tokiko, but unlikely?

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[X] Prioritize the Library first. Maybe Yumemi would find the info she needs there.
- [X] Try to convince Yumemi to go there using fox form. If that doesn't work, use your sad puppy face.

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[X] Prioritize the Library first. Maybe Yumemi would find the info she needs there.
- [X] Try to convince Yumemi to go there using fox form. If that doesn't work, use your sad puppy face.
-[X] also make up for the delay by introducing Yumemi to the wonders of Youma books,
--[X]while not likely in Keiki's Library, try to find a youma book with either a particular amount and/or type of Youma energy it is manifesting for to show to Yumemi.

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For some reason, my gut wants to say Eika, even though I can't imagine her leaving her duties at the River, or why she'd be a librarian at all. I guess maybe as a favour to her little sister? As a candidate, all she has going for her is access to the afterlives and a non-violent disposition.

But I think you're right, Alice is the safest bet. Known to travel between otherworlds, works with golem-adjacent magic, and works with books. Mind you, keeping a library is a separate skill entirely from using them, but nevertheless.

Let's find out! And make a possibly catastrophic introduction in the process!

[X] Prioritize the Library first. Maybe Yumemi would find the info she needs there.
- [X] Try to convince Yumemi to go there using fox form. If that doesn't work, use your sad puppy face.
-[X] also make up for the delay by introducing Yumemi to the wonders of Youma books,
--[X]while not likely in Keiki's Library, try to find a youma book with either a particular amount and/or type of Youma energy it is manifesting for to show to Yumemi.

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Actually, wait, no. Keine has been conspicuously missing for quite a while, if I'm remembering right. And she's a divine beast... at least once out of every moon cycle... so she'd probably be able to vanish into the crowds in the Animal Realm. And she is staunchly human-aligned, which gives her a reason to be involved with Keiki, and she is an educator, which is somewhat adjacent to being a librarian.

Is this where she's been?

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I just want to point out that according to Reimu, Keiki was looking for a group rather than any specific individual:
>Reimu raised an eyebrow, as Yachie’s face snapped up. Had Keiki really found one? In the animal realm? That… was rather shocking. It wasn’t exactly the place Reimu expected any of them would be.

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well I was thinking Reimu was thinking of any sort of Librarians, not sure why there wouldn't be one among the human spirits so you might be right? but I don't know what sort of specific group that isn't librarians Reimu (and Yachie) would be thinking of...? also:

>Had Keiki really found one?

and one of said group, so...? yeah I dunno. I think my though process holds, but it looks like we'll be finding out!

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That seems to me to say that Keiki was looking for one librarian, and that Reimu didn't think there were any librarians at all in the Animal Realm.

Keiki also refers to "my librarian," singular, so even if she were looking for multiple, she only found one.

Or did you mean to say that you don't think Keiki was looking for one specific librarian? That's a fair assessment, but I don't think anyone made that claim - only guessed at who the librarian she found was.

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Counting to >>210787:
Main Choice:
[11] Prioritize the Library first. Maybe Yumemi would find the info she needs there.
[1] Go to the production lines. Perhaps learning more about the construction stuff there would help Kosuzu learn more.
[4] Pair up and split up. Divide and conquer, so everyone’s seen what they wanted to by dinner.

Potential Additions:
For [x] Prioritize the Library first:
-[9] Try to convince Yumemi to go there using fox form. If that doesn't work, use your sad puppy face. (>>210770, >>210771, >>210777, >>210778, >>210780, >>210783, >>210785, >>210786, >>210787)
-[1] When we arrive at the library, make sure that Yumemi's not left out. Let her study with Kosuzu, or refer her to the librarian to find something she'd like to study herself. (>>210780)
-[3] Also make up for the delay by introducing Yumemi to the wonders of Youma books. (>>210783, >>210786, >>210787)
--[3] Try to find a Youma book with either a particular amount and/or type of Youma energy it is manifesting for to show to Yumemi. (>>210783, >>210786, >>210787)

For [x] Pair up and split up:
-[1] And maybe take a chaperone each? (>>210775)


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[X] Prioritize the Library first. Maybe Yumemi would find the info she needs there.

Yeah this makes the most sense. I wouldn't mind splitting up either since there is no immediate danger but it's probably more of a pain to write and follow. This seems like more of a "what do you want writing-wise" choice than even a slightly meaningful story choice.

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[X] Prioritize the Library first. Maybe Yumemi would find the info she needs there.

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a clarification of a part of my spellcard suggestion, the "characters" is supposed to be 'Kanji" instead, I blanked on what the word was.

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[14] Prioritize the Library first. Maybe Yumemi would find the info she needs there.
[1] Go to the production lines. Perhaps learning more about the construction stuff there would help Kosuzu learn more.
[4] Pair up and split up. Divide and conquer, so everyone’s seen what they wanted to by dinner.
-[3] Also make up for the delay by introducing Yumemi to the wonders of Youma books.

“It’s a bit tricky to get to both places in any reasonable time.” Reimu said, shrugging. “The library is about as far from the industrial district as possible.”

Mayumi nodded. “Would it be worth splitting up, then?”

The jidiao shook her head. “It’s… a bit early for that, I think. There may be retaliation from the Keiga. Better to stick together, just in case.”

She turned to the two potentially needing directions. Yumemi was pleading with her… but Kosuzu was hitting her full-force with the puppy dog look. Tail limp, ears back... everything short of actually becoming a pup. And Reimu had always struggled to resist her. “And with that in mind… I think it’s best if we go to the Library first.” Well, if she had even a hunch of who that librarian was, that was an absolute priority anyways.

Her mother bristled a bit… but that was to be expected. But Reimu would rather go all in on facilitating that particular meeting than try and play games with the young bookkeeper. Not about this. Yumemi, meanwhile, turned to plead with Reimu.

“Come on, please…! I wanna learn more about how these haniwa are made! There’s so many interesting things here…”

Kosuzu putting a steadying hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, if you wanna learn more about magic…” Her eyes were gleaming. “Wait until you get some hands on some Youma books. You’ll feel the magic coming right off the pages.”

That seemed to be appropriately convincing, though Reimu made a note to vet any books Yumemi was supposed to handle herself. She stood up, nodding to the two girls. “Well… with that said, let’s get cleaned up and ready to go, shall we?”

“So you two come from an alternate timeline?!”

Reimu carefully reached out, stopping Yumemi from crossing the sidewalk absent-mindedly. A second later, her hand shot out to pull back Kosuzu, for much the same reason.

“Basically. We were both humans, that time. But… things went really, really bad, so… we’re here to try to change the future.”

Mayumi turned to Reimu, an eyebrow raised. “...Should you really be telling her all this?”

The jidiao nodded. “Might as well. After all, she’s a time traveler herself.”

Kosuzu’s head whipped around, looking at Reimu in shock. “EH?!” Yumemi, meanwhile, puffed out her chest.

The jidiao let the two girls go, and started crossing briskly. “When I met her last time, - in the old timeline - I was younger, but she was a lot older. And she said even then that she came from the future.” She gestured to the young girl. “And I’m sure she’s doing the exact same here, too.”

“Yep!” Yumemi thumped her chest. “The Probability Space Vessel is a time machine!”

She could see the other two processing that. Making the connection she knew they would. Yumemi continued on, undaunted.

“But it’s surprising your travel allows you to change the timeline! The current scientific theories - current from my time - can’t account for that. Of course, the current scientific theories also can’t account for how Kosuzu manages to spontaneously shapeshift without exploding into a pile of gore, and scientific theory is never truly resolved- actually, how do you-”

Kosuzu interrupted, hastily. “So, your time travel… you can’t change history with it?”

She shook her head. “Nope. I invented the machine originally so I could make sure I submitted an assignment I’d forgotten about before the due date. But no matter what I did, I’d find myself unable to get it in place. And then I realized a bunch of weird stuff I’d seen over that week were my other attempts to submit it on time!”

The other three girls pondered that, for a good few seconds. “...Question.” Mayumi raised her hand. “If it’s a time machine… how did you end up here?”

The girl who apparently found creating time machines easier than setting reminders hummed, rubbing her chin. “Just before I started… I saw a weird girl in a red robe right by my time machine. Maybe she did something to it? I didn’t get time to examine the PSV when I crashed, so…”

Oh, absolutely. “Maybe.” Reimu shrugged. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out someday.”

She turned a corner, and the building appeared before them. “Mayumi, you’re sure the librarian you mean is working today?”

She nodded, emphatically. “Yes! I called ahead and made sure.”

The girl in question rubbed her chin. “What’s so special about this librarian, anyways? Are they some special haniwa with a function that will help me study?”

“They’re not a haniwa.” Mayumi had a slightly playful tone to her voice. “They’re a human spirit.”

“As for the special function… Ehhhh…” Reimu shrugged. “I’d be surprised if they have much knowledge of magical artifacts or anything. But I still think you’ll appreciate meeting them.”

The four girls walked up to the doors, up a small flight of steps. Reimu could feel the fox’s tail whapping against her, in excitement. “Ahhhh… even the smell…” She took a deep breath. “Ah, this place… this is a good library, I can tell.”

Reimu grinned. “Bet it’s bringing back memories of Suzunaan?”

“It is, it is!” Kosuzu’s tail was wagging ever more fiercely. “Ahhh…” She practically bounded up the steps, all-but leaping inside. Yumemi was only a few steps behind her.

Reimu chuckled, turning to Mayumi. “Let’s get inside before they run off, hmm? I’ll peel Yumemi away, so you can do the introductions.”

The haniwa gave a thumbs up. “Yes ma’am. Meet back somewhere in the middle tables, yeah?” Reimu nodded, and the two of them stepped inside.

It was a grand library, three stories all told. It showed the signs of Keiki’s particular tastes on full display - largely well-wrought metallic shelving, with little lights across the edge of the shelf to serve as various indicators. And the books themselves… There had to be an upper limit to how many a library needed, no? And even if spirits had more time than the living, there’d be no way to possibly read them all. Even an immortal couldn’t hope to do it.

But that didn’t mean some wouldn’t try. Especially if they were excitable young foxes with the ability to read any language. The loudest sound in the entire library was the steady whap-whap-whap of Kosuzu’s tail flapping against Yumemi, who was similarly spellbound..

“So many books…”

The sound - not to mention being four living girls in the land of the dead - attracted no small number of onlookers. But nobody said anything, not even a whisper. For a moment, Reimu mused on the matter. Perhaps they were simply too shocked to see them? After all, with her ring in place, it looked like there were two living humans in there. Perhaps that fact alone had stunned them into silence.

…Her past self arose, with a gentle reminder. Of exactly what kind of establishment they were in. She shook her head to clear it, trying to focus. “C-come on, Yumemi. I’ll get you started on some safe youma books.”

Kosuzu spun around. The sound of her tail switched to the off-beats. “Oooh, ooh! Can I come see, too?”

Mayumi took her shoulder, chuckling. “First, let’s go meet the Librarian. I’m sure they’re dying to meet you.”

The fox turned to Reimu to plead, but puppy-dog eyes wouldn’t work this time. Reimu just smirked. “Trust me, Kosuzu. Delay even a second longer than you have to, and you’ll regret it.”

The fox nodded, dubiously. “If you say so…” She turned to Mayumi, and the haniwa marched her off to the main office.

Yumemi turned to Reimu, excited. “Where are we going?”

The jidiao chuckled. “We’re going up to the second floor. The magic-but-not-dangerous books are up there.” She slowly turned back to the other pair. “...And trust me, if I’m right about who’s there… you’re not going to want to miss the show.”

“Miss Receptionist?” The secretary haniwa looked at the approaching soldier, momentarily shocked at her diminutive stature.. “Can you please let Mr. Mabuchi know me and Kosuzu have arrived?”

The receptionist’s face lit up, and she scurried away. Kosuzu turned to the haniwa, curious. “How many books are even in this library? A hundred-thousand? A million?”

Mayumi turned to her. “I believe about a million unique tomes on the shelves. More in long-term storage.” The sheer volume, and the casual nature in which it was delivered, blew Kosuzu away. A million? A million?

She turned around, again. …It certainly seemed possible. And wow, if it was… She really could spend the rest of her life here.

It wasn’t just the number of books, either. Just something about it brought up memories of home - her old home. Of Suzunaan.

…She’d never been that deep in the village, in this life. Her mother’d never let her get that far into it, until the Shrine Maiden started to decline. And then, it had been such a tense, jittery place… they never got to really ply their tricks when everyone was already on pins and needles, and the various youkai acting to keep the tenuous order did their best to retrain them.

Her mother had always hated that. Hated getting pushed around by them. Always wanting to sneak in and cause trouble. Sometimes just to prove she could.

Kosuzu heard the ringing of the door behind them. An older gentleman’s voice sounded. “Ah, Mayumi. I heard you’ve brought the foxy little lady here?”

Kosuzu turned. There was a large stack of books being carried by old, weathered hands. She paused, before stepping forward. “Um, do you need a hand with that, sir?”

“I-if you wouldn’t mind, that would be lovely. Just stack them on my desk, here.” Kosuzu reached up, taking a ten-stack of his books off him. “Kosuzu, I assume? The foxy young Motoori whisked away?”

“Ah, you knew about that?” There was a pleasant scent in the air. The scent of… someone. “I’m surprised that a librarian spirit knows tidbits like that. Did Mayumi tell you about what happened to me?”

“Actually, some parts I told her, first.” He took on a playful tone. “And I’m told you have some memories of the life that you would have had?”

“Mmmmm. Various bits.” She smiled, thinking back to the memories. “You know, it’s funny, Mr. Mabuchi.” She set the books down, and turned back. “You have the same name as my-”

A bald head. Bright red eyes, that she both hadn’t seen in years and seen only minutes ago, when she’d looked in a mirror. And a face creased with the marks of an old, jolly man.

A very familiar jolly old man.

Kosuzu’s ears flicked back. Her tail shot between her legs. She stammered, trying to keep her fangs hidden, even as she spoke.

“G…” She gulped. “G-grampa?”

Introduce herself as a...
[ ] Kuda-gitsune.
[ ] Kitsune.
[ ] Don't name a specific subspecies.

( ) First question: What was he doing here? In the Animal Realm? He had died by this time in her last life, too, but surely he wasn't meant to be here?
( ) No, wait, did he say he told Mayumi some bits? Did he know about her being a youkai, somehow?

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[X] Prioritize the Library first. Maybe Yumemi would find the info she needs there.
- [X] Try to convince Yumemi to go there using fox form. If that doesn't work, use your sad puppy face.

We are not forklift certified and should therefore avoid construction sites. Also lets us see what's up with that librarian.

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[X] Kitsune.
(X) First question: What was he doing here? In the Animal Realm? He had died by this time in her last life, too, but surely he wasn't meant to be here?

Finally another family reunion. cannot wait for the Suzu to interact with her human family in the village

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[X] Kitsune.

(X) No, wait, did he say he told Mayumi some bits? Did he know about her being a youkai, somehow?

well... the appearance of kosuzu's grandfather is canon although only one page of the manga appeared lol

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Ah, got my last one in too late. Anyway,

[X] Don't name a specific subspecies.
(X) No, wait, did he say he told Mayumi some bits? Did he know about her being a youkai, somehow?

Let's see how much grandpa knows. Pretty unexpected place for a reunion though.

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[X] Kitsune.
(X) No, wait, did he say he told Mayumi some bits? Did he know about her being a youkai, somehow?

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[X] Kitsune.
(X) No, wait, did he say he told Mayumi some bits? Did he know about her being a youkai, somehow?

I kind of feel bad about "lying" to her grandfather by omission about her new species, but I think it's better that way for now and in the long run.

Interesting twist. I can't wait to see where this leads.

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I almost want to see if I could write in something along the lines of, well both. she's specifically a Kuda-gitsune, but as Yukari pointed out the line between being one of those and a Kitsune in general is not set in stone, and she's been doing amazing with Kitsune magic... from the sounds of it better than her training with the Kuda-gitsune magic...

so something along the lines of "the Kuda-gitsune sub-species of Kitsune." and talking about how she's able to pick up kitsune magic very quickly and so that distinction might not matter soon? or something like that?

It sounds like Kosuzu's grandfather was hired very recently from the way that Yachie and Reimu reacted, If I had to guess, Keiki probably sought him out knowing that Kosuzu was one of the ICs from Reimu just in case Kosuzu ended up here in some form or another. The only other idea, that even can be tied to the first, is that he's here thanks to EIki and not that he was a part of the human spirit population in the first place? (Reimu didn't think that Keiki could have found them in the animal realm. so maybe he wasn't and was sent? especially since Youki probably reported to Eiki personally after the first arc.)

Though speaking of Eiki, Seiga probably want to be careful right now since she doesn't have her escape tool (unless she has some sort of backup.) if the Yama catch wind, well Komachi might show up to deal with an actual hermit... eventually... after a nap... and a chess game...

Ok so Seiga probably doesn't have to worry too much.

also what was Reimu reacting about when she was looking at the sealing talisman of Kosuzu's ear...?

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[ ] Kitsune.

'Kitsune' does just refer to foxes in general. It's true one way or the other.

... but I understand that that's not the intention of this option, and what I'm saying is more in line with

[X] Don't name a specific subspecies.

As far as Kosuzu's concerned, being a youko/nogitsune/bakegitsune/[any of the various other terms for sorcerous foxes] is something Yachie made up for misdirection purposes, not something she'd introduce herself as to family. But as for our perspective (and maybe Kosuzu's also starting to form some small doubt by this point), it's not at all certain that she's much of a tube fox at all. So I say we take the undecided route here.

(X) First question: What was he doing here? In the Animal Realm? He had died by this time in her last life, too, but surely he wasn't meant to be here?

Did the emotional damage of Kosuzu's discorporation somehow lead him to become a serial killer or something? That seems ridiculous, but what's a nice old man like him doing in an afterlife for people who live by the law-for-the-wolves?

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[X] Kitsune.
(X) No, wait, did he say he told Mayumi some bits? Did he know about her being a youkai, somehow?

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[X] Don't name a specific subspecies.
(X) No, wait, did he say he told Mayumi some bits? Did he know about her being a youkai, somehow?

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[X] Kuda-gitsune.

(X) No, wait, did he say he told Mayumi some bits? Did he know about her being a youkai, somehow?

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[X] Don't name a specific subspecies.
(X) First question: What was he doing here? In the Animal Realm? He had died by this time in her last life, too, but surely he wasn't meant to be here?

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[X] Kuda-gitsune.

(X) First question: What was he doing here? In the Animal Realm? He had died by this time in her last life, too, but surely he wasn't meant to be here?

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[X] Don't name a specific subspecies.
(X) First question: What was he doing here? In the Animal Realm? He had died by this time in her last life, too, but surely he wasn't meant to be here?

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[X] Don't name a specific subspecies.
I hope she'll introduce herself as herself.

(X) First question: What was he doing here? In the Animal Realm? He had died by this time in her last life, too, but surely he wasn't meant to be here?

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I'm still not sure at this point which to pick… i want to pick Kitsune as I am pretty sure at this point that is the truth. But Kosuzu doesn't know that herself and then what in that case?

On the other hand, Yukari had pointed out that she is still a Kitsune even if she is a kuda-gitsune so would she actually feel she isn't being truthful to her gramps? She hasn't felt proud of being a gitsune since ever it seems like, and on the other hand, being associated as a Kitsune by Yukari resulted in her receiving a spellbook of a ninetails and told she could use it, and then doing just that. Furthermore she has been praised and encouraged by Yachie to think and advertise herself as a Kitsune.

Though what if this is a g___ stat answer?

If its (Tsukasa's) grip then calling herself a kitsune probably would reduce the stat? (With kuda raising it and neutral keeping it as is?) Though if its Guilt then it might(?) Be reversed there? Or stay the same?

… screw it, if you wanted her to be proud to call herself a kuda gitsune to her former family Tsukasa, you should have helped her be proud of it. >=(

[X] Kitsune.

…hm now what for the second choice…

I think he got there thanks to the Yama and/or Keiki seeking him out in case Kosuzu showed up thanks to Reimu's description of her… though how does he know anything about her to fill Mayumi in with…?

(X) No, wait, did he say he told Mayumi some bits? Did he know about her being a youkai, somehow?

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[X] Kitsune.
(X) No, wait, did he say he told Mayumi some bits? Did he know about her being a youkai, somehow?

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[X] Kitsune

(X) First question: What was he doing here? In the Animal Realm? He had died by this time in her last life, too, but surely he wasn't meant to be here?

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Counting to >>210816:
Main Choice #1:
[2] Kuda-gitsune.
[8] Kitsune.
[6] Don't name a specific subspecies.

Main Choice #2:
(7) First question: What was he doing here? In the Animal Realm? He had died by this time in her last life, too, but surely he wasn't meant to be here?
(9) No wait, did he say he told Mayumi some bits? Did he know about her being a youkai, somehow?


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[X] Don't name a specific subspecies.
(X) First question: What was he doing here? In the Animal Realm? He had died by this time in her last life, too, but surely he wasn't meant to be here?

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[X] Kitsune.
(X) No, wait, did he say he told Mayumi some bits? Did he know about her being a youkai, somehow?

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[X] Kitsune.

(X) No, wait, did he say he told Mayumi some bits? Did he know about her being a youkai, somehow?

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(X) First question: What was he doing here? In the Animal Realm? He had died by this time in her last life, too, but surely he wasn't meant to be here?

This seems like the natural first response, and I don’t see why we can’t do both, but never mind about that.

For the second vote, Kosuzu probably wants to show off or make herself look better for her grandfather. Introducing her as a kuda-gitsune isn’t the best way to do that, being a more renowned kitsune though? That’d be a lot more impressive.

[X] Kitsune

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>>210813 here

I did try to guess at the reason for the second question (why is grandpa here?) but in the end it is just a guess? and it probably would be Kosuzu's probable response to hearing her grandpa is here? sooo

(UNDO) No, wait, did he say he told Mayumi some bits? Did he know about her being a youkai, somehow?

(X) First question: What was he doing here? In the Animal Realm? He had died by this time in her last life, too, but surely he wasn't meant to be here?

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Screenshot 2024-07-21 234542

Gonna need a tiebreaker for the second half; first vote after >>210822 decides which question to ask first.

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[x] No wait, did he say he told Mayumi some bits? Did he know about her being a youkai, somehow?

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About Kosuzu's talisman in his ear, maybe Reimu remembers that Ran also has a lot of talismans in his hat?

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It looks like we might be about ready for a new thread. I was wondering on either a new thread or a new arc, would we be able to get a summary of each of the Heroine's stats? (Maybe all of the currently revealed ones at the start of the arc, and just the currently active ones for the new thread?)

Also sorry for tying things up there! Just felt like it was the better question for Kosuzu to ask her grandpa first after thinking about it... Not that it ended up changing anything !XD

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[x] No wait, did he say he told Mayumi some bits? Did he know about her being a youkai, somehow?

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[x] No wait, did he say he told Mayumi some bits? Did he know about her being a youkai, somehow?

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[x] No wait, did he say he told Mayumi some bits? Did he know about her being a youkai, somehow?

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The vote was called as of >>210824, (see >>210823) so the extra votes aren't necessary. (Though it would've been a touch hilarious if they had been for the other option and/or somehow tying it up again. Tough I'd guess that Gooboi would just go off of the initial tiebreaker vote in that situation XP )

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File 172191011574.png - (506.73KB, 602x608, Screenshot 2024-07-25 222053.png)
Screenshot 2024-07-25 222053

New thread up at >>210832!

And hopefully a second update incoming tonight too!

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